Weekend plans!


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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What have you guys got planned?

Tonight either mong or might go for some munch in a nice pub we've been to a couple of times Mmmmm

Tomorrow meeting OHs friend & partner - Going to Rileys hoping to get some food out then too so I can take my top back to DP (needs changed)

Sunday nothing but we haven't had a roast in agerssss so I 'might' do one & sort some boxes in my shed too which I keep saying I will but never do!!
Nothing planned at the mo. Plenty of sitting around with my feet up combined with trying to give OH some TLC and visiting his Mum in hospital.

Sunday mornings used to be a running day, missing it already!
My weekend will consist of suit shopping for OH an Kai for our wedding. I want red ties for them OH's face :shock: i see nowt wrong with red! If it was up to him he'd be in his jeans! I just hope we find some!
sunday im gonna just chill, back to work monday :( but of tuesday :D
Could do with a night out though!
Ill be sleeping lol! So tired from this week i need a good sleep.
Working 2morrow (all day) :( then packing at night. Up at 4am sunday to travel to MIL for a weeks hol :D
Stripping the small box roomand painting it white
my brothers coming down for a visit tonight, and went shopping today, work tomorrow night, then going up to my moms on sunday :D
well 2mo me n darren r takin kiddlies 2 kokos which is an indoor play place :D
Im supose to go to a wedding tomorrow (dont want to go) then the rest of the weekend nothing! :wink:
Went to my mums today and got back at 8ish, and have chilled and caught up on TV.
Tomorrow no plans for in the day but forgot i've got a wedding reception to go to in the evening grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!
Sunday is Ella's christening :)

Suz and Hayley - how come you don't wanna go to these weddings?
Its not the wedding i'm going to just the reception.
I can't really afford to go and have a couple of drinks at the moment so i'd rather hide in a corner! lol!
Will be ok once i get there, am just so bad at socialising at the moment! :oops:

working and laying floors, at last the piss damp nasty smell has left the house!!!

i should have changed my socks sooner.....

Suz said:
Im supose to go to a wedding tomorrow (dont want to go) then the rest of the weekend nothing! :wink:

Yeah we are not going! Too far to drive. 3 Hrs there and 3 hrs back. no fun when you cant drink. We are staying home now! :lol:
saturday went to a garden centre with my mum, then in the afternoon i went to help laura out with the buffett for ella's christing then last night me and matty and kacy went to His parents.

Today ella's christing.

And just found out that my uncle is bringing over my cousins old cot (she is three) and her bed cos they are buying her a new one not to sure why, and thats pretty black iron don't know how to explain it. thats the picture of it


Download as many Xmas songs as possible :p and Sleep rest and shop LOL and thats Just Sunday. (aka today)
Hope you all had a lovely weekend :D

We went out last night! We went to the vodka revolution bar for food & drinks although I wasn't impressed with my food! It was 'ok' if you'd of ordered it in McDonalds :? Then towards end of meal they turned lights off (how rude) :x We went on to have a couple in Yatees then onto Rileys for snooker & drinks where we met OHs friend when they left we stayed behind until 4AM :shock:

FAB night I really enjoyed myself & time out from the house - Bit ikky today though :rolf:
I have had a very busy weekend, but doing nothing special :(

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