Welcome to the ttc in fall group..........AUTUMN ACORNS!!!!

Oooh, used at dentists, how interesting! I don't think it's used at dentists here :shrug:
It's silly too because i heard gas and air was one of the few labor pain reliefs that doesn't have a lot of risks involved.

Yeah, it's very low-risk, I wonder why it's not used out there? What medical options do you have out there then, just pethidine or epidural?
Us Americans don't seem to do much these days that makes any sense! :haha:

I've only heard of epidural for pain relief during labor. But to be fair I'm not well read in the area.. this will be my first and I try to avoid the labor information as it just terrifies me, mostly. ;)
Well we do have pethidine but when i researched it i heard the effects wear off fairly quickly. I believe some hospitals have an injection in the butt :haha: that can be used for pain relief but not sure what that's called.
To be honest, I don't know what all of the options are. I know there are locals available, as well as epidurals and spinals. Perhaps there is gas available, but if so, I never hear of it used!
There are a lot of IV meds they can give in the US, but most of them cannot be used throughout the labor because the effects wear quicker and quicker the more you receive it, it's not good for long term pain management - there is one in particular that I don't know the name of but it is only effective for apprx 30 minutes each dose and generally it is not very effective past the 3rd dose because they would have to up the amount of the dose too much. (which obviously won't help manage pain for long during an average 15 hour labor.)
The unit I used to work at didn't used to give Pethidine (morphine, basically) in labour, just gas and air or epidural. The unit I'm at now does give Pethidine. It seems to be good for people in very early labour as it lasts around 4 hours which helps carry women over into established labour. It's frowned upon to give it too far into labour though as it affects the baby too and they can be born pretty drowsy, which affects their feeding
Ok well...I was 2 weeks late as many first time moms will be....so I had to be induced. I will make this as short as possible.....I had 23 hours of active labor...I wanted to try for no epidural but was warned that contractions are far worse when given pitocin to induce labor...I asked for epidural at 6 cm....when they came in to give it...they dug around in my spine for like almost an hour trying to get the epidural in place...I have 4 scars on my back where they dug around and they are like an inch away from the spine!!!! Don't know what they were aiming for!!! It wouldn't have been so bad if the shot they give u before they do it...to numb the area had worked...I kept telling them it hurt...and they said "ohhh she's just tired...that why she crying" "NO U CRAZY LADY IM TEARING UP BC UR DIGGING A LONG NEEDLE IN MY SPINE AND I CAN FEEL EVERYTHING"....Soooo they done a few of those can u feel this...can u feel that...trying to fake me off tests and then they realized I really could feel it and they apologized over and over again. They gave me a second numbing shot...then went back to digging in my back...I could still feel it but not as bad!!

Once my epidural was in it was ok for a second but then I could still feel everything...could have even gotten up and walked...nothin was numb at all....I kept hitting the button they give u every 10 mins to dose the medication again but it wasn't working...so they had to call them back up and they tested me again...can u feel this...can u feel that...is this hot or is this cold....of course they realized I could still feel...they gave me 2 more large booster doses in the hours after that but it never worked...oh I take that back....towards the end my left foot felt numb like it was asleep lol

Well I only made it to 8 cm after 23 hours and I was developing a fever...my water had been broken for hours...so they were afraid I was getting an infection. I was concerned about getting a csection...since the epidural didnt numb me...would it numb me for surgery??? They assured me it was a very large does and would work. So im on the operating table and at this point I haven't ate in over 37 hours...or slept in over 30. They of course kept testing me asking me ifi could feel anything..they even tried to fake me out...but after like 4 times the average dose I was numb.

Well my csec took a bit longer bc Kyas head was wedged in my hips...they were pulling so hard on her my body was being lifted a foot off the table(according to my mom who was in there). All I could hear was her gurgling but never a cry...I was FREAKING OUT. finally they got her out...I seen her for 2 seconds and they rushed her off to put her on an iv of antibiotics. Well while trying to close me up they couldn't get me to stop bleeding....so I almost bleed to death on the table...they had to get emergency blood to be transfused in me. Well as they were trying to get ready to close me up...I was light headed from blood loss but as things became more clear...I realized I could feel them operating on me....all of the sudden I started screaming...the doctor said my pupils got tiny and I began to go into shock...finally I screamed "I can feel that".....I actually heard a doctor say "oh sh*t"....then I went out...I remember thing...are they putting me to sleep...am I passing out from pain...am I about to die ....omg ill never get to hold my daughter....then....blackness....as I came to in recovery I was crying as I woke...the nurse said id been crying for my baby in my sleep...they had put me to sleep.

Afterwards over the next few days I kept telling nurses in hospital that something was wrong with my c secstion wound...I was waayyy toooo swollen and it felt too hot....they never listened and when it was time for them to remove staples and me to go home....my wound split halfway back open...they covered it and put me on iv antibiotics and said a doctor would be in to loom at it in the morning...<--- yeah serious...they did that. I tried to tell them how could it be infected...I had been on iv antibiotics like the whole time I was recovering buttttt again they didnt listen. When the doctor came in the morning they looked at it and said there was a blood clot under one of my internal stitches and removed the internal stitches...when they did this bloody fluid came pouring out of me...so now here I was with a 3 inch deep...8 inch long open wound. They said I would have to let it heal slowly...they sent me home the next day with a newborn and a hole in my body...for the first few days my mom had to change the dressing on the wound twice a day...everytime she would say "its not that bad" but I could see by the look on her face it was bad...then a homecare nurse came and put a wound vac machine on me...

So there I was at home...with a newborn...a large hole in my body.. tubes coming out of me and in great pain...pain meds didnt really work....my skin was torn up on my tummy from where medical tape had to be changed constantly.

It was horrible and I almost died...but I got a beautiful daughter and she was in great health...so im glad it was me who had the pain not her.

Im weirdly immune to pain meds so some of the stuff that happened to me prolly wouldn't happen to many...but I tried to tell them I had an immunity to most pain meds.

The biggest lesson I would want someone to take from my birth story is....no matter ur age...if ur a first time mom...they will treat u like ur crazy...they will just act like u don't know what ur talking about bc u have never been pregnant or gave birth.

No matter what...if u think something is wrong or u are worried MAKE THEM LISTEN...don't worry about being wrong or anything...u have a right to speak up...its ur body and ur baby!!!
Do you know of any other effects of the Pethidine?
Wow, that sounds pretty traumatic, sorry you had such a bad time hun x
Skyblueheaven: What a crazy experience. Thanks for sharing. You're courageous to have a second baby.
Ok well...I was 2 weeks late as many first time moms will be....so I had to be induced. I will make this as short as possible.....I had 23 hours of active labor...I wanted to try for no epidural but was warned that contractions are far worse when given pitocin to induce labor...I asked for epidural at 6 cm....when they came in to give it...they dug around in my spine for like almost an hour trying to get the epidural in place...I have 4 scars on my back where they dug around and they are like an inch away from the spine!!!! Don't know what they were aiming for!!! It wouldn't have been so bad if the shot they give u before they do it...to numb the area had worked...I kept telling them it hurt...and they said "ohhh she's just tired...that why she crying" "NO U CRAZY LADY IM TEARING UP BC UR DIGGING A LONG NEEDLE IN MY SPINE AND I CAN FEEL EVERYTHING"....Soooo they done a few of those can u feel this...can u feel that...trying to fake me off tests and then they realized I really could feel it and they apologized over and over again. They gave me a second numbing shot...then went back to digging in my back...I could still feel it but not as bad!!

Once my epidural was in it was ok for a second but then I could still feel everything...could have even gotten up and walked...nothin was numb at all....I kept hitting the button they give u every 10 mins to dose the medication again but it wasn't working...so they had to call them back up and they tested me again...can u feel this...can u feel that...is this hot or is this cold....of course they realized I could still feel...they gave me 2 more large booster doses in the hours after that but it never worked...oh I take that back....towards the end my left foot felt numb like it was asleep lol

Well I only made it to 8 cm after 23 hours and I was developing a fever...my water had been broken for hours...so they were afraid I was getting an infection. I was concerned about getting a csection...since the epidural didnt numb me...would it numb me for surgery??? They assured me it was a very large does and would work. So im on the operating table and at this point I haven't ate in over 37 hours...or slept in over 30. They of course kept testing me asking me ifi could feel anything..they even tried to fake me out...but after like 4 times the average dose I was numb.

Well my csec took a bit longer bc Kyas head was wedged in my hips...they were pulling so hard on her my body was being lifted a foot off the table(according to my mom who was in there). All I could hear was her gurgling but never a cry...I was FREAKING OUT. finally they got her out...I seen her for 2 seconds and they rushed her off to put her on an iv of antibiotics. Well while trying to close me up they couldn't get me to stop bleeding....so I almost bleed to death on the table...they had to get emergency blood to be transfused in me. Well as they were trying to get ready to close me up...I was light headed from blood loss but as things became more clear...I realized I could feel them operating on me....all of the sudden I started screaming...the doctor said my pupils got tiny and I began to go into shock...finally I screamed "I can feel that".....I actually heard a doctor say "oh sh*t"....then I went out...I remember thing...are they putting me to sleep...am I passing out from pain...am I during...omg ill never get to hold my daughter....then....blackness....as I came to in recovery I was crying as I woke...the nurse said id been crying for my baby in my sleep...they had put me to sleep.

Afterwards over the next few days I kept telling nurses in hospital that something was wrong with my c secstion wound...I was waayyy toooo swollen and it felt too hot....they never listened and when it was time for them to remove staples and me to go home....my wound split halfway back open...they covered it and put me on iv antibiotics and said a doctor would be in to loom at it in the morning...<--- yeah serious...they did that. I tried to tell them how could it be infected...I had been on iv antibiotics like the whole time I was recovering buttttt again they didnt listen. When the doctor came in the morning they looked at it and said there was a blood clot under one of my internal stitches and removed the internal stitches...when they did this bloody fluid came pouring out of me...so now here I was with a 3 inch deep...8 inch long open wound. They said I would have to let it heal slowly...they sent me home the next day with a newborn and a hole in my body...for the first few days my mom had to change the dressing on the wound twice a day...everytime she would say "its not that bad" but I could see by the look on her face it was bad...then a homecare nurse came and put a wound vac machine on me...

So there I was at home...with a newborn...a large hole in my body.. tubes coming out of me and in great pain...pain meds didnt really work....my skin was torn up on my tummy from where medical tape had to be changed constantly.

It was horrible and I almost died...but I got a beautiful daughter and she was in great health...so im glad it was me who had the pain not her.

Im weirdly immune to pain meds so some of the stuff that happened to me prolly wouldn't happen to many...but I tried to tell them I had an immunity to most pain meds.

The biggest lesson I would want someone to take from my birth story is....no matter ur age...if ur a first time mom...they will treat u like ur crazy...they will just act like u don't know what ur talking about bc u have never been pregnant or gave birth.

No matter what...if u think something is wrong or u are worried MAKE THEM LISTEN...don't worry about being wrong or anything...u have a right to speak up...its ur body and ur baby!!!

:shock: Seriously. Horrified.

*runs screaming for the hills, swearing she's never going to let DH touch her again*
Do you know of any other effects of the Pethidine?

The way people react to it tends to vary massively in my experience. Some people find it very effective, some people hate it as it commonly makes people feel a bit 'detached' from reality. The main side effect is that it crosses the placenta and affects baby too, and it can also delay gastric emptying in mums meaning you wouldn't be allowed (in the UK anyway) to use a birth pool under the influence of it

(ETA: We always give it with an anti-emetic as it's an opiate so can cause nausea/vomiting)
Whenever I hear about 'Laughing Gas' and dentists, I always think about the film Little Shop of Horrors :rofl:
Pixie...im not courageous at all...honestly im terrified. I am so afraid of something going wrong and me leaving two children without a mom bc I just had to have another baby.

I lost 4 pregnancies before kya...one of which was far enough along that I have to give a still birth. I never thought id even have one...so sometimes I feel like im asking too much when asking for another but I feel like I need it.

I gave birth to kya in the same hospital I had to give still birth in....even though my heart will never fully heal from having a still birth...it healed a little when I was finally able to hold kya in my arms in that hospital. Im not greedy...I just want one more....I figure...I lost 4...asking to have just 2 isn't bad.
:hugs: skybluheaven. You've been through so much, you deserve as many :bfp: as you want!
Gosh Skybluheaven, that was an awful experience. :hugs: Thank you for sharing. :flow:
I totally agree.
And being scared doesn't mean you're not courageous because you obviously haven't let your fear rule your life. There is a great book that my parents told me about, I haven't read it yet, but I can't wait, it's called: Heaven is for Real. It is supposed to be phenomonal. It's understandable that there is still some grief to work though when losing a pregnancy. I haven't even read it yet, but just talking to my parents about it, I highly reccomend it for anybody who is greiving the loss of someone, including children that didn't make it to their mothers arms.

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