Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Munchkin - so sorry about your BFN. I am glad you aren't too upset but I agree it must be total rubbish about being more fertile After an m/c! I feel downright tired of this whole thing. If I don't get pregnant this month, I may lose all hope.

Annie - yay for a faint positive! I can see the line on 10 DPO but nothing on 9 DPO so I'd say it's safe to say it's definitely darker today! Good luck! Hope it gets even darker tomorrow!

Arabelle - that looks like a very dark line to me so no idea what you are worried about. Congratulations! You must be so excited.
Edit: I didn't see the IC before but still wouldn't worry. You might have implanted later. Hopefully it darkens for you tomorrow.

Garfie - sorry your cycle is a total let-down. :( I hope AF just hurries up and shows up for you.

Sofa - I hope your body waits to O until the OPKs arrive, but sounds great that your body is gearing up to move on.

AFM - had another dream I was pregnant last night. My mind must really be getting anxious for this to happen already! AF has pretty much cleared up but DH won't be around to BD until Monday night. I am only CD6 though so that is okay.
Hey ladies, just popping in on my mobile, away at mil for a birthday ATM.hoping you might have some insight for me! I expected my cycle to go back to 28 days after a 21 day cycle after mc. So when I started to notice faint opk lines at cd 9 and cd 10 I assumed it would take a bit longer to get a + opk. However today at cd 11 there's nothing there. My chart did show a temp dip yesterday, and a rise today, though not higher than other temps..... We have been so busy and spent last night with my niece in and out of our room all night do didn't manage to bd till tonight. So question is... Is it poss I missed an early surge sometime in the last day or so? And might bd'ing tonight have caught it? Or otherwise is it poss to have varying levels of lh before a true surge? I really hope I didn't surge as that would put me back on another very short cycle :( thanks in advance! X
It's definitely possible you could have ovulated on cd10 and missed the dark positive. I suppose the only way to find out is to wait and see if your temps continue to go up. It definitely occasionally happens where you start to get an LH surge and then your body fails to ovulate so then it tries again a few days later. Let's hope that is the case for you this time. Did you have any other signs such as fertile CM and ov pains to indicate ovulation was sneaking up on you? I hope you didn't miss it. <3
Im no chat expert but i too had faint opk then nothing, hopefully your surge was last night mesning you would ovulate today cd11 and that egg can live up to 48 hours so you are in with a chance...can anyone back me up in my theory?
I think an egg can only last 12- 24 hours but if the positive was yesterday and she oved today then yes BDing tonight could have still caught it!
Thanks ladies! Very helpful. I'll see what temps say tomorrow. LL I did notice Ewcm yesterday and a bit the day before and then gone back to sticky today. Ah well, nothing I could do about the situation! Thanks for all your help! Hope everyone's doing well, hope to read your posts properly when I get back x
I got what appears to me to be a pos opk this morning. Does that mean bding tonight and tomorrow night might catch it?
Yes, 3 minions, you will probably ovulate tomorrow at some point! Good luck fitting the BDing in!
Hi Ladies. I'm just jumping in here. I'm a little premature as I am still waiting to bleed from my mmc. Me and hubby are anxious to get started ttc again. My fertility doctor is on board with that and says there is no reason to wait. It's been 3 weeks since baby stopped developing. My doctor offered Cytotec or vacuum aspiration. Any thoughts on which one would have a shorter recovery and put my body back to normal faster?

3minions: good luck catching that egg tonight!
Hi Ladies. I'm just jumping in here. I'm a little premature as I am still waiting to bleed from my mmc. Me and hubby are anxious to get started ttc again. My fertility doctor is on board with that and says there is no reason to wait. It's been 3 weeks since baby stopped developing. My doctor offered Cytotec or vacuum aspiration. Any thoughts on which one would have a shorter recovery and put my body back to normal faster?

3minions: good luck catching that egg tonight!

So sorry for your loss. If you're sticking around you'll notice I come in and out as I'm not technically TTC anymore :/
As far as I'm aware I took Cytotec. I didn't ask what I was taking I just wanted it over with so I to this day don't know what I took but the pill looks right. I don't know if mine was as short and not as painful as I believe mine was part natural. I bleed for around 10 days on and off, two days of heavy bleeding the rest was lighter if not the same as my normal AF. As far as pain was concerned it wasn't anything I couldn't deal with without a hot water bottle and pain killers, it felt like a very painful AF but it was easy to bare. After the first two days bleeding stopped and started for 8 days, some days I felt as if I didn't even need a pad but played it safe. After that I had a 34 day cycle(including the bleeding) and now I have my first AF, it's different to my pervious ones but I've heard everyone's AF changes after a MC.
If I was you I'd pick the one you felt most comfortable with and helped your body heal its best not just in the quickest time, I could have gone down the surgery route which Drs told me was quicker as such but I choose not to as I didn't feel comfortable with having, as I saw it, unnessacary surgery. I found the emotional part harder than the physical.
I'm sorry if I've repeated myself and I'm sorry for your loss (can't remember if I've already said this as I'm on my phone!)
Hope my rambling a have helped!
Literati Love – I know there’s loads written about being more fertile after mc, but (as usual) I read up on this in the medical journals to satisfy my own curiosity – they say that the benefits come from elevated progesterone, which goes down pretty quickly after a miscarriage, so the benefits don’t last more than a couple of weeks. It seems to be more an urban legend than fact. I don’t want to take away hope from anyone – there are lots of cases where it does happen quickly. But I also think that we shouldn’t put undue pressure on ourselves – it can’t help with things. Says the woman that wants to be pregnant NOW. Overall, it takes an average of 6 months to get pregnant – so plus or minus either side of that.

I know after my last mmc it took six months before my body returned to normal – my cycles were all over the place and my CM was really scant. May was the first month I felt like things were back to optimal conditions, and that was the month I got my next BFP, exactly 6 months after the previous EPRC. I suppose what I’m trying to say is that we have to give ourselves time to recover too. Not that I follow my own advice in any way! So we have to stay positive that it’ll happen soon, but if it’s any comfort to remove the pressure from it happening straight away, take what you want from this.

IAW – I cried reading your post too. I can’t imagine seeing that heartbeat – how amazing it must be!!! In fact, crying again thinking about it. I’m really happy for ya, and hope everything keeps going really well. Embrace that sickness – maybe it’s a strong sign for good things.

Celine – a friend told me recently that her reflexologist told her that a warm tummy was helpful for encouraging sticky beans – she used to sit with a warm hot water bottle on her stomach during the tww – and says that this was the month she got her BFP. Dunno if there’s anything at all in that, but thought I’d share

Arabelle – dunno if it’s any help, but I got nothing on testing until a faint BFP at 14DPO, and my HCG levels were going great at 5 ½ weeks when my doctor checked. There’s something there on those tests, and it’s early yet!! Stay positive xx

Munchkin – sorry about the negative – but as they say, it ain’t over till the fat lady sings. Sometimes the BFPs don’t arrive till a few days after AF is due. Otherwise, it's nearly time to get busy for the next round - maybe that will be the magic one!

Elizabean – hoping the time flies in til your appointment, and that you get that little rhythm up on the screen too!!

Annie – really hoping this is it for you! What a lot of success in recent months on this thread – makes me hopeful! I can defo see something in the bottom of your last tests…….

SLG76 – this is a really hard one to answer. I took both routes – immediate ERPC one time, waiting/Cytotec another time. To be honest, both took about the same amount of time in the long run. The Cytotec didn’t work for me, so I ended up having to have another ERPC anyway; that’s a risk you take, but for lots of people that doesn’t happen and it all works fine. I chose Cytotec the second time coz I thought it would be a quicker and less invasive route to recovery. You have to go with your gut on this – there is no right answer. There is some research out there that says Cytotec is less successful when bleeding hasn’t already started naturally. Talk to your doctor – they might help you weigh up the risks/benefits.

Re. alcohol – I live in Ireland, so it’s definitely noticed here if you don’t have a drink!! In fact, I was out last night, and had brought the car – I got two sarcastic nods from people who don’t know what has been going on for us. If only they knew! I’ve also had two big ‘so, you don’t have any children yet’ comments, which kills me. Can you say ‘well, actually, I have two children, but they’re not here with us.’

AFM (OK, this is really funny to me – I actually don’t know what the letter M stands for!! But you all write it, so I’m doing the same)
AF IS HERE!!!!!!!!! I’ve never been so delighted to have a visit from the witch. TALK ABOUT RELIEF!!!!!!! She showed up on Thursday. My temps dipped three days before that, with no sign of AF – well, I thought my body was completely broken and lost all faith in my ability to sense what was going on for myself. I’m so relieved. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Finally we can get back to TTC. It might take ages, I’m aware of that. But it’s good to be back in that place. Going to take a pregnancy test again on Monday to check that they're negative - I'd hope it would be!!! Madness, OVing and getting AF while still reading positive on those tests :dohh:

I’ll never forget my two little beans. My husband is drawing two amazing pictures for us to remember them by. But I’m ready to have a baby that I can hold in my arms. Third time lucky, all going well. Watch out, bed –you’re in for some use!! :sex:

Hope you’re all doing well, ladies. Virtual group hug to all who come on here :hugs:

Lots going on and just doing a quick check before I run out again.

Munchkin - sorry for you BFN. Glad you are handling it well though.

Celine - yes a warm tummy helps. My acupuncturist focuses on keeping the tummy warm while ttc and Mayan Fertility Massage does the same. Caster oil packs with a heating pad or hot water bottle are great as well but you need to stop using them after ovulation.

Annie and Annabelle - looks like some positives are working their way to the surface! Congrats!!!

Boodley - congrats of AF and thank you.

Linny, Garfie and Literati - I am going to have to reread your posts soon so see where you are at.

Elizabean - how are you feeling?

AFM - still feeling sickly in the evenings but not too bad yet. No vomiting. I seem to be really cold when others are not and have been since the TWW. The snow is not helping but I love to see the mountains covered in white. Tried to do a little hike today but was just too exhausted so took a walk around town instead. DH is making me soup and warm happy foods b/c that is all I want. I think I have started to have some cravings - oj this morning and I really want eggs and veggies tomorrow morning but who knows what I will want when I wake up.
Oh - slg76 - when I worked in reproductive help I assisted hundreds of women through miscarriages, both via medicine and d&c. D&Cs are more invasive but they tend to have faster healing times and higher satisfaction (if you can call it that) rates. D&c's about 92% of women were happy with their decision, medication about 78% were. A d&c has a 1% chance of complication such as retained tissue. They say uterine puncture is also 1% but it's actually much less. Medication has about a 10% chance of retained tissue which would then be followed by a d&c. (Some places say that it's a 5% chance but that just is not accurate.) For my MMC I really wanted a d&c and my doc refused. I did have retained tissue and ended up in and out of the hospital every-other day for 2 weeks before I finally had a d&c. I switched docs after that mess.

Although most women believe that medication is easier on the body it's not. The uterus goes through a lot of turmoil and gets fairly swollen. So they are similar in that respect.

Having assisted all of these women, see this first hand, this is why I would always choose a d&c. When that option was taken from me I should have switched doc immediately but there are only 2 docs here and I was afraid to go to a man. Turns out the man is much better.

Feel free to PM me if you want more information.
Annie and Arabelle, congrats on the lines!

Munchkin im sorry this wasn't your month. Hugs x

Celine I hope your daughter is OK after her fall. Your son sounds so sweet, Good in a crisis! How far into the TWW are you now?

Boodley, congrats on AF! I know what a relief it is after waiting for what feels like an eternity.

I know what you mean about the looks and comments if you're not drinking, Australian culture is similar. We went to dinner at a friends last night and somehow I got away with drinking ginger ale while dh was accused of not drinking when he had vodka and soda! It helped that we live 45mins away so someone had to drive.

Wonder, I have been cold lately, even though we have been having really hot days lately. its getting to 37celcius today (around 98 Fahrenheit I think) and its only mid spring! I have to leave my office most days to sit outside and thaw out!
Your cravings sound healthy! I'm desperate for some Thai noodles, hopefully I will get some today. I'm the same as you, on and off nausea but no vomiting yet. I feel like its coming though.

Sorry I missed some people, I'm on my tablet so it's hard to keep up. Will catch up during the week...
Morning all! What a busy night it's been on this thread.

Sig76 I had a mmc at 12 weeks, no sign if bleeding before my standard 12 week scan. Baby measured. 8+6. I was given the choice if waiting for it to happen naturally or taking the pills, they didn't offer d and c because they said it was better psychologically to go through it? I wasn't so sure but having taken the pills I see what they mean. For me they admitted me to hospital for the day with my oh and apart from a couple of hard moments (when my waters went) it really wasn't bad physically. Not too much pain and I passed the baby and saw it was just a little blob the size of a walnut , no arms or legs or head and didn't look like a baby. That really helped me seeing what I was dealing with. I bled for about a week . It slowed then started up. 3 days after passing the baby I passed the placenta which I was surprised about.

I read a couple of posts where people said it was safe to start ttc immediately after pills but to wait a month after d and c because the uterus had lost more lining but I'm not sure if that's true!

Generally on here women are happy with whatever decision they make and tend to think theirs was the best one. It's only on the odd case where someone has not been given a choice and they had a bad experience where they regret the way it happened so feel confident in your instincts xx
Annie and Arabelle are you testing again today? I want to see more pics !!

Boodle congrats on AF . Lovely to feel a bit more back to normal!

Elizabean and itsawonder so pleased all seems to be going well for you and you both seem happy and pretty relaxed. It gives me confidence that when I do get my bfp I might allow myself to enjoy it a bit.

Celine hope the 2ww is going ok for you so far!
3minions and linnypops hope you have been busy ;)

Garfie what's going on honey?

Literati the dreams sound good! Hopefully this means something! This month I had lots of dreams about AF coming so looks like I was properly right on that one !

Boodley AFM is As For Me but I am intrigued as to what you thought A F stood for if not that?? Thank you for your positivity too . There's always a teeny bit of hope before AF appears!

AFM I'm 14dpo and AF hasn't arrived yet . It usually arrives first thing on 14dpo. It's only once appeared on 15dpo and a couple of times on 13dpo so I'm expecting her today. Although I was a bit unsure of my ov date as I had a pretty much positive opk on cd12 and a high on the monitor but the stick looked like a peak one but I didn't peak til the next day when I had what I though we're very strong ov pains but I could've oved the second day of my peak which would be good because for me oving on cd13 would be very strange, I've inly ov'd as early as cd14 once in 3 years!
I'm hoping AF does turn up quickly today or I will start raising my hopes again :( I had enough creamy cm yesterday to keep checking AF hadn't started but today I'm dry as anything . Wish I could remember what usually happens! Oh well , knicker watch for me today ;)
And it doesn't help that fertility friend says this today!!

Aww munchkin that's just cruel of ff if you're not! Hope she comes quick if AFs coming... but you never know!

Sig I'm sorry for your loss, but this place is really good for picking you up on your down days. I started bleeding at 12 1/2 weeks and had a scan at 13 weeks and found I'd lost the baby a few weeks earlier, I opted for the natural route and ended up bleeding too heavily so was admitted to hospital put on an iv and they tried to remove it manually, while I had gas and air and pethidine. It didn't work and a scan the next day was pretty much the same as it had been the week before so they got me in for an emergency erpc. My hpt was negative the following week. Next time I'd go straight for the erpc. Although I hope there is no next time!

My tesco test from today (bottom) does have a line but I don't know if it's dark enough. It was darker for my chemical. I'm 11dpo today and the other test is my bfn from 2 days ago, just for comparison.


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