Gahhh i dont have any FRER test here. But if i pee at 6am and pick one up on my way to work not drink any liquids and pay at 10 or 11 ish i ll b ok right??
I tossed and turned all freakin night my stomac feels like it s doing somersalts lolol..ohh and im farting so bad i told DH must b a moose in the house.. For some strange reason he didnt believe me..huh..imagine that.
Lauren what happend as soon as u saw those 2 lines?? Scream? Freak out? Was DH with u or etc etc???
Well, I POAS this morning and BFN... Why do I do this to myself at 8dpo? LOL. Well I got a BFN at 8dpo last time and a BFP at 10dpo, so I might just hold out until Saturday and test with one of my FRERs. Booo I was hoping I could be one of those super lucky gals that get a BFP really early.
Last night I was sooo gasy too and this is probably tmi, but I had diarreah this morning. I don't know if it is a symptom or not, but last time I found out I was pregnant I had diarreah the whole time! I lost almost 10 lbs by the time I MC'd.
If I don't get my BFP, I think I am going to order some of those tests off the internet that are supposed to be sensitive to 10miu. Then just use them once a day starting at like 6dpo LOL!
aww hunny, damn those interfering MIL's!! Mine told us we shouldn't have another one as we have too much going on in our lives??!!!
Jessy - get peeing!!
afm: think the witch is messing with me for a few days before she rears her ugly head. Was expecting full flow this am but again...nothing! Just that feeling like she's on her way....
I got my smiley this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we had some lovely and intense BD last night (sorry TMI) so yayyyyy! I'm officially PUPO! I've been having some crazy pains on my right side and even though I just peed like an hour ago I couldn't resist doing one and I got it!