Waters Breaking At 14/15 Weeks?

Hi Midori, have been reading through this and had to borrow my friend's account to reply to you, I went through exactly what you are going through while I was pregnant with my twin boys and they are now healthy, lively 6 years olds, which i delivered via an uncomplicated natural birth at 37 weeks. I hope everything works out well for you and your family and hopefully this little bit of information brings you hope and makes you feel better.
Blessed Be xx

Thankyou so much, that is really encouraging. How many weeks were you when your waters broke? PM if you'd prefer, or if you don't have your own account and pm I could give you my email?

u got to have any more scans midori?
the midwife wants me scanned again cus im stil loosing blood... but hospital wont cus of the radioactive stuff :S or something like that x
u got to have any more scans midori?
the midwife wants me scanned again cus im stil loosing blood... but hospital wont cus of the radioactive stuff :S or something like that x

Are you not now under consultant care?

I have to be scanned every week when I see the consultant until I deliver. I have had 8 scans so far.
no the last scan i had was 16w & 4days! nearly 2 weeks ago.. so the midwife rang hospital and i cant have no more only my 20week one... cus its too dangerous or something... iv only had 4 all together... my midwife wants to c me every week from now on tho x
Thankyou so much, that is really encouraging. How many weeks were you when your waters broke? PM if you'd prefer, or if you don't have your own account and pm I could give you my email?


Both my membranes broke so they were left in just left in the outer sac, I was roughly the same term you are now, if you want to pm this account with your email addy my friend can pass it over to me
Added to wrong thread but.....thought you could do with a giggle too

It seemed there was a devout believer— a preacher nonetheless— who was standing on the roof of his church during a flood when the rescue boats came by.

The volunteer yelled out... "sir jump into the boat. We'll take you to safety!”
The man refused, saying... “The lord will protect me.”

Hours later another group of volunteers came by in a larger boat. By now the man was standing on the steeple of the church, holding onto the cross for dear life. Again they asked him to get in the boat. And again he refused by saying “The bible says the lord will protect me!”

Soon thereafter it was too late for boats. The national guard was searching in helicopters.

They came across the man who was now on his tippy toes on top of the cross at the very peak of the steeple. The dropped him a safety harness and told him to wrap it around himself.

The man refused. He defiantly cried out... “According to the bible the lord—”

At that moment he lost his footing and disappeared under the waves...

A moment later the man appears at the pearly gates. There he speaks to the lord and says, "I don't get it. The bible says if I just have faith in you, you'll always protect me. How come then you didn't save me from such an awful demise?”

The lord replies...
“What the fuck do you want from me? I sent you two boats and a helicopter!”
I couldn't just read your story and not write anything. I am so sorry that you are going through all of this and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your little ones. I have had patients in the same situation as you. I'm a nurse so while I completely agree that the treatment you have been given is not right I can also see where the heathcare providers are coming from. It is hard because as you know the risk of infection and miscarriage is very great and the healthcare providers need to balance the hope that things will go well with the risks to you with continuing the pregnancy. I have seen a number of these cases and have seen everything from the mother carrying the baby to term with no complications to the horrible loss of the babies and ending up in the ICU with a serious septic infection. That being said the course you take is yours alone and while it needs to be informed don't let the healthcare providers push you to do things that you do not want to do. Keep faith and I hope that everything will be okay!
PS - it sounds like the constant appointments and blood tests mean you are being closely watched which is great but if you notice a change in your temperature make sure you contact someone right away (I know you probably already know this but the nurse in me feels like I need to state it anyways :p )
Hi hun - have just read through this whole thread and I'm praying for you and your babies. They seem like fighters to me!! GOOD LUCK!! :hugs: xxxxx
So glad they're still hanging on in there, I'm so proud of them, lol. Stay positive, another week is nearly over :D
I had 12 scans in my pregnancy aimee and the risk to the baby from ultrasound is miniscule. They are talking out of their backsides. You should be under the high risk team if you need scanning but they certainly shouldnt be denying you necessary scans.

Midori - well done on keeping hold of those babies babe. I work in NICU and look after tiny tiny babies. Some of whom have had ruptured membranes for several weeks. Hold on in there and don't lose hope. Sending you lots of PMA, sticky vibes and love x
I had 12 scans in my pregnancy aimee and the risk to the baby from ultrasound is miniscule. They are talking out of their backsides. You should be under the high risk team if you need scanning but they certainly shouldnt be denying you necessary scans.

Midori - well done on keeping hold of those babies babe. I work in NICU and look after tiny tiny babies. Some of whom have had ruptured membranes for several weeks. Hold on in there and don't lose hope. Sending you lots of PMA, sticky vibes and love x
I had 12 scans in my pregnancy aimee and the risk to the baby from ultrasound is miniscule. They are talking out of their backsides. You should be under the high risk team if you need scanning but they certainly shouldnt be denying you necessary scans.

i no.. i thought wel some women have a lot more then iv had they have to & stuff... they wil only scan me again at my 20week scan ... unless i start bleeding heavy.. so when i jus bleed a little bit cus iv been bleedin for over a month i have to try not to worry... even tho any little bit of blood i see worries me!! even tho i no i have bled a lot more then i am now & baby was fine... but its stil worrying!!

ooo and ur little boy is gawjus!!! :hugs: xx
I've been silently keeping up with you and I'm so pulling for these babies. That lil one is a fighter and I want these next weeks to go by fast.

I saw a registrar again today as my consultant is now away for three weeks.

The scan showed no fluid around twin 1 again, except for one very small pocket, but it was by the baby's face, which I guess is the best place for it to be. However, I was kept waiting for 1 1/2 hours for my appointment, and during that time I could feel a lot of fluid draining out of me and even had to go and change my pad, so I suspect had they scanned me when I first arrived, there would have been more fluid there. Not much movement from twin 1, but a couple of big wriggles. Twin 2 still has normal fluid and is making up for his/her brother or sister's lack of movement, a right little mover!

My new problem, for the time being at least, is that I asked when I would be given steroids and was told 24 weeks and not at all before, and so I asked what would happen if the babies were born just before 24 weeks and was told they would not consider resuscitating the babies prior to 24 weeks at all. So, if born at 23 + 6, they wouldn't resuscititate. However, I did argue and the doctor basically said there had to be some sort of cut off point. I said I had known of babies, even twins, that have been born just before 24 weeks and survived and that I was aware of the potential problems and statistics and wasn't saying I wanted the babies kept alive at any cost, just that if they were born in good condition that it be considered they be resuscitated. She said I would be best to discuss with my consultant when he is back, but in the meantime she would try and arrange for me to meet a paediatrician to discuss. I'm not sure what else I can do at this point,but if anyone has any suggestions, I'd appreciate them.

The other thing is, my booked hospital don't care for babies under 28 weeks, so at 24 weeks I will be admitted to the hospital that do, and then if I get to 28 weeks, I'll be tranferred back and kept in until I deliver. A palava, but never mind.
:O.. glad to hear ur lil two are stil fightin on :D...
i cant believe if we had a baby/babies at 23weeks they could stil survive but they wouldnt do nothing :O.. its jus horrible... :(
hope ur all ok!!

Thankyou all!

Well, I honestly thought that was it last night! I started bleeding and when I rang the ward they told me to come in right away. I was terrified. However, when I got there they scanned me, and much to our amazement, both babies were fine, one wrigglng away as usual and twin 1 with slightly more fluid than the previous day and also having a little go at wriggling! I've never felt so relieved in all my life!

I was very lucky in that the doctor who saw me was the same lady who had seen me 4 weeks ago when my waters broke and she remembered me. I think she was suprised but glad to see me. (everyone thought I would miscarry wen they broke!) Anyway, she said it is clear to her twin 1 has grown well and that at the first scan she did on the night the waters broke, twin 1 wasn't moving and the heartbeat had been had to find, but last night the hearbeat was strong and she noted the baby moving a few times. What a little fighter!!!

Anway, they did a sterile speculum exam and she said my cervix ix closed and took a swab to check for infection while I was there. She couldn't say if the bleeding was from my placenta or not, as it wasn't obvious, and had stopped by the time she examined me. So, I am back at home and told to try my best not to worry about small blood losses, but if I get heavy bleeding or cramps etc to go straight back in.

The doctor and midwife I saw couldn't have been nicer. The doctor shook my hand when I left and said 'you've managed 4 weeks so far, not much longer than that to go'.
u must be sooooo pleased!!
glad there both stil fighting on!!!


& hun dont worry bout bleeding too much.. i havent stopped bleeding since my waters broke when i went in to hospital... i worry every day even tho i have been bleeding for 5 weeks!! ...glad your all ok!!


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