We Love Chart Stalking

Ash- How are you feeling? I'm excited for your IUI, will you be charting?
tallmom - I'm feeling okay! I take the ovidrel shot tonight at 9PM and I'm not nervous since it is a really small needle and it's not a big deal! I can't wait for the IUI but i'm trying to stay relaxed. I'm kind of freaking out a littttttle bit because when I went in for the follicle scan I had one follicle that was 22mm and I'm afraid I will ovulate before then but my doctor took bloodwork and told me that if I was having a surge he would call me and he didn't so I'm taking that as no I didn't have a LH surge so I'm not at risk for ovulating yet!

So, here's to Tuesday and my 2nd round of IUI!
Oh and I won't be charting. I really wanted to chart but I keep forgetting to set my alarm, or I set it and just turn it off, or OH and I don't go to sleep until like 5 AM and so the temp wouldn't be any good. I'm just finding it hard to have the motivation to chart this time! If I have to keep doing IUI and IVF and don't get a natural BFP I'm probably not going to chart to be honest. It's stressful enough to go through IUI and IVF and then have to worry about temperatures!
Tallmom - we are in the same boat. I temp this am got 97.1 same as yesterday so I did it again right away and got 97.4. With out moving around or getting up. So I just recorded the higher temp. I don't think I o yet anyways. I have egg white cm now and crampy. Do u think I should bd again tonight? Dh is probably not in mood but I can probably get my way lol.

Ash - I don't blame you for not temping. All that stuff is a lot. I'm excited for Tuesday!!!! Yay!
Finally I got a rise, lets see if stays up tomorrow :/

How are you all today :flower:
I just gave myself the trigger, so here we go. I'll be testing out the trigger shot tomorrow until I get my bfp!
Yay Ash!!! I like seeing your fake bfps lol

I must be o now....it's really uncomfortable. Should I bd again tonight or is it too late if I'm feeling all this o pain pinches?

Hot pink - I did too all morn and afternoon.
If you're Oing I would BD tonight too!! Wooooo get it girl!!
If feels sore and pinches.....achy. Totally going to force DH tonight lol
This sperm better swim swim swim tonight lol
Jump on it, jump on it!! (Ya know that song?! Lol) :sex::sex::sex:
Lisa - I know that song, you're funny!

Stinas - I would BD tonight definitely!

AFM - Well, I know I said I felt this way the other day but I'm feeling like this cycle isn't going to work. It doesn't help that I read a lot of articles online about success rates of IUI etc. ... especially when you're unexplained infertility. Lame! WTF. I don't understand why this has to be my life. Oh well! I'm going to sleep!
Unexplained fertility sux! We are healthy, our test results are normal (if not... Its excellent) an yet... We are having trouble having a baby. I seriously think why did i even bother being on bc when i was young at the age of 17 with my high school sweetheart back in the day. Just unexplainable.... Sometimes i even wonder if its because dh and i arent compatible like that. :( is that even possible???

One day it will happen

Lol sorry just had an angry moment.. :) *sigh* i feel better now :)
Lisa - LOL yes....I hear that song a few times a day every single time I go to work lol im seriously sick of every song BTW totally off subject, but I am.....and I am also going to make dh bd tonight! I dont care if hes tired!!! lol

Ash - Im sorry you feel down..you need to stop using Google sometimes! Unexplained inf. does suck......I have a feeling im in that category as well...just have not confirmed it yet. Dont put yourself down because you really dont know what this cycle of IUI has to offer....just give it a chance!

Sharn - I wonder the same thing as well. I have never been on BC, but for the past 10yrs with DH we have used the pull and pray method...now I wonder if it would have worked back then if it was an oops? Weird how things work out.

So....I took away my +OPKs on my chart....I ran out of smiley OPK, so I used the cheapie and guess what....a nice dark line! Im pretty sure its a +....so Im just going to go with it. If my temp does not go up tom, I will be throwing my thermometer across the room hoping it breaks lol
Ash- I don't blame you for not wanting to chart, it's driving me a little nuts right now!
GL with IUI! Remember, PMA :)

Sharn- yaeeee for temp rise! Those are some nice crosshairs!

Stinas- did you get to :sex: last night? I hope I see a big rise on your chart today:)

AFM had a itty bitty rise this morn. Hope it keeps going up! My BBs are still kinda sore :shrug:
Hey Pink hope your feeling better! Looks like your body is gearing up to O again. The full moon is Friday I think :winkwink:

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