Boodley, it looks the like chart experts are here to help! (I'm really impressed at all this knowledge as I never temped myself.)
Literati and Penguin, I'm sorry AF got you both- I hope it is the last one for 9 months!
Garfie and Celine you both sound like you will be busy for the next little while
All those in limbo or TWW, I hope you are all staying calm and happy.
As for me, I got my HCG results on Friday and they look great. Just over 1000 in contrast to just under 100 last time at pretty similar stages. Now just to keep doubling!
We just had a long weekend and I honestly didn't really do anything for 3 days! It was so relaxing. Except of course when DH asked me what I was reading, I replied "a guide on how to hide a pregnancy during 1st trimester" and his dad walked in about 1 second after. I really hope he didn't hear! It's one month today until we get our house keys and I will finally be able to talk in my own loungeroom without fear of people barging in and overhearing me!
Symptom wise, I am still pretty tired, have been queasy but not sick all weekend and woke up feeling much worse this morning. I think I will wake up 30 mins earlier to take my ginger tablet, then nap for half an hour and hopefully I'll be able to eat. DH works in a hospital and he swiped a few sick bags for me today, just in case.
Anyway, who is testing next? I want to cheer someone on!