1dpo lots of cramping pain, sharp pains also in pelvis, going to toilet alot
2dpo indigestion, cramping white lotion cm tingly nipples wind low cervix, going to toilet frequently, flutters in belly
3dpo same increased cramping tingling in nipples wind, sharp pains on right side,blfeeling, weird headache/neckache ill flu-likefeeling at night, weird flutter in head
4dpo mild cramping coming and going later in the day increased saliva, white cm , indigestion, gassy
burping alot, mildly runny noes, weird headache again sharp tingle in nipple lasting 10 seconds or more, weird feeling in stomach like the feeling you get in your chest when your freezing cold is all i can think of to describe it. burping out of nowhere really gassy, constipation.
5dp (morning BfN on test - silly me getting inmpatient obviously way 2 early!) No news to report or signs of any symptoms had some heartburn last night an couldnt sleep at all but put it down to anxiety of this overly long 2 week wait! half way there on monday! Evening had a few minor period pains, windy stomach and a few burps that were unnecessary as i hadnt eaten. restless sleep vivid dreams. slight pressure in abdomen not lasting long tho.had flu-like symptons in the night (felt likei was coming down with something) and a nap at 3 in the afternoon (did have a bad night sleep the previous night however)
6dp Morning had a splurge of watery discharge felt it bubble out when i woke up, not completely clear, white but very runny. slight tightness in abdomen, didnt last long tho and popping off every 5 mins(eww)
nearly half way through this LOOOOOOOOOOOOng week