Twinks that would be awsome having our O days at the same time!! And conceiving too of course LOLOL. I'll definetly light a candle for my lost lil nugget.
And this weekend's topic: When your finaly pregnant and sporting the belly and everything, will you be terrified of 'normal sex' since there is a chance you may hit your baby's face? LOLOLOL i know i know but i had to go there. Ideas on positions that will make u worry free? Will it be you or ur DH that will be freakin out for that?
Personaly my DH has loudly expressed his opinion on not wanting to traumatise his unborn baby..i was like dude seriously u cannot reach that far into my vagina and smack him! He was like well sayz you...
Funny discussion we have had so far was the fact that he was like hey around the end the baby can actualy open his eyes right? I was like well i guess so...then he's like huh imagine how it must look weird to him eh inside? I actualy looked at him for 5 mins to make sure he was serious..and when i noticed he was i was like ummm sweety? There isn't actualy a lil light switch in there that he can turn on to inspect the surrounding area thinks it's just dark to him...ya actualy thought about it for a min and was like huh...i guess so eh? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
AEM, how long is your LP usually? That is a lot of higher temps in a row, have you tested yet?
Well DH was talking to me last night and was like, you need to hurry up and get off your period... I had to "take care of myself" the past couple nights... LOL. So of couurse I had to help him out last night. LOL So I better not get any crap for telling him when to do it this month.
Well I spent most my day off today helping my Mom work on finishing up some Baby shower presents for my cousin. Seriously, I am so tired of buying presents for everyone else's baby! So God, if you read BnB..."please give me a baby soon. I have been patiently waiting for my turn. And if you take requests a girl would be nice Amen."
I'm glad to hear that everyone else looks up their EDD too!
Jessy I should be Oing around the same time as you (if my late O keeps up)
Keepthefaith- I hope you feel better soon!
Welcome Jennyanne!