Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Linny- I can see why you would find that disconcerting. :hugs: at least they're going to investigate!

And, to answer your question, I actually don't have much of an inkling to test! It did occur to me that I'm now getting to the time where I might see something, but I'm still going to hold out. It's not long now! Sometimes it's fun keeping yourself in suspense! ;)
slg – yeah, it’s all so confusing. Mine got lighter for a few weeks, but then stopped and just seem to be stuck now. I got a negative two weeks after the ERPC last time, so it’s really frustrating. I’ve asked my GP and the EPU about doing betas, but they all said ‘no need’ so far, and I didn’t push it. Wish I had done now. :shrug:

Arabelle – hope you’re doing ok. :hugs:

Celine – yip, have been calling, and calling!!! We’d a bank holiday here Monday, so today was my first chance to get back on to the hospital. I rang and left a voicemail (they never answer the phone), faxed through my concerns and then had my GP send a fax too. But got nothing back today. Hopefully tomorrow – I’m gonna hound them till the answer my calls! I hope the storms didn’t hit too bad?? We got away lightly here in Ireland.

Linnypops – thanks. I’m terrible for looking up worst case scenarios. We’re trying for two years now without getting to have a baby in our arms yet – I think I’d crack up if someone told me I had to wait a year before trying again. Hope those betas double and triple like crazy for your next draw! Good for you sticking to your guns like that. :bodyb:

Ginger – your timing sounds good to me!! Fingers crossed

Garfie – that’s great news about the tests. It’s nice to feel like you have a plan, and that there might be answers. And congrats on the periods! :awww:Have you spoken with himself yet about the sperm count? How’d it go??

GRGirl – hope OV comes before you suffer any BD-related injuries! Repetitive strain, did someone say?? :blush:

Annie – sounds like your timing is working out nicely! Maybe it’s a sign!

IAW – GOOD LUCK for Thursday!!!!

LL – hope that little dip picks right back up! I admire your strength holding out – I can’t delay gratification at all!!

Penguin – good luck for Sat if you test! Let us know how you get on.

Sofa – hope you’re doing well.

Munchkin – hope your gran is strongly on the mend.

I can completely empathise about being around people who haven’t experienced a loss when they’re talking about their pregnancies. I have a really good friend who talked about how, really, she saw nothing much in her first (positive successful) scan……I wanted to scream, but refrained! She’s been so super super good to me through everything, but it just goes to show how your perspective is permanently shifted.

AFM – well, 5 dpo, for what it’s worth! As I said above, no joy from EPU today – so I’ll call again tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that……

It’s the one year anniversary of the dx of our first MC on Friday. What a year since :wacko: I’m hoping I get some answers before then, try to start the next ‘year’ off on a good foot.

Think I’ll go get all my hair chopped off this week – I feel like something drastic! :help:

As it says.. Sorry :blush:
It's been a tough week here with family life with OH's job, my mother causing problems and just a lot of stress but I'm determined to keep up after this!
I'm not sure what's been said and my memory fails me with what I've read so I'm just going to give lots of :hugs: to everyone!
I saw a really pretty blanket a long my way!!
I've had some spotting at CD22 so I'm completely lost where I am so it's either AF, implantation, something that's unexplained and will just be put in my cycle history and forgotten or something that will need to be investigated so it's a nice time waiting for me! :coffee:
So if I start lagging behind again make sure to come shout at me :dohh:
If it is implantation bleeding (I can always hope!) when do I test? I wasn't planning to test till early Nov as I didn't now when AF was due but if this is HCG will be producing soon right? But NO! must not get my hopes up.. It's AF I just know it :(
As it says.. Sorry :blush:
It's been a tough week here with family life with OH's job, my mother causing problems and just a lot of stress but I'm determined to keep up after this!
I'm not sure what's been said and my memory fails me with what I've read so I'm just going to give lots of :hugs: to everyone!
I saw a really pretty blanket a long my way!!
I've had some spotting at CD22 so I'm completely lost where I am so it's either AF, implantation, something that's unexplained and will just be put in my cycle history and forgotten or something that will need to be investigated so it's a nice time waiting for me! :coffee:
So if I start lagging behind again make sure to come shout at me :dohh:
If it is implantation bleeding (I can always hope!) when do I test? I wasn't planning to test till early Nov as I didn't now when AF was due but if this is HCG will be producing soon right? But NO! must not get my hopes up.. It's AF I just know it :(

I do the same - read right through then realise I can't remember who said what!

How long are your cycles normally? If that was me I'd be thinking implantation for sure! :thumbup: Test about 3 days after, there might be a little something on a test for you :happydance:
Linny- I can see why you would find that disconcerting. :hugs: at least they're going to investigate!

And, to answer your question, I actually don't have much of an inkling to test! It did occur to me that I'm now getting to the time where I might see something, but I'm still going to hold out. It's not long now! Sometimes it's fun keeping yourself in suspense! ;)

Literati, as you had a feeling that last month was my lucky month, I feel like this one is yours!
I've had bad headaches for a week or two now which isn't like me. Did anyone else had this after mc? I'm wondering if falling hormone levels would have anything to do with it???
Boodley - Thanks! I'm not really that strong. ;) Just don't want disappointment so early when I can still be hopeful! haha. I'm ever a pessimist. :)

So sorry that today is the one year anniversary of your first m/c. That must be so hard to go through when you're in your current position. All we want is our rainbow babies, and sometimes it's so hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Chopping your hair off sounds like a good idea! Sometimes doing something different can really lighten your mood. I recently dyed my hair and am very happy with the change! I was getting too fed up with myself!

Rachel - Ooh, I hope it's implantation bleeding! I agree with whoever said you just test in a few days! If it is IB that wouldn't be too early to test I don't think! We could get our BFPs at the same time? Hopefully!

Literati, as you had a feeling that last month was my lucky month, I feel like this one is yours!

Elizabean - Oh dear! You've made me too excited. I do hope you're right.:blush:

Slg - That's no good! I don't remember having headaches following the m/c but I usually get them around AF so it's definitely possible that the falling hormones could have that effect. I'd definitely talk to your doctor if they're really painful.
Slg I had really bad migraines during my natural mc because of the bloodloss, once I was admitted to hospital and put on an iv I felt a lot better, could it be that your fluids are down? If you're drinking enough then maybe nip to the doctors and see what they can suggest.

Hey girls...
I'm brand new to this one,had my d&c yesterday...so I'm probably a few weeks away from ovulation(hopefully I should say...)
So sorry for your loss mandi, was it your first baby? :hugs: I ovulated 3 weeks after my d&c but I think anything goes that first cycle!
Annie - That's the thing I don't know :( My first AF was 34 days and before my MC (and pregnancy) it was always 29-31 days long never in my life has it been this short. I thought AF was starting yesterday as I had some brown on my pad but that seems to have stopped this morning and it's only pink when I wipe :shrug:
Literati - When are you testing?
Mandi - Sorry you're here :(

Here's my plan for testing -
As Annie says I might seem something in 3 days.
- If I'm still spotting in around 3 days I'm going to wait and see if AF does actually turn up
- If I stop bleeding before the 3 days I'll test at some point after the 3 days
- If AF does turn up in those 3 days (or even longer) I'm going to drown myself in chocolate and caffeinated tea :)
Boodley - i'm the same love! Can't help but look up the worst case scenario. For some reason I always think it's a good idea to be 'prepared for the worst' but it can be so draining in this situation. Any joy getting hold of the EPU? I would insist on those betas if i were you, just because you accepted it initially doesn't mean you can't request it again...In fact, just say you want them - the nurse told me they are obliged to track it down if there's any doubt with an mc. Good luck x

RachelLynda - if you ov at cd14 that would make a perfect 8 days later for IB if that's what it is! I bet you could test with a frer in a couple of days or so. I spotted before AF after the MC but not for long, and 8 days would be a short gap between O and the start of AF. Anyway, good luck! :happydance:

Slg - I had cracking headaches after the mc. Never had anything like that before. I thought it was odd myself.

LL - That's understandable, better to know for sure than end up in the quandry of daily testing. Anyway, the temps are still looking good! :thumbup:

Mandi - Really sorry you've ended up here, but this is a really helpful and supportive group so you're in the right place :hugs:

Afm - Last night last night involved the most vivid dreams i think i've ever had. It's been going for about a week now with the dreams.

I lucid dreamed a few times (where you wake up inside your dream and stay there?), there were false awakenings where I thought i'd woken up but it was just another dream. It was all very confusing but 2 main things happened. Firstly I started bleeding in one dream, and in despair afterwards I decided to go back to painting and forget about having children altogether. At that point I looked out of the window and saw my grown up daughter balancing on a highwire in the distance, I called out her name to get her to come down. So the symbolism was utterly rife, my mum and grandma were both there too. I woke up upset but as the day's worn on i'm feeling calm e.g. I haven't googled 'left side pain ectopic' once today :haha:. I don't know whether this means bean is really ok or not but i feel a bit better.
Oh, I forgot...I thought you might all find this touching. Brought a (happy) tear to my eye

Hello all I am new to this sight I have been very closed with my miscarriage and have not wanted to talk about it but I feel I should because its been killing me. Have any of you ladies concieved early after a miscarriage. I am already having symptoms again. Ty in advance.
Rachel- I'll take tea and chocolate please! ;) lol but hopefully you won't need it.

Linny-I had super vivid dreams when I was pg (all 3 times now, although with the CP it was just for a couple of nights :( ). I don't normally get them. I'd say that's a good sign!!!!

Mandi-So sorry you are here but we are all here to help. We've all been through it too :(

Lexie-Sorry that you are here too but welcome! It took me 3 more cycles after my Chemical to get pregnant but we were really only hardcore trying for 1 of those cycles. This is my 1st cycle again after a Miscarriage so I'm hoping it will happen soon. I know plenty of people who have had luck right after and plenty who have had to wait a few cycles.

AFM, still in the middle of the BD Marathon (the things we do for our + tests! lol) OPKs are getting darker, but still can't call them positive. Still having O pain, so thinking/hoping it will be soon. SMEP went right out the window thanks to fiance, so it will just end up being every day pretty much. Hoping it'll work! Oh and my new thermometer came in yesterday so I got to use it this morning.
Linny - I hope so! The pink is starting to pick up so I'm thinking it's actually AF being early :( I've never had IB so I don't know what it's like or how heavy it is etc. I tried google but I got 'It only lasts a day or two but can last up to a week and on the occasion more' 'It won't have any red blood only brown and maybe pink but then again it could have red in it' 'It's not meant to be any heavier than a few drops but it can be like a normal light period' So Google has been absolutely no help what so ever! :growlmad:
I hate those dreams! I hope they get better :(
Lex - Sorry for your loss :( I didn't really speak about mine till about a month afterwards where I came on here and wrote it all down, regardless of people reading it I just needed it written down so I could really I guess accept it, it does help, if you don't want any one to read it you could write it in a writing pad? I've had one AF since my MC (maybe 2 depending on how this spotting turns out) so I guess I'm still early days in a way. I know people that conceive straight away before their first AF but then I know someone who took over a year to conceive - If you're doing everything right in terms of trying then it's up to your body and when it feels it's ready I guess, have you tested negative on a HPT/blood test so you know it's not left over hormones giving you the symptoms?
Ty rachell and gr it really means a lot. And yes rachell my hcg levels dropped very quickly. When I had first went to the er on sep 29th my hcg levels were low at 706 then on the 3rd had dropped to 215 then 2 days later were back at 0.
GRGirl - I have my odd cup of caffeinated tea here and there, about one every week if not every 2 weeks if that and it's heaven! I didn't realise how different they are until now haha. My OH loved the thought of dtd every other day then every day one week but that went completely out the window it ended up being every three days and so far it's been 5/6 days but then I started this spotting yesterday and I'm not risking AF starting during or straight after and I don't want it to irritate my cervix and cause more spotting, lets just say OH isn't very happy :blush: :haha:
Lexieruth23 - Ah okay, would you have any guess as to when you ov'd so you know when to test?
No ma'am this whole thing is really new to me I know that I had some discharge a week and 2 days after my miscarriage and that usually ties up with my period app that says when I ovulate so im guessing about 2-2.5 weeks ago.

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