Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

GRgirl, I'm sorry you've found your way here. But welcome to the club.
Hi grgirl, sorry you're going through this. I had the opposite to you, I had a mc in August and a chemical in September. It sucks. Hope your mc isn't too painful and you have all the support you need :hugs:
Gr - Sorry to have to welcome you here - hope you don't have to much discomfort and this part is over quickly and painlessly for you:hugs:

3 min - Sorry about your UTI - are you on tablets for it? :hugs:

Annie - :growlmad: sorry she got you, pleased though you will be able to try again next month:happydance:

Linny - I also googled early O - as can you believe FF had put my O date as CD9 this month at first:haha: however if you have short cycles (like I used to 22 days) it is okay as it its the LP that is important 12 days plus or at least 10 for implantation to take place:wacko: so no more thoughts of shriveled up ovaries:hugs:

Celine - Hope you all feel better in your household - it's crappy when little ones are ill and you feel so shocking yourself :hugs:

Rachel - :growlmad: men that's all I need to say - I hate it when I find out my hubby has been solo flying especially when it's that important time - but looking at it another way his little men will all be refreshed and ready to go:happydance: why can't they wait until after O - although my hubby for a change has been good this month:hugs:

Lots of :hugs: there

AFM - I have one of the children off school (inset day) so I went for a lie down asked him to wake me in an hour - nearly 3 hours later I awoke:sleep: hope I can sleep tonight:haha:


Gr - Sorry about you chemical and mc :(

Garfie - Tell me about it.. Men! I told him, that I agree to every other day and he can't do that (for me every other day is a big thing, it used to be about once a week if that) I hope they're new and ready to go! Exactly - who knows whats going on with my body at the moment, (sorry if TMI) I feel.. wetter down there but my CM is like it should be AFTER ov. I might need to stop obsessing about my CM and just relax haha. I did that with OH I decided I needed a nap and asked him to wake me up at 5pm (it was 4pmish at the time) so I could start dinner - he decided to play on his PS3 and I woke up at 8pm. By 11pm I was laying in bed, wide awake :dohh:
Garfie, most definitely! I have about an hour from the moment I realize I have one to get to the doctor before I want to cry. Fun times.
Sofa -
Technically you could have 2 +OPKs before ovulating because you could pick up on the beginning and end of the surge. You should ovulate 24-36 hours after your first positive so it's possible you will still ovulate sometime today or tonight.

I should also note that NOT EVERYONE gets a negative OPK after ovulating. It *can* be normal to continue getting positives for a few days for some people and as long as your temps confirm o, then there is no reason to be concerned about the multiple positives. This happened to me last month and I did extensive googling on the matter. But I think in this case you've likely just picked up on the beginning and end of your surge.

Good luck! Do you temp at all?

Sofa - How are those lines? mine used to fade in stay for a day and then fade out - but as we said before after a m/c all bets are off - see my craaazy chart and OPK testing:wacko:

Sofaqueen - is it not the case that you take your first + as the surge? I'm new to all of it so some of the other girls might know more about that. I think only temping can definitively confirm O date. But, if you're dtd throughout your surge, i'm sure you should be covered!


Ok, so I think Ive multi-quoted properly... I think!

Thanks a million for all the replies... so my OPKs.. are V Positive on CD 16, and CD 17... did one at lunchtime today (CD18), and the second line is MUCH fainter than yesterday. CD16 and CD17 were done at 6pm each evening, so I'll do one this evening, just to be sure!

We BD'd on CD16 and CD17, and will BD tonight (CD18) and probably on Saturday morning!

So, while I know all bets are off for the cycle after a MC, Im hoping that we have all possible angles covers!

If my OPK tonight is faint, do I count today as DPO1 or will I wait until tomorrow?

I should also mention, I had the appropriate ewcm on CD16/17 and a little bit today so far!!

Sofa - if your OPKs were both positive in the evenings of cd16 and cd17 and now negative at noon for cd18, it is hard to say but I would probably count cd18 as ov day so tomorrow as 1 DPO. Your BD timing sounds perfect either way so you are most certainly covered!

Garfie - wow, sounds like you really needed that nap! So sorry about your confusing squinters mixed in with BFNs. :(

Linny - yep, I am now guessing I will ov tomorrow because I think I had a +OPK today although there's a chance it could get darker yet.
I don't think Oving at cd12 is anything to worry about but I am glad for you that yours was cd14.
My ovulation cramps haven't been any different since the m/c. They were always strong before, with some months more than others.

Annie - so sorry AF showed. :hugs: you are such a trooper with dealing with these false hopes early on.

Celine - your poor dd! I hope you don't get any more sick and that she feels better as well. 9dpo is getting close! Good luck!

3minions - UTIs are super uncomfortable! Hope you feel better soon.

Rachel - our old due dates were fairly close. I would have been due March 9th. :(
So sorry your DH is not cooperating with BD timing. He really should be able to wait a day in between! Argh!

GRgirl- welcome here and I'm very sorry about your m/c and your chemical. :(

AFM - CD 12 today. I got very close to a +OPK at 10 pm yesterday and then it looks like a +OPK this morning but it may darken up yet. I always have trouble telling if it truly is positive yet! Either way we will BD tonight and tomorrow (and Sunday too). I had some more EWCM this morning so hopefully our timing is okay since we can't BD until around 6 tonight!
Sofa - if your OPKs were both positive in the evenings of cd16 and cd17 and now negative at noon for cd18, it is hard to say but I would probably count cd18 as ov day so tomorrow as 1 DPO. Your BD timing sounds perfect either way so you are most certainly covered!!

Thanks LL, This is this evening OPK...
There is a line, but it's much fainter than last nights..



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Yeah, that's a definite negative. Looks like O has passed and you can safely stop BDing soon! I know I am always relieved when that happens! :haha:

It just occurred to me that we are going to be TWW buddies! I will likely ovulate tomorrow so we will be pretty close! Yay!
Hi GRgirl welcome to the club :) ive had two losses this year too in june & sept. I used baby and bump loads eith my first two pregnancies and now im so thankful for this ttc after loss forym during my last two pregnancies.

Anniebobs how are you feeling? You sound so positive and upbeat <3 i hope we gets our July rainbows x

Garfie when are you testing? Lng cycles are frustrating! Im cd 40 tomorrow! Before i had kids they were between 29-36 days but 40 is pushing it urghh!

Rachel how dare your man pleasure himself without you grrrr! I ould invest in sexy lingeree to "test" out for the wedding of course, and lots of that testing out during ov week, sure he may be suspicious when a week later you shrut him off and beg him to dtd himself hehe

Sofaqueen sounds like if you dtd today then you will have your babes covered good luck! Literati you too! I love how in this group we all have a buddy somewhere, Garfie is mine :) both of us have had a stupidly long and frustrating cycle!

On my side, dd is better, i still have no voice but im fine, i have two kids there is no way they will let me rest enoug so it always takes longer for me to get back to normal.

Im cd 39 10dpo, hoping to test wed if i can hold out! I want to poas every morning, i dont feel like af is coming yet, so i hope thats a good sign. If i do get af i know i will be gutted and scared bcos it will be the first real af since both mc, first af since april. Yikes!
Celine - :happydance: my cycle buddy - I used to have short cycles 22 days so yep this longer cycle business is a killer:dohh: although looking at my temps today they have dropped again so maybe she is finally on her way:shrug: ok it will mean a short LP this month - but if that keeps happening the drs will have to take me seriously and drag me off the scrap heap:haha:

I am sure I have had a mega dodgy batch of both OPK and HPTs (how unlucky) I have just taken another OPK and it's still POS :growlmad: its not as bright as the other day but both lines are equally as dark.

Anyway we gave up BD over 8 days ago (hubby was away) and then having POS HPTs I can't anyway due to previous history:dohh: so I'm still in limbo land.

So pleased I have someone there with me:hugs:

I know what you mean about not getting time to rest - although I did manage a huge one yesterday:haha: have you tried cooled boiled lemonade hun that will soothe your throat - it's probably irritated from all the crying:cry:

Hope you feel better soon :flower:


Literati - Aww :( Mine was the 21st of March depending on who you talked to :cry:

Celine - Oooo that's a good idea! Yeah I thought it might but I didn't think that far ahead :haha: I like getting new underwear hehe :blush: Hope that's a good sign and AF stays away for 9 months! I always find tea good for a sore throat :)

AFM - Finally managed to write my mc experience down and put it on here so I'm sat here crying watching crap on TV, might have to get a cup of tea and chocolate :/
I think my OH mentioned a carnival tonight so might be going to that! My every 2 days plan is working out so far but might try to bump it up to every day from Monday. My CM is still as if it should be after ov so I'm still confused. Except that I don't think there's much more going on with me.

Hope everyone is doing well
:dust: to you all!
RachelLynda – how are you now? You still getting those twinges? I haven’t noticed it so much this time, but back in January I got this different sensation around my ovary-area too at times during my cycle. I actually posted about it on the miscarriage section coz it confused me. It stayed around for the next few cycles. I got it checked out, but they said everything looked fine and not to worry. Might it be things settling back after the mc? Ha – just read your next post – betya this is the time thing’s will work out – when all the precautions go out the window :coffee:

Elizabean – tell me more about the pineapple? I’m curious…. Haven’t heard that one before.

L.L – chart hopefully in signature below! I’m confused about the EWCM now – coz (tmi) last couple of days it’s been streaked with tiny amounts blood, like leftover AF. Does that mean it’s not EWCM after all?? I dunno – BDing regardless. CD10 today……

Garfie – chart below – Stalk away :howdy:

Annie – sorry AF came. Hopefully soon it’ll be a different story.

Sofa – here’s hoping this is a good cycle for ya! It’s a comfort to see your body doing the right thing anyway, isn’t it?

AFM - on the baby-dancing-with-a-purpose train again. Had a little cry last night about it - this time last year we'd had our first BFP after trying for 9 months, and were so hopeful. Even if we do get another BFP, I'm so acutely aware now that it might lead to nothing. How can I try to get the excitement and hope back again?

Hope everyone else is doing good? It's lashing rain here today, and we're heading out for DH's birthday which means walking down town in my lovely dress and heels, while getting soaked! Ahh, what a glamourous life. We're heading to a really nice restaurant, can't wait!

Garfie - Thanks! Good to know - i *think* LP ought to be ok , assuming my cycles go back to how they were pre-mc...So you're about 7/8DPO now? Are you going to test early or wait and see?

Sofa - sounds like perfect timing love! I think if you're bd'ing during the lh and o comes on time after you're in with a good chance!

Celine - Crikey yes, that's a long time to have gone without a proper AF. But, even if it is AF, if it lasts a normal length, normal amount of pain etc etc, you'll at least know your body is functioning the way it ought to be. Good luck anyway!

Rachel - have you tried taking evening primrose oil for CM? I did it this month from about CD4 to OV and it was - outrageous! Really made a massive difference. (You don't take it after OV as it can cause uterine contractions)

Boodley - I think it's completely normal after mc to worry about never feeling hopefully in early pregnancy. What's helped me a little is having constructive things to 'do' to give my body the best possible chance. for me this was changing my stressed lifestyle/bad eating habits. For someone else it might be different. Anyway, it's taken the pressure off, and i try to think 'I'm doing everything i can, and the rest is out of my hands'

Afm, i've finally finished my show, me and DF are packing it all up today. Phew! And i'm feeling pretty upbeat about everything. And i think i also managed to link my FF chart into my sig.
Boodley - No they're gone now (sorry if tmi but I think it might have been gas :dohh: ) Probably - last time I got pregnant we'd have sex 2-3 that whole month, determined little swimmers my OH has :rofl: Hoping they're just as determined but as long as it's a healthy little baby then I don't mind if his swimmers take a nice leisurely swim :haha: If it doesn't happen this month it won't happen next as I'm probably at my Mums when I ov - typical haha. That's if my body stays at a 34 day cycle - I don't mind if it does just hoping it doesn't keep changing because then I won't know what's going on for a while :(
I'm the same, one side of me thinks - Just enjoy the first trimester regardless because then you'll wish you had when everything turns out fine but then I think I don't want to get so attached to the next pregnancy in case it's the same ending as my last. I guess it's a matter of you won't know how you'll feel until it happens.

Linny - Never heard of evening primrose for that - the only thing is I won't know when I ov so I'd be taking a risk by maybe taking it afterward or when you're taking it is it very clear you've ov? haha. I might try it if we're still trying after the wedding and I can finally get my OPKs so I'll know for defiant!

Someones mentioned angus.. something to me to help with TTC does anyone take it and how does it help? I don't want to start Googling because the moment I do I'll read all types of things that will scare me and then I'll end up thinking I'm dying again :(

Hope everyone's doing okay! xx
Rachel- well for me it was pretty obvious! Heh... But you could just be in the safe side and take it from cd 4 - cd 12. Most likely you won't O before then, no harm if it's a day or two over anyway I think
grgirl welcome. sorry you have to be here!
garfie- you are right. hard to keep up the list is so very sadly long.
Annie- yes I did. I had this Friday off for a Mary Kay conference. it was worth the work! so sorry this wasn't your month but I know next month will be it for you!

I spent all day yesterday at a conference 11/2 hrs away and I was ovulating from the ovidrel. so I drive all the way home instead of staying at the hotel to find my hubby sleeping! I wanted to cry! I was so mad, but I finally got him up after a half hr! ugg. this better work. I also had to get up early to drive back this morning to finish the conference! sorry I won't be on till Tuesday, as I will be at the biggest mall in the US and some more work and Mary Kay. lol
good luck to all testers!
Celine - 10 DPO! You are getting to the very exciting part of the cycle! Good luck! I hope AF does not show up! It is nice how we all seem to have a cycle buddy even though we all have different cycles so our buddies always switch up each month!

Rachel - So sorry you're having a down day. :hugs: It's good you wrote about your experience, though. It can be very cathartic to write about your experiences, even if they are sad ones. I wrote about mine as well and I am glad I did. I look back and read it sometimes and cry because it makes it so real again. But we should never forget what happened because we had a beautiful baby who deserves to be remembered.

I had lots of creamy CM before I got my fertile CM this month, Rachel, so it's not too abnormal really!

Boodley - Thanks! Now I can stalk so much more easily. ;)

I have actually read that rarely some people do have CM tinged with blood around ovulation time. It can be normal but FF said to consult your doctor if it lasts more than a day or two.

So sorry you're having a down day as well. It really is sad that we have to look forward to our BFPs so much but then once they come we never know if they will last anyway. It's so hard. I had a big cry last night too because I was looking at baby bump pictures of people and just wishing I could have one so bad. Other people complain about how huge they get but they have no idea how lucky they are. It feels like some private club that I will never be a part of. :(

Enjoy your husband's birthday dinner!

Linny - Glad you're feeling upbeat!

Garfie - Are you not supposed to BD when pregnant because of your m/cs?

AFM - I'm honestly a little confused as to when I ovulated but I do think I did already. I woke up at 4:30 am with intense ovulation cramps on my left side so I figured it happened then, but then my temps were a bit confusing today. They did not dip but they were only a tiny bit higher than normal. However, I temped an hour earlier than usual so I do think they would have been up a bit more had I temped at the correct time. We BDed last night and this morning and hopefully it was enough. I was a little stressed that we didn't have 24 hours in between but I was actually in the mood for once and I just felt like we should just enjoy it while we can since we probably won't get pregnant anyway and there's no sense making it a chore later.

I only had my +OPK yesterday morning and it was already faded later that day, but I really think that was because the urine was diluted because I really feel like I ovulated today. Who knows. We'll see when OF pegs it. If I did ovulate yesterday, I don't think we'll have much of a chance this month. :cry:
Penguin - oh gosh that's a hard day! I hope it works out! x

LL - Do temps generally dip pre O? Mine seemed to be quite erratic until the very high temp....I just checked out your chart - I quite like the way ovu friend does it...seems a bit more readable to me than FF.

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