We Love Chart Stalking

As for me i feel like crap, Low backpain, headache, the back of my neck is killing me, Upset stomach at times Over all i just feel like shit. (Tired) Off to take a nap on this very rainy day.
Me too! I hope this AF goes away soon, very heavy and annoying :/

Holy cow I've heard of syncing with the cycle of someone you live with but this is CRAZY!!! I looked at your chart and thought it was mine!!! Cycle day 3 and we have the same temp and even the same dip!!! :wacko: Thousands of miles apart and online I have found my cycle buddy soul mate LMAO!!!!!!

I'm thinking I'm going to start taking vitamin B6 myself... it says 100mg a day to length LP. I'm also going to try either mucinex or fertilecm this cycle. I'm ready to try anything!!! I have read that many got their BFP's the cycle they took mucinex or fertilecm. Maybe that's my problem... my body isn't making it easy enough for DH's swimmers????
Haha, cycle soul mates! Awesome :p We'll have to see how this cycle turns out, last months was super similar lol.

I have thought the same thing! Last month we had total perfect timing... and still nothing. I was thinking of going the robutussen route, as I live in a small town and would have to order fertilecm and things online, and it takes soooo long to ship here.

Im taking B50 complex, your supposed to take B12 and B6 in equal amounts so you dont get ill, and the complex has them in equal amounts. I take 2 of those, 1000mc of vit c, and geritol :p Figure why not give it a try? I'm willing to do just about anything at this point!
Could not sleep last night infact took temp after maybe 3 hours of sleep not sure, think thats why it went from 97.8 to 97.4 :( ugh this wait is killing me all i keep thinking about is BFN No BFP! Nothing just looking at a blank stick in my mind like i have so many times befor No big hopes here this month just alot of Negative ones. Should have known It being so close to thanksgiving and Christmas I couldnt get that lucky... BUT ill still Be on edge till AF comes. This month If i see any spotting at all Im haveing hubby hide test cause theres just no since in wasting anymore of them, i might get a dollar store test just in case.
Haha, cycle soul mates! Awesome :p We'll have to see how this cycle turns out, last months was super similar lol.

I have thought the same thing! Last month we had total perfect timing... and still nothing. I was thinking of going the robutussen route, as I live in a small town and would have to order fertilecm and things online, and it takes soooo long to ship here.

Im taking B50 complex, your supposed to take B12 and B6 in equal amounts so you dont get ill, and the complex has them in equal amounts. I take 2 of those, 1000mc of vit c, and geritol :p Figure why not give it a try? I'm willing to do just about anything at this point!

Thanks for the tip on the b50 complex!!! I had no idea it could make you ill... of course I get sick if I don't take my multi-vitamin with food so that really doesn't surprise me!!! I was like geritol???? after reading your post and now that I researched it I'm thinking I want some "baby in bottle"!!! LOL!!! I read a pretty good amount of success stories when I typed that in. I'm definitely with you on the natural otc remedies first... I'm sure I could get delivery pretty quickly but I am so impatient. When I want something... I want it now!!! So I'm thinking I may be adding geritol to my ever growing list of "helpers" as well... and will probably go with the mucinex as I would hate to wait for the delivery of the feritlecm. I was telling my friend, (she's a nurse) about our "predicament" and she told me after bd'ing prop your butt up, stick your legs up in the air, and start singing... "just keep swimming, just keep swimming" LMAO!!!! I laughed so hard... she then proceeded to tell me that contrary to reports that it doesn't help, it actually does because when you lie flat or get up some of the "swimmers escape" so giving them extra time to "find their destination" allows more swimmers the chance. Could you imagine the look on my dh face if I did that??? I think I may try it just to see!!!!
Could not sleep last night infact took temp after maybe 3 hours of sleep not sure, think thats why it went from 97.8 to 97.4 :( ugh this wait is killing me all i keep thinking about is BFN No BFP! Nothing just looking at a blank stick in my mind like i have so many times befor No big hopes here this month just alot of Negative ones. Should have known It being so close to thanksgiving and Christmas I couldnt get that lucky... BUT ill still Be on edge till AF comes. This month If i see any spotting at all Im haveing hubby hide test cause theres just no since in wasting anymore of them, i might get a dollar store test just in case.

Hang in there... 7dpo is still early and your temp could start climbing anytime now!!! For most, it doesn't until after implantation and hcg release... you are still in that implantation window!!! Babydust!!!
Lol, well if its coming from a nurse! I used to do the pillow, but I havent lately. I shall try that too ;)

We'll have to see how it goes I guess!!

And wontgiveup, 7dpo is still early. I totally know how you feel though, i get soooo pessimistic when I am testing. I think us ladies need to try and find some zen to go along with it, but that is way easier said than done!
Could not sleep last night infact took temp after maybe 3 hours of sleep not sure, think thats why it went from 97.8 to 97.4 :( ugh this wait is killing me all i keep thinking about is BFN No BFP! Nothing just looking at a blank stick in my mind like i have so many times befor No big hopes here this month just alot of Negative ones. Should have known It being so close to thanksgiving and Christmas I couldnt get that lucky... BUT ill still Be on edge till AF comes. This month If i see any spotting at all Im haveing hubby hide test cause theres just no since in wasting anymore of them, i might get a dollar store test just in case.

Hang in there... 7dpo is still early and your temp could start climbing anytime now!!! For most, it doesn't until after implantation and hcg release... you are still in that implantation window!!! Babydust!!!

Thanks LOL i just read your top post. " I held my legs in the air 15-20 min after BD this cycle" And the Just keep swimming Just keep swimming swimming lol Is a in side joke between my friends and I" lol LOve that movie, we had to go see it in 3d it was awesome :thumbup:
Could not sleep last night infact took temp after maybe 3 hours of sleep not sure, think thats why it went from 97.8 to 97.4 :( ugh this wait is killing me all i keep thinking about is BFN No BFP! Nothing just looking at a blank stick in my mind like i have so many times befor No big hopes here this month just alot of Negative ones. Should have known It being so close to thanksgiving and Christmas I couldnt get that lucky... BUT ill still Be on edge till AF comes. This month If i see any spotting at all Im haveing hubby hide test cause theres just no since in wasting anymore of them, i might get a dollar store test just in case.

Hang in there... 7dpo is still early and your temp could start climbing anytime now!!! For most, it doesn't until after implantation and hcg release... you are still in that implantation window!!! Babydust!!!

Thanks LOL i just read your top post. " I held my legs in the air 15-20 min after BD this cycle" And the Just keep swimming Just keep swimming swimming lol Is a in side joke between my friends and I" lol LOve that movie, we had to go see it in 3d it was awesome :thumbup:

Hahaha me too!!! I watch it with my kids all the time... so stoked they are making a second one. All though... my son is 12 now so he may not want to go see Finding Nemo with mommy anymore!!! I see your temps went up again today... wicked cool pattern of dip... climb... dip... climb... it seems like every climb is a bit higher then the last!!! Maybe a good sign??? When are you testing???
LOL i know right Check this temp out lol.
Oh and hey if two 23yrolds and a 29 yr old can go see it then im sure your 12yrold will love it just the same. Im a sucker for all disney movies anyways lol.
CHART looks like stairs lmao :rofl:
take a look
Im going to try to hold off till AF due day. Ill be 15dpo on next Wend. 21st
Going to try not to cave but i prob will lol
Hey there making a new monsters inc to
And the old one will be in 3d soon in theaters
Im sorry for any Typos
Ooh I loved Monsters Inc! Such an awesome movie :p

I totally cave every time and test early too. Where is our willpower?
:rofl: TTC leaves us with no willpower apparently :dohh:

Im dyeing to TEST!!!!!!!!!
Look at my crazy Staircase Rise this CYCLE i hope thats a good sign.
How are things ladies?

Oh you know... impatiently waiting for O' so I can impatiently wait for AF or BFP... LOL!!! I honestly don't understand how I have time to be so impatient though... I work full time... Go to college full time... and have to run around pretty much every day of the week to my kids practices and games (not to mention normal house stuff i.e. cooking and cleaning). But... alas... I still find the time to be obsessed about conceiving and every little quirk of my body these days... How about you????
Tee hee, I hear ya! I am always waiting for O or waiting for AF or BFP... its like the waiting never ends! So crazy!

Things are good over here, just about to head out to buy some Robutussen :p And have been taking my geritol and B complex every day like a good girl! I am still at school, as my guy is doing some volunteer cooking classes for the after school activities group :p So cute!

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