Weight gain


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2014
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Hello everyone... Does anyone here think they are putting weight on quickly. I am 7 weeks 4 days preggo and I've already gained 5lbs!! I'm kind of freaking out! So worried I am going to explode this pregnancy!
Yep. I put on 9 pounds first trimester (almost double the recommended). Since then I've been pulling it back, but I'm still a few pounds over the max I should gain.

First trimester was rough with MS as dry carbs were just about the only thing I could keep down.

Eat as healthy as you can and exercise when you have the energy.
I also put on 5 pounds the first 7 weeks because I quit smoking cold turkey, then gained 3 more since then of a total of 9 for the first tri, but it has slowed down and now I am maintaining. I am overweight so I have to be more careful from here on out.

I was too exhausted the first tri to workout, ever, but I am slowly adding more walking and a little strength training back in.
I put it on quickly at first, but now at 37+3, I've only gained 23 total.
I've already gained 30 lbs and I'm 28 weeks
I take the cake (literally) on this one. Lol. Ive gained 33 pounds! And im only 21 weeks. I gained so much with dd1 almost 100 lbs. I was actually 211 lbs when I had dd1 and dd2. It looks like I may be the same with this one if im not careful. Im used to being around 118lbs to 125lbs when not pregnant. Im not a piggy , I just like fatty foods I guess.
I'm having twins so I read you should gain more early on. I've gained 30 pounds and I'm 25 weeks. I should probably gain at least 15 more but it's hard emotionally and physically because I just turned 200 pounds. That's the most I've ever weighed.
Twin weight gain has got to be hard :hugs: It was hard enough for me to accept I would gain 25-35 lbs with one. Of course, I'm hoping to stay within the recommended weight gain. I'm up to 28.5 lbs at 31 weeks.

I had been overweight since high school until a couple of years ago. I read stories of woman (either normal weight or over-weight) who have gained and lost baby weight all over the spectrum. It reminds me that this is just a temporary weight gain and that I can lose weight after the baby is born.

I'm dreading/looking forward to being able to workout full steam again. I miss rock climbing. I miss intense cardio. I miss kettlebells. Right now walking up a hill gets me out of breath and body weight exercises are challenging.
I think the weight gain is the hardest for me to deal with..... I am just gaining and gaining and I am not eating THAT bad and I try to exercise too.....
Denise Austin has a 20 minute workout video for pregnant women.. YOu can watch it free on You Tube... I've been doing it... It does work up a sweat but is low impact. :)
Oh and don't stress over water weight gain. I would go through cycles of constipation and water retention that added several pounds in a week or overnight, which is impossible given my caloric intake. Eventually it evens out over a couple of weeks or the pregnancy as a whole.

I'm going to try some youtube prenatal yoga videos.
Yoga is a good idea.... I am needing to tone up my arms and butt big time!
I did this one last night:


I've done yoga on and off for many years and appreciated the use of actual poses and focus on breath. Even though I have been active walking and doing some body weight exercises, I haven't been stretching. So I felt this one.

Plus there's something really cool about focusing on movement and fluidity when I feel so big. But I think I need to take a belly pic in my yoga outfit (sports bra and yoga pants...nothing like doing yoga in the privacy of my own bedroom) just for a record of how big the belly is getting.
Thanks I'll check out the video......

I just got back from the dr. I've gained 6lbs so far at 9.4 weeks. He didn't make a big deal about my weight yet. I said something but he didn't so maybe I am not too far out of bounds... IDK.. I am just going to make sure and eat healthy and exercise and not stress too much about it.
I had twins and i ended up gaining 40 lbs but it was all baby and fluids i was back down to 119 pounds by the babies first dr appointment. So ladies don't forget a lot of it is fluid.
This was helpful for me. Helps you see why you NEED to gain the weight. From WebMD.

Where Does the Extra Weight Go During Pregnancy?

Baby: 8 pounds
Placenta: 2-3 pounds
Amniotic fluid: 2-3 pounds
Breast tissue: 2-3 pounds
Blood supply: 4 pounds
Stored fat for delivery and breastfeeding: 5-9 pounds
Larger uterus: 2-5 pounds
Total: 25-35 pounds
I also second the constipation thing... I have found that my system has slowed down quite a lot. I'm trying to eat more fiber and I'm not completely constipated but like I said my system is much slower. So, I notice that one day I might be 2-3 pounds heavier and then a day or two later its all gone.

I hadn't actually expected to get pregnant when I did... we were TTC for 5 years but I finally decided to start weight watchers and cut down on sugar and eliminate alcohol completely. I had been doing weight watchers with weight training work-outs for about 6 weeks when oops, you missed your period. I lost almost 20 pounds in those 6 weeks - so I dunno if that helped me get pregnant but I was hoping I'd lose more before it happened.

Ironically, in the weeks between 5-8 I lost 5 pounds. Not sure how that happened but since then, I have put a few of those pounds back on. I'm pretty steady now and haven't gained anything (yet).

But even though I'm at my lightest weight in over 6-7 years, I still feel HUGE! :)
Overall, there really isn't much of the standard 25-30 pounds that is fat storage. That's important to remember. Most of the weight will drop during recovery.

As for constipation, I resorted to prunes starting a few weeks ago. They help. At this point, I'm trying not to be too worried about the weight because most of it is now going to baby, water retention and constipation.

It's hard to gain weight after working so hard to lose it, but there is no better reason to be gaining it :winkwink:

Lil Miss Bean is now around 4 pounds and will probably gain another 3-5 before she arrives. If I can keep my weight gain within 5 pounds until the big day (I've reached almost 30 pounds of gain overall), I will be ecstatic.
I gained 50 lbs with my daughter... That was 15 years ago so I was very young still so it was easy to lose. I am so worried I will gain that much again and it will be really hard to lose this time because I am older now.
My weight can fluctuate by 2-3 lbs each day according to my bathroom scale. I'm sure it probably just fluids, though I weigh myself at the same time. A note in the constipation thing...I added a lot of fiber to my diet in the morning and have been taking a stool softener since week 8 which has pretty much solved the problem.

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