Linny - I used to have a CBFM - but I got rid as my cycles were to short (anything from 18 upwards - always knew by 11DPO if pregnant
Now these days I haven't got a clue
the strange thing is last months temps were so high they could reach the sky - this month they are hardly out of the starting block
It's amazing what those two lines do to a woman isn't it
I was told before my boys I couldn't have children - so pretty much carried on with uni and then a career when bam! I found out I was pregnant - so I had just finished Uni but had to put the idea of a career on hold - and that is where it has been since
I have worked and do work but not what I trained to do, sometimes I wonder how far up the ladder I would be and other days I wouldn't swop my life
When me and current hubby decided to have a baby it was on the proviso if it happened it happened - my age (39 then) was a big factor - plus I consider my two boys miracle babies - especially the eldest
So when I got my two lines I was like you working, running a house, looking after a hubby and animals and kids oh and did I mention we were moving as well
I agree though hun whether a baby is planned/not planned so long as it is wanted everything else fades into the background - I had never really understood what a m/c was it happened to others not me.
Now I understand the emotional and physical pain that goes with it I wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy
Good luck with your radical turnaround - it will all be worth it