Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Rachel- yes, it is supposed to be at the same time each day (+ or - 1/2 hour) but I have found that taking in a couple hours later twice a week has not thrown things off much. You have to live your life so yeah if I wake up early I take my temp then go back to sleep but I don't obsess about it (unless it is right around O time and I need to confirm that my temps did indeed rise for 3 days)! Some people are more obsessive but I just don't care enough.
Sorry your hubby is messing with your plan. ;) I am sure you can start every other day after this!
Cd10 already! Wow! I am cd 11. I have been POASing for a few day already though! Ahaha. No positives yet though...just faint lines.

Arabelle - I am so sorry about your situation. I am still holding out hope for you but it does suck that things are looking bleak. That is so annoying about your dr's office. I read hate dealing with medical professionals in general. I hate feeling like a number rather than a human being with feelings. :hugs:

Linny- I think you are onto something with the fortune cookie pee sticks! :haha:! Sounds like you are working like crazy. Try not to overwhelm yourself!

Celine- how many DPO are you? I wonder how long you will resist the urge to POAS;)

Annie - yay for no AF! I have my hopes up for you! I do hope you are just one of those people who get a late positive!

Munchkin - ah, you are at the boring part of the cycle! Hang in there!

Slg - that is really awful that chemo messed with your fertility so much. I do hope the injectables work for you or that you don't need them at all.

Penguin- yay for 1 good eggy! Good luck with getting that thing fertilized! We really are cycle buddies this month because I will likely O this weekend. Good luck!

AFM - cD11 today. POASed 3 times yesterday and with FMU today and still not positive. I had major ovulation cramps last night that actually even went down my leg! I was surprised to have such strong cramps before a +OPK. I guess my body is still gearig up. I am having slight cramps today still.

Sorry for all the typos lately. I have been using my phone a lot and it is very annoying!
Rachel- yes, it is supposed to be at the same time each day (+ or - 1/2 hour) but I have found that taking in a couple hours later twice a week has not thrown things off much. You have to live your life so yeah if I wake up early I take my temp then go back to sleep but I don't obsess about it (unless it is right around O time and I need to confirm that my temps did indeed rise for 3 days)! Some people are more obsessive but I just don't care enough.
Sorry your hubby is messing with your plan. ;) I am sure you can start every other day after this!
Cd10 already! Wow! I am cd 11. I have been POASing for a few day already though! Ahaha. No positives yet though...just faint lines.

Oh right, I might start doing that once OH catches on I'm TTC or after the wedding ;) After such a long shift I'm thinking he's going to be too tired but now I'm getting little twinges in my right side so I'm wondering if I should just start DTD every day anyway? :wacko:
I know! Why does the month have to be so long?! Too many weeks left waiting haha.
Wow! Hoping the rest of the month goes quick for us (and everyone else obviously!) I have no sticks to pee on :( I have two pregnancy tests left over from last month and then at the end of the month I get to buy loads from Amazon - I'm making myself wait till the end of the month so I can't test too early, we'll see how long that lasts :haha:
Hey guys... I assume I still haven't actually O'd when I'm still getting two dark lines!?!
What's happens on an OPK after O? Does it go back to one line?
I'm such a dope!!


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Sofaqueen, these are mine from this month.


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Sofa -
Technically you could have 2 +OPKs before ovulating because you could pick up on the beginning and end of the surge. You should ovulate 24-36 hours after your first positive so it's possible you will still ovulate sometime today or tonight.

I should also note that NOT EVERYONE gets a negative OPK after ovulating. It *can* be normal to continue getting positives for a few days for some people and as long as your temps confirm o, then there is no reason to be concerned about the multiple positives. This happened to me last month and I did extensive googling on the matter. But I think in this case you've likely just picked up on the beginning and end of your surge.

Good luck! Do you temp at all?
Hey Literati-Love – yeah, I’m charting. Temps are low, so hopefully all going on track! After last ERPC my EWCM was missing or off by three or four days for a few months. This time I’m taking Agnus Castus and Evening Primrose Oil to try and boost it – got some EWCM today, so hoping that’s a good sign and it doesn’t dry up before ov. We’ll see!! Chart link below…
My Ovulation Chart

And you totally win on the ‘awkward hours’ BDing. That’s commitment! Hats off. If DH tried to wake me in the middle of the night, there’d be a permanent end to our TTC journey :0)

Slg – good luck with the procedure. Hopefully it’ll help your body move one.

Hi Shelie – welcome! Wish you didn’t have to join us under these circumstances. I’d repeat what others have said – there should be no physical reason to wait to try again. Good luck!

Elizabean – yeah, I’m savoury in general too. I can walk past cake, biscuits, cookies. But I love blue cheese, peanuts, popcorn…. Getting hungry now! It’s a funny world where you can say ‘congratulations on feeling sick.’ I hope it’s a great sign for you!

Arabelle – sorry to hear that you didn’t get more reassurance from the test results, and grr about that phonecall! It’s so hard being in limbo, worse even when you’re away from home. Hope you can work out something manageable.

Celine – the last few days are so tough to wait!!! Though they do say some can pick up hcg up to six days early…..OK, they say four, but you never know :0)

Linnypops – I like your idea!! Hmmm, what kind of messages could you put on there? ‘sorry, not today – but your hair is really nice.’ Or ‘I don’t pick up on anything, but hey – I make mistakes all the time! Don’t listen to me. Do another tomorrow…..’

RachelLynda – I don’t believe it! How could it just disappear like that. How annoying!! D’you think it’ll turn up again somewhere? I’m full of friend stories, but another friend lost a ring in a hotel down the country. She searched and searched, but no luck. She left contact details, just in case they found it. One year later, she got a call – they were putting down a new floor in the room and the workmen found her ring! Hmmm- maybe you’ll end up with two :0)
Don’t worry, I’ll keep your TTC secret. Hee hee.
And I’m pretty grumpy in the mornings too – could comment further, but I’ll refrain!

Hi to everyone else.

RachelLynda – I don’t believe it! How could it just disappear like that. How annoying!! D’you think it’ll turn up again somewhere? I’m full of friend stories, but another friend lost a ring in a hotel down the country. She searched and searched, but no luck. She left contact details, just in case they found it. One year later, she got a call – they were putting down a new floor in the room and the workmen found her ring! Hmmm- maybe you’ll end up with two :0)
Don’t worry, I’ll keep your TTC secret. Hee hee.
And I’m pretty grumpy in the mornings too – could comment further, but I’ll refrain!

I don't know, I thought I was just being silly so I moved all the furniture, I even went through the bin! and nothing. Wow! Was it under the floor? I'd be so surprised! I'm not sure, I can't think of where it would be but who knows, ooo two rings hehe.
Yay! haha. I'm so grumpy my OH now refuses to wake me up if he gets up early :haha:

Ladies - I keep getting pains/twinges in my right hip.. It's sort of like someone pokes me in the right side then a few minutes later comes back and does it again but then I get a pain more to the middle, not the middle but closer to it. I'm CD10 today. Any suggestion what it could be? Would think it's too early for ov pains. I never knew when I ov before my MC and this is my first 'proper' cycle after, I don't have any OPK and OH won't let me get any as he wants to NTNP :growlmad: Blahhh bad body for not being easy to read! x
Elizabean - Good for you with the hurling! ahahh. It is sad that nausea makes us so happy now, but it really is a good sign so I'm happy for you for that. Of course it must suck to feel so ill and I do hope the nausea is at least manageable from now on. That was so brave of you to stay at work after throwing up. I'm such a wimp when it comes to vomiting. It's also lucky you have your own office! I share an office with one other girl so it's going to be really difficult to hide if I'm feeling ill! That is amazing that you have surpassed the point of your last m/c and I do hope all goes well this time. It certainly seems like it is! :hugs:

Can you share with us your BD timing compared with O and anything different you did the cycle you got your BFP?

I ended up leaving work around lunch time, I felt so miserable! DH has a new nickname for me "Liz Miserables"

With my bfp, I ov'ed on day 14 according to opk, and bd on 11,12,13, 14 and 16. I ate a lot of pineapple (i think 2 whole pineapples plus core) in the tww and I think I wasn't as obsessive about the outcome because dh had his sinus surgery on cd10 so I was OK knowing that the chance was reduced that month if he didn't feel well enough to bd.
Elizabean - Hahah, that's a cute nickname! :haha: I am sure you would appreciate if you didn't feel like it sounds! But I am glad you went home that afternoon. Did you feel better at all the next day?

Wow, your timing was downright perfect! I was hoping to make myself feel better with your timing but you have outshone us all with your BD-marathoning skills! I will try to remember to eat pineapple next time but I always forget!

Thanks for sharing your "tricks"!

Boodley - Great that you got some EWCM! Thanks for sharing your chart. I will keep an eye on it. ;) We should O close to the same time! The m/c dried up my CM for one month as well but it seems to be basically back to normal.
Hi Ladies,
Hope everyone is having a nice day. Linney, I think I would like a stick that said things like, "I'm sorry you have to poas everyday!" or "today would be a great day to have a glass of wine".

I had my ipas procedure done today (kind of like a DC). It was painful but only for a couple minutes. This afternoon the cramps haven't been any worse than what I've had for two weeks now. Felt sad to see an empty uterus on the screen afterward but feel relieved that my body can get back to normal now. My doctor was out of town but the Dr. who did it was great. She said that my corpus luteum, which provides the progesterone to support the pregnancy, was still totally intact and that is probably why my body wasn't passing the pregnancy on its own. Hoping for quickly falling HCGs now!

I'm not a big fan of painkillers so instead of filling my Rx for those I decided to use that money to buy me and my friend some yummy lattes and pastries. Good decision on my part :)
Sorry the number wasn't higher arabelle :hugs: really hope you get some answers soon.

Boodley your whole post made me laugh, especially thinking about literati this weekend :haha: good luck with your bding!

Celine how are you coping with the tww? Hope you're not going too mad symptom spotting yet.

Penguin wow that's a lot of work! What do you do?

Elizabean :happydance: yay for spewing! I remember rushing to the works loos many a time, I was much sicker with dd than my mc so definitely take it as a good sign. Even though you feel awful :hugs: and congratulations for reaching your mc milestone. When's the first scan?

Shelie sorry for your loss :hugs: I would have to agree with the others and say after an early loss you'll be fine ttc right away. With any luck your cycle will be pretty much the same as normal, just count cd1 as the day you started bleeding.

Munchkin it sounds like AF hasn't been as much of a bitch as usual, that's a very positive sign after the last few have been so bad for you. Roll on the fun part of the cycle!

AFM, still no sign of AF so ill test again tomorrow if she's a no show today. I'm starting to get my hopes up a little bit that its just a late bfp. A friend in a Facebook group told me that she started testing early because she felt sure she was pg, but she kept getting bfns. she kept testing every few days and two weeks later she got a bfp. She had twins too! Now I'm not sure I could wait another two weeks but you never know!

Annie- I work as an occupational therapy assistant but I am taking tomorrow off so I needed to work last sunday. I was short hours the week before so I worked Sat to make up for that. Ugg

I really hope you get an answer soon. Hopefully you will be in the same boat as your friend and just get a late BFP!!!! I couldn't go two weeks either!
Good morning chatty ladies

I go to work for a few days and I have an essay to read:haha:

Munchkin - Hope she has left now - so what is your plan now?:hugs: sorry to hear about your sister I am sure you will all cope fine as a family, sometimes when these situations arise we have no choice but to cope. I have a child with autism and we just take it day to day:wacko:

Boodley - I have had no EWCM at all this month - very strange for me, don't forget though our bodies do strange things after a m/c:wacko: I will also be stalking your chart - can you not put it in your signature makes it easier for us stalkers:winkwink:

Liter - Wow that is some dedication - we used to wake up (or rather I was prodded:haha:) in the early stages of our relationship sadly it doesn't happen as much these days no early wake up call for me:haha:

Sig - I'm not a big fan of pain killers - so I like your alternatives:happydance: hope your HCGs falls very quickly - will you be testing it out, our do they want to see you again:flower:

Shelie - Sorry you find yourself here, welcome hun anything you want to know just ask, I'm sure one of us sadly will have already worn that t-shirt :hugs:

Eliza- Sorry you are feeling so rubbish (but it's a good sign) I never felt rubbish at all and I'm ready for feeling rubbish (remind me of this comment:haha:) I have also heard about pineapple - what us ladies will do eh - so when is your next scan?:hugs:

Arab - Sorry you are in limbo land - grrrrr it stinks doesn't it:hugs:

Celine - How are you doing hun - what cd are you on now, soon will be testing date won't it:flower:

Rachel - Aw wow sorry you lost your ring - but how sweet was that of him and you really had no idea?:happydance:

Sofa - How are those lines? mine used to fade in stay for a day and then fade out - but as we said before after a m/c all bets are off - see my craaazy chart and OPK testing:wacko:

3min - How are you doing hun:hugs:

Annie - Any news yet?:hugs:

IAW - How are you doing hun - any more symptoms:flower:

Penguin - Hi:flower:

Okay think I have you all - sorry if I missed anyone but this list is sadly getting longer:cry:

AFM - I am on CD32 6DPO - a few days ago I got a squinter on a HPT, then I got a NEG the next day and yesterday when I tested I got a squinter but today a NEG - so once again ladies I am back in limbo land:growlmad:

I will of course have to test again tomorrow - the thing is I have virtually tested (OPKs) all month:haha:


Rachel - When are you guys getting wed? We're meant to be doing it next year, depending on family etc. Also, well done on serious willpower holding off on buying tests. I'm impressed! :) re: ovulation, I got ov pains quite stabby this cycle after mc and they started early (like CD9 or 10) but ff still put me at CD14 for ov.

LL - So probably o'ing soon? I also noticed OV cramps were pretty full on this first cycle after mc. Not sure if it'll continue to be so or calm down over time?

Sofaqueen - is it not the case that you take your first + as the surge? I'm new to all of it so some of the other girls might know more about that. I think only temping can definitively confirm O date. But, if you're dtd throughout your surge, i'm sure you should be covered! Hehe, i like your suggestions on poas - thinking maybe sometimes there could be sarcastic messages like 'Seriously? it's like 3DPO' etc

Elizabean - Liz miserables! hehe, cute nickname ... hopefully not miserables for tooooo long. x

slg - The empty uterus on the US is rubbish...I feel for you. But yes, on the other side of it -everything is clear now. No more limbo.

Garfie - what a roller coaster of a cycle you've had! Congrats on getting ov anyway, and fingers and toes crossed for the positive on the next stage. x

AFM - FF changed it's mind about my ov date from CD12 to CD14 which i'm quite happy about because I started to google early ovulation and discovered - sign of declining fertility .... And here's the thing, even though every shred of evidence about this said there was an issue if consistently ov'ing at *LESS* than CD10, I STILL started worrying. I'd spent 2 days projecting a future filled with shrivelled ovaries. Anyway, that's it this time, I swear it. Google and me are over....probably.
Penguin it sounds like you need a day off after all that!

Garfie at least you only have a week till this cycle is over one way or another, it's been such a rollercoaster hasn't it! Fingers crossed for those two lines.

Finally AF showed up for me this morning! I know I was on a downer on Monday after the bfn but I'm fine today. Of course I'd rather have had a bfp but it wasn't meant for me this month. DH is on a stag do when I'm supposed to be ovulating though so next month might be off for us too. Unless my cycle stays as long as it was this month then he should be back in time.
Garfie still in limbo :( i hate limbo! Good luck with your tests...hpt it will have to be then.

Annie im shocked u did get af! I was so sure ud have a late bfp :( if hubby is away next ov time are u going to ttc on hold because of flying next year? (Is was you right ?)

Im cd38 possible 9dpo...will text next week i guess. My mom is back for a week and she has been full of unnessasary sn e comments here n there...urgh.. Plus last night dd was so sick and vomiting (shes fine now just tired from lack of sleep) and ive lost my voice
Garfie, hang in there. Annie, I'm sorry it wasn't a bfp but I hope next time you ttc it works out better.
have no idea how you guys can keep track of everyone! My brain is much too muddled, lol. Nothing much happening here. 5dpo and a uti. Good times.
Annie im shocked u did get af! I was so sure ud have a late bfp :( if hubby is away next ov time are u going to ttc on hold because of flying next year? (Is was you right ?)

Im cd38 possible 9dpo...will text next week i guess. My mom is back for a week and she has been full of unnessasary sn e comments here n there...urgh.. Plus last night dd was so sick and vomiting (shes fine now just tired from lack of sleep) and ive lost my voice

I know me too, I'm never late! Ah well I guess this is my first real AF since the mc because last months was a chemical. I did the maths again and can try the next month too. We go on our hols at the beginning of September so if I got pregnant this month I'd be due mid July, next month would be mid August. I'd just have to hope I don't go overdue!

Hope you and your dd feel better soon. Good on you for waiting to test, I am not testing until AF is late from now on... lets see if I have this same willpower in 4 weeks time!
Grrr hate when my internet cuts out!! Take two..

Slg - Hope you're feeling better! I hate painkillers too, I never take them unless OH forces me too or I've tried everything else. Pastries.. Yummy!

Garfie - No I thought he was looking at wedding rings, look back and think :dohh: you bloody muppet it was obvious :haha: Fx for the test tomorrow!

Linny - March 22nd 2014, it's when our little star would have been born :') When were you thinking next year? What CD did you ov? (If you use OPKs) Oohh dear Dr Google! If I were to use Google I'd be a nervous wreck! 'Ooo my legs got a pain I wonder what's going on' *In comes Doctor Google* 'Hmm seems that I've pulled a muscle, oh no, I've got an infection, no wait, my bloods poisoned, wait now I've broken my leg - I guess it's painful enough for that.. Oh look he's changed his mind - Yep, I have an incurable deathly rare disease that 1 in 5 billion have and I'm dying' Turns out I laid on it wrong... :dohh: :haha:

Annie - Sorry that AF got you but good positive thoughts! Hope hubby is back in time! I read somewhere, don't quote me on it as I may have gotten it wrong, but it said that dtd three days before ov it's more successful than day of ov - I can't remember where I read this, It could have been in my dream for all I know haha.

AFM - Not much is happening - My no sugar idea went out the window and quickly as it came in :rofl: OH is doing my nut in today as he's in a bad mood for no reason grr! Had a dream about my ex last night :dohh: assuming it's just pre-wedding nerves! As for TTCing - No CM to track, I had a bit yesterday it wasn't clear but it seemed to be trying to get there, I checked today (TMI!) and it seemed to be at the stage of 'just before ov' so hoping that's a good sign! Pains in my side have gone, I think. I know this month isn't my month as just found out OH has been, how to put this, enjoying himself, as he knows (well thinks!) we're not TTC :( As he's started f***ing smoking again so I'm going to sit, eat some chocolate and mope around the house in my comfy clothes :(
Can I come join? Had a CP in July and going through a MC right now, then just waiting to O and try again this cycle...

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