Love Tim's but the only time I get it is on my way to Montreal- which we're going to for New Years so I'm pretty exctied about that! And Lauren- my hubby works for Kuerig/Green Mountain Coffee Roasters so thank you for supporting a great company
And clearly we're addicted to Keurig/Coffee in general. I've switched to decaf but mannnn has it been hard
However, we get everything for free so I can try every flavor haha
I have to say today I'm having a pretty down day in general, mostly induced by not being pregnant, not having kids and knowing too many people who are pregnant or due. Trying to push through the jealousy because I reallllly am happy for them. But today I seriously just want another BFP or my AF to show up (about a week away!) so we can try again. Sorry for being a downer!
KTF- I was the same way after my m/c. Kinda happy to know that it isn't an ectopic because they have more risks. I know that there aren't any upsides to this situation but maybe now you'll get some more answers/tests and the sooner AF comes the sooner you can try again!