Welcome to the ttc in fall group..........AUTUMN ACORNS!!!!

moving to England in August is gonna be such a crazy experience. I can't wait! Luckily all of my family will still be in the states so they can mail me things that I can't get in the UK.

What makes you move over here? :shrug: Are you moving permanantly? (sorry if youve already said?)

I am emigrating early next year too :wacko:
Im really going too......:wave:

Unless you wanna talk more food! :haha:
moving to England in August is gonna be such a crazy experience. I can't wait! Luckily all of my family will still be in the states so they can mail me things that I can't get in the UK.

What makes you move over here? :shrug: Are you moving permanantly? (sorry if youve already said?)

I am emigrating early next year too :wacko:

I wanna move someone far away and exotic!!! :cry: Too bad DH will NEVER leave here - he gets nervous going more than 50 miles from home. :haha:
Haha, the white chocolate was actually Fair trade with crispy bits in it... so maybe because there was less chocolate, because of the crispy bits, it helped with the weight :rofl:

I dont think I could ever move from the area I am in, how boring am I. I just like to be enar my family.
Hiya all! I absolutely LOVED reading all of your birthstories! The good ones and those that left me a bit horrified! :cry: It's still great to read how well it ended for everyone.

Well, I have 3 birthstories, so I'll try to keep it short!

With my eldest, I had to get an induction because fluid started leaking for 3 days without any contractions. The induction worked beautifully and I laboured at home for a few hours (went out for breakfast with hubby...was great!). Got to hospital when I was 3cm dilated. Walked up and down and after being in labour for 6 hours, I got the epi at 4cm dilated. I wasn't in much pain, but I was having a trial labour (I'm VERY small and baby was big) so it was good to get the epi in case of a c-sect. Unfortunately, the anaestheologist (sp?) poked the needle in too deep (pain beyond belief) and had to do it twice. After another 4 hours of unsuccessful labour, baby stuck at 5cm dilation, and I had to get a c-sect. It went without glitches and baby was born fat, screaming, peeing and the most beautiful sight on earth. Two days later the epidural headaches started and I was given a patch (blood drawn from your arm and injected into your spinal column.) Again pain beyond belief. It didn't work, and I suffered epidural headaches for 10 days. I also got an infection in the uterus and it took my gynae 3 months of fighting really hard to save it for me. She succeeded in the end, thank goodness.

Second baby I wanted a VBAC since she was a tiny thing (IUGR). Not nearly as big as her brother was (in fact, about 2/3's the size of him, LOL). Fortunately, at 37 weeks I went for a check-up and the gynae immediately saw baby was in trouble. The monitor confirmed it, baby was in distress and had to be taken out immediately. (The gynae said afterwards she wouldn't have lived another 3 hours. The placenta was totally dead.) An emergency c-sect was performed, without any glitches. Spinal didn't hurt at all, and only one poke was necessary. Baby was born without making a sound, small, and beautiful. She only gave one tiny mew when they rubbed her. I got to hold her a few secs, then she was taken to NICU where she was admitted and put on a CPAP machine. She had water on the lungs and pneumonia. It was touch and go for a few days, then she got much better and after 9 days she was released. She was so very very small, and just absolutely precious.

Third baby I again went into labour at 37 weeks, but gynae was able to stop the contractions for a few hours. We were afraid of a repeat baby in NICU, that's why we wanted to prolong pregnancy (placenta was doing good and baby wasn't in distress this time). Labour was persistant and I had to take medication to stop contractions quite a few times. After 4 days, it was impossible to stop it any longer. And my c-sect wound was tearing on the inside. So I had my 3rd c-section. This time, the spinal again hurt terribly and the first failed again, so they had to poke me a 2nd time. I squealed like a little pig from the pain. Baby was born fat, screaming, beautiful but turning blue. They had to suction him before he was fine. We were so relieved. It was a beautiful experience, and healed me from my horrors of the previous birth where we almost lost baby.

Oh, someone asked about backpain. After my first botched epi, I got the backpain. It got a bit better after about 9 months, but to this day, I sit with it. Nothing they can do about it, except give me some cocktail of drugs to experiment. Which I declined, since the pain isn't that bad. Oh, and they gave me an MRI to check for other causes. They don't believe me much that it was caused by the epi. But I never had backpain before the birth of my son, and since then I've had it almost daily. Just a dull ache, mostly late in the day. I can live with it, really it's not too bad. As long as no one touch that specific point where the needle went in. Then I scream. LOL.
Haha I'm going to have to shout I'm in labour! And scream so they know haha. Did anyone read mine? :Blush:

Beautiful. I liked your description of having c section as someone digging into the bottom of their purse. That's exactly what it felt like for me!:haha:
I am visiting London in the next year...not sure when but we were invited by some family I have there that I haven't seen since my last trip over 10 years ago.
I love everybody's birth stories!

I also enjoyed all the chitchat about food. Made me hungry.:haha:I couldn't live without cinnamon and peanut butter. Someone mention Haggen Daaz. My favorite icecream is Ben & Jerrys phish food (chocolate, fudge swirl, marshmallow, chocolate fish pieces, caramel.)Yum.

Alas, still trying to flick off those last 5 pregnancy pounds.

Good night everyone! :sleep:Tomorrow's Saturday!:happydance::happydance:
I can't sleep, so I'm catching up on the day which was very chatty, and partially it is because I'm hungry which the current topics are not helping alieve. This week I ate out 4....5? times... not good for my cholesterol or diet, but it was yummy and I figure I can work on it... later.... I went to a candy store to buy a gift for a co-worker and of course had to pick up a little for myself, and so I was like a kid in a candy store, except that I'm not a kid, but everyone else in the store was, and I felt really old..... but I had an 80 year old client tell me on the phone today that I sounded younger on the phone than in person, so I think that could be a good thing?

Congrats to all those who lost some weight this week! I'm not weighing myself till after the wedding, but I'm thinking this wasn't a great week either way. But if it is any help a few months ago I completely changed what I ate, a lot more fruits and vegetables, less carbs, and cooking everything at home and in two weeks I lost 10lbs, so it can be done, I just find sticking to it harder and not as fun as eating a hamburger!!!

My OH and I talk about moving all the time, but we are very clear that if we did move it would only be to Ottawa because he works for the federal government so that would be an endless supply of jobs for him, for me it would a lot less jobs, but wtv. We LOVE Montreal, but the politics here are really dumb and there is still so much animosity between english and french ppl, which is really sad. In part we would like our kids to grow up in a different environmet than we did, but it is really important to us that they be bilingual and in Ottawa that would be harder than Montreal... so we talk about it, but I'm not sure we would do it. With the exception of language, construction, potholes, highways that collapse, a bridge that is about to collapse, dirty politics, lots of stripclubs... this is an awesome city, great food (including good Indian), lots of alcohol, no warm beer, and always something to do....

I really am rambling, so sorry for that. But I can't sleep and my stomach is rumbling and now I really want to eat white chocolate.... Thanks for reading! :)
moving to England in August is gonna be such a crazy experience. I can't wait! Luckily all of my family will still be in the states so they can mail me things that I can't get in the UK.

What makes you move over here? :shrug: Are you moving permanantly? (sorry if youve already said?)

I am emigrating early next year too :wacko:

My hubby's job is moving us to England, we should be there for 3 to 4 years! I'm really excited to have a baby out there because I was born over there because my parents were stationed there due to my dad being in the US Air Force. It will be something cool to have in common with my kids. When I was growing up I always loved telling people that I was born in England, my friends always thought it was so cool - I'm sure it's not very exciting for those of you who were born and raised there!

Where will you be moving?

I love everybody's birth stories!

I also enjoyed all the chitchat about food. Made me hungry.:haha:I couldn't live without cinnamon and peanut butter. Someone mention Haggen Daaz. My favorite icecream is Ben & Jerrys phish food (chocolate, fudge swirl, marshmallow, chocolate fish pieces, caramel.)Yum.

mmmm... Ben and Jerry's Phish Food is one of my faves too!
Everyone keeps talking about ice cream...I haven't had it in over two years...first bc I developed a sudden bad allergy to egg...and many of my fave ice creams have egg (like all starbucks ice cream and most others that have any kind of brownie or cookie pieces in them)...then bc after I had kya she has bad issues with milk and soy....I breastfeed sooo I have to limit my instals of milk and soy pretty low so it doesn't bother her...which means I have to cut out stuff like ice cream bc if im gonna eat dairy it needs to be something with enough nutrional value that its worth the amount of milk and soy...and well ice creamjust has too much dairy.

So I eat an egg free and very lot soy/milk diet....this also cuts out almost all fastfood.

U know I used to ask God to give me the strength to lead a healthier life so I would one day be able to be around a loonng time for my kids....well God has jokes bc instead of giving me strength he just made me and my baby allergic to most the good stuff. Lol

So I now eat healthy bc I don't really have a choice!!!!
Just got back from another grad party. It was fun! Had a kabob BBQ earlier and then talked around a bonfire :)

Skyblueheaven - Wow hun, you really went through a lot and you're so strong! Thanks for sharing your story and i'm sorry for your losses. For #2 I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months and a wonderful labor... you deserve it!

Shabutie - I'm sorry for your losses as well and i'm absolutely appalled at how your sister treats you! I really think the two of you need some space for awhile and when she grows up a bit maybe you can sit down and have a serious chat with her. She's really missing out on having a wonderful sister and neice in her life and hopefully someday she will realize that. Big hugs to you!

Your guys birth stories are really making me doubt myself on the epidural. It went so well for me the first time. I didn't feel a thing when they stuck the needle in and it was done in 2 seconds. The epidural made labor go so smoothly and i didn't have any back pain afterwards. Now i'm freaking out because i recommended it to a couple of my prego friends... and that comment on paralysis :shock:

:hissy: Now i'm gonna have to re-research pain relief for #2. I really am a wimp and i know i will chicken out of going all natural!
Just got back from another grad party. It was fun! Had a kabob BBQ earlier and then talked around a bonfire :)

Skyblueheaven - Wow hun, you really went through a lot and your so strong! Thanks for sharing your story and i'm sorry for your losses. For #2 I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months and a wonderful labor... you deserve it!

Shabutie - I'm sorry for your losses as well and i'm absolutely appalled at how your sister treats you! I really think the two of you need some space for awhile and when she grows up a bit maybe you can sit down and have a serious chat with her. She's really missing out on having a wonderful sister and neice in her life and hopefully someday she will realize that. Big hugs to you!

Your guys birth stories are really making me doubt myself on the epidural. It went so well for me the first time. I didn't feel a thing when they stuck the needle in and it was done in 2 seconds. The epidural made labor go so smoothly and i didn't have any back pain afterwards. Now i'm freaking out because i recommended it to a couple of my prego friends... and that comment on paralysis :shock:

:hissy: Now i'm gonna have to re-research pain relief for #2. I really am a wimp and i know i will chicken out of going natural!
Everyone keeps talking about ice cream...I haven't had it in over two years...first bc I developed a sudden bad allergy to egg...and many of my fave ice creams have egg (like all starbucks ice cream and most others that have any kind of brownie or cookie pieces in them)...then bc after I had kya she has bad issues with milk and soy....I breastfeed sooo I have to limit my instals of milk and soy pretty low so it doesn't bother her...which means I have to cut out stuff like ice cream bc if im gonna eat dairy it needs to be something with enough nutrional value that its worth the amount of milk and soy...and well ice creamjust has too much dairy.

So I eat an egg free and very lot soy/milk diet....this also cuts out almost all fastfood.

U know I used to ask God to give me the strength to lead a healthier life so I would one day be able to be around a loonng time for my kids....well God has jokes bc instead of giving me strength he just made me and my baby allergic to most the good stuff. Lol

So I now eat healthy bc I don't really have a choice!!!!


I rarely eat ice cream and fatty foods. My biggest problem is sugar :( I could seriously live off licorice, starburst, circus peanuts, and skittles! I used to keep licorice in my house specifically to much on for whenever i needed to sit down and watch a good movie. I'm better though and ever since i've started trying to lose weight it's become pretty much habit to drink water and eat healthy. Which is good because otherwise i'd probably be in dentures by the time i'm 30 :haha:
I would still recommend an epidural...I mean its not everyone that has issues...I just have a very high tolerance for pain medications of all types...even when I've had to have those shots at the denist...they have to give me like 3 or 4. The stuff they use to numb ur gum is similar to what they use to numb the area of the back when they give the epi so I should have known it wouldn't work lol

I just tell people to go as long as they can without meds...but if they think they need it then do it...we are not superheros...and we want the day to be enjoyable. I think its a very personal choice and everyone is different.
Iheartbaby#1--- My issue is the other version of sugar....carbs...I love pasta...breads...potatoes
Shabutie - your sister is harsh :nope: I think you need to have nothing to do with her until she can speak to you civilly.

Hakuna - sorry, I've only just got your email and seen the posts about voting! I forgot! Have I missed the deadline?

Mmmmm, food! Ben & Jerrys Coconutterly is LUSH and their Macademia nut one! I'm a chocolate addict, have tons of it every day :blush: apart from that I eat quite healthily.

Pixie - where abouts in UK are you moving to? (sorry if you've already said). My OH and I lived in Canada for a while and have a house there, I'm dying to go back, it's a perfect place to raise kids, I love it.

Happy Saturday everyone! :happydance:
Elski.....if I haven't told u before...I love ur pic ur using for ur profile!!! Such a big smile...lol makes me smile everytime I see it!!!
Elski.....if I haven't told u before...I love ur pic ur using for ur profile!!! Such a big smile...lol makes me smile everytime I see it!!!

Haha, awww thanks, it makes me laugh too! It's the cheesiest grin ever. It was taken on Christmas Day and was her reaction to getting an Iggle Piggle cuddly toy :)

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