Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

So sorry penguin :(
I need to stop pryng around the first tri threads they just make me sad, one thread was literallly called oh how i hate being oregnant"

Urgh, i have yet another two negative opks..cd 20 so still waiting to ov! Will try dtd to ight to keep doing every second day.
Have to rush to work as usual.

Again, thanks for the well wishes everyone!

Linny and Apple - welcome. Glad you found us.

Elizabean - so happy you have early appointments. I am sure your levels will be great! I still don't have any "real" symptoms so hoping they pop up at 6 weeks per the norm for most women

Penguin - sorry about your BFN but as you said, you are still very early.

To all the upcoming testers - Good Luck!!!!
Celine - Long cycles are so frustrating :( The cycle of my mc I didn't ov until cd 26. I hope you ov soon!

Elizabean - congratulations!!

Linnypops - I just ovulated two weeks after my mc started (confirmed by temp and ov test). I wasn't sure what would happen either, but it seems like my body figure itself out. I wasn't very far along, I suspect being further into a pregnancy might impact the timeline. OPK are tricky, but once you see a test line that is darker than the control, you'll recognize it. You don't need other days to compare, but I find it helpful to compare the progression.

I also felt like something wasn't right with my pregnnancy from the start...I was really hoping it was just me being nervous.

Munchkin - We're cycle buddies! Have a good vacation!

Garfie - furthest one looks darkest to me.

IAW - That's wonderful news! Enjoy trying to take it easy!

Penguin - sorry about the bfn :(

AFM - I'm not sure which day I actually ovd...dark negative opk Friday, positive opk Saturday, dark negative Sunday...so likely Sunday. I guess that makes me 2dpo. I'm not sure if I should keep temping this cycle, it makes me really nervous. I know there are lots of things that can throw off a temp...like this morning I stood up before I remembered to take it.
Oooh arabebelle in the tww! What day are you testing?
Elizabean - That's so nice you can duck out quickly to see your doctor! Mine is a 15 minute drive away and then there's always at least an hour wait to see her. She is an excellent doctor so the wait is worth it (she only takes so long because she gives every patient her full attention and never tries to rush them away)...but it makes getting out of work tricky.

So nice that you so meticulously recorded your symptoms! I have been recording the ones on OF, but there are no spots for weird little twinges and butterfly feelings like I've been having. I suppose I should have been writing everything down as well.

Garfie - That is weird...perhaps you have not ovulated after all. Your temps really are rather low. Do you normally have long cycles?

Annie - I hope you are right and your cycle is back to normal! Would be great if you ov tomorrow.

Penguin - Sorry about your BFN. It might still be too early! I hope your dream comes true! Good luck as well!

Celine - Ugh, I know. I need to stay away from first tri threads as well but it's like an addictive drug! :p It's terrible for you, but you just can't stop!

Sorry you still haven't Oved. The every-other-day plan is sure to work for you, though!

Arabelle - Yes, sounds like you probably ovulated either early Sunday or even late Saturday. Congrats on being in the TWW. Let's see how long you can hold off on the symptom spotting. ;)

AFM - My temps are staying pretty high this time, so I am pleased. It's not exactly the triphasic chart I had hoped for, but it's better than last month's! I am still irritable and I am also craving everything in sight! Last night I had some weird twinges and fluttery feelings in my lower abdomen and also under my ribs. I've also had a few side-stitches (like when you run after eating) during the TWW which I hope is a good sign since I had them the first time around. Sigh...I just really want to know already!
Silly question ladies but im freaked out that my opks are so white..like really pale..i did get a dark opk on 23sep but also a bfp still on the 25th september so ive disregarded that opk - cos its unlikeyly that i would ovukate while still getting bfps right?

Im so worried ive maybe missed ovukation?
Literati - just as I was popping up on this site I was getting side stitches which I have not had yet this pregnancy. Maybe that IS a good sign!!!

Elizabean - that is really nice that your doc's is so close. Mine is a 45 minute drive and my appointments are always mid-day. Luckily my boss does not care how much time I take off. Being in a resort town everyone works by the hour - no sick time, vacation time etc. This way if we want to go play (ski, mt. bike, hike) we can. Everybody wins. I get to take about 4 weeks vacation a year plus take 1/2 days every Friday. (And I am a Paralegal.)

Arabelle - congrats on entering the TWW. I hope it moves quickly for you with positive results!

Garfie - I am thinking the same thing as everyone else. Maybe you have not yet ovulated. All the more reason to keep bd'ing!

Celine - sorry you haven't o'd. It's frustrating. Of course it will happen, hopefully sooner than later. I typically have a very fast rush of LH. I go from very negative one night to very positive the following morning. Maybe it will sneak up on you. Every 2nd day sounds like a great plan in the meantime.
Celine - As you know, I also had two miscarriages about 9 weeks apart. The day my HCG hit 6 I went straight to AF. I then believe I ovulated on CD9 following. I did not use OPKs until CD 10 but was going from a dark line to lighter, lighter then stark white. I got AF 3 weeks after my first AF. (I do use digitals so I am going by the lines when the strip is pulled out - they work the same.)

I have read that some women do ovulate when they still have HCG in their system. It may be a funky cycle for you.

Keep using OPKs - like I said, sometimes my positives sneak up on me - and continue until you get a positive or AF. It did take me 5 1/2 weeks to get my first AF and 6 1/2 to ovulate the first time.
So apparently pressing post reply actually means delete everything I've just written grrr!
As I TRIED to say -
If I ov on the day I think I'm in my TWW :) I'm not symptom spotting (which means I'm putting all my symptoms into 'Countdown to Pregnancy' :dohh:
So far I've had 3 different types of CM in 3 days. Day 1) EWCM Day 2) CM you're meant to get after ov Day 3) A mixture of CM after ov when I wiped and CM for just before AF comes on my underwear SORRY TMI! so who knows what's happening.
I worked out, which is another thing I said I wasn't going to do, when I should either see AF or test - 12th of October :)
I'm expecting AF but hoping for a BFP. Either way it's closure on all this so will be happy either way (obviously happier with a BFP haha)
Hope everyone's well! xxx
Celine - Hmm, that is weird but I agree just keep testing because it may sneak up on you. All bets are off right now! Do you temp or track CM or anything? That may help...

IAW - I think it is! I know my co-worker who's pregnant got side-stitches in the beginning, and she still does sometimes now (she's 23 weeks). I do hope I wasn't just imagining my side-stitches and that it means a BFP is around the corner!

That is so nice that you are free to take lots of time off. I, too, am hourly and everything I take off is unpaid. We have to receive some obligatory vacation pay on every cheque, but we don't actually get paid when we take time off, which also means we can take more time off than the 3 weeks we are technically legislated. I typically take my 3 weeks and then an extra week at Christmas unpaid. If I take time off for appointments or to be sick, it's also unpaid so they don't really care. However, I always feel like they expect me to make up appointment time by working through my lunch and I absolutely hate doing that, so I prefer to take as little time off for appointments as possible. :( It also makes the pay cheques rather piddly! If it were up to me, though, I would take 8+ weeks of holidays and would only work part-time! I'm super jealous you get to work half-days on Fridays. I wish my job had some sort of perk like that. :cry:

Rachel - Sorry you lost everything you wrote! Congrats on entering the TWW. October 12th is not too far away. I sure hope it's a BFP for you! :happydance:
Dark negative opk for me today. We dtd yesterday morning and will tonight because I think ill ov tomorrow if my cycle goes back to the same as pre miscarriage.
Good luck! Everything crossed for you x

:bfn: this am. I did have a dream when I laid down again that I had 3 :bfp:s after! lol
Still time and hope, you are not out until the witch arrives!

So sorry penguin :(
I need to stop pryng around the first tri threads they just make me sad, one thread was literallly called oh how i hate being oregnant"

Urgh, i have yet another two negative opks..cd 20 so still waiting to ov! Will try dtd to ight to keep doing every second day.
Keep away from them! I actually read that one too- ugh.
every other day sounds like a great plan :thumbup:

Elizabean - That's so nice you can duck out quickly to see your doctor! Mine is a 15 minute drive away and then there's always at least an hour wait to see her. She is an excellent doctor so the wait is worth it (she only takes so long because she gives every patient her full attention and never tries to rush them away)...but it makes getting out of work tricky.

So nice that you so meticulously recorded your symptoms! I have been recording the ones on OF, but there are no spots for weird little twinges and butterfly feelings like I've been having. I suppose I should have been writing everything down as well.

AFM - My temps are staying pretty high this time, so I am pleased. It's not exactly the triphasic chart I had hoped for, but it's better than last month's! I am still irritable and I am also craving everything in sight! Last night I had some weird twinges and fluttery feelings in my lower abdomen and also under my ribs. I've also had a few side-stitches (like when you run after eating) during the TWW which I hope is a good sign since I had them the first time around. Sigh...I just really want to know already!

Its just the GP that is close, I work in a uni and we have a teaching hospital with a great mix of services, so that helps. Ob is at the hospital where my DH works, about 15 minutes away but more like 3/4 an hour once I get out of the office, on the train and DH will have to get me from the station. Luckily my 1st ob appt is at 5.15pm so I can be out of work by then.

The side stitched sound promising, I'm sure I had a few of those in TWW this time around. I just thought I was unfit!

Literati - just as I was popping up on this site I was getting side stitches which I have not had yet this pregnancy. Maybe that IS a good sign!!!

Elizabean - that is really nice that your doc's is so close. Mine is a 45 minute drive and my appointments are always mid-day. Luckily my boss does not care how much time I take off. Being in a resort town everyone works by the hour - no sick time, vacation time etc. This way if we want to go play (ski, mt. bike, hike) we can. Everybody wins. I get to take about 4 weeks vacation a year plus take 1/2 days every Friday. (And I am a Paralegal.)
That's a pretty cool system. I'm a full time employee (I think you would call it salaried in the US) so I get sick leave, but they prefer that you make appointments outside of work. I work independently from my boss, and he is really cool anyway with leave, so it's all good. Plus I'm paid for 35 hours per week and I generally end up doing about 43 anyway, so I make sure I don't feel guilty leaving early occasionally!

If I ov on the day I think I'm in my TWW :) I'm not symptom spotting (which means I'm putting all my symptoms into 'Countdown to Pregnancy' :dohh:

This is hilarious! :haha: whatever floats your boat!
I remembered now getting pale opks after the last mc until one day out of the blue the dark opk arrived and i even used the digi opk to confirm so i guess ill carry on opking and see. Tried to dtd last night but hubby is feeling under pressure urgh :(
Morning girls, hope you are all okay. Been busy with month end and stuff. I've started temping now and did my first opk on Monday, it looked positive and I've had a temp dip on Tuesday and is on the way back up again. Was getting -ve tests end of last week so maybe was the last of the hormone from mmc leaving. Got a water infection now so think all those pains etc I thought were good were actually that. Off to dr today so will see what she can do regarding blood tests etc.
penguin - So sorry! Mind you, are you early dpo? x

Arabelle - hey! Well, I just got AF 20 days post mc so i think i either ovulated the minute hcg was gone or not at all...still, new cycles, new beginnings :) Yeah, it's funny that isn't it, premonition. Hoping neither of us feel that way next time. The idea of temping makes me nervous too x

Celine - the same thing happened to me - i had some opks just after mc and they were very dark for a few days but i was still bfp (very light) so disregarded - even though i had a ton of EWCM. However after buying my bumper pack they were all getting lighter and lighter till nothing at all the last few days and now AF has started - 20 days post MC. So now i reckon it is poss to ov that early after mc, even with residual hcg...either that or this could be an anovulatory cycle for me. Or as others said, you could be oving late this cycle. Have you tested just incase? x
I got dark opks about a week after mc when hcg was still in my system so I was convinced I ovulated, but I kept testing and 2 weeks later I got a positive opk right out of the blue so just keep testing celine!

I'm hoping today ill get my dark opk, if I do it means I've gone back to normal. Fingers crossed for normal!

Hi jelly, sorry to hear that your bfps were just leftover mc hcg :hugs:

I can't remember what else I was going to say, when I reply on my phone I can't see everyone's comments so Ill just say Hi!
Did anyone who's had children/pregnant have an increased sex drive during early pregnancy? Or does anyone get increase sex drive during ov? Only reason I'm asking this is, before it would happen about 4 times a month then when we started TTC it went to about twice a week but for the first time in about 2 years it happened twice in one day.. Sorry if that's TMI! Haha. Safe to say OH isn't complaining :rofl:
Can anyone suggest good, cheap OPK - I think I've caved to doing it next month :blush: and while I was out yesterday I thought I'd look and the cheapest I found were £4-£5 for 20.. I thought maybe Amazon might have some but I don't know which link to trust :(
Penguin - When I got my first BFP it was after I had a dream I had a BFP ;)
Celine - I sometimes go to First Trimester and then spend the rest of the day moping around so I'm trying to stay off there :)
Elizabean - I said 'Ooo I can track what's me feeling 'normal' and what is pregnancy so I don't mix them up every month' so I'm going with that so I can still say I'm not symptom spotting so sshh!
Jelly Tots - Sorry about the water infection, I get infection quite often so I've had to start taking Cranberry pills to try keep it under control as my doctor won't give me any antibiotics as when I do a urine sample it comes up clear as I drink ALOT of water. Is this the first month temping and OPK or just temping? Keep saying I'm going to temp but need a new termometer :( Glad to hear about the negative so you can start again! xx
Rachel I get a higher sex drive during ov, it's great! I got a pack of opks on the cheap online somewhere, can't remember where though. Just choose any of the amazon links, they're all selling the same thing really!

I got my positive opk today yay!! Does anyone else get super excited? It's so silly because it means nothing but yay in 2 weeks I could be pregnant!
Rachel I get a higher sex drive during ov, it's great! I got a pack of opks on the cheap online somewhere, can't remember where though. Just choose any of the amazon links, they're all selling the same thing really!

I got my positive opk today yay!! Does anyone else get super excited? It's so silly because it means nothing but yay in 2 weeks I could be pregnant!

Ooo good! I hope it stays because 99% of our arguments are about my low sex drive :( I'm worried I'll buy some and they'll be useless ones that don't work :dohh: I'll have a look!

YAY! I would if I took them - it means your ovulating so that's always good! And yay for an upcoming TWW :) x
Rachel I get a higher sex drive during ov, it's great! I got a pack of opks on the cheap online somewhere, can't remember where though. Just choose any of the amazon links, they're all selling the same thing really!

I got my positive opk today yay!! Does anyone else get super excited? It's so silly because it means nothing but yay in 2 weeks I could be pregnant!

Ooo good! I hope it stays because 99% of our arguments are about my low sex drive :( I'm worried I'll buy some and they'll be useless ones that don't work :dohh: I'll have a look!

YAY! I would if I took them - it means your ovulating so that's always good! And yay for an upcoming TWW :) x

Haha hubby wishes it would stay too, as soon as I'm in the tww I'm back to normal! I'm probably average though, we dtd about 2-3 times a week so he's not deprived, I just like it a lot more when I'm ovulating!
anniebobs - i'm not that far into ttc properly yet - however i shall be yaying and i'm yaying for you now!

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