Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

welcome shelie! I agree with Literati. I think you can try right away if you want to. I'm very sorry for your loss and glad that you had a little time to celebrate your baby. I hope you have a baby to keep very soon!
I'll catch up with everyone else tomorrow, just a quick update. I'm still getting faint bfps at 4+4. Blood showed a very low bhcg of 11 at 16 dpo. I had a blood requisition left over from my mc so went to the lab and called to let my dr office know the situation and to expect results. Called this morning and receptionist wouldn't tell me anything because dr hadn't seen the results yet. The receptionist called this afternoon to ask the date of my last period (I was super annoyed my dr clearly didn't read my file or remember that I just saw her about the last mc and the receptionist yesterday obviously didn't pass on my message as she said she would). She said hcg is low, but that it might be ok and promised to call back a few minutes later with instructions for followup tests. She didn't call back and the office closed ten minutes later (their phones are not answered once closed) so now I'm stuck waiting.

I was cramping this afternoon and had a tiny bit of brownish spotting. Both have since stopped. I have no faith that this pregnancy is going anywhere, I'm basically just waiting for it to end. 11 is on the extremely low end of plausible at this point...I'm curious how the hpts managed to pick that up, I thought the cheapo strip sensitivity was 25? I'm feeling very nauseated, which is how I felt before the first mc started. I would really like to know what is going on, but as I am away on business I'm not sure how many answers I will get.
I'll catch up with everyone else tomorrow, just a quick update. I'm still getting faint bfps at 4+4. Blood showed a very low bhcg of 11 at 16 dpo. I had a blood requisition left over from my mc so went to the lab and called to let my dr office know the situation and to expect results. Called this morning and receptionist wouldn't tell me anything because dr hadn't seen the results yet. The receptionist called this afternoon to ask the date of my last period (I was super annoyed my dr clearly didn't read my file or remember that I just saw her about the last mc and the receptionist yesterday obviously didn't pass on my message as she said she would). She said hcg is low, but that it might be ok and promised to call back a few minutes later with instructions for followup tests. She didn't call back and the office closed ten minutes later (their phones are not answered once closed) so now I'm stuck waiting.

I was cramping this afternoon and had a tiny bit of brownish spotting. Both have since stopped. I have no faith that this pregnancy is going anywhere, I'm basically just waiting for it to end. 11 is on the extremely low end of plausible at this point...I'm curious how the hpts managed to pick that up, I thought the cheapo strip sensitivity was 25? I'm feeling very nauseated, which is how I felt before the first mc started. I would really like to know what is going on, but as I am away on business I'm not sure how many answers I will get.

Ooh poo! That stinks. So sorry arabelle! Hope all gets resolved soon and the dr calls you right away tomorrow. I doubt the ppl who work at the office understand how miserable it is for us who really want a baby and answers when things don't go as planned.
oh arabelle. So sorry for all the stress you are under. It does sound very confusing as to what is going on. Sorry your doctor's office wasn't more help. I've had more than my fair share of dealing with doctors' offices and i absolutely hate it. Even when I have a great doctor I hate dealing with the office. My doctor has had some of my pregnancy/mc info wrong at my last 2 ultrasounds. Two scans ago she thought I was two weeks further along than I was. The last scan she said sorry we don't see a heartbeat anymore. I had to remind her that we never had seen a heartbeat. YOu would think they could read the file before they talk to you!
I sure hope that everything is going ok and that your hcg will shoot up in a couple days. I don't know what the margin of error is on a beta hcg. I am a laboratory scientist though and the difference between 11 and 25 seems significant. Sending you good pregnancy thoughts!
Just a quick one ladies.. As so many of you seems to be having a down day or two..

It's National Chocolate Week this week!

I've ordered OH to go get me some chocolate but he's refused so far! :(
Do you think its ok if I celebrate from another country?:haha:

It's 5mg plus the. 0.4 in the prenatals.
I'm on that dose too, apparently diabetics need more folate too.

Thanks literati she's ok and they're hoping it's mild. She's pretty logical about these sorts of things really but her partners struggling a bit more. They'll also only have a 17 month age gap between their children so it's going to be hard work. I'm glad I can help out because if I were still pregnant I'd be 7.5 months when the new baby is born so if have been no use! X

You are so kind Munchkin.

My close friend has a toddler who was born with mild spina bifida. She ended up having surgery at about 10 months and now has no signs that anything was wrong, shes just a happy healthy 18 month old :flower:

Thanks guys!

I'm kinda freaking out..... It seems so soon after the MC.... I want to get BDing but I'm nearly afraid to get a bfp in case I miss again....

I told DH before he left for college about my imminent O.... And I'm leaving it up to him whether we try this month or have a break....... No pressure then....

My heart is racing!!!
Congrats on the positive! Good luck with your decision. Just know that your hubby will choose what is best for you.

Garfie, I'm sorry your month has been crazy so far, but good to see some movement forward.

Annie, I hope you get closure on this cycle soon, but mostly I hope its a late BFP.

Literati, so funny about early morning and middle of the night BD'ing! Every cycle that I did something or avoided something, I always felt like it was a waste when AF arrived. The things we do for a :baby:

Boodley, those chips sound good (just not for me right now). I'm much more a savoury person generally. Though at the moment I just seem to be eating crackers and plain brown rice.

Rachel Lynda, so scary about loosing your ring! Lovely that you got a surprise new one though.

Arabelle, any news?

ItsAWonder, how are you in weeks 7? Have you told anyone in the real world about your baby?

AFM, I have been feeling nauseous for about a week and a half now, and joined the spew club this morning. At work. Wah! :nope: Safe to say I'm feeling terrible, but still oddly pleased that I'm past my first MC mile stone and my symptoms are looking positive.

I'm currently in my office with my door half shut so no one will bother me! Nibbling on a ginger biscuit and some sliced apple. Wearing anti nausea bands and looking like a right fool.

Sorry to those I missed. Hope all is well x

So happy for you that you passed your mark! Hoping that the nausea will go away soon!
slg- can I ask why you were on letrozole? Was it for cancer or for fertility? I am currently on it for fertility and to ovulate since my mmc messed up my system. I got 1 good egg yesterday and will be trying tomorrow thru Friday to get it fertilized! :happydance:
Munchkin im also 5ft1! Shorties unite and yes im...also in the too curvy side...whoops

In the same boat! 5'0" and curvy to say the least!

Sorry I haven't been on much, tomorrow will be day 11 of working in a row! I've been so tired and I'm hoping its just from the high doses of meds I'm on. ugg. Finally washed my dishes from sunday!
Hi penguin. I used letrizole for fertility after my cancer treatment was complete. My chemotherapy pretty much destroyed my good fertility. I don't always ovulate on my own. I did three cycles of letrizole and Ovidrel (to force ovulation). I didn't have great luck with it but many women do. I made one follicle per month on letrizole; but I make one follicle on my own anyhow so the drug wasn't really helping. However, I think it may have reset something in my body because the month after those cycles I got pregnant with no medication. Unfortunately I lost that pregnancy. As soon as my body gets back on track I'm going to start injectable fertility meds (gonal-f).
Hooray for your good egg!!! I hope you catch it and the bean sticks tight! Good luck!
Hi penguin. I used letrizole for fertility after my cancer treatment was complete. My chemotherapy pretty much destroyed my good fertility. I don't always ovulate on my own. I did three cycles of letrizole and Ovidrel (to force ovulation). I didn't have great luck with it but many women do. I made one follicle per month on letrizole; but I make one follicle on my own anyhow so the drug wasn't really helping. However, I think it may have reset something in my body because the month after those cycles I got pregnant with no medication. Unfortunately I lost that pregnancy. As soon as my body gets back on track I'm going to start injectable fertility meds (gonal-f).
Hooray for your good egg!!! I hope you catch it and the bean sticks tight! Good luck!

Thank you. I tried the letrizole last month and got 2 good eggs but bfn. I did gonal-f and ovidrel in April and had 3 eggies and a bfp, but lost it at 8 wks. Be ready for some side effects from the meds though. I gained sooo much water weight and had some problems breathing because of it. I would have to take a break from going downstairs to do laundry! I really hope the injectables work for you and you don't have to endure all those side effects!
Welcme shelie! I love your profile pic, its from my one of my fave Bible verses. Sorry to have you here nder the circumstances of course, ive found this group and this forum such a blessing. Iv had two mc in a row and even after the first one i could ge back to the first tri forum giddiness, a mc really takes away the innosence you felt when a positive preg test should ultimatly give you a baby.
I agree with the others that you should be fne to ttc right away if u feel emtionally ready
Welcome Shellie massive :hugs: I've been on this forum since waiting to ttc my dd who is 2 next week and this is by far the best thread :) some of us have been pretty miserable recently but it's not always like this, we're usually a very positive bunch!!
I agree to try again straight away if you feel ready. Can't do any harm :)

Annie any sign yet honey? Pleeeese stay away....

Arabelle sorry about your results you must be a over the place at the moment :( you do hear lots of success stories after these sorts of starts though so id say prepare yourself for the worst but don't lose hope yet x x

I'll reply to everyone else later but I've got to get to work. I'm cd4 now so the cycle is ticking along, won't be long til I'm peeing on sticks again xxx
Sorry the number wasn't higher arabelle :hugs: really hope you get some answers soon.

Boodley your whole post made me laugh, especially thinking about literati this weekend :haha: good luck with your bding!

Celine how are you coping with the tww? Hope you're not going too mad symptom spotting yet.

Penguin wow that's a lot of work! What do you do?

Elizabean :happydance: yay for spewing! I remember rushing to the works loos many a time, I was much sicker with dd than my mc so definitely take it as a good sign. Even though you feel awful :hugs: and congratulations for reaching your mc milestone. When's the first scan?

Shelie sorry for your loss :hugs: I would have to agree with the others and say after an early loss you'll be fine ttc right away. With any luck your cycle will be pretty much the same as normal, just count cd1 as the day you started bleeding.

Munchkin it sounds like AF hasn't been as much of a bitch as usual, that's a very positive sign after the last few have been so bad for you. Roll on the fun part of the cycle!

AFM, still no sign of AF so ill test again tomorrow if she's a no show today. I'm starting to get my hopes up a little bit that its just a late bfp. A friend in a Facebook group told me that she started testing early because she felt sure she was pg, but she kept getting bfns. she kept testing every few days and two weeks later she got a bfp. She had twins too! Now I'm not sure I could wait another two weeks but you never know!
Arabelle - sorry to hear about the HCG results and cramping! I have my fingers crossed for you ...rubbish that you're away too. Are you away for long or able to get back sooner?

Anniebobs - Good luck with your testing!

Elizabean - Congratulations on being past your first milestone! Must be a relief. And nausea so early, well it's rubbish to be sick, but good to feel symptoms. x

Afm - all of my resolve to chill out on the work front has pretty much gone to the dogs this week. I've gone back to work for the next few months, but am still trying to run an entirely seperate career at the same time. I left the house at 8am yesterday and got home at 10pm. Hoping this calms down soon....Just wondering if anyone else is near me in their cycle? FF has me down as 4DPO.
On the topic of poas....I think what the world needs is sticks you pee on before ov and before af that reveal nice supportive messages. Like a fortune cookie.
Temp dropped this morning. Still no bleeding, but the cramping is back. I'm in a different time zone now, so my dr office opens in 30 minutes and it's only 6 am. Helpful at least. Now I need to refrain from blasting the receptionist for her insensitivity and failure to do her job. I'm trying to figure out a way to hole up and work alone for the morning. It's tough to be 'sick' and not want to offer further explanation.
Arabelle - I say, reduce all your stress as much as poss right now. re: work - you could say you're sick without going into details. Do you absolutely have to work this morning? Is it something that could wait? On the topic of the doctors etc, is it something you could ask DH to sort out for you? As in, get him to call, explain situation, demand the doctor to call you back etc....? X
Literati – Thought it had to be at the same time every morning? $20 doesn't sound too bad – the £1000 flight over to America does though :haha:
No, I didn't know when I ov before my mc so who knows now. I’m hoping it’s soon though! According to my phone app my fertile period starts Saturday – wanted to DTD every other day until Monday then every day for that week then back to every other day (24th Oct is meant to be when I ov but who knows) but OH ruined that last night as he decided two days in a row was a good idea – My covert TTC won’t work if he doesn't follow my plan :rofl:

Munchkin – Apple?! I couldn't live without my apples! That’s what I asked for during my mc, OH went to buy me chocolate and I told him to get apples instead :haha: The strange thing is I have curves – I have a defined waist, bigger hips and I have a little belly (even when the stupid bloat goes down :growlmad: ) and as my OH puts it ‘A big squeezable bum’ and the some fat on my thighs, the only place you can really see I’m ‘underweight’ is on my arms the rest of me looks ‘normal’ haha.

Linny – I think I’m going to go with the ‘chocolate is a good thing’ theory haha and I want those poas!

Boodley – Yay! And yeah I was cleaning so took it off and put it on the table as I normal do and it disappeared – OH came home from work to be crying on the sofa :blush: Aww that’s so sweet of her! I think I’ll start charting after the wedding as I’m not meant to be TTC till then. Shhh! I prefer apples/oranges normally but lately I've been on a chocolate binge :dohh: - back to fruit I think! I couldn't do early morning BDing I can do REALLY late night but in the morning I’m like a grumpy old man :haha:

Slg – I felt obligated to have chocolate for the last 8 days :dohh: - Right I think I may give up sugar minus it in my tea and my apples! Hope everything goes well!

Shelie – Sorry for your loss :hug: we did that we told EVERYONE and then MIL had to tell everyone what happened  I started straight away as doctors/nurses told me if I was up for it emotionally there was no reason physically not to so if the doctors says you’re fine then I’d go for it if you’re ready!

Elizabean – Of course! I think I celebrated it for every country this week :haha: Yay for being sick and passing your mc milestone! Ginger biscuits were my god during pregnancy. Anti Nausea band? There sound interesting!

Arabella - :hugs: Hope you get answers soon!

Annie – Good luck testing! I’m on CD10 and I've already got my hopes up :dohh:

AFM – not much if happening today, CD10, so not much to report – I had a twinge or two on my right side so maybe I’m gearing up to ov? OH is working 7am -6pm today so I’m all alone all day  Hoping the next few weeks go quick, had the urge to POAS yesterday not sure why but now I just want to get to the POAS stage. Going to clean the house and watch some rubbish OH hates me watching!

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