We Love Chart Stalking

GL hotpink :)

AFM bd was a little uncomfortable this morning.. Lets just say next time im using preseed externally :haha:

On the plus side of things,... very watery cm last couple days and some good ewcm. Very early for this stage in cycle, hopefully O is earlier this time :)
Stinas,.. Temp rise! hopefully your tww now??!! :dance:
Hi everyone!!
Hot pink - still ntnp?

Sharnw - I had a fever yesterday, so I don't think I O. I hope not, I only bd once this cycle! Lol

I'm hoping to see my smiley face opk soon! Been sick the past 2 days. Possible allergies, probably a little cold too. Lucky me!

How is everyone?
Pink- fx!

Scerena-Congrats on the new tattoo! Careful, they're addictive!

Ash - how is the clomid treating you?

Stinas- Do you think you O'd?! Fx!
I think we are sitting out this cycle, but no sure yet got my +opk today.
Tallmom - I hope I didn't. I never got a +opk....even been testing twice a day. I know for a fact I had a fever the other day. DH confirmed it. I was on fire. My temps are higher than normal right now, but who knows with me. I'm hoping I didn't because I only bd once. We have been busy lately. Oh well I guess. Im trying not to think about ttc. It's hard but I do believe it could happen when u don't think about it. Let's see. How are u?

Hot pink - aww I say be sexy and convince him to bd lol
Clomid is treating me okay! No side effects and tonight if my 4th night on it. I have been a little moody but I'm always moody so I'm not so sure it's the clomid! :haha: I've been really quiet on here because I really have nothing to say lately. I've been bummed out that my first IUI cycle was a bust and I'm just kind of frustrated with the whole TTC business lately. I'm just taking my clomid and being patient for the day when I actually get pregnant! I told my OH the other day that I'm not sure if the unlimited IUI's are even that good of a thing because if I go through 6 IUI's without success I will feel extremely ... disheartened! Oh well, I guess only time will tell! I go to the doctor March 31st for a follicle scan and then I guess if everything is growing like it should I'll be going in on April 2nd for IUI #2! YAY!

Stinas - I hope you O'd because then you would have almost a textbook cycle of Oing on day 14! You're taking soy this cycle right? Isn't that supposed to help with Oing or something like that? I'm really not sure as I never looked into taking soy! I hope you're doing okay and you're not sick and you really did O, that would be awesome!

Tallmom - Have you decided if you're going to try to make AF come or are you still waiting it out? I hope something happens for you in the next couple of days so you can move onto a different cycle!

Hotpink - I would make my OH BD! Lol. I'm pushy though but he wants a baby too so he does what he has to do!

Oh, we bought a Wii today! I know, we're such children but I'm actually really excited to just relax at home with my honey and play video games. Lol. We don't really get to do that so it should be nice!

Scerena - yay for the new tattoo! I only have 1 but it's on my foot, it's of a butterfly! Everyone told me it was going to hurt but it honestly wasn't that bad! When I have a baby, I want to get their footprint, reallllly small behind my ear! I know weird, but I like tattoo's where they're not that visible that way I can hide them if I need to!
Hope you get better soon Stinas :hugs:

And hotpink, + opk :thumbup: im testing in a couple of hours, just had breakfast, not sure if I'l get a +ive, i have creamy cm today, :dohh:

Ash i wish i had a wii! :)

Tallmom2b I hope you O soon! X

scerena tattoo, how exciting!
Thanks Sharn!
Hotpink - It always works like a charm! lol

Ash - OMG Wii is the best!!! Just to warn you...your am is going to hurt tom like you lifted boxes all day!!! The tennis is the best!
I hope I didnt O...I only bd once! I wouldnt have a chance then...unless I got lucky, which NEVER happens to me....EVER! lol Oh well...it is what it is. Yes I did take soy this cycle. I still have not had a smiley OPK...the lines are getting darker though. Oh well...I guess we will see. Lately my boobs get sore right after O and that has not happened...hmmm....welll.....I dk. I will just go with the flow for now.
Im tired of thinking of TTC. I love chatting with you ladies though! On a good note....dh booked Bahamas for July 20th! Super excited!!! We go every year. Time to get bikini ready!!! Not looking forward to not eating junk, but the back of my thighs have a ripple effect lol hehe
Tallmom- I know lol, I am thinking about where I will get my childs name already :haha: How are you???

Ash-That is a lovely idea :) I would probably get my childs name on my neck I might have to pinch ur idea about the foot print too :) Glad clomid is treating you ok :) I was also better on 100mg :) Good luck this cycle I hope that this is it for you :hugs:

Stinas- Hope you feel better soon :hugs: :hugs:

Sharnw- I hope you get your positive opk soon :)

AFM- I havent ovulated this month :cry: I am cd41 and took a random temp this morning as I havent took a temp sice cd29, 35.92 was my temp this morning- definately no ovulation for me as of yet :(
Now the dilemma I have is-
Do I wait for a natural af and then take clomid- Incase there is a nice egg waiting (or would it be too old now anyway)
Do I take my provera to induce af and start the clomid?

What do you think ladies? I am starting to think that I havent ovulated already so a slim chance I am going to after cd41 isnt it?
Hopefully u get a nice temp spike tomoz :) x
Yeah that would be nice, opk the other day confirmed O is today so we will see if it's right.
Scerena - I honestly don't have that much experience with inducing AF or anything but one cycle I was 2 weeks late (I have cycles like those but only once or twice a year) and my doctor wanted to put me on provera so that I could move on. Now it's totally your choice, and I decided not to take it and give my period a week more to come and she did so I would say it's really your preference. The problem is that, since I only get those cycles once or twice a year I kind of knew that she would be showing up soon (I was having cramping and what not) buuuut if your cycles are frequently like this I would take the provera because you don't really know how long it's going to go on for. That would be my advice, but I also understand if you're nervous to take provera, since it has nasty side effects although I read a lot of ladies stories that aren't really that bad.

It's kind of like with clomid, everyone works it up to be this terrible drug (with side effects) when in all reality there was nothing to be scared of to begin with! :) LOL!


You do what you're comfortable with and we're all here to support your decision! Oh and one more thing, I'm not really sure about the egg being too old, I mean you may not even have a fully mature egg right now it just depends on when it started growing, etc. Ovulating and growing a mature follicle is a crazy detail oriented process.

Hotpink - I would also say that you're probably Oing or getting ready to O so I hope you've been bding!
I hope I am I sure do feel different today and my nips are ichey
scerena - I would wait until CD 46ish. Last cycle was 45 days, so I would wait to see if AF comes around then....then just take the Provera and start your clomid.

Hotpink - YAY for +opk!

Ash - My foam finger is on! Woot Woot! You should find out around my birthday if this IUI works out!

As for me....FF thinks I O...but im like 99% sure I didnt. I really hope I didnt because I didnt bd around that time. Wouldnt that be some shit if I did O. Like alllll this time all it took was bd once a few days before lol Now that would make me laugh haha
I also got this damn cold I thought was allergies....well...its not lol My nose is a mess, cough is starting up, my right gland is the size of a small egg, eye area is painful...yay me! Only I get sick in 80 degree weather! I made sure I wore long sleeves last week too because the weather was just too good to be true...here I am hugging a box of tissues....if I only knew I could have saved myself from all that sweat lol

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