weaning at 4 months to do or not to do???

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I don't think there is any one right way or wrong way to put your child onto solid food. Mums and babies need to work out what works best for them. There are so many different situations and circumstances.

However what I really don't understand is unless there is a medical reason for it why people want to introduce food earlier than the minimum recommended time, ie 4 months, and between 4 and 6 months if the child physically isn't ready for solids.
Ok well then that's just a concept I'm not comfortable with..

That's your choice but in this country the government are so convinced by research that starting at six months with baby self feeding is a good approach that they have recently updated the official, national guidelines to reflect this advice xx
Because I'm a control freak ha ha I'd way rather know if my son has an allergic reaction what caused it. I went into anaphylactic shock as a child when I tried shrimp and almost died. Not risking having to try something twice to figure out what cause any kind of reaction. I mean I have been doing traditional weaning for 2 1/2 months now so it's too late for me anyway. But I do love it. I have him some pieces of steamed apple the other day to feed himself and he didn't chew it and threw it up later after vomiting 6 times over everything. It was the scariest thing ever. Def will be taking it slow on the finger foods here.
Ok well then that's just a concept I'm not comfortable with..

That's your choice but in this country the government are so convinced by research that starting at six months with baby self feeding is a good approach that they have recently updated the official, national guidelines to reflect this advice xx

I can respect that but in this country your dr will shit himself if he sees you give your kid a chicken leg at 6 months. I actually watched a video on here once of a baby eating a chicken leg that's why I used that example.
Because I'm a control freak ha ha I'd way rather know if my son has an allergic reaction what caused it. I went into anaphylactic shock as a child when I tried shrimp and almost died. Not risking having to try something twice to figure out what cause any kind of reaction. I mean I have been doing traditional weaning for 2 1/2 months now so it's too late for me anyway. But I do love it. I have him some pieces of steamed apple the other day to feed himself and he didn't chew it and threw it up later after vomiting 6 times over everything. It was the scariest thing ever. Def will be taking it slow on the finger foods here.

But no one says you have to do BLW. It's up to you how you want to introduce solid food to your child.
Most allergy/anaphylaxis charities and organisations in the UK advise waiting until six months so surely they know what they are talking about when it comes to these things as their whole modus operandi is research into allergies and how to prevent or lessen them. From what I have read a baby is more likely to have a severe reaction to something or set themselves up for a longer term allergy in the future if they are given solids before six months because the gut wall isn't closed properly in most cases. Also the risk of choking is greater, it was in the press recently here that a six month old was given a jarred purée labelled 4-6 months that contained an orange pip due to a manufacturing fault. The baby started coughing and gagging on the pip but was able to dislodge and cough up the pip themselves. The specialists at the hospital said a 4 month old would have died as they would have choked not have been able to get the pip out xx
Exactly. No-one is saying anyone has to do BLW, weaning at 6 months doesn't have to equate with BLW or introducing everything at once. My second youngest had food intolerances, feeding and digestive problems so was TW'ed at 6 and a half months before this point he simply wasn't ready. We also for the most part did one thing at a time with him but still by one month into weaning he had tried most things xx
Because I'm a control freak ha ha I'd way rather know if my son has an allergic reaction what caused it. I went into anaphylactic shock as a child when I tried shrimp and almost died. Not risking having to try something twice to figure out what cause any kind of reaction. I mean I have been doing traditional weaning for 2 1/2 months now so it's too late for me anyway. But I do love it. I have him some pieces of steamed apple the other day to feed himself and he didn't chew it and threw it up later after vomiting 6 times over everything. It was the scariest thing ever. Def will be taking it slow on the finger foods here.

But no one says you have to do BLW. It's up to you how you want to introduce solid food to your child.

Oh I know!
Ok well then that's just a concept I'm not comfortable with..

That's your choice but in this country the government are so convinced by research that starting at six months with baby self feeding is a good approach that they have recently updated the official, national guidelines to reflect this advice xx

I can respect that but in this country your dr will shit himself if he sees you give your kid a chicken leg at 6 months. I actually watched a video on here once of a baby eating a chicken leg that's why I used that example.

They said self-feeding not necessarily 'self-feeding with a chicken leg' or any other extreme example. Xx
I guess what I don't understand is apparently magically at six months supposedly you can introduce anything you want no matter time frame and they magically don't have allergies. That is my understanding about all this "wean at 6 months, they won't have allergies" etc etc :shrugs:

I think what DK and I both like is that if there is an intolerance/allergy that we can pinpoint what is causing it w/o trying to sort through every thing else LO has had during the past few days. That's just how I feel.

Allergies don't just show up at 6 months (or even earlier). I'm not worried about allergies she's breastfed, so I know what she can tolerate and not. I am more worried about her digestive system and getting proper nutrition. I have several family members whose allergies didn't show up till they were in the late teens early twenties when certain additives and foods caused high blood pressure, migraines, sleep apnea, etc.

I'm more cautious because of the food related health problems (obesity, high blood pressure, etc) in me and my husband families. I did more research on nutrition and decided that my daughter would start with real nutritious food rather than rice cereal. Most doctors recommend veggies at around 5-6 months, but rice cereal at 4 months. Since I wasn’t doing rice cereal I decided to wait.

I don't know anyone IRL who started prior to 6 months. Only on BNB do I see this.
I guess it's different areas. She is formula fed so no we don't know her allergies/intolerances. I have never known anyone to wait until six months to start weaning...like I said it varies from different parts of the region.
Instinctual waiting till 6 months is better because children at that age can feed themselves. This allows them the ability to "get used" to new textures by themselves without someone spooning food in their mouths. They are also able to eat real food in any combination, so there is no need to buy baby food and wait days between foods. Unassisted feeding should also be a readiness sign IMO.

I don't understand the concept of that. Neither of my kids had any teeth at six months so to me them being able to eat "real food" seems a bit off to me. Just my opinion. I'm sure I'll get hammered.

my daughters almost 11months old and still have no teeth so if it was done by how you do things she would never be on real food! lol . My daughter eats every thing i eat including the hard stuff. she finds a way.
Because I'm a control freak ha ha I'd way rather know if my son has an allergic reaction what caused it. I went into anaphylactic shock as a child when I tried shrimp and almost died. Not risking having to try something twice to figure out what cause any kind of reaction. I mean I have been doing traditional weaning for 2 1/2 months now so it's too late for me anyway. But I do love it. I have him some pieces of steamed apple the other day to feed himself and he didn't chew it and threw it up later after vomiting 6 times over everything. It was the scariest thing ever. Def will be taking it slow on the finger foods here.

I understand why you do the whole try one thing at a time thing. but why cant you do that at 6 months? what i keep reading is i weaned at 4 months so they can get used to textures or try one thing at a time. why cant you start that at 6 months? i just am confused.
There is obviously a barrier called the ocean. Many drs over here still advise solids at four months old. Many of us follow what the dr tells us to do. I'm sick of having what we do questioned repeatedly.

I'm sorry for being snippy but it seems if you wean at four months you aren't very respected and keep having six months crammed down your throat.

We are repeatedly asked "why can't you wait to six months??" I don't see anyone asking "why can't you start at four months?". I'm sure the OP has made her mind up by now anyway.
There is obviously a barrier called the ocean. Many drs over here still advise solids at four months old. Many of us follow what the dr tells us to do. I'm sick of having what we do questioned repeatedly.

I'm sorry for being snippy but it seems if you wean at four months you aren't very respected and keep having six months crammed down your throat.

We are repeatedly asked "why can't you wait to six months??" I don't see anyone asking "why can't you start at four months?". I'm sure the OP has made her mind up by now anyway.

very well said!!! not snippy at all! we as moms make hundreds of decisions everyday some are easy others are hard but they all take into consideration what is best for our children and I find it very sad and disconcerting that other moms doubt that and judge others...there are many ways to parent a child...no two moms are gonna agree on everything...we are here to support each other...that is what a website like BnB is for! just because I did things differently than you does not make a bad mom or that you are a better mom than me!

we have to do what feels right to us and follow our instincts...guidelines are only guidelines...they are not the be all and end all of things! every baby is different...they have different needs and there could be a hundred different reasons why babies have allergies and adults get allergies or are obese or have digestive problems....as moms we have to think when asked why we do things...there could be a valid fact but asking why not is perfectly legit...there are too many opinions out there and just because your opinion is different than mine does not give you permission to be rude!
There is obviously a barrier called the ocean. Many drs over here still advise solids at four months old. Many of us follow what the dr tells us to do. I'm sick of having what we do questioned repeatedly.

I'm sorry for being snippy but it seems if you wean at four months you aren't very respected and keep having six months crammed down your throat.

We are repeatedly asked "why can't you wait to six months??" I don't see anyone asking "why can't you start at four months?". I'm sure the OP has made her mind up by now anyway.

very well said!!! not snippy at all! we as moms make hundreds of decisions everyday some are easy others are hard but they all take into consideration what is best for our children and I find it very sad and disconcerting that other moms doubt that and judge others...there are many ways to parent a child...no two moms are gonna agree on everything...we are here to support each other...that is what a website like BnB is for! just because I did things differently than you does not make a bad mom or that you are a better mom than me!

we have to do what feels right to us and follow our instincts...guidelines are only guidelines...they are not the be all and end all of things! every baby is different...they have different needs and there could be a hundred different reasons why babies have allergies and adults get allergies or are obese or have digestive problems....as moms we have to think when asked why we do things...there could be a valid fact but asking why not is perfectly legit...there are too many opinions out there and just because your opinion is different than mine does not give you permission to be rude!

Can you highlight for me were anyone said you were a bad mum? I was just stating fact. I am not saying your parenting choices are making you a bad mum. I gave my daughter a bannana at 4 months wish I didnt she didnt need it. I am not a bad mum either. But someone not agreeing and stating fact and then you respond with anicdotes, of "my friends baby eats and there fine" just isnt a strong argument. the thing is baby and bump is full of a variety of opinions but also full of information and fact. and yes as mothers we should support each other but it is healthy to question others opinions. thats normal , and that is life.

Also I highlighted you saying " Guildines are just guidlines not the be all and end all. thats the stupidest thing I have ever heard. I am not sure if your aware but guidlines have saved lives whether you know that or not, that is also a fact.
There is obviously a barrier called the ocean. Many drs over here still advise solids at four months old. Many of us follow what the dr tells us to do. I'm sick of having what we do questioned repeatedly.

I'm sorry for being snippy but it seems if you wean at four months you aren't very respected and keep having six months crammed down your throat.

We are repeatedly asked "why can't you wait to six months??" I don't see anyone asking "why can't you start at four months?". I'm sure the OP has made her mind up by now anyway.

Lets be honest, if someone askes " Why can't you start at 4 months" The long list of facts will be crammed down your throat. So lets be realistic. When you ask " Why do you start at 4 months?" Its a Valid question that usualy results in answers that have no fact to it. just about how other babys are fine etc. ( Obvcourse not including health reasons following Docs Instruction etc)
There is obviously a barrier called the ocean. Many drs over here still advise solids at four months old. Many of us follow what the dr tells us to do. I'm sick of having what we do questioned repeatedly.

I'm sorry for being snippy but it seems if you wean at four months you aren't very respected and keep having six months crammed down your throat.

We are repeatedly asked "why can't you wait to six months??" I don't see anyone asking "why can't you start at four months?". I'm sure the OP has made her mind up by now anyway.

very well said!!! not snippy at all! we as moms make hundreds of decisions everyday some are easy others are hard but they all take into consideration what is best for our children and I find it very sad and disconcerting that other moms doubt that and judge others...there are many ways to parent a child...no two moms are gonna agree on everything...we are here to support each other...that is what a website like BnB is for! just because I did things differently than you does not make a bad mom or that you are a better mom than me!

we have to do what feels right to us and follow our instincts...guidelines are only guidelines...they are not the be all and end all of things! every baby is different...they have different needs and there could be a hundred different reasons why babies have allergies and adults get allergies or are obese or have digestive problems....as moms we have to think when asked why we do things...there could be a valid fact but asking why not is perfectly legit...there are too many opinions out there and just because your opinion is different than mine does not give you permission to be rude!

Can you highlight for me were anyone said you were a bad mum? I was just stating fact. I am not saying your parenting choices are making you a bad mum. I gave my daughter a bannana at 4 months wish I didnt she didnt need it. I am not a bad mum either. But someone not agreeing and stating fact and then you respond with anicdotes, of "my friends baby eats and there fine" just isnt a strong argument. the thing is baby and bump is full of a variety of opinions but also full of information and fact. and yes as mothers we should support each other but it is healthy to question others opinions. thats normal , and that is life.

Also I highlighted you saying " Guildines are just guidlines not the be all and end all. I am sorry but thats the stupidest thing I have ever heard. I am not sure if your aware but guidlines have saved lives whether you know that or not, that is also a fact.

let's just agree to disagree and leave at that! I am busy mom of twins and do not have time to argue or debate my parenting...the OP asked a question and I was just trying to help....
I also see that you are a young mom and can see the reliance on guidelines and doctor advice....sometimes we need to step away from rules and scientific fact...experience and maternal instinct go a long way...sometimes guidelines are just not correct for some babies...the health unit is not going to step in and ask for things to stop or be redone or be changed....

what is strict is vaccines....if my babies were to be vaccinated before 2 months and 4 months and 6 months at each interval...the health unit in my town would come after me and demand my babies be revaccinated....here guidelines save lives...I am not stupid...obviously guidelines save lives here but weaning at 4 months vs 6 months is not a danger to my babies health! no food is dangerous! when my dad was a baby he lost two siblings because they would not take breastmilk and there was no formula...and I myself would not take very much formula and was not breastfed...my parents weaned me at 2 months and I am very healthy...and carried twins to term without any issue...and both myself and my babies came home from hospital 2 days after giving birth...and my husband was weaned at 1 month because he needed more food and would not stop crying and he is a very healthy 42 yr old with no allergies! so can the guidelines explain that????!!!!!
There is obviously a barrier called the ocean. Many drs over here still advise solids at four months old. Many of us follow what the dr tells us to do. I'm sick of having what we do questioned repeatedly.

I'm sorry for being snippy but it seems if you wean at four months you aren't very respected and keep having six months crammed down your throat.

We are repeatedly asked "why can't you wait to six months??" I don't see anyone asking "why can't you start at four months?". I'm sure the OP has made her mind up by now anyway.

Lets be honest, if someone askes " Why can't you start at 4 months" The long list of facts will be crammed down your throat. So lets be realistic. When you ask " Why do you start at 4 months?" Its a Valid question that usualy results in answers that have no fact to it. just about how other babys are fine etc. ( Obvcourse not including health reasons following Docs Instruction etc)

That's you and this is me. I'm sorry that I refuse to see what my dr has recommended as so horrible and that my child is going to die an early death (like you all make it sound??). Actually I'm NOT sorry that I'm following her drs recommendations. I'm done with this and people who obviously have to have the last word. Good luck OP in whatever you choose xx
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