We started together....

I am feeling better its just nightimes i feel ill. i cant wait to get back on my diet, i might follow SW when i get pregnant because i would rather lose/maintain than gain i cant afford to gain i'd rather keep heading to average bmi than undo what i have done, which will happen if i dont hop back on the wagon lol x
I've put weight back on since starting my vlcd, I dont know what gets into me, I'll be so good then will fall off the wagon and things will spiral out of control. Total waste of time and money doing that diet, I should have just gone back to SW instead of starving myself on this other diet. My hubby is not happy with me, think he gets fed up of me constantly yo yo dieting. I get fed up too!!! Doesn't do my IBS any favours either, just gives me more stomach problems when I eat badly.

I'm a size 14 at the mo, after I had my son I was struggling to fit into size 18 maternity jeans, I think I was infact a size 20 but because I never bought any clothes that size I ignored it. I think following something like SW is great while pregnant because if you are prone to weight gain its very easy to think 'oh I'm pregnant, so I dont need to diet' which is what I did and why I ended up so huge. Wont be making that same mistake again. x
I'm size 14-16 it depends from shop to shop though most of my clothes are 14, i've never been higher i used to be really slim possibly underweight as a teenager but things just sent horribly wrong there and i ended up here. I have bad bowels i had food poisoning for 4 weeks about 2 years ago and they havent been right since.

Yes that would probably be my attitude when i get pregnant but i want to follow a diet i dont want to end up bigger and hating it. I have yoyo dieted for years i'm sure i annoy people with it because its never got me anywhere except this time, i want to start the 30day sit up challenge but not sure if that would have any sort of impact, with concieving because i even though i am scared i would love to concieve this cycle and of course not test until 1-2 weeks late which means i would still be doing sit ups and working my butt off in the gym lol x
Well look at it this way, if you didn't keep trying then how big would you be now? If when you fell off the diet wagon rather than after a while getting back on it, you didn't bother?? You'd end up putting loads on. That's the way I look at it, yes I annoy myself and my hubby by doing diet after diet and losing weight and putting on weight, but in the end if I didn't do this I'd be bloody huge!!!!

My bottom half is my biggest area so some jeans I wear a 16 although they are a little big, I've never managed to get below a size 14 on my bottom half, I've been a size 12 on top, but that's the smallest I've been as an adult. I bought some size 14 skinny jeans from New Look at the weekend and they fit really well. I really shouldn't wear my baggy size 16 jeans, they do me no favours.

You are supposed to be quite fertile after a chemical so you might be lucky this cycle.

Lets all make a pact, no early testing for us 3...its a waste of money, its disheartening and it can be heart breaking as you found out. So if we all vow to wait til af is late then not only are we not wasting money on tests but we aren't making ourselves feel bad. We can do this!!!! xxx
I agree with the pact i wont be testing til af is at least a week late even though after then its still classed as a chemical until 6 weeks. No testing early for me and your right its a waste of money the money spent on those tests even though cheapies are cheap that could be a extra couple of quid towards baby fund which i am doing, opening a bank account to save for our babys things, i have 2x frers and 1 digi left and they definatly wont get used unless af is late they are not cheap. I have read you are fertile up to 3months after but we will ntnp anyhow i dont want to feel like we are jusy doing it to ttc again so i wont take notice of my fertility calender as of next week until af is due then i wont worry about missing fertile days.

You make a good point i would be massive if i didnt on off diet and i would be in a worse position now x
Glad you're feeling a bit better Nat! Like cookie says your are supposedly more fertile after a miscarriage so fingers crossed for this cycle

Cookie, I was the same when pregnant with Ellie, I wasn't careful what I eat at all and piled weight on. I'm scared of the same happening again. Just trying to be careful. It doesn't help that oh is always eating junk food, so there's too much temptation when he's in! Chocolate and cake seems so much more appetising than an apple!

I agree about you all not testing early, we all made that mistake last cycle. I know I'm not trying anymore but I still like coming on this thread to catch up :). Hope you don't Mind.

Cookie, that diet you was on is that the on where you can eat as much pasta etc as you want or is that a different one xx
Slimming World is where you can eat lots of pasta, there are 3 different plans - Green, Red and Extra Easy, when you are pregnant you have to follow Extra Easy and you can have an extra healthy extra. If you are worried that you will put too much on I def recommend doing it, even if you only go to classes for a while until you know what you are doing. If I'm lucky enough to get pregnant, I will definitely do it...I have no pictures of me and Addison when he was a baby, I just hated the way I looked and avoided the camera, makes me sad and I dont want that to happen again.

Course you are welcome to come on here still Flower, we want to know how you are getting on in your pregnancy. Hopefully we will all join you at some point this year!!!
I've got my fingers crossed that ul all be joining me soon, need regular updates :)

I might look into it, I have one photo of me and Ellie when she was first born and I only realised how big I had got when I saw it, I used to be a size 8/10 went to a 16/18 pregnant then to a 12/14, which I knows not huge, but it's big for me and I'm just not happy with my body. Think if I watch my weight with this pregnancy to avoid gaining too much, can diet properly afte birth and try and get pre pregnancy size again xx
Morning ladies,

as a teenager i was anorexic, i never really noticed until i went to doctors because i was unable to eat even half of a mini fillet burger and got reffered to a councellor. It wasn't until my ex showed me a women who was truly anorexic and told me that i used to look like her that i realised i had been in trouble. Luckily his mother made me eat and i gained weight. I was finally a healthy weight.

Years down the line i ended up in an abusive relationship where i went back to being super skinny, my ex and his father seemed to think it was better to spend the last of our money on booze, drugs and gambling. When i finally escaped andmoved back home to my family they were all very concerned. I tried to eat more again and my family let me do it in my own time. But then i met hubby and i soon gained lots of weight and i blame him for it now. Granted i am of a healthy weight but i struggle to lose weight now.

Any way rant over...

I will join the pact i have no intention of testing until i am at least a week late.

Me too 2 weeks late would be better but it will be hard being late and carrying on life without knowing tbh but i have my holidays coming up so it will be pre-occupying for me i think....well i hope lol x
Glad to hear you are a healthy weight now, I think the problem with people who are anorexic and bulimic, they dont see their true selves in the mirror, they really dont see how skinny they are and think they are fat.

I'm abit clueless about temping tbh, but hoping if I insert my temps into ff that it will tell me when I ovulate...hoping it will anyway. I just found when I tried it last cycle my temperatures were varying by alot and I couldn't take my temp at the same time every day due to my son waking me up anytime between 5am and 6am. He's better now so hopefully I can take my temp at the same time every day. x
Does this sound ridiculous of me to to do this cycle af is due 13th september, i go abroad 28th i was thinking if af is late i will just go on my holiday without testing and try enjoy my holiday i hardly drink so that wouldnt be a problem by the time i got back i would be about 8 weeks if i concieved or am i just being stupid even considering that? I think im being stupid x
Umm I don't know Nat. If you're not going to drink there's no problem there, but I'm not sure if you're better off knowing so you can watch what you eat and drink etc. plus my booking in appointment with midwife is at 8 weeks, there's always a waiting list so you might be putting that back. It's entirely up to you though, I understand why your so scared of testing too early though x
Cookie: I temp between 6 and 7 am but the problem i find i have is that my body continuosly tells me my alarm should of gone off by now so i wake up and temp. Does it really matter that much?

Inositol has just arrived so i will start them today. An extra 6 tablets a day to take. Hopefully that will help.

Nat:i don't think thats a bad idea, but will you be able to do wait that long.
I am the most pickiest eater ever food wouldnt be a problem i dont like alot of what you shouldnt eat, a few people u know didnt find out until they were 8+ weeks but i somehow dont think i could wait that long to be honest x
I will if i am busy in the run up to my holiday which i will be too worried about flying to think about anything else i'm terrified to fly, i wont be able to drink i would never cope with a hangover in heat i dont even like heat on its own lol x
When i think about it if i need medical assistance while abroad its going to cost a bomb isnt it, i've never been abroad before lol x
Haven't you got insurance? You should get it Nat, I never thought I'd need it, but would have ended up paying well over a grand after needing to go into hospital, but I had insurance so didn't cost me a penny! Also if you are going away in europe get a medical card, as that should get you free medical care over there. Don't go abroad without insurance or a medical card, its not worth it.

Fingers crossed the inositol helps you Mrscherbert!!! I just bought more from Holland and Barrett, I dont think they are stocking it anymore so might have to switch to buying it from Amazon.

With temping it should apparently be the same time every day, but it if varys then as long as you put the time it ff should account for it...that's what I was told. x
I have a card i got for free i had to fill a form on the internet and it was sent off and i am still waiting on someone telling me what it is for lol i will dig it out shortly and tell you the name of it, i am also going to ask my aunty if the holiday is insured i just paid her she sorted it out lol x
Id definately check Nat, I wouldnt risk going without it. Hospital bills abroad cost a fortune, people have had to sell homes etc to pay for any treatment why they are there. You can get it really cheap. My OH gets it free with his bank x

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