We Love Chart Stalking

Thank you Stinas I think I was dreaming as you eat the icecream lol
:hi: ladies,
I havent had a chance to read through all the posts, literlly got 5 minutes on here so thought I would quickly say :hi: hope everyone is well?
Any news for me??
AFM- I took my last provera tablet today so as from tomorrow I am waiting on af... Ttc is just constantly waiting right!
Hotpink - lol

Tallmom - Yay!!!!! Woot woot go smiley!!!!! Yay!

As for me, dh was too tired last night but he promised tonight. Is that good because temp shot down today. Wonder if I am o tonight? Would I still have a chance of it shoots up Tom and I bd tonight? They say the sperm should be there waiting.
Tallmom - I also heard a maryland person won. I didn't check my tickets yet.
Ugh what a day this is going to be not in the best mood today either.
Stinas- I definitely think bding tonight will be good. Sperm can live up to 7 days in the right conditions. I think 3 days is about average.

I love how we are all trying to O around the same time:)
:hi: ladies,
I havent had a chance to read through all the posts, literlly got 5 minutes on here so thought I would quickly say :hi: hope everyone is well?
Any news for me??
AFM- I took my last provera tablet today so as from tomorrow I am waiting on af... Ttc is just constantly waiting right!

Congrats on your last provera pill! I hope AF shows soon! Maybe we will still get to be clomid buddies. I actually got a smiley OPK this morn and OH and I :sex: keep your fx for me! :)
Hi guys. Starting Clomid this month. I probably won't be very active though I don't think. I'm sad, and trying to work through this bull shit without falling apart. I don't even know if we're going to TTC this month, but I am going to take the clomid in case I change my mind by O day. Two miscarriages in two months makes 3 in a row, and it's a lot to take in. Hope everyone is well.
Ok so I had a realllly long night buuuut I have GREAT news! I'll tell you guys about my night first. Well, OH decided last night that he wanted to go to Atlantic City and we needed to go down there today for my appointment anyways so we went. We stayed up all night, and at 7AM we left the casino! Crazy, I know! I got to my appointment on time and it turns out I have 3 follicles. Two that are pretty much ready to go and 1 that will most likely be ready when I do ovulate! =D

I have a 22mm on the right side, a 16mm on the right side and a 13mm on the left side. No wonder I've been having ovary pain! I'm happy but miserable at the moment because I'm having pains there worse then yesterday, I don't know if the ultrasound irritated the ovaries more since they put pressure on them or what, but I'm having pain. Honey is making me tea with honey and I'm just going to relax on the couch for the rest of the day.

Stinas - I hope you O soon! When do you normally O, isn't it around CD 17? Are you still taking soy this cycle?

Tallmom - yay for smiley! Get BDing girl, if you can! How is your DH doing?
mammag - I'm really sorry you are going through that, I hope that you get your bfp and it's reallllly sticky for you! :hugs:
Ash - You party animal! I love it! Sounds like fun. :) And HELL YEAH for 3 big follies!!! I'm sooo excited for you!! So is IUI still scheduled for Monday??
Tuesday, the doctor wants to give that 3rd follicle a couple more days to grow. They did bloodwork to check my LH surge so he said if I'm already having a surge then I'll do the ovidrel shot tonight and go in Monday for IUI but if I'm not having my surge yet then I'll get the ovidrel shot tomorrow night and go in Tuesday morning for IUI! I'm really excited. I told OH we're probably going to get twins!
Mammag- :hugs: I am so sorry for your loss :hugs: I didn't know otherwise I would have messaged you sooner :hugs: That is a lot to take in hun it really is, we are all here for you if you need/want to talk :hugs: Taking the clomid still is a good idea incase you change your mind, when are you due to start it? I wont be long behind you, once again I am so sorry :hugs: I hope you get a lovely stickey bean soon hun
:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: sending loads your way :hugs:

Tallmom- my fingers are crossed ever so tightly for you, so glad you finally got your smiley :dance: we can definately still be clomid buddies hun :) I will only be a little ahead of you (if af shows) lol! Hopefully you wont need to be my clomid buddie and get your :bfp: this cycle that would be great :)

Ash- GREAT news about your follicles :happydance: lovely sizes :) I definately have high hopes for you this cycle now with a few nice big follices :) Getting twins or maybe triplets would be amasing :) And sounds like a great night you had :)
I'm supposed to start it today, CD 3. Haven't yet though, I feel like the bottle is peer pressuring me, lol.
Scerena - how did the provera go? Did you have many side effects on it? Just wondering because my doctor wanted to put me on it a few months ago because my period was MIA for 2 weeks but she ended up coming and I was freaking out because of the listed side effects!

I have high hopes for this cycle too now that I know I have more than one follicle. I'm trying not to get too excited though because having more than one follicle isn't like .... 100% that one will take! I really hope I get twins. I've always wanted twins but triplets .... I think that would be reallllllly hard, especially on my body since I'm tiny as it is! Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens!
mammag - This was my second cycle taking clomid and it's really not as bad as everyone makes it sound with the side effects. I had none! Well, I wouldn't say none but nothing that is unbearable! I get hot more than normal but that's not crazy, and I also get grumpy and thirsty about 2 days after the last pill but seriously, it's not bad at all! I wish you the best of luck in whatever you choose to do but if you decide to take it we're all here to support you and you never know, it could work a miracle for you! =D
Mammag- :haha: about the bottle peer pressuring you :haha: do you recon you will take them? I hope that you are feeling okayish, thinking of you :hugs:

Ash- not one side effect tht I am aware of... Except my bad and horrible skin yuk! But no fine except for that, I take one pill with breakfast and the pill at night I take with my dinner so eating may have helped reduce any side effects :shrugg:
Twins would be amasing :dance: only said triplets because a lady on my old clomid thread is having triplets from clomid, I too am slim my fs said he wants me to have one as twins could cause too much pressure on my body, but my friend is slim and had a healthy pregnancy and birth with twins :) gl hun :) would be great to have two babies in one go :)

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