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Wow, in my 8 years in midwifery, I've never seen a woman ignored if she asked for an epidural, that's shocking :nope:
I have heard of it happen fairly commonly when women get too far along!
Well yes, there definitely comes a point when women are too far gone, or times when the anaesthetist is already in theatre and can't undertake an epidural at that time...
Ahh, I've just seen the original post... I was just going on what MackMomma said and thinking vaniila had literally been ignored when she requested an epidural. Must pay more attention :dohh:
You asked for an epidural and were IGNORED???

Oh, honey, :hugs:. I've never been through labor but I can tell you that I've NEVER heard of ANY women being refused pain meds! You poor thing!

Annnnd now I'm horrified. :shock:

Ditto on the horrified!
Ahh, I've just seen the original post... I was just going on what MackMomma said and thinking vaniila had literally been ignored when she requested an epidural. Must pay more attention :dohh:

I took it that way! Maybe it was because she was too far gone... man I hope so! I can't imagine being in labor and and my pleas for pain meds go unheeded. *shudder*
Ahh, I've just seen the original post... I was just going on what MackMomma said and thinking vaniila had literally been ignored when she requested an epidural. Must pay more attention :dohh:

I took it that way! Maybe it was because she was too far gone... man I hope so! I can't imagine being in labor and and my pleas for pain meds go unheeded. *shudder*

Sometimes it must feel that way to women, I was looking after a girl in labour earlier this week and unfortunately the anaethetist was attending an emergency and the poor thing was begging for an epidural that I just couldn't help her with. She delivered long before he became available, bless her!

(ETA: This is the exception, not the rule girls, please don't worry!)
Just going to write my birth story, now LO is in bed and the washing up is all done :haha:
Don't be horrified. It all comes out roses!

Kara's Birth Story
Kara Rose was born February 10th by c-section at 8:50 am. Here’s how it all went. Feb 9th I went into the hospital at 6:30 for a scheduled induction. Her due date was the 13th but I chose to induce a few days early so my DH could have the weekend with her. The plan was I was to be given a pill every hrs throughout the night to get my cervix to soften and then start pitocin in the morning. The pill caused contractions to start right away. Even throughout the night, I felt like they were bearable, like bad period cramps. After the second dose, my nurse came in and said the baby’s heartrate was dropping with each contraction. She had me flip from side to side, which didn’t work. She also put me on oxygen. At this point, I guess she called my doctor who decided to stop with the pill and put something in my iv to make the contractions come farther apart. So they had basically stopped trying to induce me and were kind of trying to get the contractions to stop. The contractions didn’t decrease in intensity but they did come farther apart, and the baby’s heartrate no longer dropped. The nurse said that before my contraction pattern (2 back to back, otherwise close together) indicated that my pelvis was too small for the baby’s head. So my doctor had them put me on the surgery schedule in the morning.
Getting ready for the c-section was surreal. Everyone was calm and talking about mundane subjects like school and snow days. This decreased my anxiety, but I still had a brief panic attack before they went to do the spinal. I hadn’t felt nervous before, but all of the sudden I started hyperventilating and crying out of nowhere. The nurses were very reassuring. The spinal itself wasn’t that bad; the IV was much worse. As soon as they got me on the table, everything went extremely fast. My DH was seated beside my head, and the surgery began. It was such a weird feeling not feeling pain but intense pressure. The only part that really hurt was when they pressed on my chest to get her to come out. As soon as I saw her I cried. After a quick kiss, my baby was whisked away because she had the grunts. Basically, she had some fluid in her lungs and had to be given oxygen for a few hours.
Finally, I was able to hold her later that evening. I am so in love and incredibly blessed.
my Pixie's birth story is in my siggy :) if anyone fancies a read. sorry i just seem to pop in and out of this thread randomly :blush:
Ahh, I've just seen the original post... I was just going on what MackMomma said and thinking vaniila had literally been ignored when she requested an epidural. Must pay more attention :dohh:

I took it that way! Maybe it was because she was too far gone... man I hope so! I can't imagine being in labor and and my pleas for pain meds go unheeded. *shudder*

Sometimes it must feel that way to women, I was looking after a girl in labour earlier this week and unfortunately the anaethetist was attending an emergency and the poor thing was begging for an epidural that I just couldn't help her with. She delivered long before he became available, bless her!

(ETA: This is the exception, not the rule girls, please don't worry!)

I wanted an epidural the moment I went in there, I was first checked at 4/5 centimeters but only given gas & air, I think because they were changing shifts they didn't bother, we were pretty much left alone :nope:
i went into hospital and was 8cm! no pain relief at all - just a TENs machine... ended up with an emergency section though
i went into hospital and was 8cm! no pain relief at all - just a TENs machine... ended up with an emergency section though

:hugs: I don't know how you managed to stay out of hospital for that long :hugs:
Ahh, I've just seen the original post... I was just going on what MackMomma said and thinking vaniila had literally been ignored when she requested an epidural. Must pay more attention :dohh:

Maybe she was?! I re-read it and it seems that she was ignored, but half an hour later was too far gone - perhaps that's why...

I am hoping to go with no epidural so hopefully they refuse me or I just go too fast to get it before I change my mind ;)
Just a little background

At 29 weeks I developed Gestational Diabetes and was on insulin. I got told at 34 weeks that I have to have an induction at 38 weeks because of the GD. (I was meant to be told at teh 29 week appointment) So I only had 4 weeks to get my head round this, and franticly try and get OH home in time. Because of the GD, all the hospital staff advised me to have an early epidural because I was high risk, and it would reduce any ricks to LO incase I needed to be rushed off the theatre. (They literally said I am likely to need either or all of these: forceps/vontuse delivery. Epidural and C-Section)

This was me on Xmas day I think. So 3 days before I gave birth.


Monday 27th December:

I go into hospital at 9am ready to be induced. My mum and OH were my birthing partners, so they came along too. About 11am i was taken down to the labour ward, and they did an internal check, and said I was already 1cm dialted, and it could stretch to 2cm. They gave me a prostin pessary tablet, and I was monitored for 30mins. Every was fine, so I was told to wait 4 hours and I will be checked again, so me, OH and my mum went for a walk round the hospital, had a bite to eat in the cafe, and did some word searches. About 3pm I was getting some tiny tightenings, nothing painful, and they didnt last long. I was so excited as I thought she was on her way. :haha: Well we go back to the ward ready for 4pm, and they say that the labour ward is too busy at the moment, so I will have to wait until someone is free to give me another internal. Well hours went by and still nothing, we checked again with reception and they said the ward was still busy, what with emeergancy C-sections etc. So it was a waiting game. Well at the point OH and my mum had to leave, so I was all alone. By now my tightenings had all stopped. :(

Tuesday 28th December:

9am comes around and my OH turned up without my mum. We had decided that instead of another day wasted hanging around at the hospital for my mum, that we would ring my mum when she was needed. So me and OH are doing out crosswords again waiting to be called down to labour ward. I had said to OH that when we do go down, that once I had the prostin pessary tablet we would go for a huge walk around the hospital to speed it all up and help baby get a move on. Well 10.30am we go down to the labour ward, and I have another internal check, I was 4cm dialated :shock: and was very strechy. She had a good rumage around :haha: and said she thinks she can break my waters!! So no need for another tablet! She broke my waters, and it just trickelled out really. I was so paranoid it was pee, that I kept asking OH to have a look at the colour it was, incase it was pee. :haha: I got all the monitors on, and started with my drip (part of the induction) as well as IV antibiotics because I tested positive for Strep-B once, early on in the pregnancy. I had needles and drips everywhere on both arms. I think it was every hour I had to test my blood sugar levels, because I was also on a drip for my GD. So i was literally confined to the bed, i so wanted to move around :( Anyway, the midwifes slowy increased the drip amount(induction one). The contractions really werent that bad, it was getting so exciting! I kept asking what they considered an early epidural, and the best answer I was given was when you have a contraction that you think you cant deal with another like that, then ask for the epidural. So at 5.50pish they checked me again, and I was only 6cm. It had taken 7hours to dialte 2cms, I was so diappointed! Well by this point my contractions were awful and I eventually asked for an epidural, but they said the anaesthetist had to go off to do an emergancy C-section, and that I would have to wait another half an hour! :saywhat: I knew I really couldnt wait 30mins. Every contraction i now got was unbearable, I was nearly pushing myself off the bed, i was leaning so far over, luckily my mum was standing there and stopping me, so I just leaned my face on her stomach :haha: I was so reluctant to use G+A, I dont know why really, but my mum and the midwife tried to get me to take it, and after 10mins of debating about it, and several painful contractions I took it willingly. G+A is the single worst thing I have ever had in my body, yet it was wonderful at the same time. it really took the edge off each conctration, but I hated the effect it had on me. I felt drunk and drugged up, and so silly. I said so many funny things though, and I even slapped OH in the face when he tried to take it off me (it was actually caught, which was way I couldnt get it to my mouth, and Oh was only trying to free it! :dohh:) I also heard the midwives talking about the anaesthetist so I said 'yeah, he can go away, coz he's gone and left me' :rofl: I also kept going on about needing a poo! (It really felt like I needed one, but the midwife kept telling me I didnt, lol) Well after 20mins of the G+A I said 'im ready to push now!' and I tried to push! my mum and the midwife were telling me to stop, its too early but I carried on, 'but I really do need to push' and tried to push again. So the midwife quickly checked me again, and gave me the go ahead to push! it had taken 30mins to get from 6cm-10cm, no wonder it bloody hurt :haha: My legs were put in stirrups, and I was so focused on getting her out, I channeled all the pain into pushing and my mum said I was very quiet. I stopped the G+A at this point so that I could focus on pushing, plus I didnt want to be drugged up when she arrived. 3 pushes later and she was out, and placed on my chest. Oh was to the left of me, and my mum to the right. I looked at Amara, and at my OH, and we both has tears in our eyes, and I said 'look i've done, i've done it' lol. OH cut the cord, and she was wrapped in a blanket. They then gave me the injection to help get the placanta out, only mine was being stubborn and refused to budge. They eventully got it out, but as it came out I heard them say 'O' :shock: I wondered what this meant, and then all of a sudden the midwife was rubbing my tummy in circles. She was doing them in big rotations and very deep, andshe asked if the placenta had came out whole. My mum said they pulled out large blood clots and that the bed and floor was covered in blood. I actually lost 3pints of blood. I didnt even notice, i was so overwhelmed with joy and happiness that Amara was here. They got the bleeding to stop, which meant they could assess what damage she had done :haha: i had a 2nd degree tear and a graze, but the direction of the tear was weird, and they said that if I hadnt been as still as i was then I would of had to go to theatre to be stiched back up! So 40mins later and im all good to go. My dad, brother and sister had all come to the hospital, and they came in in 2's to meet Amara. They all had a cuddle with Amara, apart from my brother who was too scared. Everyone, including OH had to leave at 9pm, so I was literally left alone, all I wanted was OH to be with us, as a family. I stayed in the same room until the next morning.

Amara was born on Tuesday 28th December 2010 at 6.24pm weighing 7lbs 11oz. I have added the picture of the first time we met! :cloud9:

We didnt leave hospital until 31st December, because I was still quite weak from the blood loss :( but this was Amara ready to leave the hospital.
i went into hospital and was 8cm! no pain relief at all - just a TENs machine... ended up with an emergency section though

:hugs: I don't know how you managed to stay out of hospital for that long :hugs:

I was in before that, I'm guessing I was 4cm when I first went in but who knows. Anyway, the midwife told me i didn't look in enough pain to be in labour?! I just handle pain well silly cow!
Okay so that took me an hour to write :shock: Maybe I went OTT with the details? Sorry!

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