Apple - false hope truly is the worst. I had a few long cycles where I thought I was pregnant (and reading into every symptom) because I was late, and kept getting bfns.
Celine - I had two cycles where I spotted randomly for a few days (I thought it was implantation bleeding). I will be of no help here as I never found out what was going on. I had strangely long cycles both times, and lots of bfns. My doc thought stress was likely messing with my cycles because there was nothing else apparent. It was horrible and drove me crazy.
Penguin - Glad to hear the awful late/bfn limbo has ended, but sorry it ended with AF. Hope you are able to relax and enjoy a bit before ov. Drinks out with friends sounds like a good start!
Munchkin - welcome back! Sounds like a great vacation! I'm at the same place as you. When are you testing?
Annie - I hope you have lots planned for this week and that you won't need to worry about putting anything on hold next cycle!
Garfie - I'm sorry you're having such a frustrating cycle. I hope the doc can provide some clarity. I have had more than one lengthy cycle (I wasn't temping) where I ovulated weeks after I thought I'd ovulated, so there is definitely still a chance...doesn't make it less frustrating though
LL - how's the testing? Bfn on 11dpo is definitely too soon to assume anything. It takes ~ days after implantation for hcg to be detectable on hpt.
Elizabean - Don't feel badly! Everyone here is hoping for the same result and it is both positive and encouraging to see others succeed after a loss. You deserve this pregnancy and you deserve to enjoy it.
AFM - I'm 7-8 dpo (not sure if I ov late 22 or early 23) and driving myself mad symptom spotting. My dear husband is trying to be positive and helpful by making comments like "you're breaking out just like last time, you must be pregnant". I started testing at 10 dpo last time and got bfp (squinters). I don't know if I want to start that early this time, but also don't think I have the will power to wait much longer. I'm trying to remind myself how grateful I am to have ov so quickly this cycle. It's been about six months since I ov before cd 25 (some cycles in the 30's). I'm trying not to let myself dwell too much on what will or will not happen if this month doesn't result in a bfp but have only been semi-successful.
How soon does everyone else usually test?