Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Well i thought id carry on with the opks til they run out inguess, test hpt round the 14th in case but i highly doubt im pregnant...just feel clueless. Wish i had the answer, ive tried googling but according to doctor google its either implantation bleeding (at maybe 4dpo? Doubt it as ib a week after last pos hpt?) or cervical cancer or other scary things.
Celine- oh no... Stay away from dr google! I am sure you do not have cervical cancer! Get your mind off that ASAP! I have heard some people get ovulation bleeding and it's actually a good sign. Maybe that's possible??
I only had time to read the last few posts this AM.

Literati - can't believe you are testing soon. So exiting. Good luck, good luck, good luck!!!

Celine - maybe you are wrong about the day you ovulated and it was implantation bleeding! By the way, you do NOT have cervical cancer or any of the other scary things. If you did your docs would know. With an abnormal pap - the first sign of pre-cancerous cells - plenty of treatments can be done to prevent further issues and, pre-cancerous does not mean you have or will get cancer . If not treated it takes 5-10 years for cancer to form. I have seen a cancerous cervix with a patient who had not had bleeding yet. The tumors were large and anytime they were touched they would bleed - they just didn't bleed on their own. There is no mistaking it. You are just fine!

Garfie - I really hope you get a clear ovulation soon.

Apple - "hi"

Linny - looks like you are making some positive life changes. I agree that after seeing two lines work and play did not seem that important anymore. All I care about is having the time to take care of my little one. Of course, I will still have to work full-time but I will cut out overtime hours, volunteer work and cut down on my skiing and biking. It's no longer about me.
IAW- thank you! It's very exciting but nerve-wracking. I really don't want to face another BFN. :(

I love how everyone here just immediately gets the maternal instincts as soon as they see the 2 lines. I hear people at work bashing having kids as saying it's too much work and they want to not have kids or delay as long as possible so they can "enjoy themselves." Well, I'll gladly sacrifice some of my energy and lots of my time to invest in my children! They will be a lot of work, yes, but of course they will be worth it and the love we will feel for them will be so strong and it will make the sacrifices not that hard. We can still take time for ourselves, like date nights and "me" time, but it is mostly going to be all about our kids and that is a great thing! They deserve everything we can give them.
Well said Literati. I will still do the things that I love but will now be able to watch a child learn what they love as well. Kids here start skiing at the age of 2. I cannot wait to start teaching my child to ski. I do hope he/she loves the sport but if not we will find his/her joy. Either way we live at the base of a resort so skiing is a part of life here. Kids actually take 1/2 days every Wed in elementary and middle school during the ski season and all the teachers take their classes out to ski. I just want to teach a child what it is to love life - the good and the bad.

I just got a call from my doctor's office. My beta HCGs are great! I did not ask for specific numbers as I only want to know if they are rising well or not. Of course, even with my MMC my levels doubled every two days but, he said we can be "cautiously optimistic". I will take that!
Iaw thats great news! Keeping you in my thoughts til your next milestone scan :)

Well said about the kids, im a sahm and ok i do have hard days but (good lord im crying now) those kids saved my life! 5 years ago we made the whirlwind change to move countries and i stopped working, moved continents became pregnant.
Now that my daughter is two and my son is 4 he has calmed down alot and i can do crafts with them, or really appriciate outings with them <3 in fact tomorrow he is having a free day at school so we are going to either go to the airport to watch planes and play at the playarea or to a big market...stuff he misses out since he has started school.

Ok enough of my babbling!
IAW - Woohoo! That is great news about your levels. I really feel optimistic for you this time. When is your next scan again?

I do hope your kid shares your love of skiing! Sounds like it's a very big part of the culture there!
Scan is one week from today - Oct. 10th. Getting excited to see my bean and I do believe things will go well.

Celine - I wish is could be a sahm! Unfortunately I won't be able to pull that off but I will see if I can work 4 days a week instead of 5. DH has a flexible schedule so hopefully daycare will only be for limited hours. Sounds like you have a lovely day planned with your son!
Literati - Testing saturday - Brilliant! And yeah totally, I may even have been one of those people just a few months ago...not any more!

Celine - Ah no, I don't think it'll be that! I spotted for 2 days before AF arrived and when i got all freaked out another girl on a diff thread i'm in said the same thing happened to her. Spotted sporadically till proper AF arrived and then her cycles got back to normal. So i reckon chances are either Af will arrive in the next few days which would have you pretty darn close to your normal cycle or else it is IB. I noticed as well, i started this spotting shortly after sexy time - maybe the cervix is just a little weak and irritated still?

Wonder - Congrats on your HCG's love! And only a week to go. You must feel a bit better now, and the scan will really be able to give you some confidence.x
IAW- oct 10th - that's great! Not too far away at all. That will be so reassuring to see.

I wish I could be a SAHM too but it also isn't feasible for us. We rely on my income. I do think switching to 4 days/week would be nice ( or at least better than nothing!). That is nice your hubby has a flexible work schedule. Daycare costs are ridiculous. I am scared already!

Linny- So nice that your little baby has changed things! (S)he may not have had a long life, but (s)he really had an impact on your life! :)
Ps- my OPK test strips arrived in the mail today. Here's hoping they'll be a huge waste of money! ;)
Hi all

I had my second MC at 6 weeks on Tuesday, and a CP on 1/7/13..

I'm hoping to try again this cycle.... And I've added the following supplements into my diet....

All along I've taken a prenatal and folic acid, now I've added in B Complex, and CoQ10. I've heard good things about these supplements so I'm hoping they'll help my little bean stick good!!!

I was wondering what is everyone experience with the first cycle after MC...

What did you count as CD1..... I'm counting Tuesday, (the day I know I passed my little bean), but I've heard that we must wait until my hcg is back below 20 before I can start counting and planning? As off yesterday my HG was 49. I've another blood text in a week....

Was you cycle longer after a MC?

Did you ovulate as usual? I usually O around CD 21/22... But my cycles have always been 33/34 days...

Should I ask my GP for any tests?

Should I start taking aspirin?

I'm sorry for the questions, but I would appreciate any advice...

Sofaqueen- I am so sorry to hear about your losses. :hugs: Once my hCG was back to 0, I ovulated one week later. Sometimes people take a really long time for hCG to leave their system but for me it wasn't long at all. I counted cd1 as when my miscarriage stared but I really have no idea what you are supposed to do. I have heard of some people taking 4-6 weeks after their m/c to ovulate but for me it was less than 3 weeks. Some people even go straight to AF without ovulating. Basically, all bets are off after an m/c. You have to let your body decide when it's ready to be normal again.
Personally I wouldn't take Aspirin without consulting my doctor first.
Your supplements sound good but be aware vitamin b6 can lengthen your luteal phase substantially.
Hope I helped!
Sofaqueen - welcome. I am sorry you have to be here.

With my CP I counted the first day of heavy bleeding as CD1 - day the egg passed. I ovulated very early but was on track the next cycle.

With my MMC I did not ovulate when HCG hit negative, instead went straight to AF. Then I ovulated very early the next month, a few days late the next and was normal after that. My first normal ovulation turned into another pregnancy and I believe this one will be a success.

B-complex is fine to take. My pre-natals have this in them so, my doc said that I get plenty already in my diet but it won't hurt to take more.

Re: aspirin - you should talk to your doctor. My doc is laid back which I like. Women who have 2 miscarriages have the same success rates as those who have none. After three the stats change. Although I did have a bunch of tests we have not found a cause for mine. He said he would only prescribe aspirin if I had either 3-4 miscarriages, a family history of multiple miscarriage, a blood clotting disorder or immediate family with a blood clotting disorder. The reason being there is risk with the aspirin - uterine rupture, hemorrhage etc. Although the risk is low it's higher than my current risk of a 3rd miscarriage. Does this all make sense?

I guess the studies show that women who take aspirin in a 3rd pregnancy have the same success rates as those that don't. The pregnancy was probably just a healthy pregnancy to begin with but if you take aspirin and carry to term of course you give credit to the aspirin.

Now, if things don't go well this time around we will re-evaluate everything. But I know a few other women who go to my doc, had 2 miscarriages and were 3rd time lucky w/out intervention.
Hey guys,
Thanks for the replies, appreciated! xxx
I guess I'm in the hands of the Gods for now!

I know I had a long cycle after my CP, 41 days, so I'm expecting the same or similar this time...

Thanks again

iaw- so glad your levels were good!
sofaqueen- I did not track my ovulation or my hcg levels but it did take me about 8 wks to get a normal af after my mmc at 9 wks and had 2 d&cs
literati- I hope you don't have to use your opks either!
afm- I took a frer Wed morning, still neg. I'll wait to get af Sat or sometime during the weekend. called the dr to see what he wants me to do if the witch comes during the weekend. his PA wants me to see him and have an u/s to check for cysts on Monday.
Hi and welcome to 3Minions and Sofaqueen, I'm sorry for your losses and I hope you both get back on track soon.:hugs:

IAW/Elizabean - Any nice symptoms you wanna share with us to help pass the TWW:haha:

Its a bit silly, because I know I always like updates from ladies at the "next stage" of the process- as something to look forward too, but I don't want to upset anyone by saying too much now I'm there. :wacko:

Anyway, my symptoms are minimal so far, tiredness, sore boobs, a bit of heartburn mainly. The worst bit is that this week the hormones messed up my diabetes and made me insulin resistant, so after 2 years of trying for perfect levels to TTC, as soon as I get 2 lines my body doesn't cooperate! I am on additional meds as of last night and it seems to be working so far. Which is great because the intense guilt at bad levels was not helping me to stay happy and calm! DH and I both think its a good sign that my hormones are so strong already though. This didn't happen last time around. I also went for my GP appt this morning and got my HCG tested, but I may need to wait until next week to get the results as it is the Friday before the long weekend.

Yeah, it seems fairly easy before you see the + to be quite easy osey about the idea of children - or in your case - more children. But once it's happened, and the dream of a new child springs up - it's like an unfinished story until you eventually give birth.
Its like the second you see it, you have so many hopes and dreams for the little thing and the world changes all of a sudden.

Celine- I am testing on Saturday! Are you just waiting AF out?
Wow, it seems to me that TWW went really fast! I'm sure it feels like eternity for you though!

I wish I could be a SAHM too but it also isn't feasible for us. We rely on my income. I do think switching to 4 days/week would be nice ( or at least better than nothing!). That is nice your hubby has a flexible work schedule. Daycare costs are ridiculous. I am scared already!

This actually reminded me that I might need to put my name down at childcare places in the next few weeks. Ridiculous right! but where I am, there is a 2 year wait for babies under 2 to get in, so you have to be on the list almost before you ovulate in order to get a spot when you want to return to work! It is pretty expensive here too but I'm not sure on specifics.
Our rough plan is I will take 12-18 months off work (in Aus you can have up to 2 years to go back to your job, but not all of that time is paid), hopefully return 3 days per week, DH works 4 days per week already so between us we will be home 3 days per week, then probably day care 2 days per week. Or my mum may be able to do one day per week as she also works part time.
It seems like it would have been easier back in the 80's when you didn't need 2 incomes!
Elizabean love your ticker <3

Sofiaqueen sorry for your losses :( ive just had two losses in a row on 25 June and then i ovulated three weeks later and lost that baby in september! Im ttc again right away, i count the day i lost the "sac" as cd1, as far as im aware i dont think ive ovulated yet this cycke and im cd24.
My first mc i got a negative bfn two weeks after it and ovulated cd21, this mc i tested two weeks after it i was still bfp, then i tesy four days after that bfn :)

For me, i had the spotted once on cd21 and not again...we had sexy time yesterday but im still not spotting...the waiting will kill me. Opks white and negative!

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