Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

GRGirl - sounds like my BFF. Last Friday I confided my fears for next time to her and she said, "well don't make up scenarios in your head to worry about!" Omg! It is NOT a made-up scenario. I tried to explain that she can't understand the worry and panic that comes with a miscarriage and she ended up turning it around on me and saying I was being a bad friend and should just thank her whenever she says something. I was appalled that she said that but now she hasn't spoken to me in almost a week. Wow. You really do realize who your true friends are from this.
Linny - I'm sorry you had a difficult time getting a bhcg. That's so frustrating. The argument I used when I got attitude asking for testing was that I want to know what's going on in case of another m/c. I pushed for a bhcg after my last bfp, and it was low...it's more information than my dr had before. Investigating afterwards won't necessarily show why a pregnancy was unsucessful. I'm not suggesting that you should be thinking negatively like this, but don't be afraid to use your painful experience if people are being insensitve and difficult! It's horrible that she lectured you about mcs being common, clearly she has not experienced loss.

As for the twinges, I had lots. Mw said probably just implantion and not to worry.

I had very vivid dreams with both bfps!

Celine - I love the rainbow blanket! You are so talented! You should definitely make one for your rainbow.

I'm sorry about your friend. That is heartbreaking.

Ginger - I feel like I can't objectively answer questions about symptoms. I'm hyper aware of every potential difference, so I'm not sure if anything has changed post mc.

Annie - fingers crossed for you! Glad the timing worked out for you!

GRGirl - well said :) I also hang out only on here. It's really hard to hear whining about all things pregnancy related when you can't even get pregnant. It's even more difficult to hear people tell you to just relax, and it will happen next time. I think about all my pregnant friends and listen to them talk, they've never felt the fear of losing a baby - not that I would wish that on anyone - but they also do not seem to have any appreciation for how tough it is, or how lucky they are not to understand.

I also fall into the two consecutive losses category :( I don't think that you, or Celine, should be worrying about age!

From your chart, Id say it's too soon to tell. See what your temps do for the next day or two.

Boodley - I'm sorry you've had such a long road ttc :( I chopped my hair off a few weeks ago. A change feels good :)

I think a bit of spotting at 6dpo is far more likely implantation than anything. Dont you just love that as with everything else ttc, the only thing you can do is take a deep breath and hope for the best?! On the bright side, maybe that means you'll see a bfp by 10 dpo!

Rachel - I think it takes 2 days after implantation for a blood test to detect hcg, and 4 for urine (minimum), so I'd wait a few days...if you can ;) I hope it's not turning to AF :(

Mandi - Sorry you find yourself here, but welcome.

Lexie - Sorry for your loss. I conceived again immediately after mc, but I was only 5w when I mc. My hcg levels also dropped quickly.

I understand feeling like people won't understand your pain - but you won't have that problem here. I've found it really helpful to share here, and I think most everyone else will agree. I think we've all experienced ignorant or insensitive (unintentially) comments from others, but everyone here is all too familiar with your pain and frustrations.

Garfie - your chart looks like mine...all over the place. Is it too much to ask that our bodies follow the 'normal' expected temperature/ov pattern?!! Hubby too stressed for sex is super frustrating...their role is so small compared to the crap we go through! Hopefully your timing was right so it won't matter!

Those are horrible comments :( Most of them sound all too familiar. Gives me new appreciation for being supportive while saying nothing rather than saying something that you *think* is helpful.

As a rule of thumb, whenever someone tries to give advice that is preceeded by "you just need to..." or anything like it, I try to ignore whatever follows. TYVM for making me feel like the loss of a pregnancy is trivial. Gah.

LL - good for you holding out on testing. I'm sorry you're feeling like this isn't your cycle, but it's not over yet, there's still a chance.

My best friend is due in March. We started trying at the same time by some weird fluke, and were hoping to go through things somewhat together. First baby would have been due in May, second end of June. I a few opinions about timing when we started ttc. Amazing how quickly you accept that you don't actually have any control over the timing. At first I was disappointed when a few cycles went by and I wasn't pregnant while she was, and then I realized that having a few months between was good because we'd be able to visit each other and see newborns (we live far apart), but now the gap is getting bigger and I'm getting increasingly negative. It's so tough to stay happy and supportive of a friend when you want to be there with them but are not. I shared about my mcs, and it has helped, she is mostly very sensitive, minus lots of "maybe you should have waited" type comments this time round.

Jrepp - I'm so sorry for your losses. Your story is very similar to mine, I've just had two early losses (5w) back to back. It must be so difficult to watch your sister, I'm sorry you're having a tough time.

Slg - how's the headache today? Has it let up?

IAW - how was your scan? Thinking of you.

AFM - I think I'm caught up now!

Had an u/s this morning. The tech was unpleasant and unprofessional, but I'll spare you my rant. I know that techs aren't allowed to give out diganostic information, but I would have appreciated a guided tour of my insides ;)

I haven't ov'd yet. Opks were super dark Sunday/Monday and have been getting lighter. Temps have been all.over.the.place so I don't think I missed it. There were some visible follicles on the pictures I snapped when the tech left the room (yep, I'm that person), so I do think it's still coming. I'm driving myself a bit mad second guessing the decision to take a month off. I don't want to wait. Hubby has been a stressball due to a professional exam today, but will be free as a bird in a few hours and I haven't ov'd yet....But I feel like it's a bad idea to proceed when we don't know what happened, if there is anything retained etc etc. Mostly I'm just terrified it will happen again. But I don't want to wait. Le sigh.
Hey ladies - just jumping on here real quick before I get to work. Appointment went well this morning. I am 9+1, EDD still 6/4/14. Good heartbeat and little bean was moving all around!
Jrepp - Really sorry to hear of your losses, especially so soon after your marriage. And the timing of your sisters pregnancy can't help but compound feelings of loss and, resentment...We all feel and have felt that with pregnancy announcements but it does get easier. This is a really supportive group. x

IAW - i've got the whole lot crossed for you and your little bean tomorrow! :hugs: x

Annie - Congrats on the timing! It's great when a plan comes together.

Boodley - Yeah I think we googlers have a special place in their hearts :haha: . But in all honesty I feel like we have every right to do this for our own peace of minds. With more understanding of the facts, more information about our hormones etc we can feel more reassured (or else prepare for the worst in advance)...makes sense in theory! The pink CM sounds promising!

GrGirl - I think it's tricky because it depends where you read these experiences, maybe you're more likely to miss the take-home-baby stories in this forum because actually they'll have moved on to different forums?

For what it's worth, extensive searching of fertility friend :haha: hasn't shown a correlation of greater % of mc's after previous mc's. I know this is of zero help to those who have actually lost 2 or 3 times in a row in a short space of time, but it shows you're no more or less likely for it to happen to you again than anyone else....as hard as it may be to believe. 32 is still very young, no need to worry on that count!:hugs:

LL - Sorry you're out this month (or at least think you are, not over till the fat lady and all that!). It's tough hearing someone be all innocent about pregnancy, all light hearted and carefree. I wouldn't wish the worst on someone, but it seems to make the pain worse rather than better, because it feels like after an mc that innocence is gone with any pregnancy following on. But....when the miracle happens, and it will, we will all be so much more aware of exactly what it took to get there. :hugs:

Afm - Went to the nurse today for second beta draw, asked her to test for UTI - hoping these pains on the left might be that but unfortunately not (Praying for a UTI, I never thought i'd see the day)

Currently thinking (hoping) it might be a cyst or...I am also very constipated despite a hideous prune-eating excercise :sick:. Not really obsessing about the worst yet. Just keeping my fingers crossed for a good beta doubling tomorrow and eating a ton of chocolate. X
IAW - that is excellent news! Congratulations! I am so glad they're checking you nice and regularly.

Arabelle - I know how frustrating it is to wait for first AF and the inner battle you have. But honestly after I waited I was glad I did (except now that it's taking so darn long!) and you probably will be too. Also it's definitely a good idea to wait for a GP to at least tell you if any tissue is retained. That is so cool you could see follicles developing on your u/s! They wouldn't show me anything when I had all three of my ultrasounds so I wouldn't have any idea what I was looking at. I agree it would be nice to be guided as to what things are at least.
Linny- you posted while I did. Are they going to do an ultrasound or anything to check for cysts or are they just going to sit there and twiddle their thumbs? Let us know about your beta results.

It really sucks we've been robbed of our innocence but it just seems like people should be aware that people can have trouble trying at the very least so shouldn't make comments about hurrying up! Sigh.
Arabelle - sorry didn't see your post before i did mine! Yep I had the same approach as you, I was surprised i had to do that to be honest. despite feeling like i was transgressing her professional opinion I just knew that waiting around for a scan at 12 weeks and no other info to go on was going to be total agony. It's crazy really that they're not better informed....if you go through ART then they always do beta draws and they tell you right away if it's a positive outlook etc.

The 'maybe you should have waited' comment is a sensitive one. After an mc all you want is to be pregnant again...not sure anyone else would get that, it's a pretty primal feeling and overriding it is hard...But yeah if you feel like there may be something underlying which could be fixed, or at least rule that out, good on you for waiting. It'll serve you well in the long run :hugs:

LL Well, the MW at the epu mainly wants to see if it's an ectopic and she can tell whether there's more of a chance of that based on beta hcg doubling rates. An ectopic tends not to fall (like an mc) but doesn't double as fast as a normal pregnancy....so i'm on tenterhooks for tomorrow. If the betas look good i'll be less worried, and cysts aren't normally a big issue.....

Yeah, 'hurry up' is a tricky comment for any couple, whether post-mc or just of baby-making age. You never know what's going on, and best to avoid the topic. Only my mother gets away with this! :hugs:
Linny - Well I certainly hope your levels are doubling as they should be.

My sis-in-law shared this video, and although it is about stillbirth, I think a lot of the things the parents said we could relate to (or at least I could). I wish there were a similar video about miscarriage to share with idiotic people who don't understand.

Iaw I'm glad to hear the scan went well! Is this the furthest along you've been?
Boodley - yes I have! It's lovely. Although I think people who'd never been through it would not really get it.
Awww IAW I'm so happy for you that it went well!!

And y'all need to quit posting videos that make me cry! (kidding, kidding) I seriously cried, full out tears at both the videos :( Super emotional today, I guess.
Hi all. Still lying around with my headache. It is not as bad as two days ago but still aching all the time. Just took a new medicine and got some peppermint oil. My RE doesn't think it's related to the mc and my primary care doc can't get me in till Tues. I think I just need to wait it out. Luckily my husband has been home to help with Emily.

I still have a positive HPT. But I'm in an optimistic mood so hubby and I are bd'ing since I could ovulate in the next week. I went out today and bought some soft cups. If I do make an egg his sperm will darn well find it!!! :p

Jrepp-I am also in Denver! I live North West near the airport. You?
My little sister is due today with boy #3. I'm actually ok with it and excited for her to meet her new son. I am sad that our kids won't be as close in age as they could have been. I just bought her a used breast pump and am working today to find a place to redo the tubing so it will be nice and sterile for her.

GR-I have heard of many stories where women get pregnant the cycle following a mc and go on to have a healthy baby. I think we should start a thread asking this question in the ttc area. I would love to hear those stories too. My doctor says no reason to wait.

It is so hard to know what is causing the mc. I think it's stupid not to test until after 3. But, as I understand it if your progesterone is good the chances are you just had really bad luck with two babies that didn't separate the chromosomes properly. Hang in there! :friends: I'm 37 and I think I'm plenty young for a good, healthy baby.

LL-sorry you are having such a hard time with your friends. I bet they are trying to help in their own way but are not very able to put themselves in your shoes. I hope that at least your BFF can come around and be more supportive :hug: Wish I lived near so we could grab coffee and chat :coffee:

People need to realize that we aren't after advise. What I have to say for all of us is: I'm so sorry we have to go through this to get our babies. I wish it were easier!

I've had a morning of talking with my aunt which has been frustrating. She is recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Since I have been through the treatment she wants my opinions. That is great except that she never follows through with we decide together. I'm so sad for her. I don't think she realizes how sick she is :cry:

Happy Halloween to all. I'm looking forward to trick or treating with my little Doc McStuffins :witch:
Slg -so sorry you're still fighting your headache! And that suck about the + HPT but good for you for getting back in the game anyway!

Thanks for commenting about my best friend. I was feeling sort of sorry for myself that no one had replied to that. Your comment about wishing you lived closer so we could grab a coffee and chat meant a lot! It's just nice to know someone would want to be a true friend to me, even if my own best friend won't. *sigh*

That is SO sad about your aunt but it's good for her she has you to talk to. I can't really blame her for being a bit in denial of her condition. :( good for you for being there for her.
LL--not that it will make you feel better per say but maybe this will make you feel less alone? I have had a best friend since the 7th grade, so about 25 years now. We live far apart but we are still each other's important person in life. I called to tell her I had breast cancer and she never mentioned it again. She didn't check in during treatment or ask how I was feeling or even if all the cancer is gone. I know she loves me I just think she can't deal with the situation. I think that tragic things like cancer or miscarriages just create an instant bond between people because there is a big part of you that I already understand. Too bad we can all only be cyber-friends. But, that's way better than not being friends at all :friends: <3
So true that it is better than none at all. That is really sad and hurtful about your best friend, but you know what? I think the situations are similar. I don't think my best friend can deal with it either. She's a bit of an emotional wreck and cannot deal with any serious issue. She can be so supportive and make such a big deal if all I have is a headache and feel annoyed at co-workers, but the moment something really serious in my life happens she just can't handle it. I guess we should be thankful they aren't the ones going through it because at least we can still function. =/

I can't imagine how hard it would have been to battle cancer without your best friend there for you for everything. I'm so sorry. Are you still very close, or have you drifted?
We have drifted some. We still talk on Facebook and send birthday cards. I was always the one to initiate our contact anyway and I just do less of it now. I still love her but just know that she is a fun friend not a "real life issues" friend.

I think our friends want to support us in theory but not many friends think to take the time and energy needed to really provide the support we need. If your friend isn't strong emotionally in her own life it makes sense that she can't take on your serious life issues.

I'm so glad we can support each other :hugs:
I've started spotting, red/brown creamy CM, with tiny tiny clots!
AF is due tomorrow, but I got a bfp on a digi last Sunday, and my GP said my beta was good!

I'm due in for another beta tomorrow so we'll see, say a little prayer guys! I'm feeling a bit numb right now.. Xxxxxx

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