Welcome to the ttc in fall group..........AUTUMN ACORNS!!!!

:hugs:Your poor thing iheartbaby :hugs:

I know what you mean about never looking after yourself, im totally guilty of that too :flower:

Sometimes it takes for my Hubby to 'TELL ME' in strong words to get myself to the Doctor :growlmad:


Aww thanks hun, i needed that lol! I'm a little scared too on what they are going to tell me. I haven't really researched how they treat apnea and i don't like the sound of being put through a bunch of tests :wacko: I suppose it's gotta be better than not breathing...it really is quite scary!
Sorry for the triple post here but good night ladies! It's almost 4 am now and i really do need to try and get to bed. LO is going to be up for the day in 4 hours! :dohh:
I hope you manage to get some sleep hun. If not, try and take some small rests/naps during the day, if little Jackson decided he wants one too! :thumbup:
I just voted and I think I did it wrong :dohh: can you vote for anyone or just people playing? I have no idea who's playing and who's not :dohh: so so so confused :blush:

iHeartbaby#1 that sounds horrible hun I hope the doctors can sort it out, and just think even if you have to do a few tests it might mean you don't have to worry about it again :hugs:

The weather looks sunny today, I wish I was going somewhere but I'm home all day and oh doesn't get out of work til 8 blahhhh. My mum is coming to stay tomorrow so I'll not be able to come on BnB as much :( hope everyone's having a good day.
Good morning! I did not sleep well, too much wedding stuff on my mind.... really starting to panic now. But now headed off to the gym, then I have to plan-shop-cook-clean... and go to work until 8.30 tonight... long day! But at least it is almost the weekend! Hope you ladies have a great day, I probably won't be back on until tomorrow or Sunday!
It sounds like a lot of people had a rough night. iheartbaby#1, my dad has mild sleep apnea, and he just has a special pillow he sleeps on, but I'd get it checked out.
How are the wedding plans coming trgirl308?
Skybluheaven, Kara's not sick, but this is the second night in a row she's done this. Well, the first night, she just didn't go to sleep until late, but last night she woke up at 12:30. It's like she's wanting to add back another night feeding which she hasn't had for a long time. I have several ideas about this though. 1. Make sure she's warm. The first night I forgot to turn her little heater on, and the house ac was stilll on. 2. Maybe she's hungry. Next week she'll be 4 months old, and I plan to introduce a bit of baby cereal in the evening. 3. Now that her colic is pretty much over, maybe I need to think about getting her on a sleep and nap schedule, (after school lets out so I'll have time and energy to do it.) Right now it's pretty much whenever she wants to sleep and eat, but I want to try to really start paying attention to her tired times so I can actually put her down for naps.
Sorry, I'm rambling. Sleep deprivation. :coffee: Normally she lets me sleep 7ish to 8:30 before we have to get ready for the day, but not today. Her whole 5 1/2 hrs of sleep has left her quite energized.:headspin:
On another note, I had a thought. Those of us that have kids, how about we share our birth stories on here? We can get to know each other that much more, and share our wonderful experiences with those waiting on #1. What do you think? I will if you will.:haha:
Oh I love that idea Mouse_Chicky... I shall write mine later on tonight once I have a spare 20mins or so. I loved labour, and want to show it isnt as awful as everyone makes out! :D

I just sold all of Amara's 4+ disposable nappies for a £5, so that can be added to her penny jar! :thumbup:

The planning is going well thanks Mouse_Chicky... there are just so many details at the last minute and you're so worried about forgetting things.. Last night my OH and I did some work together as it has been mostly me planning the wedding and him the honeymoon.... but anyways, so we had to go over details together and it ended ok but a little snippy in the middle... then we practiced our dance and he kept forgetting his steps and I'm not very good at following... otherwise things are great! Hope you get some sleep! I realized I don't have much time if I want to get everything done and to work on time.. so here we go!
Just woke back up after going back to bed at 9ish lol 5 hours sleep and i still feel tired its not good lol. Just catching up on Eastenders now, have got it recorded from 6th may so nearly a months worth to watch! Thats my afternoon sorted haha xxx
Ahh wish I had an afternoon of tv planned, I love catching up with tv! :haha:

Well the girl who brought my nappies brought her 17month old son round and he was kissing and cuddeling Amara, even tickeling her. It was adorable to watch, and just made me even more broody, as I just imagined that is what it could be like next year, if I get pregnant.

Also, I have to mention this, because I am honestly amazed. Just washed Amara's nappies, and one of them had a poo stain, so I thought I'll try it out in the sun as people have said it works, but I was a bit sceptical... well it's only been out 30mins, and the stain has gone! :shock: I offically love the sun!
Hi girls, just wanted to update.

I couldnt resist, I squeezed that black lump on my arm again. I brushed it past something and it was really tender, so I thought it was time to investigate. Well, out popped this hard solid white/black lump. I have no idea what it is, but it is no longer black under my skin, and is just a hole that is slowly healing.

I have never had anything like this before, god only knows what it could be, I want to google. :haha:
it feels like it rains a lot, but i dont think it does...its just we have a lack of sunshine!
I would love to hear about everyones birth stories. I love to hear about peoples life experiences, I have a curious soul - it makes me a great listener!
Hi there everyone!

Sorry I've been so quiet. I haven't been on BnB for a few days (due to internet connection problems). I've missed so much, I doubt if I'll be able to catch up soon!!!

I did notice about the possible sleep apnoa, iHeartBaby! I get that from gastro-easophageal disease or GERD, or better known as Reflux. It's worse at night, so it closes up my throat, causing me to wake up in a panick because I can't breath. Since being on meds, it hasn't happen much anymore. My daughter had the same, and it caused her to stop breathing as an infant. :cry:

My husband sleeps with a CPAP machine due to sleep apnoa as well. His is because his tongue is situated too far back in his throat, so during sleep it closes up. He stops breathing about 15 times per hour without the CPAP machine. Since sleeping with the machine (mask) over his face, he's been able to sleep much better and wakes up refreshed and not tired anymore.

Sorry, that was a whole mouthful. LOL. Hope it helps you somewhat.

I have a question for you ladies whose on Facebook. I can't see our group anymore? Any ideas why? I set some options on it just before I lost the connection to my internet some days ago. I remember I chose to not get email notifications of every post. Since then, I can't see the group anymore. :dohh: :cry:
I think its a good idea to write our labours :flower: I hope no one is put off by mine! mine wouldn't have been bad if the midwives hadn't been useless and I'd gotten some pain relief! also if I hadn't been alone at home for half of my labour would have been nice :dohh: I hope second time is nothing like it

Ada's labour
my waters broke at 12pm and I wasn't really sure what it was :dohh: I felt a popping downstairs and I thought oh no I've peed myself, I stand up and lots of water gushes out so I do the logical thing and run around in circles getting the floor soaking wet then run to the bathroom and run around with a towel between my legs :rofl:

I called oh who was 2 hours away with no car on a shoot :dohh:

12:30 my contractions started so I put a timer on the laptop and they were 4 minutes apart and bearable

1pm they were 3/4 minutes apart and starting to get bad so I run the bath and get in

1:30pm the contractions get so bad I can't move and the bath water goes cold so I'm shivering which makes the contractions worse

2pm the contractions get so bad I can't get out of the bath but luckily oh got home and I was on the floor screaming every time I had a contraction

around 3pm I collapsed outside the hospital in a wet t shirt and get wheeled in screaming I bet I looked a right sight :( the midwives tell me to go for a walk and to get comfy as I'd be in there for a while

around 3:30pm after lots of screaming from me I get checked from one of the midwives and I'm 4/5 cm dilated, I scream for pain relief and get given gas & air which makes me feel like wretching so I couldn't use it, I ask for an epidural but got ignored

4pm the midwives had changed and a new one came in and I was 7-8cm dilated, by this point I don't remember too much as I was in so much agony and got lots bruises on my head from going crazy on the bed :dohh: I get told its too late for an epidural and that I'm moving too much to be given one

4:30pm baby's heartbeat starts to drop and the doctor comes in along with two other midwives and they start saying that baby has to get out soon so I'm stuck on stirrups and get shouted at by pretty much everyone in the room to push/push harder and that lo needs to get out now

5pm Rowan is born! , I was given an episiotomy as they were in a big rush which just panicked me more, turned out lo had the cord around his neck and thats why his heart beat was so low, he was also really floppy so had to spend the night in SCBU but all is well and he's 7 months old now :flower:
Good evening chicks!

Sorry I've not been around much, I've had a really crap shift pattern this week and LO is having major sleep difficulties at the mo for some reason :nope:

I've just read through 18 pages and have forgotten pretty much everything i wanted to say :dohh:

So, what's the goss? :haha:
Thanks!!! Yeah I got it crazy fast!!! I was shocked lol

They call me speedy gonzales. :winkwink:

Morning Kelly and Shabutie! And all of Autumn Acorns :winkwink:

My day technically hasn't started yet. It's 3:30 am and i can't seem to sleep. I really should go to the doctor but i find myself bothering less and less when it has to do with me and only worrying about my LO. I posted this on FB a while back but i think i might have sleep apnea. For whatever reason my body stops breathing when i'm asleep and i wake up panicking. I put off going to bed because of it.

It's a shame because my LO is such a wonderful sleeper so it would be nice to be able to rest while i can!

I'd definitely talk to your doctor. Your health most definitely has an impact on your LO. Hugs!!!

i did the prediction thing and i got girl boy girl, but i stopped it on purpose after that 3rd one LMAO! i dont want 3 babies, never mind anymore!

We seem to be convinced that we will have a boy so that might be wrong :p I just want OH to have a mini him, he would be so cute, a little chunky monkey lol.

I think i might go back to bed this morning, i feel a bit rough with having this cough for nearly a month now, im not sleeping properly because i wake up coughing. grrr its annoying! *yawn*

Hope that cough goes away soon!

I just voted and I think I did it wrong :dohh: can you vote for anyone or just people playing? I have no idea who's playing and who's not :dohh: so so so confused :blush:

iHeartbaby#1 that sounds horrible hun I hope the doctors can sort it out, and just think even if you have to do a few tests it might mean you don't have to worry about it again :hugs:

The weather looks sunny today, I wish I was going somewhere but I'm home all day and oh doesn't get out of work til 8 blahhhh. My mum is coming to stay tomorrow so I'll not be able to come on BnB as much :( hope everyone's having a good day.

I voted only for the people who are playing the game. If their name was on the list, then I chose that particular person for each of the categories from that list. But maybe I did it wrong. But probably not because I'm pretty awesome. :haha:

Hope you enjoy your visit w/ your mom!

Good morning! I did not sleep well, too much wedding stuff on my mind.... really starting to panic now. But now headed off to the gym, then I have to plan-shop-cook-clean... and go to work until 8.30 tonight... long day! But at least it is almost the weekend! Hope you ladies have a great day, I probably won't be back on until tomorrow or Sunday!

Good luck! I remember those pre-wedding jitters! Hugs! :hugs:

Hi girls, just wanted to update.

I couldnt resist, I squeezed that black lump on my arm again. I brushed it past something and it was really tender, so I thought it was time to investigate. Well, out popped this hard solid white/black lump. I have no idea what it is, but it is no longer black under my skin, and is just a hole that is slowly healing.

I have never had anything like this before, god only knows what it could be, I want to google. :haha:

I wonder what in the world that is, it actually sounds kind of cool. You know, like a really good zit. :rofl:

Hi there everyone!

Sorry I've been so quiet. I haven't been on BnB for a few days (due to internet connection problems). I've missed so much, I doubt if I'll be able to catch up soon!!!

I did notice about the possible sleep apnoa, iHeartBaby! I get that from gastro-easophageal disease or GERD, or better known as Reflux. It's worse at night, so it closes up my throat, causing me to wake up in a panick because I can't breath. Since being on meds, it hasn't happen much anymore. My daughter had the same, and it caused her to stop breathing as an infant. :cry:

My husband sleeps with a CPAP machine due to sleep apnoa as well. His is because his tongue is situated too far back in his throat, so during sleep it closes up. He stops breathing about 15 times per hour without the CPAP machine. Since sleeping with the machine (mask) over his face, he's been able to sleep much better and wakes up refreshed and not tired anymore.

Sorry, that was a whole mouthful. LOL. Hope it helps you somewhat.

I have a question for you ladies whose on Facebook. I can't see our group anymore? Any ideas why? I set some options on it just before I lost the connection to my internet some days ago. I remember I chose to not get email notifications of every post. Since then, I can't see the group anymore. :dohh: :cry:

Scary about the breathing issues for everyone involved! Glad your DH has experienced better sleep w/ the mask.

I don't know about the group... it's not showing up at all in the left hand side of the page where the groups are? I can send you the link and you could maybe bookmark it, I don't know if that will help.

Good evening chicks!

Sorry I've not been around much, I've had a really crap shift pattern this week and LO is having major sleep difficulties at the mo for some reason :nope:

I've just read through 18 pages and have forgotten pretty much everything i wanted to say :dohh:

So, what's the goss? :haha:

If I didn't multiquote, I'd forget too :haha:

Sorry to hear it's been a bit of a rough week, hope LO is sleeping better soon.
You asked for an epidural and were IGNORED???

Oh, honey, :hugs:. I've never been through labor but I can tell you that I've NEVER heard of ANY women being refused pain meds! You poor thing!

Annnnd now I'm horrified. :shock:

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