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Stinas- when is your birthday because I'm going to find out around my birthday if the IUI worked or not! :haha: That would be really freaky if our birthdays were on the same day!
Oh and you probably got sick because of the weather, it's been nice but then cold, nice but then cold again! It plays tricks on your body! I normally get sick when the weather is like this also, but I got lucky this time around I guess! Feel better soon! :hugs:
ASH - My birthday is April 19....when is yours?!?

Yeah im sure thats why I got sick...happens every single time! It sucks because im off today and dont want to get off the couch. DH is on his way down to AC for the night and im sitting here bored with no one to make me tea lol Oh and holy wind today!!! Sounds like a tornado out there! I can only imagine how worse it is in the city!
My birthday is April 9th =D OH's is April 10th! Lol. Weird! I'm always finding lots of people with april birthdays! In our old apartment in jersey the next door neighbor had a new baby like 2 days after we moved in and that was april 8th! Strange!

Oh yeah, the wind is insane today! I seriously feel like the building is moving! It's really not, I'm just over dramatic but it's bad. I can hear is whistling over the TV so it's pretty strong!
Ash- Thanks for the advice hun, I will do a test in the morn (the fs requires that) then probably start the provera... As I need to move on with the next cycle now I think, I did take it last year once but cannot really remember if I had any side effects or anything :shrugg:
Thanks I am not sure about the egg thing either lol, but its taking too long and I am so impatient :haha:
How are you finding your cycle?

Stinas- yes thats true, although af came on cd45 and I ovulated that cycle on cd32, I have had no ovulation this cycle judging by this mornings temp :shrugg: I dont know lol!
I hope you feel better soon and I hope that you didnt ovulate and that you will so so you can get some bd in :)

Thanks ladies :)
Ash - My moms birthday is the 9th!!! Yeah I have been finding more and more April babies lately. We are the best what can I tell you....especially us Aries! lol

Scerena - True. I forgot about O lol If you feel comfortable in taking the provera now, do it. Why not I say!
Definately going to start it tomorrow :) after I have gotten my negative test :haha: x
Stinas - I love being an aries! I can't believe your mommy is the same birthday as me. ... and how weird is this ... so you and your mom are 10 days apart for birthdays and my moms birthday is april 23rd so we're so close! This is the weirdest thing!

Scerena - I'm getting on okay with my cycle. I'm not really monitoring anything to be honest. I've been taking my clomid with no side effects and I did notice that AF was about 4 days, which isn't weird or out of the ordinary for me. I have been having more CM lately and it's watery which is strange since everyone says that clomid can dry you up, but I find it's the opposite for me! So, I'm pretty bored over here to be honest! Lol. I'm waiting for my IUI and that is all! I take my last pill tonight and then I wait for about 2-3 weeks until I can test! Lol.

I've been playing Wii all day! :haha: Stupid game console!
Ash- Check you out not being dry from the clomid! That is a good thing :) I cant remember what my cm was like on the clomid, hopefully this time around I will be like you! I hope the 100mg and the iui work this time I really do :hugs:
What game are you playing on the wii? I am addicted to my zumba game on the wii :dance:
Waiting for af for me is going to be torture I have had enough of this crappy cycle!
Scerena - I have to say I'm pretty happy that I'm not having the normal side effects of clomid but at the same time I hope that it's still working! Well we just bought it yesterday and I'm not sure what games if any came with it before but now it comes with this mario game called, super mario bros. wii. It's just like the original super mario game except you can play with 4 people on the same screen and help each other but sometimes you get in more trouble because people get in your way etc. It's pretty fun anyways and I've been playing it all day.

I used to play the original when I was younger, it was my favorite game of all time. I like simple things, ya know? 2 buttons and then up, down, right left. We have an xbox but I never play it because I can't get over all of the buttons and the analog sticks, etc. I find it annoying!

I want to get the zumba fit! How do you like it? Do you use it often?
Scerena - Yeah, f it...just take it...especially if it looks like you are not going to O.

Ash - yeah, how weird is that!!! It was meant for us to be bnb buddies! Aries power lmao! Thats why are are both so anal! I swear every single Aries I meet is completely anal.
DH actually told me that once again today. I have a habit of clearing my history and my texts.....im not hiding a thing, but it just looks neater to me and really bothers me if I dont...and he just does not get it....actually everyone that really knows me knows I do it, and none of them get it. Its just my thing and I enjoy having things a certain way. lol
Stinas - omg I do the same thing! I have to clear all of my text messages! And I always close everything fully on my iphone ... I'm such a weirdo! :haha:! OH thought that I did it to hide things from him at first but now he knows I'm just a freak!
Ladies new upadate for me,
No BD for me this cycle,... :( DH is away for work and no way to get bd at all to catch egg.
I think we are going to do IUI next cycle along with clomid

GL everyone xoxo
Ash - LMAO I do the SAME thing!!! I have to close them...it drives me nuts! Plus it needs to be fully charged and I sync it very often lol

Sharn - Im sorry for no bd! Maybe then you can just relax this cycle...TTC free.
Hi Ladies :hi:

I'm laying here thinking, I have to get to sleep already! But I had to check in first:)
SO has been bumming, fever and his leg is swollen, I feel so bad for him, he wants to go back to the hospital tomorrow if his temp hasnt come down. Which means I have to miss work, i dont mind taking care of him, in fact i want to be there for him, but my wallet will suffer.
I feel your pain Sharn! No bding going on here either. I'm thinking I might O soon, my temps have been super steady and lots of fertile cm. oh well, I just want to start a new cycle anyway.

Scerena- did you start taking provera yet?

Stinas- I'm not totally convinced you Od either, I'd trust your gut, keep bding, I bet the fever threw off your temps.

Ash- I hope this cycle is it for you!
Tallmom- I hope your oh gets better soon :hugs: your symptoms sound great for o :)
I am starting the provera today ive had enough of this cycle!

Ladies I got a :bfn: and a very low temp again this morning, even though I was expecting it I was also holding onto a little hope that I would get a surprise bfp :cry: but I guess it was just not meant to be this cycle... Going to start my provera today, onto a new cycle hopefully not too much longer for the witch to arrive!
Scerena- I hope provera does the trick for you!

My OH's fever broke last night :thumbup:
AFM- yet another 97.56 temp :shrug:
Pink- are you and your OH going to WTT this cycle? It looks like you are about to O.

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