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Stinas- :hugs: that is some tough news to process. I hope it will be an easy a fix as possible! Maybe his tube is blocked or something? Whatever the issue may be I hope it will be a simple solution! Hope is not lost, just one more stinking f@%#ing hurtle to jump through to get your bfp. I know you can do it and your DH is proactive which is really great. I'm confident you'll get this figured out!
We are here for you hun!
:hugs:Oh stinas I'm so sorry.:hugs: I hope you and hubby are ok. There are options even when no sperm is found in the sample...search for a thread called "Dealing with azoospermia". Looks like your journey is going to get a little harder before it gets easier, but soon enough you will have a baby in your arms. :hugs:
Thank you ladies! It means a lot!
Been skimming through the IVF section and its making me feel slightly better I guess. Shitty day....just need a nice stiff drink!!! lol
Oh god yes....there will be a few today...and tom...and the next lol

Still just trying to wrap my head around it. For some reason deep down I knew it would take time and I would have a few hurdles to go over, but never this far.

My head is all over the place. I just wish it was me not him.
Stinas - First off :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I'm so sorry to hear the news about your DH! I'm so sorry you got that news and you definitely deserve to have a drink, hey you can have 10 if you want! Maybe a shopping day in NYC would make you feel better?! :haha: Well, if you look on the bright side, at least you know what the problem is and yes it is horrible that you have to go through IVF (we just never think it's going to be us) at least there is a solution to your problem! :) Sorry if I'm sounding pathetic, just trying to come up with things to make you feel better! We're all here for you and it's okay if you have a couple days and sulk, you're allowed! <3 you and hope you are okay!
Sharnw- Have a great time camping :)

Tallmom- :dance: YAY for the crosshairs!!!! I hope this is your month hun :)

Ash- when are you going away???

Stinas- I wish that I could reach through the computer and give you a hug :hugs: I am so sorry about the news you had today :hugs: I am so glad you OH is being supportive and making appointments already and I really hope it is something they can fix :hugs: Sorry to probably sound REALLY THICK but how is ivf done with no sperm?- Sorry prob a stupid question- I am just new to all the ivf process etc, hun I really just want to give you a hug :hug: at least you know where you stand and you and your OH can move forward instead of being in one place wondering what is wrong- You have a plan now and that will be good for you to be able to plan and move on. Please vent and sulk here as much as ou like you really deserve too and I cannot imagine how you are feeling :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

AFM- still no af... still waiting... me and oh went to our first infertility counselling appointment today and it was really nice to talk to someone who didnt know us and for us to talk about how we feel etc, I found out more about how my oh is feeling and he also found out alot about how I was feeling :)
Thank you Ash and Scerena!
Yes, it sucks big time!...but as DH said...there is always something worse out there. Which is super true, but im in a sulky mood today so whatever lol
At this point, I have no clue how they do IVF with no sperm. I think there could be sperm in the balls somewhere....possibly/hopefully....or which I am really really hoping/praying that there is just a blockage which can be fixed. I am really hoping thats just what it is....if everything fails, its going to have to be doner sperm, which right now, im not sure if im ready to deal with that...DH laughed that off, but im not sure how he would feel...i know he would love the baby, but would he feel like its "his"....so many things I have never thought I would have to deal with...all this crappy news in one day. This sucks!
I was temped to go blow some money on something big, but for some reason I just drove home...how i didnt hit anyone between wiping my eyes and blowing my nose is besides me lol
Its interesting how life works out. Im trying to think positive...I always thought having twins would be cool...IVF gives you a greater chance lol
Well I don't know if you know this but my OH is 38 and I was REALLY concerned with his SA coming back bad and I was thinking about us needing donor sperm and what not but honestly, there are other things you can try to do before it goes there so I know it's hard to not think about those things but try not to yet! :hugs:
Thanks Ash!!
I know we have time to think about that, but i have a habit of jumping ahead. Im hoping this whole process does not take super long, even though I know it probably will.
It is what it is I guess.
I might still chart though....just to have an idea when AF is coming. I dont think im going to keep taking the Fertilaid....DH said hes not taking any of it anymore lol....there goes that....waste of new bottles. lol
I do the same thing, jump ahead and worry about things I don't need to worry about yet! :haha: That's just how I am, I try not to do that but it's hard. The process might not take as long as you think! I have a lot of confidence that you will have your baby by 2013 so keep your head up!
I'm doing okay :) honestly I haven't been thinking about the TWW the last 2 days just excited for my birthday and going away for a couple days :)
hotpink - yes I'm a night owl sometimes! So is OH so sometimes we stay up and watch movies or TV or just hang out until late at night. :haha: We're weirdo's!
Stinas- I am sorry you are going through such a rough time, I am so hoping that it is just a blockage or something can can be treated as cheap and as quickly as possible :hugs: Yes you are right by trying to keep positive and like you say you could always end up with your twins :)

Ash- ypur hols sound great! How far away is that from where you are? We are going away for my oh's bday too :) How far apart are yours and your oh's bdays?? I hope your tww goes quickly for you!

Hotpink- How are you??

AFM- 6 days past provera and where is af??? hmmm nowhere to be seen as per usual! grrr! Last year when I took it she arrived after 5 days of the last pill! Just feel each and every cycle is never ending! But I am trying not to fully focus on it all and try and look forward to my holiday :dance:
Ash- I hope we both get our bfp! I am 4dpo :)

Scerena- I hope AF shows up soon for you! Waiting sucks! I waited 70 days to O! CRAZY!
Scerena - My birthday is April 9th and OH's birthday is April 10th !! :haha: =D I know, so weird! When we found out when we were dating it was like ... woah! Atlantic City is about 2 hours from where we live in Manhattan but we're taking the train to Jersey tomorrow to have early easter dinner with my parents on saturday night and then we're going to AC from her house on Sunday morning! My mom lives about an hour and 30 minutes from AC so, it's not that bad of a drive!

Sorry to hear that AF still hasn't shown up! I hope she comes soon so you can move on to the next cycle!

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