DHB, looks like a good plan! good luck!!
i weighed in yesterday and was 142 but went back up to 143 today.

i was actually down a pound to 143 on the 10th, but didn't post here, oops! maybe the calorie cutting and working out last week just needed a day or two to actually show up on the scale...

if it doesn't start showing up, i'm not sure my husband and i can keep up the calorie counting. we'll just try to eat lots of veggies and keep working out. the counting and the scale not budging just gets disheartening.
anyway, this week, my gym class instructor is on vacation so i think i will be going to the gym with my husband...which means more weight lifting!

not a huge fan of lifting, but on lifting days i also do a decent warm up on the elliptical. so yesterday i upped my elliptical time from 20 minutes to 40 minutes. i think i'll start doing 40 minutes on lifting days from now on.
my plan for this week looks like this:
monday: elliptical
tuesday: snowboarding day trip
wednesday: off or elliptical. depends on how sore i am from snowboarding!

thursday: turbokick class, maybe. there's a sub this day only but i'm convinced her class is a new level of hell. HA!
friday: yoga or off or, if i went to turbokick class, maybe just elliptical to get my muscles moving
saturday: elliptical&weights (legs)
sunday: elliptical&weights (arms)
as for ttc, i am almost 99% sure i ovulated on friday. just waiting for my temp tomorrow to stay high and FF to give me crosshairs. our timing was good ("high" according to FF

) and i shouldn't test until the 28th or 1st, but am getting a colposcopy on the 25th, so will definitely test that morning, even though i'll have to pee in a cup at the clinic anyway. they don't actually show you the strip, so what fun is that?!!