Weight Loss While TTC Support Group

I've been doing well with the weight loss, staying active and eating healthy :flower: though haven't been able to run since it got cold again. Can't wait for spring! Bored of working out indoors :wacko:

I'm 9dpo and tested today, bfn so far, AF is due on Saturday, hope to get my BFP tomorrow! Late afternoon 10 dpo is when I got the positive for dd, so we shall see!
Did a crazy workout yesterday. Lady on youtube kicked my butt. She also kicked my DH's butt which makes me feel better because he is already in good shape:haha: I stared to clean up my diet. Working on working in more veggies. I hope to have a 90% vegitable diet but right now I eat a lot of fruit and a lot of meat (and a lot of sweets!). February is a big b-day month in my family and every where I turn there are desserts. :dohh:
I am gonna do a weigh in on the weekend. Let you all know how it goes.:flower:

DHBD: can you update my info? I realistically want to loose 12 lbs. I put on 20 but my starting weight was the lowest I ever was and that only lasted about a min. to begin with. So I'm 142 (ish) lbs right now and my goal is 130 lbs. If I make it down to 125 I'll be over the moon!:thumbup:
I've been doing well with the weight loss, staying active and eating healthy :flower: though haven't been able to run since it got cold again. Can't wait for spring! Bored of working out indoors :wacko:

I'm 9dpo and tested today, bfn so far, AF is due on Saturday, hope to get my BFP tomorrow! Late afternoon 10 dpo is when I got the positive for dd, so we shall see!

your temps look promising for a bfp!!:thumbup:

Did a crazy workout yesterday. Lady on youtube kicked my butt. She also kicked my DH's butt which makes me feel better because he is already in good shape:haha: I stared to clean up my diet. Working on working in more veggies. I hope to have a 90% vegitable diet but right now I eat a lot of fruit and a lot of meat (and a lot of sweets!). February is a big b-day month in my family and every where I turn there are desserts. :dohh:
I am gonna do a weigh in on the weekend. Let you all know how it goes.:flower:

DHBD: can you update my info? I realistically want to loose 12 lbs. I put on 20 but my starting weight was the lowest I ever was and that only lasted about a min. to begin with. So I'm 142 (ish) lbs right now and my goal is 130 lbs. If I make it down to 125 I'll be over the moon!:thumbup:

i wish i could get my husband to come with me to my TurboKick class so he can see how hard it actually is! sometimes he seems to think it's just fun and games and can't understand why i'm so sore or tired!

we are about the same.:thumbup: i gained about 20 pounds when i got married, and would like to get down to 130, but back to my original 125 would be awesome! i have a whole box of pants in storage that i would love to wear again. but, i have this sinking feeling that working out may mean i lose some weight, but not in the same "shape" as before, so maybe those pants are long gone...:shrug::dohh:

i'll weigh myself today at the gym...my app that i'm tracking my intake and exercise is set to lose 1.5 pounds a week. i was 3,500 calories under THAT from M-F, so that would be 2.5lbs down, potentially. yeah, i worked out a ton and obviously i didn't eat enough because 2lbs a week is the max for healthy loss, right? and i was dizzy a lot. and exhausted by friday. but also, i should be down, which is exciting! though also worried getting on the scale is just going to be a let down.:nope: ugh, i hate all this.:wacko:
Tankel: there are some crazy hard videos on youtube! I love that they are free :flower: what video was it? DH did them a couple times with me and he struggled too :haha: Birthdays and holidays are the worst! Thankfully we are in a down time for my family. I don't think I could eat 90% veggies! :haha: though I try to make it half my plate for dinner. GL for your weigh in!!! I'll update your info :flower:

Jumpingo: thanks! Yeah my temps make me think bfp, but nothing so far and 10dpo, I only have a 10 day LP so AF due tomorrow. You never know still could happen! But not holding my breath and I will be fine if I don't get pg this month. Sounds like you had an awesome week! I also set my app to 1.5 lbs a week and come in below my goal each day. Unfortunately for me it doesn't always translate so nicely on the scale. Hope it does for you! The balance is hard though, make sure your not eating too little, your body might start burning your muscle as well as fat. Excited to hear how much you lose! :flower:

You ladies have any Valentines day plans? Me and DH aren't big into it. We will go out to dinner, with dd and that will be it :haha: pretty lame but it's a treat to go out to dinner, might get crazy and watch a movie after dd goes to bed too :haha:
Jumpingo: thanks! Yeah my temps make me think bfp, but nothing so far and 10dpo, I only have a 10 day LP so AF due tomorrow. You never know still could happen! But not holding my breath and I will be fine if I don't get pg this month. Sounds like you had an awesome week! I also set my app to 1.5 lbs a week and come in below my goal each day. Unfortunately for me it doesn't always translate so nicely on the scale. Hope it does for you! The balance is hard though, make sure your not eating too little, your body might start burning your muscle as well as fat. Excited to hear how much you lose! :flower:

You ladies have any Valentines day plans? Me and DH aren't big into it. We will go out to dinner, with dd and that will be it :haha: pretty lame but it's a treat to go out to dinner, might get crazy and watch a movie after dd goes to bed too :haha:

ugh. 143.4.:growlmad:
i weighed myself on tuesday and was 143.2, so this past week was for nothing?! 3 weeks ago i was 144. it's so frustrating counting calories and working out and not losing even a whole pound...sigh.

did 20 minutes on the elliptical and lifted (leg day) with my husband today. the class i take at the gym is cancelled this coming week (except thursday, but someone else is teaching and it's hell:nope:) so i think it'll be a lot of elliptical or running. i DID get new running shoes last week though:blush: so at least if i'm not losing weight, i at least have pretty shoes.:roll: HA.

no valentine's day plans. the flowers at the one store on base are way overpriced. i bought myself a big bunch of 20 flowers at costco on thursday anyway, for $10.:thumbup: this morning, i yelled from the kitchen to my husband in his office, "heeeeyyy, happy valentine's day!" and he yelled it back. DONE.:haha:
Happy Valentine's Day ladies! Here is my sweet Lil Valentine :flower:


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Hi girls. I'm back in the weight loss club. Unfortunately, my bean didn't stick :cry: I suspected something was amiss when my tests didn't get darker at the end of the week. I went in for betas and my first number was low. I didn't get the results of the 2nd one back yet since it's a holiday weekend here, but I the doctor wasn't hopeful and sure enough, bleeding began today. I've eaten like crap this whole weekend (obviously eating my feelings) but I'll get back on the horse tomorrow with healthy eating and exercising.
oh shellgirl:cry: i tried exercising too early after my mc and it put me on the couch for an entire afternoon. just go easy on yourself:hugs:
Jumpingo: sorry you didn't get much of a result on the scale :hugs: it can be so frustrating sometimes! Makes you wanna give up somedays, but stick with it and I'm sure you'll eventually see some results! :flower: that's great that you got some nice new shoes! I treat myself every couple weeks or so to a new tank top or exercise bra, etc. It makes working out more enjoyable to have cute things :haha: better than rewarding myself with food! you are doing great, the scale will show it one of these days! Healthy on the outside takes longer to see than on the inside. So it's not for nothing! :flower"

Shellgirl so sorry! :hugs: Don't be hard on yourself, it's understandable in those circumstances to eat what you want! I'd do the same! Hope you are doing ok :hugs: I agree ease your way back into exercise but it may also help keep your mind off everything to focus on weight loss. It's been helping me keep my mind off TTC :flower:

AFM: Did pretty well over the weekend, even with eating dinner out both nights. I did allow myself dessert last night, but it was just one of those mini desserts :flower: I'm modifying my workout schedule a bit. Still switching between elliptical/run (when warm enough) and the workout videos I like. Though I feel on the days of the videos I'm not burning enough, I'm gonna try doing 2 each time. Also have to get better about remembering to do weights more often, keep forgetting and strength training is important. Here is what my schedule looks like :flower:

PS so over winter!!!! Needs to be spring NOW! I want to be outside more!


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DHB, looks like a good plan! good luck!!

i weighed in yesterday and was 142 but went back up to 143 today.:dohh: i was actually down a pound to 143 on the 10th, but didn't post here, oops! maybe the calorie cutting and working out last week just needed a day or two to actually show up on the scale...:shrug: if it doesn't start showing up, i'm not sure my husband and i can keep up the calorie counting. we'll just try to eat lots of veggies and keep working out. the counting and the scale not budging just gets disheartening.

anyway, this week, my gym class instructor is on vacation so i think i will be going to the gym with my husband...which means more weight lifting!:dohh: not a huge fan of lifting, but on lifting days i also do a decent warm up on the elliptical. so yesterday i upped my elliptical time from 20 minutes to 40 minutes. i think i'll start doing 40 minutes on lifting days from now on.:thumbup:

my plan for this week looks like this:
monday: elliptical
tuesday: snowboarding day trip
wednesday: off or elliptical. depends on how sore i am from snowboarding!:haha:
thursday: turbokick class, maybe. there's a sub this day only but i'm convinced her class is a new level of hell. HA!
friday: yoga or off or, if i went to turbokick class, maybe just elliptical to get my muscles moving
saturday: elliptical&weights (legs)
sunday: elliptical&weights (arms)

as for ttc, i am almost 99% sure i ovulated on friday. just waiting for my temp tomorrow to stay high and FF to give me crosshairs. our timing was good ("high" according to FF:happydance:) and i shouldn't test until the 28th or 1st, but am getting a colposcopy on the 25th, so will definitely test that morning, even though i'll have to pee in a cup at the clinic anyway. they don't actually show you the strip, so what fun is that?!!:haha:
Hi All.
shellgirl: Sorry to hear about your loss. :hugs:

DHBH0930: We didn't do anything for V-day. A friend of my DH got married on Saturday so he was out all night on Friday for the bachelor party and Sunday we were too wiped from the wedding for romance :haha:

jumpingo: I feel you pain with the scale. I weighed myself this weekend and I'm 143! I usually fluctuate around 5 lbs throughout the week so I'm calling it a a net loss of nada!

In other news, my mom said my butt looked smaller!:happydance: It must be all the squats.I've been addicted to Jessicasmithtv. I love her energy for workouts plus she always give a lot of options for low impact to high intensity.
I'd love to be added, i gained a whopping 100 lbs with the birth of my son (I'm predisposed to weight gain and was heavy before) and am now ttc baby #2, 3 years later. My ultimate goal is to get back down to 150 but right now I'm at about 230.. I've recently lost 30lbs and trying to eat right before this next pregnancy starts :)

Thank you!
Worked out last night and again this morning. I'm feeling the burn.
Welcome MyFav Surprise!

Great job keeping up with the workouts ladies!

I went to the gym last night. I started Couch to 5k over again. I was surprised that I hadnt lost *all* of my running ability and dont have to start from the very beginning.
I didnt get my workout plan written. It is kind of hard because I never know when I will actually be going to the gym until the day of. But I know that I need to do some running at least 2x/week, but 3 would be better. Plus I love my Zumba and Latin Hip Hop classes so I cant give that up.

Shelgirl.....I am so sorry for your loss! I hope being healthy is one small way of helping you get back into your routine. Hugs!
Hello Ladies!

I disappeared for a bit. Work and life has been a little crazy. I had my son's bday so that ruined diet too. Never got AF so on CD 68 I started 1st dose of clomid 50 mg. It has been making me hungry as a horse is the only downfall.

I did lose a whole 3lbs not much but a start....

Shelgirl ,- very sorry for your loss hun. Hopefully you will get your Rainbow soon.....

How is everyone else doing..?
I am going do a weigh-in tomorrow. I have been really focusing on moving more at work. Here I come 30 second squat!
weighed in today.

after nearly 2 full weeks of calorie tracking and a month of working out 5-6 days a week, i'm finally down more than .2 or .4! haha. down 2 pounds! so, 141 (3lbs lost so far) for me!!:thumbup:
Hi everyone, I'm still around! I've gotten over the upsetting :bfn: news and have focused on my eating.

I'm at 170.3 now. I think that's down 4. I've been doing large leafy salads and protein. Suppressing my appetite w/ green tea supplements. Only during first few days of my cycle though. Like many things I heard caffine can inhibit fertility.

The elliptical has been my friend too and extra walking around at work.
I'd love to be added, i gained a whopping 100 lbs with the birth of my son (I'm predisposed to weight gain and was heavy before) and am now ttc baby #2, 3 years later. My ultimate goal is to get back down to 150 but right now I'm at about 230.. I've recently lost 30lbs and trying to eat right before this next pregnancy starts :)

Thank you!

Welcome! You've been added! :flower: I know how you feel, after gaining 75 lbs with my 1st I will NOT let that happen again. Getting healthy now will help us stay healthy during the next pregnancy. GL with your weight loss and TTC!

Worked out last night and again this morning. I'm feeling the burn.

Great job! Being consistent with working out this time around had made all the difference for me and my weight loss, it really does take both eating better and exercising :flower: That's great if she thinks your butt looks smaller! My family is noticing the difference more than me too.

Welcome MyFav Surprise!

Great job keeping up with the workouts ladies!

I went to the gym last night. I started Couch to 5k over again. I was surprised that I hadnt lost *all* of my running ability and dont have to start from the very beginning.
I didnt get my workout plan written. It is kind of hard because I never know when I will actually be going to the gym until the day of. But I know that I need to do some running at least 2x/week, but 3 would be better. Plus I love my Zumba and Latin Hip Hop classes so I cant give that up.

Shelgirl.....I am so sorry for your loss! I hope being healthy is one small way of helping you get back into your routine. Hugs!

That's great that you were able to run better than you thought you would! you can only do what you can! Is there anything you can do at home thr days you can't make it to the gym?

Hello Ladies!

I disappeared for a bit. Work and life has been a little crazy. I had my son's bday so that ruined diet too. Never got AF so on CD 68 I started 1st dose of clomid 50 mg. It has been making me hungry as a horse is the only downfall.

I did lose a whole 3lbs not much but a start....

Shelgirl ,- very sorry for your loss hun. Hopefully you will get your Rainbow soon.....

How is everyone else doing..?

Congrats on the 3lbs! Birthdays are the worst for weight loss! mine is the next in the family and it's not till the end of April, but that starts a whole chain of them in my family :wacko: that stinks that the clomid makes you so hungry.

weighed in today.

after nearly 2 full weeks of calorie tracking and a month of working out 5-6 days a week, i'm finally down more than .2 or .4! haha. down 2 pounds! so, 141 (3lbs lost so far) for me!!:thumbup:

Yay for more substantial weight lost! :happydance: congrats on the 2 lbs!

Hi everyone, I'm still around! I've gotten over the upsetting :bfn: news and have focused on my eating.

I'm at 170.3 now. I think that's down 4. I've been doing large leafy salads and protein. Suppressing my appetite w/ green tea supplements. Only during first few days of my cycle though. Like many things I heard caffine can inhibit fertility.

The elliptical has been my friend too and extra walking around at work.

Sorry about the bfn :hug: congrats on the 4lbs though! :happydance: sounds like you are eating great :flower: elliptical has been my friend too this winter!
Down to 154 now, that's 18 lbs total! :happydance: hope to see 140's in a few weeks!!! So over winter! I want to be outside! Been iced in for a week now...

CD 9 here, doing SMEP, so BD every other night till positive opk. If no bfp this month we are skipping next month, too many December bdays and I'm gonna wean dd, hope that will bring my lp back to normal.

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