I know how you feel Jibber Jabber! I think I am 10dpo, got a +opk on the 18...so thats my guessing. Anyways its been a different type of month for me symptom wise, last month I had every symptom in the freaking book! but got a bfn, this month is....
Hardly any cramping, I usually start cramping everyday on and off from 5dpo
Been getting waves of nausea throughout the day and feeling dizzy
Soooooooooooooo wet down there, not EWCM, just feeling like I peed myself, super moist, I am always dry after O! also got come stringy dark white bits of cm and cumpy ones too
Oh and since I have not gotten any cramps I have been feeling like something is pulling on my lower right side and left, sometimes it feels like a pinching feeling, all the way down to my pubic bone.
And hardly any backache this month, that too feels like its just something pinching on either sides.....
BUT, I took a test this morning, may be too early but either way it came out BFN, so that bloody witch has gotten me this month for sure! I am so sad, I just feel like crying, we have been trying since 08, one MC last year and it seems like its never going to happen, thinking of also taking a break!