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Sharn- sorry you got a bfn:( but AF hasnt shown up yet! Fx she stays away :). Plus you had some spotting at 9dpo, could have been implantation?!

Scerena- I haven't done injectables, but I think you'll get used to it. It will be weird at first but then it will become just routine. You'll get your bfp soon I know it!! Fx!

AFM- temp didn't go up, but hopefully I'll release that eggy today! OH is sick so no :sex: for today at least:(
Scerena - I'm here :) just been quiet as I've started my TWW. I'm 4dpiui and just waiting to test.

Whatever questions you have you can ask me. I can say that I was nervous too but it's really not that bad. The needle isn't big at all I would say its a half an inch and you get used to it pretty quick. I alternated sides though because I did bruise on my left side. :)
Tallmom- thanks :hugs: did you get that opk today? Hopefully the temp will go up tomorrow or even tues so you have a chance to bd :) or just jump on oh now :haha:
Thanks I hope I do and I hope you get your clomid baby too :)

Ash- how did you find it? Did you have then pen or syringe??? What are you using I think I might be using Menopur???
I am so nervous! So it bruised you ouch!
How many days did you end up needing???
EDIT: I just saw you are doing gonal f that's the pen right? If I'm doing Menopur which I think I am then I will have to mix the stuff together an use a syringe one ouch!! Really hope ive got it wrong and get a pen but ladies I spoke to on Menopur they use syringes :(

I probably won't temp this cycle as I will be having many scans and a trigger anyway so I will know when I have ovulated, hopefully taking temps out the equation will hopefully help to relax me?! Well here's to hoping!
So scared :haha:
Scerena - I found the shots to be okay ... the most irritating part for me was how slow the follicle growth was but they didn't want to over stim me so that's why it took so long. I think I had the IUI at CD18 but I had two really nice follicles then and it is better than being over stimmed. Oh and the other annoying part was going to the doctors every other day for bloodwork and an ultrasound. Literally every other day.

I was on Gonal F so I used the pen but I can't imagine that the syringe would be that much worse ... I mean I could be wrong but I think you will do fine. When I did the shots, it felt like a pinch and that was it. It wasn't unbearable and it wasn't even as bad as when I get blood drawn and I used to be terrified of needles but now I'm not :) Lol!

Will you be giving yourself the shot or are you going to get your husband to do it? I do it myself that way if I hurt myself I can't blame him and I also know when it's coming whereas if I let my OH do it I would be nervous but I can't control it. I'm a bit of a control freak!

I ended up doing the injectables for about 15 days. I started CD3 until CD 18.

I didn't temp either ... I stopped temping about 3 or 4 cycles ago because I just got sick of waking up and I found that it added stress to it because I was always trying to analyze my temperature.
Ash- just got it cleared up- the syringe get discarded and attached to the pen which is half an inch that was such a relief to hear :haha: we'll hoping that's how it I I will be finding out soon :)

A pinch is ok I don't mind that I hope I get on ok with them :)

I think I will do mine myself as I agree with what you said, oh will be coming though to see how to do it incase I chicken out :haha: but I want to do it...

Yes good to have a couple of nice follicles than over stim :)
Bless you had to do them a while :hugs: did they not alter your dose a bit higher or did they keep it the same as they were growing steadily???

I knew I would have loads of scans and bloods so I am prepared for that :) out children best realise just how many needles we had to have to have them :haha:
We are going to love needles after this aren't we :haha:

So are they giving you a beta or when will you test??
Sharn - sorry about the bfn!! But like Tallmom said....your not out until af arrives.

Scerena - the siringe is pretty much the same size as the pen. Pretty small and bendy. My doc showed me both at last weeks IVF visit.

Tallmom - I hope you caught that eggie!!!
That's great Stinas so happy about that!
Do your doing Ivf then???
When do you start??
Scerena - They didn't up my dose because I had about 10 eggs on each ovary and if they increased my dose the other follicles would have grown big also and we probably would have had to cancel my cycle.

I'm happy to hear that you found out the needle isn't that big! It's such a relief because I thought it was big before I went for my instruction meeting and I was really nervous but then I found out how short it was and it made me feel a lot better.

I always joke with my OH about how I'm going to let my kids know that they better love me because it took me a lot to get them :haha:

I'm not sure if I'll go in for a beta. I'm going to test around June 20th and if it comes back negative I'll just wait and if it comes back positive then I'll call the doctor and go in for beta to confirm.

I usually get my period around the 19th of each month but since my cycle was pushed back because of the medication and IUI then I'm not sure when I'll actually get my period this time.
Scerena - yeah I am moving to ivf. DH goes in for a biopsy to find sperm on July 9, so hoping they do find sperm, we move to ivf right away. So by end of July early aug I should be going into my tww. I'm all set to go with everything. Class on Tuesday and we'd we sign the consent forms. Super exciting, biopsy is terrifying, but in my gut I feel there is sperm. Docs seem pretty confident as well.
Stinas- so happy for you :) I have high hopes for you and Ivf :)

Ash- that's what I say to oh! At least all us ttc out children will know how much we really wanted them the love we will have for them will be amazing!

Oh gosh 10 follicles you were responding VERY well :)

Yes I am do glad about the needle and glad I find out so much more tomorrow :) just hope the chemist will have my meds in and that they see no cysts on my scan tomorrow (hopefully not as was a natural cycle I just had)
I hope your af stays away :hugs: you can give the thread it's first injectables baby :)
I went in today and my ovaries are looking active which is a good start and everything was fine to go. I was feeling sick last night and all this morning I put it down to nerves...
Anyhow they didnt have my meds in as the receptionist booked me in for a hcg blood test- I know wtf??? I was like its injectables, so the nurse gave me the prescription then I went back with the meds and she then taught me how to do it all...
I was so so so scared I was so scared I even said I wasnt sure if I wanted to go through with it :haha:
Long story short I done it! It wasnt too bad, but cant say I like doing it as of yet... but its not as bad as what I thought once its done
I am taking- Merional 75IU
every other day for now, so next shot is weds,
my next scan is thursday...

Hope all you ladies are well???
Stinas- That's great news!! Your totally going to get your bfp this year!

Scerena- You too! Glad your finding the injectables okay.

AFM- Not sure if I've O'd yet, my temp went up a bit today, lets hope it keeps going up!
OH was too sick to :sex: yesterday :( I told him we have to tonight!!!!!
I was like, what's the point of doing all this fertility stuff if we don't :sex:! Sigh.
Thanks Tallmom :)
I hope that you manage to get oh to bd tonight :hugs: are you having any monitoring???
Scerena - I'm happy to hear that giving yourself the shot wasn't too bad :)

AFM - I just got back from being in NJ with my family for the weekend. We go back to NJ Wednesday until Friday because on Friday my OH's son is graduating from 8th grade. That should be interesting! I'm looking forward to it, I think it's going to be an exciting day for my OH and Eric (his son).

As far as TTC goes, still waiting for this TWW to be over. I've been having pain off and on ... sometimes it's pretty bad but it's only for a second or two so ... I don't know what it's from but I'm assuming that it's because my ovaries are swollen. Who knows?! Lol.
Scerena- So far I have just gone for that one ultrasound last wednesday. Then I got my positive OPK on Saturday. If my temp goes back down tomorrow I think i'll call and see what they say. Maybe they will give me the trigger shot. I wish I had kept up with the Ovulatory yoga, I did it two days in a row and then got my positive opk on the third day!
Maybe I'll do the routine tonight too. :shrug:
Ash- sorry about the pain :hugs: hoping everything is okay and it's just your baby snuggling in :)
The tww is so boring right bless ya I hope it goes quickly for you!!

Tallmom- I hope you have ovulated :hugs: if not hopefully they can give you that trigger :)
Scerena - Yay! Glad everything worked out well!!

Tallmom - I sure hope so. It just feels like the never ending journey. I hope you O!!! Looks good so far!!

Ash - I would imagine the pain is a good thing. No pain no gain right? lol

As for me....kind of annoyed. Fertility center called and told me my FSH(?) levels are a bit high, so I need to see the endocronologist(sp?) so they can put me on a pill to lower it. Its due to the thyroid. Which she did tell me it was at a 3.0 and she would like it at a 2.5.....something like that. She said its nothing to really worry about and it will not interfere with my IVF. It will actually increase my metabolism.....which will hopefully help me shed a couple pounds. lol Whats annoying is that it seems like its a never ending battle. All I want is a baby, is that so hard to ask for? WTF?!
DH was like maybe we should wait to start IVF in sept. I freaked out and said ive fing waited long enough....I want this going asap! Im being very stern about it and I dont care. I know he is scared about his biopsy, but I dont care! Im tired of waiting and nothing happening. I want this nightmare over with. This year has sucked beyond belief, something has to change for the better.
Sorry for my rant.
Stinas - yehp no pain no gain! I just hope I'm not going to end up having an ectopic or something because it takes the egg about 8 days to travel down the fallopian tube but it's been only 5 days so ... if it's implantation that may not be a good thing. Until I'm dying of pain I'm not going to freak out though because I'm sure an ectopic pregnancy is very painful.

About your rant. I totally understand your frustration and if I were you I would be digging my heals in to have the IVF done immediately just because you've already waited so long! Guys just don't get it ... they don't have that like dire need to be a father like we do to be mothers ... I think they do want kids but it's different for us then them. They can have kids until their sperm is bad ... we have a clock so they need to understand that! I just went through the same thing with my OH just the other day ... he's been flip flopping because he's stressed about time and money right now because we just moved and we're still getting used to the new budget and he also is like I won't have time for the kids right now (his manager went away on medical leave and so hes had to take on a lot more work. He said maybe we should wait a couple months to move to IVF if this injectables cycle didn't work and I'm like wtf ... the other you told me that you wanted to keep pushing forward ... I was PISSED! He was sending me mixed messages. We talked and everything is fine and we're still moving forward but I'm just like jeeze!

He's the anal worried one and I'm the relaxed one who believes that everything always works out.

Anyways .. sorry for the rant too but I totally understand where you're coming from!! :)

Scerena - thanks, I hope it goes by quickly also. I'm very busy this week and then we're going away for the fourth of July so I'm sure everything will fly by! And I haven't gone on google and been crazy either so that's making it easier.
Ash - I agree. We are still moving on to IVF. I guess its just a lot really fast and hes still nervous about the biopsy. Just sooo much. Its stressful and frustrating.
Its ok to rant sometimes I guess. lol

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