Wedding Dress


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2006
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Well i have come to the point now where i don't like my wedding dress! :dohh:

I want one with straps and the constant worry of me not getting in my dress is making me think i will look fat a frumpy on my day.

My friend told me that her neighbour is selling hers and she has sent me pictures and i love it- is it bad to wear a 2nd hand dress? It is dry cleaned.

I just don't want to hate what i am wearing on my wedding day and feel uncomfortable. :wacko:
I dont think it matters that its second hand at all, it means you have your something borrowed! Whats most important is that you feel good on the day and if you prefer this dress then go for it.
u dont have to tel the worls itd second hand if u dont want they to know like cat said its something borrowed nothing wrong with 2nd hand stuff at all
Nothing wrong with that Yvonne :D She only wore it once?

It does surprise me that people want to sell their wedding dresses though unless the marriage ended ... :D
You'll have your something old in the bag just the new, borrowed, and blue to get.

Unless of course........

You nick it and take it back (of course!), it's blue, and of course it's new for you!

Hope your big day goes with a BANG, and I don't mean one caused by a gas leak.....
Thanks "imthedaddy"! for that one, you have just jinxed my big day with a gas explosion!! :rofl::rofl: Note to self...... Don't fart!
I say go for it the last thing u want is feelin uncomftable on ur wedding day hun!
Thanks everyone, You made me feel better about it :happydance:
Aww Yvonne hun, your dress was stunning! What will you do with it, sell it to buy the other one?

If you like it better, then go for it, who cares if its 2nd hand, no one at all need know! Have you tried it on??

I looked high and low for a 2nd hand one, but couldnt find one,

Go for it.
Your day your dress ....

Hope you find your perfect dress and feel fab

Nothing wrong with a 2nd hand dress (unless your very superstitious of course - but I'm not, so I wouldn't worry). If not, try bridesnbumps dot com - saw them in Prima Baby this month - they seem to have some lovely dresses if you prefer a brand new maternity wedding dress. Good luck anyway.:happydance:

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