Welcome to the ttc in fall group..........AUTUMN ACORNS!!!!

A Little About Me

Name: Allie

Age: 22

Location: Wisconsin, USA

Occupation: SAHM for the most part


Hobbies: Gardening, reading, knitting & crocheting, watching films, and being a mommy!

Color: Green

Food: Chinese, spaghetti, pizza, sea food

Hang-out: Online, friends house, my house, caribou coffee

Music: Rap, hip hop, country, rock, and classic rock

Books: Harry Potter, Twilight, Lord of the Rings, Shannara, and Redwall

Movies: I could go on all day but my favorite genres are horror, romantic comedies, and disney/kids movies. Some of my favorite actors and actresses: Morgan Freeman, Anthony Hopkins, Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, Sandra Bullock, Reese Witherspoon, and Kate Hudson.

TV Shows: X-Files and Stargate SG1 are my fave fave FAVE!

Authors: J.K. Rowling, J.R.R Tolkien, Brian Jacques, Catherine Coulter, Nora Roberts, Caroline B. Cooney, and L.J Smith

Cartoon Characters: Tigger and Pooh my all time favorite!! I also love Donald Duck (such a cute lil' grump :haha:)

Digging Deeper

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy, England, Japan, and Germany

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mom, dad, and sister

Greatest Ambition: To have a great big loving family :)

Biggest Achievement: Giving birth to a beautiful baby boy!

Grandest Wish: My biggest wish is that those i love get to live a long life and enjoy it as much as possible. Losing my dad was hard on me and i don't think i could deal with losing anyone else for a very long time.

What You Can't Live Without: My family and friends.

The Questions from the First Survey

What number baby you are WTT for: #2

What gender baby you are secretly wishing for: I want a girl but having a little brother for my baby would be fun too!

A random fact about yourself: I love gaming (WoW and ps2) and anime & manga. Seriously, though... i really do love socks. I buy a new pack like every month just to change it up and i hate going bare foot, i would rather go sock footed! I'm a dork what can i say!!
So happy for you cheercoach! :happydance: Sorry about the doctor situation HM. I hope it gets sorted out soon. Welcome iwantitall! It sounds like everyone had an awesome day. OH and I took lo to the park today which was lovely. :cloud9:Now I'm making chocolate chip cookies to celebrate the end of DH's weight loss challenge.:D

A Little About Me

Name: Cindy

Age: 25

Location: West Virginia, USA

Occupation: teacher


Hobbies: reading, writing, dancing

Color: Blue

Food: spaghetti

Hang-out: home

Music: classical, Josh Groban, some alternative rock

Books: romance novels

Movies: chick flicks

TV Shows: Sex and the City, Secret Life, Make It or Break It (I admit, I watch teen shows)

Authors: I'll give anyone a try

Cartoon Characters: Garfield

Digging Deeper

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: England, Ireland, Italy

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my mom, my OH, and several awesome friends

Greatest Ambition: to be a SAHM at some point

Biggest Achievement: having my baby girl; getting my master's degree

Grandest Wish: for my daughter to live a happy and fulfilling life

What You Can't Live Without: family, friends, love, and chocolate

Make it or break it is one of my other favorite shows... Are you all caught up with it... I am kinda mad at the way they turned it but theres no way to change it due to the circumstances of the actor. And Secret life just needs to hurry up and tell us whats going to happen between ricky and amy. Just my two cents :)

Wanna talk teen shows? I LOVE buffy the vampire slayer :rofl:
Name Game: Ashton

Skubluheaven: I think thats a fab idea :thumbup:

Could say something like:

Roll up, roll up! This months Autumn Acorns games currently in play are: [Insert game name]
The rules are as follows:
[Insert rules]

So the 'Name Game' will be a continuous one I believe so that can stay every month, and then we add the new one each month.

Also girlies, been having a fiddle this morning, and i've come up with these as I know many wanter separate one for WTT and TTC (which I think is a great idea, seeing as we are all sticking together reguards of which stage we are at)

Let me know what you think, because if you like them, I thought we could add them to the first post aswell, so that people can copy the URL of it into their signature. (So much easier, because if people ask for it, we can redirect them to the first post)


I think it should be added to the first page too :flower: it'll be easy to use a reference point that way.

Trying to figure out where to go for a picnic today! I'm not sure about the weather!

Name Game : Nathaniel
Name Game: Loki

Weather here doesnt look to good. It looks cold and windy, but the sun is trying to shine through!
Hi everyone! Hope you're all having a relaxing Sunday.

A Little About Me

Name: Essie

Age: 36, almost 37.

Location: Pretoria, South Africa

Occupation: SAHM


Hobbies: Reading

Color: Red & black

Food: Chicken curry, fondue and lamb-stew

Hang-out: my house

Music: 80's and 90's pop

Books: Harry Potter series, Earth Children series, all Anne McCaffrey's books

Movies: Harry Potter, Star Trek, Love Actually and some other romantic movies

TV Shows: Fringe, Grey's Anatomy, House, Private Practice, Survivor, South Africa's Got Talent

Authors: J.K. Rowling, Jean M. Auel, Anne McCaffrey, Danielle Steele, Jodie Piccoult

Cartoon Characters: Hmmm....don't know, don't really watch much.

Digging Deeper

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Switzerland, Mauritius

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Was my mom

Greatest Ambition: To raise my kids until adulthood, as good, caring human beings

Biggest Achievement: My 3 kids, my 2 degrees, fighting to get my daughter the help she needed

Grandest Wish: That me, dh and all our kids will live until a great, ripe old age...healthy, happy, safe and contend with life

What You Can't Live Without: my hubby, my kids, my eyesight

The Questions from the First Survey

What number baby you are WTT for: #4

What gender baby you are secretly wishing for: I really, really want another girl. Not just because I have 2 boys and 1 girl, but because I absolutely LOVED having a babygirl. There's just something so special about feeling the little 2-year old arms of your daughter around your neck.

A random fact about yourself: I love being in my 30's!
Yeah, kellysays2u, I'm pretty addicted. I agree with you about Make It or Break It; the plot got a little too close to Secret Life, but since it was unavoidable, I hope she comes back occasionally for a few episodes. As a wannabe writer, I honestly think the dialogue of Secret Life stinks, but I can't stop watching.:munch:

Yeah they need better writers for secret life... Its a little TOO predictable sometimes and not at all realistic most the time....
Hey ladies!

Cheercoach, that is absolutely fab news, you must be over the moon! :happydance:

Has anyone started on their folic acid already or are you waiting a few more weeks?

My hoover has broken down :hissy:
Elski, now you have an excuse not to vaccume...:winkwink:

Yes, I started with my folic acid 3 days ago. How much are ladies taking? I started on 0.5mg, but I'm not sure if it's enough, due to my daughter's neural tube defect. :shrug:
Elski, now you have an excuse not to vaccume...:winkwink:

Yes, I started with my folic acid 3 days ago. How much are ladies taking? I started on 0.5mg, but I'm not sure if it's enough, due to my daughter's neural tube defect. :shrug:

I'm not sure how it is in SA but here is the UK 0.4mg (400micrograms) is recommended BUT if you've previously had a baby with a neural tube defect, 5mg (5,000micrograms) is recommended x

I've not started mine yet, I meant to pick some up when we did the weekly shop this morning but I forgot, DOH!
Hey ladies!

Cheercoach, that is absolutely fab news, you must be over the moon! :happydance:

Has anyone started on their folic acid already or are you waiting a few more weeks?

My hoover has broken down :hissy:

our hoover isn't broken but it might as well be I hate it! I'm starting pre natal vitamins next month :flower:
I'm not sure how it is in SA but here is the UK 0.4mg (400micrograms) is recommended BUT if you've previously had a baby with a neural tube defect, 5mg (5,000micrograms) is recommended x
Really? 5mg, not 0.5? Geez, then I better phone my gynae. Gosh, 0.5mg is already making me so nauseous, I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle 5mg! :nope:
Hey ladies!

Cheercoach, that is absolutely fab news, you must be over the moon! :happydance:

Has anyone started on their folic acid already or are you waiting a few more weeks?

My hoover has broken down :hissy:

our hoover isn't broken but it might as well be I hate it! I'm starting pre natal vitamins next month :flower:

I still have a whole bottle of my prescription prenatals... i might start taking them too. Wonder if i can still get them refilled when i need to.

Well this morning at Wal Mart i bought a cute little flower notebook to do all my WTT/TTC journaling. I'm gonna keep track of my ovulations, weight loss, and maybe make some fun lists on baby names, and what i'll need when prego! Hopefully it'll make the next 12 weeks go a little faster :)
A Little About Me

Name: Stacy

Age: Turning 28 in a couple months

Location: East Coast, USA

Occupation: nurse


Hobbies: anything fitness related

Color: purple

Food: mexican

Hang-out: my house

Music: hip hop.. love to dance!

Books: Got hooked on the Twilight Series

Movies: The Notebook, Step Brothers, romance and comedies are my favorites

TV Shows:don't get to watch a lot of TV

Authors: no real favorites

Cartoon Characters: I like the old school cartoons from when I was little. Don't care for the newer ones

Digging Deeper

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Brazil

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Mom

Greatest Ambition: To be a wonderful wife and mommy

Biggest Achievement: Marrying the most amazing husband ever!

Grandest Wish: Have happy and healthy babies

What You Can't Live Without: my hubby

The Questions from the First Survey

What number baby you are WTT for: NUMBER ONE!!!! =)

What gender baby you are secretly wishing for: a boy, but I'll be cheesy and say I'll be happy no matter what!

A random fact about yourself: My husband is my BEST friend, and I wouldn't have it any other way!
Hey ladies!

Cheercoach, that is absolutely fab news, you must be over the moon! :happydance:

Has anyone started on their folic acid already or are you waiting a few more weeks?

My hoover has broken down :hissy:

haha! Sorry about the hoover. That's not good.

But yes, started taking prenatal vitamins this past week actually!!! =)

This makes me so sad! Poor little baby! :cry:
I plan on restarting my prenatal vitamins in June.

For all those who like myself, aren't that good with computers, here's how to add one of the autumn acorn banners.
Click on someones banner so that it opens into a new window and copy the web address
Then go in to edit your signature under User CP
Once you are on the edit signature page, there is an icon that looks like a picture of a mountain, when scrolled over it will read "insert mage" - you want to click this icon and add the web address for the banner which you had copied - don't forget to save
Best of luck!
I'm not sure how it is in SA but here is the UK 0.4mg (400micrograms) is recommended BUT if you've previously had a baby with a neural tube defect, 5mg (5,000micrograms) is recommended x
Really? 5mg, not 0.5? Geez, then I better phone my gynae. Gosh, 0.5mg is already making me so nauseous, I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle 5mg! :nope:

Yep, it's quite a step up but like I say, that's based on UK research etc, your gyn might well suggest a different amount. It's making you nauseous? Wow, I didn't know that was one of the side effects, poor you :hugs:

Thanks for all the hoover condolences guys :winkwink: everyone's been saying it's my perfect excuse for not doing the housework but truth be told, I'm a bit of a Monica (from Friends) so a non-hoovered floor does my head in :haha:

IHeartBaby - ahhh, your poor little man. It must be a really difficult situation to be in as the cat is part of your family but you're right, it has to go :hugs:

Has everyone had good weekends? It's always over too quickly!
I'm not sure how it is in SA but here is the UK 0.4mg (400micrograms) is recommended BUT if you've previously had a baby with a neural tube defect, 5mg (5,000micrograms) is recommended x
Really? 5mg, not 0.5? Geez, then I better phone my gynae. Gosh, 0.5mg is already making me so nauseous, I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle 5mg! :nope:

Yep, it's quite a step up but like I say, that's based on UK research etc, your gyn might well suggest a different amount. It's making you nauseous? Wow, I didn't know that was one of the side effects, poor you :hugs:

Thanks for all the hoover condolences guys :winkwink: everyone's been saying it's my perfect excuse for not doing the housework but truth be told, I'm a bit of a Monica (from Friends) so a non-hoovered floor does my head in :haha:

IHeartBaby - ahhh, your poor little man. It must be a really difficult situation to be in as the cat is part of your family but you're right, it has to go :hugs:

Has everyone had good weekends? It's always over too quickly!

My weekend was wonderful, thanks! How was yours?

I made a post on the thread but actually it wasn't my baby. I didn't think mummy2jack would mind me posting it here and seeing all those marks on her little boys face almost brought tears to my eyes! I have a cat and luckily her and my LO get along sooo well right now. She might change her mind once he learns to pull tails :haha:

For those of you that have babies and pets.. how do they get on? Just curious! Those of you that have pets and don't have kids yet... (I suppose it's really hard to say right now) but do you think your pets will mind having a baby in the house? I know it was one of my pregnancy worries!

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