Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Literati- I've been very impatient with my body so I take meds to force myself to ovulate!:haha: Plus it doesn't work without them now.
Anyway, congrats to elizabean for great hcg levels!

FX for the ladies ready to test! Super excited for more BFPs!

Celine, hope you O'd so you can save $ on those OPKs! We all go a lil overboard waiting to conceive!

Ginger, sorry you have to be here but we are all here for you!

Munchkin thanks for doing the list again! I will try to get my FF on here. I'm still trying to figure it out on my phone. I tried but it didn't let me register or something.

AFM- I started my Femara again today. Next Tues will be another u/s to measure the follicles then hopefully I can do my trigger by middle of next week. I will be out of town from Friday to Sunday! Ugg I hate time! Anyway I'm excited for this month. I'm hoping for my rainbow as well! So happy to have you ladies here!
Morning ladies. I'm feeling a bit fed up today :( my dd is poorly and spent the night kicking and elbowing me in bed so I'm very tired but I also feel like I'm never going to get pregnant again. :( I keep trying to think positive, I'm only 10dpo, still time left, but I don't even feel like there's any point testing which is unusual for me as you know! I had AF cramps yesterday and today I feel very little other than a bit heavy in my lower tummy. I just don't feel like its worth bothering this month but I soooo want to be pregnant it hurts :( sorry about the moan ladies , I've just had enough :( xx
I feel like it's taking way longer to get pregnant since the miscarriage. How long did it take everyone to get pregnant before this? I got preg on my 2nd cycle trying last time. Now I am already on my 3rd. :(

Munchkin- good for you for holding out on testing. Let's hope your notion that AF will arrive is wrong!

For my dd it took 3 cycles and the last pregnancy took 5, although my oh had a urine infection for the first 4! In some ways I blame the mc on that , I reckon there were still some wonky soerm hanging about . This is cycle 3 including the post mc one x
Hi ladies

At work so just popped on quickly to send Munchkin a BIG hug - it's horrible when our bodies just don't listen to our hearts. Hope your little one feels better soon and sorry you are feeling down hope you can get an early night.

Any constellation look at my chart - not looking like this is going to be my month just wish she would come and then I can start again - how many times have I said that recently ;( x

Will catch up properly later.
Thanks garfie. Bless you. At least I know you a know how I feel! Xx
Literati it took us 2 cycles with DD and 3 cycles with the mmc (though we weren't trying properly). It is so frustrating when you want something so much.

Munchkin sorry you're feeling so down. I hope it isn't AF, but at least you'll know sooner rather than later. Really hoping for some more BFPs in here soon :hugs:

Garfie I'm sorry your temps didn't go up, looks like this is not going to be an easy cycle for you :hugs:

AFM, I woke up this morning feeling a bit nauseous. I'm 7 dpo so I'm getting my hopes up a little bit. You never know!

And something random but let me have a moan. My MIL is very different to my mum, she's very full on and wants to get involved in everything whereas my mum will wait to be asked and is pretty laid back. For example for the wedding MIL would want to know all the details and make suggestions, whereas my mum paid for most of it and while she was excited about it wouldn't go on about the table settings all day long!

So anyway, when I had the mmc my Mum told me she lost a baby at 16 weeks and it would have been her fourth baby. They didn't try again after that but she told me how she got through it etc. My MIL asked how I was and I said not great but I'll be ok, then I mentioned how horrible it is that it's so common and she said she thinks she had one before my husband was conceived, they decided to try for a second baby and the first month they tried she was late and had a really painful period so she thinks it was a miscarriage because she was never late. She conceived my husband the next month. I had to walk out of the room. How she thinks losing a baby at 13 weeks and having a late period is the same thing I don't know. :( If she knew she was pregnant it would be different. She just annoys me so much!!

And now with DDs birthday coming up she's tried to invite herself to the little birthday party we're having. We've invited 3 babies round and are doing a little teaparty. We haven't invited my nephew (14) or DHs nephew (12) because they just wouldn't enjoy watching some babies playing. It would be different if we were having it at a venue somewhere but it's just at our house because she's only 2. My Mum thinks its a great idea because my sister wasted a load of money on a proper party for her 2 year old and he didn't even play with anyone else! So am I being mean or not by not inviting her?
Sorry that was a full on rant wasn't it! I've been holding that in a while!
Hi Girls!
I've got to do this by memory so sorry if I leave you out!
Munchkin - Sorry your DD is poorly, seems to be something going round here too, hope she's okay :( Sorry it's getting hard for you, hope you find some more positivitey! And some sleep :p
Garfie - Sorry about your chart and sorry I can't be of more help, don't understand the whole chart thingy
Anniebobs - My MIL is exactly the same, the moment we said our getting married and we had the date now it wasn't just a 'it will happen' every 5 minutes I had 'Ooo what about this.. or this' and then she kept saying 'Yeah it'll be lovely to do this..' and I don't like them but feel bad if I say no as I know all she's doing is helping but it seems like she's forgotten the day will be about me and my OH and what we want :/ Are you inviting other family e.g your mum or aunts etc.. Or is it just you, OH, DD then the 3 babies?
??? - I remember someone asking about how long it took to conceive before hand but I can't for the life of me remember who. It took us 5 months after coming of the pill I'd been on for 4/5 years but we were NTNP so it might have taken longer who knows.
AFM - I guess good news and 'bad' news coming up. Good news, wedding plannings taking over my life so it's easier to deal with AF being here, oh and she's brought Mr. Cold/Flu with her too, how kind of her! so hoping it won't affect my wedding planning as that's my distraction! Bad news.. Was speaking to OH about my wedding dress and I said 'Well I'm going to need to pick one in case I'm pregnant I can't have a tight fitted one if I'm 3/4 months along' and he said 'Well maybe we should wait until after the wedding' So I asked him if he meant he wanted me back on birth control or to use protection etc. and he said 'Maybe, I guess we could just be careless if we're already in the mood' So looks like for the next 5 months I'm now NTNP. I know it's not completely bad news but going from 'We're going to go full on into TTC and we're going to make sure we DTD when I ovulate and make it regular to increase our chances' and all I had to worry about was if AF would turn up that month now I have to worry if OH will say 'Wait let me just go put something on' Ugh :/ I understand where he's coming from but it just sucks as it feels like a step back an already steep staircase :( Sorry depressive rant over!
Again, sorry if I've missed anyone out, on day I will have a better memory.. I hope! xxx
Rachel she sounds just the same. I know she is just trying to help but she does things like bought DD a white dress for the wedding. It was not my style of a dress so I just had to say with that she's my daughter and it's my wedding, I'll be choosing what she wears!!

It's just us, the other 3 babies and their parents. We've got an open plan living room / kitchen and I just think it would be too crowded with everyone else here too. And crowded when 2 of the babies are only crawling just isn't fair.

But I've thought of a solution, we'll invite the parents and in laws around after the kiddies party, which will be much less stressful and at least the MIL won't cry about it! Plus I won't have to bother putting out extra food or anything!
Oh and I wouldn't worry about choosing a dress to fit a 3/4 month bump. You'll have only just started showing so most wedding dresses would fit fine, I looked bloated for a while but it was after 20 weeks that I started to look pregnant. I'm pretty skinny too so thought I'd show earlier.
I started a long poast but then it got forgotten and now its gone :(

Anniebobs i wanted to say my mil has said nothing to me about my first mc, not a single word! She has spoken to me on the phone but never bringsit up. She has apparently had a mc herself after she had hubby but she lies alot so im not sure. Ive never told her about the 4th pregnancy.

On my side im also feeling low. My opks are lightening again so either i ovulated quickly last night or like garfie my body tried but didnt succeed? I have no idea and feeling a bit bleh now.
Annie sorry about your mil :( they can drive you mad!!

Rachel sorry about oh :( if I were you though I'd just make sure he was in the mood to be careless at the right times of the month, I'm sure you'll find a way.

So sorry you're down too celine, you've been through so much and been so strong it's not surprising you have Down days. You may well have ov'd , did you have any ov pain? Did you bd at the right time anyway? You're not temping are you? X
No im not temping..we did bd on Sat night and last night so *if* my surge was yesterday evening i would of ovulated today or early this morning? I did feel bloaty pains but i have no idea of ov pains. If i did ov i think id be ok with a chance but i have no clue of knowing. So tempted to poas right now!
May have to ask dh if we can order more onternet cheapies, they took like three weeks last time to get here so dont want to leave it too late. Where do you all order from? We found ours on amazon.
I get mine from early pregnancy tests. I don't know what their international shipping is though....
Oh dear, it seems that many of us are feeling a bit down right now :(

Munchkin - I am feeling the same way...like I'm not pregnant. I definitely don't feel like I did when I was pregnant. I knew for sure that I was pregnant, I just didn't feel like myself. While it might be a good thing to not feel the same when I did since that pregnancy ended in mc, I just feel defeated and like it will never happen. I'm going to try to remember, and you should too, that it is possible and normal not to have symptoms this early, so maybe the lack of symptoms doesn't mean anything.

Celine - I hope that you ovd and just missed catching the surge. That is so frustrating for you. Long cycles are so tough.

Literati - This is cycle 0 after mc, we ttc for 4 cycles before that- but six months. I had super long cycles, none under 40 days, two over 50. So frustrating!

Annie - So sorry your MIL is causing you so much stress :( I told my mil about the mc, I thought that she would be super understanding bc she had one at 10 weeks. She basically told me how shattered she was over her own loss and then moved on to chat about other things. Hasn't said a word to me since.

IAW - Thinking about you, hoping you hear a heartbeat tomorrow. We need some happy news around here :)

AFM - I broke down and tested yesterday, which was way too early, and I'm sure the cheapo sticks aren't sensitive enough to detect at 9 dpo...needless to say it was negative. I'm going to try to hold out until Saturday rather than torturing myself trying to find a line when it's too early. I don't have the symptoms that I had last month, so it's making me feel doubtful that there is even a chance that I am pregnant. If only pms symptoms were different from pregnancy symptoms!
Hey ladies - just checking in real quick. Hope moods swing around soon.

Seeing a lot of heavy hearts right now and am hoping it's just hormonal pre BFP emotions. (not to discount the frustrations, just hoping for the best).

Penguin - I hope the time moves quickly for you

Garfie - I do not know what to say. I have not been in your shoes but I assume it must be frustrating. Let us know how we can help.

Annie - I would invite your MIL to the party. She may be frustrating but this is her grand-baby. We just have to accept people for who they are. Her telling you she thinks she had a m/c was not to hurt you, it was to make you feel like you are not alone. My mom is crazy (I love her but she is very hard to be around) so I never told her about m/c's. I did tell my MIL who is wonderful. She told me she never had a m/c but she did have a d&c after the birth of one of her boys b/c of remaining tissue. Again, it was a frustrating statement but she just doesn't get it and was trying to be nice.

I know I am not writing to everyone this morning but I am thinking about each and every one of you.

AFM - I was up all night panicking about my scan tomorrow. The internal probe at the doctor's is broken and will not be fixed for quite some time due to the cost. I will only have an abdominal scan tomorrow (I found out yesterday). I am so paranoid about this. I want to see my baby and a heartbeat. His office is in the hospital so if I only see a sac I may demand he book me in radiology for a diagnostic scan. Last night I was panicking about the scan and then panicking about panicking as I did not want to harm my little one by being stressed. I don't have acupuncture until tomorrow evening but wish it was now.
Celine I get mine off Amazon , they arrive really quickly though, a couple of days, and I trust them althohh they have really faint Evaps after about 20 minutes.

Arabella sorry you're feeling down too :( if I was feeling no symptoms I think I'd feel a but better but I'm feeling AF and pmt symptoms, cramps , gassy , crying at the telly , on offs boob pain, wetness. I know these are all also bfp symptoms but I'm just not feeling it. I'm not really feeling nauseous or extra thirsty or anything or getting insomnia like with my pregnancies. 9dpo is very early although I have certainly tested that early myself! With my dd I tested negative at 10dpo. Didn't even test till 11dpo with my last pregnancy and it was only faint. Xx
Itsawonder - GL today! My earliest ultrasound once upon a time was 6+2 and all she was at that point was a speck of flashing light. But we saw her on the abdominal ultrasound :). I'll keep my FX for you!
Itsawonder - GL today! My earliest ultrasound once upon a time was 6+2 and all she was at that point was a speck of flashing light. But we saw her on the abdominal ultrasound :). I'll keep my FX for you!

Thank you - your story gives me hope. Were you able to see a heartbeat? That is my biggest concern right now, although seeing a fetus in anyway will calm me down quite a bit.

Scan is tomorrow at 11:00 am in the U.S.

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