Welcome to the ttc in fall group..........AUTUMN ACORNS!!!!

well still no AF and know three days late. a :bfn: on test this morning. just waiting and wondering i guess.

:hugs: FX for you for this month (you're not out until :witch: comes!!), but if this isn't your month I hope your BFP comes soon!
Hi girls! I just posted an epic saga re: my weekend in my journal. Read it if you want, but I wanted to come over here to tell my group that I will most likely not be TTC/NTNP next month. While I am sad about it, it's all for the best. DH and I will be able to be better, more stable parents if we wait just a bit longer (hopefully not much longer!). We've really kicked things up in gear with regards to buying a house, and have agreed that we need to move to someplace a bit bigger before we would feel comfortable having a baby. :cloud9: It really was a great discussion and I feel so good knowing we are 100% on the same page with TTC. We went scouting out one of the rural towns that is a bit further out than any place we had previously been looking at, and it turns out this town is exactly what we're looking for in terms of schools and community setting. It doesn't hurt that home prices there are a bit lower than where we live now, which means we'll be able to buy more house with less money!

Don't think you're getting rid of me that easily, though - just because we are pushing back our TTC date doesn't mean I don't want to be here for you all! :hugs:
hi ladies,
how is everyone?
obviously I haven't been around much - I'm really feeling quite down at the moment. For those who don't know - I went to see my doctor last week after bleeding quite a bit, he thinks I have ulcerative colitis - I had some tests done and I have been referred to the hospital. The sad part is that if I don't get it under control in the next while I'm not sure if we can go ahead with our insemination..... We are due to start the process in September, just over 6 weeks away. And with the NHS waiting list the way they are who knows??? I'm in alot of pain and I'm not sure what to do....... just feeling very down and upset right now. Trying to keep going but last night I was crying alot...... :( I hope you are all doing good; hugs to you all and thanks for all the positive messages etc xxx

Really hope you feel better soon, and that you are able to go ahead with your original plans. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hi girls! I just posted an epic saga re: my weekend in my journal. Read it if you want, but I wanted to come over here to tell my group that I will most likely not be TTC/NTNP next month. While I am sad about it, it's all for the best. DH and I will be able to be better, more stable parents if we wait just a bit longer (hopefully not much longer!). We've really kicked things up in gear with regards to buying a house, and have agreed that we need to move to someplace a bit bigger before we would feel comfortable having a baby. :cloud9: It really was a great discussion and I feel so good knowing we are 100% on the same page with TTC. We went scouting out one of the rural towns that is a bit further out than any place we had previously been looking at, and it turns out this town is exactly what we're looking for in terms of schools and community setting. It doesn't hurt that home prices there are a bit lower than where we live now, which means we'll be able to buy more house with less money!

Don't think you're getting rid of me that easily, though - just because we are pushing back our TTC date doesn't mean I don't want to be here for you all! :hugs:

That's great as long as it is what you both want! That is part of the reason we are hesitating because of the space, babies come with a lot of stuff! Glad you'll be sticking around either way! :)
I just cooked lemon squares, they are not the worst things I've ever baked but they aren't great... oh well!

I'm still feeling sick, keep having headaches, nausea. I just took a little nap but it didn't help much. I am really stressing about everything I have to do and I go back to work tomorrow so I don't have much time left. And when I think about things it goes like this: I have to do this, oh but before I would have to do that to clear the space, and I can't do that until I've finished that... etc. So then I get even more stressed. So naturally instead of doing any of it I'm on bnb... :)
sw33tp3a hope u get you BFP soon!!...:hug:

vicki.mummy...hope u make a speedy recovery and your insemination goes ahead as planned :hug:

sw33tp3a love your quote on weight and intelligence!....looks like im super brainy!! :wacko:
thanks girls. this is so confusing. just wish one or the other would happen.
Mackmomma glad to see you are saying but sorry to hear that you are going to have to wait a bit longer. If only our wants ALWAYS came at times we can have them :)
I went to get my blood drawn today and find out my results tomorrow and meet with the doctor. Not looking great though as I am still bleeding and its only getting heavier :( I have my mind set its another loss :( Kinda spent the last couple of days in a haze but I need to start cheering up for Athena. I have Athena and I should be happy for having her at this pint and at least while she is up and around not let her know that things are wrong. I think we are going to end up waiting longer and talk to my doctor about the losses and she if she thinks we should continue to try or see if something is wrong. This will be my third loss which is when some doctors might check for causes but with them being so spaced out I do not know if they will. That and we haven't even really been trying yet just NTNP.
But now we are going to wait awhile and use condoms again until I get answers from the doctor about what to do. Hopefully that will be tomorrow but I imagine they will want me to wait longer :(

Hope you all are having a good day though. Have been playing around with selective coloring on the computer and it has been a lot of fun. I need more pictures to play with haha.
thanks girls. this is so confusing. just wish one or the other would happen.
Fingers crossed that you get a BFP and the :witch: stays away. But if its not quite time yet hope she comes soon so you can keep trying :thumbup:
thanks ladies, i really appreciate the kind thoughts etc.
i spoke with my GP today and he has prescribed me some painkillers and some cramping meds - so i pick them up first thing tomorrow. - he has also prescribed fibogel (gross!!) but said I can try some other natural methods first..... this is not fun. I spent most of the afternoon in bed, in tears - the pain is indescribable. I appreciate all the sweet messages tho; it cheers me up :D
Kellysays2u, I'm really sorry to hear that, I hope they can figure it out, but you're right you have Athena which is already great, she is adorable! :hugs:

Vickymummy, I wish I could tell you a joke, but I'm not very good at that. Is there anything that could distract you, like watching a good movie, or a bad movie? Or eating something you wouldn't normally let yourself? I am a big fan of food for when things are tough... :) Hope the painkillers kick in soon sweetie!

I felt like sharing, I just cooked this and it is really good and really easy to make. I used more broccoli and less chicken, and you could probably do without the bread crumbs and butter, so it is pretty healthy and really yummy!
Kellysays2u, I'm really sorry to hear that, I hope they can figure it out, but you're right you have Athena which is already great, she is adorable! :hugs:

Vickymummy, I wish I could tell you a joke, but I'm not very good at that. Is there anything that could distract you, like watching a good movie, or a bad movie? Or eating something you wouldn't normally let yourself? I am a big fan of food for when things are tough... :) Hope the painkillers kick in soon sweetie!

I felt like sharing, I just cooked this and it is really good and really easy to make. I used more broccoli and less chicken, and you could probably do without the bread crumbs and butter, so it is pretty healthy and really yummy!

Thank you trgirl. And that looks VERY yummy. I think I might have to make it some time.

Vicki hope the pain killers kick in quickly so you can have some relief. Also I really hope they can get everything done quickly to not put off your insemination. I could not imagine waiting so long and having no control over it to then have it put off longer again out of your control. :( Hopefully it all gets figured out soon though.
Kellysays2u, I'm really sorry to hear that, I hope they can figure it out, but you're right you have Athena which is already great, she is adorable! :hugs:

Vickymummy, I wish I could tell you a joke, but I'm not very good at that. Is there anything that could distract you, like watching a good movie, or a bad movie? Or eating something you wouldn't normally let yourself? I am a big fan of food for when things are tough... :) Hope the painkillers kick in soon sweetie!

I felt like sharing, I just cooked this and it is really good and really easy to make. I used more broccoli and less chicken, and you could probably do without the bread crumbs and butter, so it is pretty healthy and really yummy!

Thanks for sharing... looks delicous! I love allrecipes.com I use it for everything :)
Thanks to you all for the nice welcome!

A little about me. I'm 22, engaged to OH for 2 years and we have a son called William who is 18 months old today! I'm a part time youth worker and video production assistant.

Will has two genetic conditions called Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease (ARPKD) and Hyperinsulinism, both of which could happen to our next child ( 1 in 4). He had a difficult first year and we are regular visitors of Great Ormond Street Hopsital but he is doing so well we really wanna give him a little brother or sister! xx

I'm 22 as well. I'm sorry to hear that LO has had health problems, it must be concerning. Are you or your OH going to be a match for his future transplant?

Hi again ladies!

I'm sorry I don't post much, but I do read this regularly!

I had an ankle operation on Tuesday, so while I am off work (6 weeks off and 5 days in I'm already bored!) and laid up, I plan to be looking for a donor, as I want to start TTC in Sept.

Only problem with this plan is that I am staying with my parents while I'm off, as I can't do an awful lot by myself, and they have no idea of my plans!

This is now extra important to me as we had some bad news this week - my dad has cancer again. :cry::cry::cry::cry: He had lung cancer 2 years ago, and after surgery and chemo he beat it, but then found a lump in his underarm and had a biopsy on Monday. I knew it wasn't good when they gave him a call to come in on Thursday.

I'm really angry about it as well as tremendously upset, as he had CT scans at the hospital in March and May, and it should have been picked up then. :growlmad:

So I will hopefully be posting a little more, but I will definitely be reading if nothing else!!

I hope your ankle gets to feeling better. Sending up prayers right now for your father and your family.

well...its officially ttc this week!!!

so there will be lots of :sex: this week! :winkwink:

so please send me lots of :dust:

good luck to everyone ttc/tww! :hugs:

:dust: :happydance::happydance: :dust:

I was too busy for 20 last days so could not log in this page. I realised that i had 2 months to go until TTC. However, i still have not took vitamin anough. I need to buy acid folic and Iron immediately, right? How are you , ladies? All of you is getting Vitamin???

I've been extremely good about taking my vitamins. I'm taking my folic acid daily, as well as my D3 because of my deficiency.

hi ladies,
how is everyone?
obviously I haven't been around much - I'm really feeling quite down at the moment. For those who don't know - I went to see my doctor last week after bleeding quite a bit, he thinks I have ulcerative colitis - I had some tests done and I have been referred to the hospital. The sad part is that if I don't get it under control in the next while I'm not sure if we can go ahead with our insemination..... We are due to start the process in September, just over 6 weeks away. And with the NHS waiting list the way they are who knows??? I'm in alot of pain and I'm not sure what to do....... just feeling very down and upset right now. Trying to keep going but last night I was crying alot...... :( I hope you are all doing good; hugs to you all and thanks for all the positive messages etc xxx

I really hope you get to feeling better soon and that you won't have to push back the insemination. If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been having digestive issues?
I've had my share of health issues, but as of now the tests are not showing anything serious, but I definatley hit a point when I felt as if I'd never feel "normal" again, it just seemed like the pain would never go away. I'll be keeping you in my prayers, it is so frustrating when you realize how little control you have over your body and you can't make the pain go away and you're waiting - waiting for tests to be conducted, waiting for results, putting your life on hold. I've been there and I would never wish it on anybody. Please keep us updated. If you just want someone to complain to, I'm all ears, you can always post it in my journal or something - sometimes you just need someone to hear you out when your OH is already exhausted or having trouble processing their fears about the situation.

well still no AF and know three days late. a :bfn: on test this morning. just waiting and wondering i guess.
:hugs: I hope you get some clarity soon. It must be so frustrating.

I have been doing well, I'm on my vacation now and having a great time with the bestie. A bit of an update - I have been doing well with my food allergy, I was a bit nervous about traveling, but I have really learned how to read food labels and haven't had an upset yet! It's hard to pass up so many foods that I love, but it's getting easier.
I'm at CD31 and apprx 17 dpo. No sign of AF yet, but that doesn't mean anything. Who knows how long my cycle will be or if I'll get a BFP this month. 8 days until I get to see DH! If AF hasn't arrived by then, then I think I will test when I'm with DH because he would like to be a part of everything that he can. (I would like to wait to test until then, but if I think I will be drinking then I will test earlier)
vicki.mummy hope you feel better soon and your plans still go ahead on time! :hugs:

Kellysays2u :hugs: thinking of you hun fingers crossed all is well x

Sw33tp3a hope you get your BFP soon! :flower:

MackMomma im glad youve have a good discussion with your OH and have settled on whats best for both of you, hopefully it all falls into place when you get your lovely new house then it will be your time :hugs:

trgirl308 thanks for posting that recipe, looks gorgeous im soo going to try that! :thumbup:
Me and OH were soo freaked out last night :wacko:

In bed watching a film, and had the baby monitor on as I cant hear A in the night as his bedroom is quite far from ours. And all of a sudden could hear music playing through the monitor :shock: Was really freaked so went in there and it was one of his music playing toys that you have to wind up and then it plays. But it just started randomly playing!!! :shock: And it was a little tune like you normally hear in movies thats really creepy!

OH was completely shitting himself :haha: Didnt want A in there with "whatever it is in there" so brought him in and he slept in our bed!! Hope it doesnt happen again tonight :wacko:
"I'm 22 as well. I'm sorry to hear that LO has had health problems, it must be concerning. Are you or your OH going to be a match for his future transplant?"

Thanks Pixie, it is quite concerning as just as he gets stable something else can go wrong. Me and OH are both good matches for him which is great. Transplant will probably take place in about 2 years and OH has agreed to be the one. LO will need another transplant eventually (as a kidney averagely lasts 10 years) and so I will do it then. :)
OMG I have just been told that if I had unprotected sex a few days before having the mirena out I can get pregnant immediately. Me and OH DTD about 2 days ago, and the coil comes out in an hour..... scary thought lol.
Me and OH were soo freaked out last night :wacko:

In bed watching a film, and had the baby monitor on as I cant hear A in the night as his bedroom is quite far from ours. And all of a sudden could hear music playing through the monitor :shock: Was really freaked so went in there and it was one of his music playing toys that you have to wind up and then it plays. But it just started randomly playing!!! :shock: And it was a little tune like you normally hear in movies thats really creepy!

OH was completely shitting himself :haha: Didnt want A in there with "whatever it is in there" so brought him in and he slept in our bed!! Hope it doesnt happen again tonight :wacko:

Wow thats pretty freaky, I really hate when things like that happen. Was it a scary film you were watching lol?

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