We Love Chart Stalking

Good Luck Scerena!! Hope you have a huge follicle so very soon :D
I'm good :D Not feeling like I got pregnant this month though, my body is really confusing me, to be honest I don't even feel like I ovulated, so I don't know what's going on. Going off of OPK's I'm 5 dpo, so I'm in the middle of the waiting game! My bbs aren't even the slightest bit sore, and they always get SO sore the second I O. But I'm cramping, have been for 3 days, like AF cramps. Idk, it's weird.
Mammag- Hoping that the cramping and the opposite symptoms this month mean a sign for egtting your :bfp:
What dpo will you test???
You was missed not being online :hugs:
I missed you guys too!! :D And... I've already been testing :blush: I have a thread over in the HPT gallery, lol. But I won't be able to continue it, something happened to my SD card today so I can't upload any more pics till I get a knew one :(
Awww mammag!!! You are a true poas'er :) I use to be but I couldnt take it anymore :haha: I will have a peek over at your thread shortly :) shame about your sd card... you can always email me the pics and ill upload them for you any time?
Yeah, but my phone takes crappy pics, and I have NO idea where the cord for my camera is.
I thought I had another SD card somewhere, I just wouldn't even know where to begin looking for it. Maybe my webcam can take better pics, but I doubt it, I'll have to look for my cord.
A few ladies i heard use their webcams... I never really thought about using mine... worth a try? Hope you find the cord :)
Hi ladies I had a Scan today, update-
Follicles- 10mm, 12mm, 13mm
Lining- 7mm

I only had a 10mm on my left 2 days ago- that one has grown 3mm in two days and two others have appeared :) The nurse was very happy with this she is concerned all three will mature though I am only allowed two... They can't scan me until Monday so they have modified my doses to:
Today- 112units
Friday- 112units
Saturday- 75units
Sunday- nothing
Monday- in for a scan and hopefully my trigger

Fx'd they continue to grow and stay there for Monday
Fx'ed!!!!!! :D Hopefully it will be double the chances!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am hoping so mammag :) fx'd I am scared theyre going to shrink :blush:
Sounds really promising scerena!! FX!

mammag- how are you feeling?

afm- just waiting to go on clomid again, doing another 100mg
Tallmom- sorry af got you :hugs: good news on your shorter cycle :) I am hoping that the clomid does the trick for you this cycle :dust:
Thank you I hope it remains positive on monday :)
I'm good, just very very bored waiting to complete my 2ww, it's only a 1ww now though, so times moving slowly but surely!
Secena, FX for thos lovely follies to keep growing, (they will) :flow:

Tallmom- this better be your month :hug: you deserve it so much! xx

Mammag- Im stalking your hpt thread :)

AFM- 3 dpo and boring tww.. blaahhh....

I have a week off from work and had my 2 kid siblings for the last 3 days (school holidays) my hands were fall lol..
Visiting my friend today, she's got a little new born :neutral:
**Might** be going to a rodeo tomorrow (have a few drinkies) lol
Get a new kitten on monday, awwwww :)
DH comes home in 4 days for a week :wohoo: cant wait, that'l get me through the tww fast I hope??...
Sharn- thanks hun :hugs:
Wow you are a busy lady :)
Nice having time with your siblings :)
Enjoy your couple of drinkies :)
Yay for oh coming home very soon :dance:
Your tww is going I fly by :happydance:
WOW ladies how come it is so quiet in here??? I hope that everyone is doin okay???

Just thought I would update you on my progress so far this month:
I had my scan today to see how my follicles were doing, results are-
Good news-my smallest follicle which was 10mm is now a 16.4mm follicle on right... Bad news couldnt trigger
I ovulated the other TWO on my left they was nowhere to be seen... Loads fluid on lining indicates ovulation :happydance:
They don't want to trigger and for me to release that last egg as they think it might be the third one...
So I have a blood test next Monday to confirm ovulation and then I phone up tues for the results...
They think I ovulated Saturday or Sunday, I told them I was cramping yesterday so hopefully it was yesterday...
We bd:
Friday night
Sunday night
Monday night
I am thinking to bd tomorrow mornin if possible... Does that all sound okay???

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