Hi and welcome to 3Minions and Sofaqueen, I'm sorry for your losses and I hope you both get back on track soon.
IAW/Elizabean - Any nice symptoms you wanna share with us to help pass the TWW
Its a bit silly, because I know I always like updates from ladies at the "next stage" of the process- as something to look forward too, but I don't want to upset anyone by saying too much now I'm there.
Anyway, my symptoms are minimal so far, tiredness, sore boobs, a bit of heartburn mainly. The worst bit is that this week the hormones messed up my diabetes and made me insulin resistant, so after 2 years of trying for perfect levels to TTC, as soon as I get 2 lines my body doesn't cooperate! I am on additional meds as of last night and it seems to be working so far. Which is great because the intense guilt at bad levels was not helping me to stay happy and calm! DH and I both think its a good sign that my hormones are so strong already though. This didn't happen last time around. I also went for my GP appt this morning and got my HCG tested, but I may need to wait until next week to get the results as it is the Friday before the long weekend.
Yeah, it seems fairly easy before you see the + to be quite easy osey about the idea of children - or in your case - more children. But once it's happened, and the dream of a new child springs up - it's like an unfinished story until you eventually give birth.
Its like the second you see it, you have so many hopes and dreams for the little thing and the world changes all of a sudden.
Celine- I am testing on Saturday! Are you just waiting AF out?
Wow, it seems to me that TWW went really fast! I'm sure it feels like eternity for you though!
I wish I could be a SAHM too but it also isn't feasible for us. We rely on my income. I do think switching to 4 days/week would be nice ( or at least better than nothing!). That is nice your hubby has a flexible work schedule. Daycare costs are ridiculous. I am scared already!
This actually reminded me that I might need to put my name down at childcare places in the next few weeks. Ridiculous right! but where I am, there is a 2 year wait for babies under 2 to get in, so you have to be on the list almost before you ovulate in order to get a spot when you want to return to work! It is pretty expensive here too but I'm not sure on specifics.
Our rough plan is I will take 12-18 months off work (in Aus you can have up to 2 years to go back to your job, but not all of that time is paid), hopefully return 3 days per week, DH works 4 days per week already so between us we will be home 3 days per week, then probably day care 2 days per week. Or my mum may be able to do one day per week as she also works part time.
It seems like it would have been easier back in the 80's when you didn't need 2 incomes!