Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

Thanks FleurDeLis,

This wait really sucks...I tested again this afternoon, 13dpo and it was another BFN. :nope: AF is due tomorrow, so i'm not going to test again until maybe Sunday or Monday morning...argh...

Why does this have to be so hard for some of us? I don't get it.:shrug:

Hi ladies,

This is my first time on BabyandBump. I was on the fertilityforum for a long time and decided to switch it up. DH and I pulled the goalie in July 2008. We have been through 3 IUIs (BFN), 1 fresh IVF (m/c 5w4d) and 1 frozen cycle (m/c 9w4d), all due to Male Factor. My last m/c was in May, so this is our first real month of TTC on our own. DH had varicocele surgery that seemed to be successful after just 4 months, so there was no reason to try doing fertility treatments again.

This 2ww is killing me! My cycles are always always always normal, 28 days. Today is actually 30 days for me now! I used the OPKs and it showed I O'd on day 17 this time, so if my luteal phase is 14 days, I am at 13dpo. I spotted at 11dpo in the evening, but only when I wiped (sorry for TMI). I've had nothing since then. I tested at 11dpo in AM, because i'm impatient and it was BFN. Now i'm not sure what to do....BBs not really sore, mostly just have insane urine frequency...so i'm just feeling lost right now. I've never been pregnant without the help of fertility treatments, but i'm praying this is our miracle!

welcome! and good luck


We all go through this roller coaster and I understand your frustration. I was 11 days late Wednesday and yesterday :witch: showed up. Prior to that I kept testing and testing but :bfn:. I have to remember that My relationship with my DH is the most important aspect and if I lose my focus off of him and stay so focused on :sex: just for a baby then I've lost sight of the bigger picture. We were a couple before ever trying to have children, and when our children are grown and gone, we will still have each other. So I have to learn to appreciate the time that I have with him, all the while fighting my inner :devil: about having to have a baby. However, a child won't complete me, I have to be whole and complete for the child. For me, I'm having to learn that conception isn't a job it's a choice, so I shouldn't let it stress me so much, it is a journey with pit stops, some are fun and some aren't.

Good luck and we are here for you!!! :friends:

Well said. I completely agree and try to remember this when things get frustrating. I wish more people understood this.
Hi, I'm new to the site ! I have been ttc for two months and am on my second cycle having come on cerazette and had the most awful pregnancy like symptoms but with no pregnancy. Have been using opk's and finally got a positive today !!

Awesome!! keep us updated on your journey!
Thanks FleurDeLis,

This wait really sucks...I tested again this afternoon, 13dpo and it was another BFN. :nope: AF is due tomorrow, so i'm not going to test again until maybe Sunday or Monday morning...argh...

Why does this have to be so hard for some of us? I don't get it.:shrug:

Hi ladies,

This is my first time on BabyandBump. I was on the fertilityforum for a long time and decided to switch it up. DH and I pulled the goalie in July 2008. We have been through 3 IUIs (BFN), 1 fresh IVF (m/c 5w4d) and 1 frozen cycle (m/c 9w4d), all due to Male Factor. My last m/c was in May, so this is our first real month of TTC on our own. DH had varicocele surgery that seemed to be successful after just 4 months, so there was no reason to try doing fertility treatments again.

This 2ww is killing me! My cycles are always always always normal, 28 days. Today is actually 30 days for me now! I used the OPKs and it showed I O'd on day 17 this time, so if my luteal phase is 14 days, I am at 13dpo. I spotted at 11dpo in the evening, but only when I wiped (sorry for TMI). I've had nothing since then. I tested at 11dpo in AM, because i'm impatient and it was BFN. Now i'm not sure what to do....BBs not really sore, mostly just have insane urine frequency...so i'm just feeling lost right now. I've never been pregnant without the help of fertility treatments, but i'm praying this is our miracle!

welcome! and good luck

Hi There! Welcome! found that testing frequently as much as wanted to at the end of the day left me feeling so dissapointed. So agree on not testing every day, from this experience have learned and the next time around will only test every two days if that! Good luck to you and hope you get your FP :) :thumbup: Keep us updated!
Hi, this is my first time in a forum like this, but my doctor said it may help to meet people in the same position as me ...... so here it goes ... I've been ttc since my son was 1 years old, always wanted children close in age, but almost 5 yrs l8r an no such luck ... both me an my partner have had fertility tests all normal, I have tried many different things ... charted my temp, ovulation tests, fertility boosting remedies an now i'm at the point where i'm seriously considering giving up I want another baby more than ever but at the point where the stress of ttc is to much x

cant imagine how stressful it must be, big props for you guys not giving up thus far! agree with FleurDeLis, to take a break! You know what most couples have told me, that they got pregnant when they werent even thinking about ovulation etc....in the beggining they were worked up trying to figure out every single detail but got no results! also read an article that states yoru body tries to fight it when you think about it so much, not sure the validity to that argument but would Just make love 2-3 times a week w/o even thinking about a baby as the result & see what happens! Keep your head up and good luck!
Hi ladies,

This is my first time on BabyandBump. I was on the fertilityforum for a long time and decided to switch it up. DH and I pulled the goalie in July 2008. We have been through 3 IUIs (BFN), 1 fresh IVF (m/c 5w4d) and 1 frozen cycle (m/c 9w4d), all due to Male Factor. My last m/c was in May, so this is our first real month of TTC on our own. DH had varicocele surgery that seemed to be successful after just 4 months, so there was no reason to try doing fertility treatments again.

This 2ww is killing me! My cycles are always always always normal, 28 days. Today is actually 30 days for me now! I used the OPKs and it showed I O'd on day 17 this time, so if my luteal phase is 14 days, I am at 13dpo. I spotted at 11dpo in the evening, but only when I wiped (sorry for TMI). I've had nothing since then. I tested at 11dpo in AM, because i'm impatient and it was BFN. Now i'm not sure what to do....BBs not really sore, mostly just have insane urine frequency...so i'm just feeling lost right now. I've never been pregnant without the help of fertility treatments, but i'm praying this is our miracle!

Good Luck! know the 2WW is nerve wreacking but you must try to keep your mind preocupied, maybe now is a great time to work on your hobby or think of a hobby if you dont have one. find scrapbooking my photographs helps me keep my mind off it. Goodluck and hope you will see a BFP!:baby:
Hi, I ovulated on the 8th of July and im due on the 22nd of july, my periods are always on time. Im not on any contraception as im trying to conceive me and my partner had intercourse before ovulation and on the night of ovulation.
About 3-4 days after ovulation i started experiencing cramps low down, not painful but noticeable and the odd sharp twinge, also I noticed that down in my pelvic area in now hard when i lay down, stand up of sit down, I never had any of this before, so could this be a sign of pregnancy?

Hi! Sounds like it is, watch out for implantation bleeding which a lot of women experience and should be happening soon, it will be spotting so don't get to worried if it does happen to you cause its another sign of pregnancy! Good Luck and let us know how it goes!
Thanks FleurDeLis,

This wait really sucks...I tested again this afternoon, 13dpo and it was another BFN. :nope: AF is due tomorrow, so i'm not going to test again until maybe Sunday or Monday morning...argh...

Why does this have to be so hard for some of us? I don't get it.:shrug:

Hi ladies,

This is my first time on BabyandBump. I was on the fertilityforum for a long time and decided to switch it up. DH and I pulled the goalie in July 2008. We have been through 3 IUIs (BFN), 1 fresh IVF (m/c 5w4d) and 1 frozen cycle (m/c 9w4d), all due to Male Factor. My last m/c was in May, so this is our first real month of TTC on our own. DH had varicocele surgery that seemed to be successful after just 4 months, so there was no reason to try doing fertility treatments again.

This 2ww is killing me! My cycles are always always always normal, 28 days. Today is actually 30 days for me now! I used the OPKs and it showed I O'd on day 17 this time, so if my luteal phase is 14 days, I am at 13dpo. I spotted at 11dpo in the evening, but only when I wiped (sorry for TMI). I've had nothing since then. I tested at 11dpo in AM, because i'm impatient and it was BFN. Now i'm not sure what to do....BBs not really sore, mostly just have insane urine frequency...so i'm just feeling lost right now. I've never been pregnant without the help of fertility treatments, but i'm praying this is our miracle!

welcome! and good luck


We all go through this roller coaster and I understand your frustration. I was 11 days late Wednesday and yesterday :witch: showed up. Prior to that I kept testing and testing but :bfn:. I have to remember that My relationship with my DH is the most important aspect and if I lose my focus off of him and stay so focused on :sex: just for a baby then I've lost sight of the bigger picture. We were a couple before ever trying to have children, and when our children are grown and gone, we will still have each other. So I have to learn to appreciate the time that I have with him, all the while fighting my inner :devil: about having to have a baby. However, a child won't complete me, I have to be whole and complete for the child. For me, I'm having to learn that conception isn't a job it's a choice, so I shouldn't let it stress me so much, it is a journey with pit stops, some are fun and some aren't.

Good luck and we are here for you!!! :friends:

Very well said!!!!! Thank You needed to read this! Sometimes you can lose focus! :) its time to get back on track and just go with the flow BUT hopefully not :witch: lol
So its been a very fun week for my DH, we have been :sex: everyday other day since my egg is estimated to drop on Sunday. My DH did confess that the pressure was getting to him a bit, but assured him whats most important is that we enjoy this time and forget about what the outcome will be.I am trying to make is as fun as possible like before we were TTC, the only diff now is that stay in bed longer and even tried the legs up in the air. m not sure if anyone else experience this but still felt the semen leaking out, know what goes up must come down but im hoping those werent all his swimmers leaving the tunnel! dont know why but the Ovulation Testing Strips have yet to show positive, im solely going on how long my cycle usually is and my BBTEMP. I will keep testing and hope to see the test line the same or darker than the control iine.

:dust: to all!!!
Hi! Newbie here!
The hubbie and I have been trying to conceive for about 3 weeks.
Since I am older I know this could take some time. I don't have a financial cussion like many women my age. So I will be relying on God's good humor on how to care for a baby once he/she is here. Poor people have babies every day and I am running out of time.
Talk about pressure right?!
The odd thing, the hubbie is randier than every at the thought of a baby! Is that normal?
Hi! Newbie here!
The hubbie and I have been trying to conceive for about 3 weeks.
Since I am older I know this could take some time. I don't have a financial cussion like many women my age. So I will be relying on God's good humor on how to care for a baby once he/she is here. Poor people have babies every day and I am running out of time.
Talk about pressure right?!
The odd thing, the hubbie is randier than every at the thought of a baby! Is that normal?

Welcome and Good Luck! would start saving as much as you can now, god knows how babies can be expensive. There is also alot of help out there, WC programs which contribute towards the baby's food expenses but would still suggest putting some money aside for the other baby expenses. Even the smallest amount you can put away will help. The good thing is you have 9+ months to prepare and save. :thumbup:

think its normal, my Hubby gets very excited as well, they have no limitations now and also almost every man prob finds it fascinating to plant their seed.....is my guess hehehe

Good luck and :dust: to you!!!!!
Hi ladies,

I just joined forum today, me and my husband are trying for our first child together, he has 2 from previous marriage, i have none as of yet hoping that will change soon :)

I was wondering if any of you could give me advice, i have been to doctors as we have tried for about 8months with no luck and the DR put me on microgynon 30 for 3 months and told me not to have sex at all during the 3months i have now came off half way through month 3 as it was making me really sick and break out in spots and extra weight etc... you know the drill.

So now im waiting for my fake period to come round as i was told i would have a sort of fake period once coming off the pill. we are going to start trying again once the fake period is ended.

So do any of you have any tips at all for me as i really want a child of my own. (although i love my husbands children like they are my own) its just not the same.

Sorry for rambling on.
Welcome DHIME and KAYLZ

Hi MrsMM24

Congratulations on your pregnancy, i just read your journal, lets hope im not waiting too long, my husband and i are following all the necessary dietary needs etc so fingers crossed :)
So its been a very fun week for my DH, we have been :sex: everyday other day since my egg is estimated to drop on Sunday. My DH did confess that the pressure was getting to him a bit, but assured him whats most important is that we enjoy this time and forget about what the outcome will be.I am trying to make is as fun as possible like before we were TTC, the only diff now is that stay in bed longer and even tried the legs up in the air. m not sure if anyone else experience this but still felt the semen leaking out, know what goes up must come down but im hoping those werent all his swimmers leaving the tunnel! dont know why but the Ovulation Testing Strips have yet to show positive, im solely going on how long my cycle usually is and my BBTEMP. I will keep testing and hope to see the test line the same or darker than the control iine.

:dust: to all!!!

Hey Dante,

I used the Instead soft cups...I'm hoping they work! I've been told they keep the little devils in place near the cervix...
Hi ladies,

I just joined forum today, me and my husband are trying for our first child together, he has 2 from previous marriage, i have none as of yet hoping that will change soon :)

I was wondering if any of you could give me advice, i have been to doctors as we have tried for about 8months with no luck and the DR put me on microgynon 30 for 3 months and told me not to have sex at all during the 3months i have now came off half way through month 3 as it was making me really sick and break out in spots and extra weight etc... you know the drill.

So now im waiting for my fake period to come round as i was told i would have a sort of fake period once coming off the pill. we are going to start trying again once the fake period is ended.

So do any of you have any tips at all for me as i really want a child of my own. (although i love my husbands children like they are my own) its just not the same.

Sorry for rambling on.

We are here for you! Let us know how it goes!!
Hi ladies,

so today is the big night :) just got a positive OV test! yay time to get busy! Although should mention, We have been doing the D for the past week and this morning woke up with slight cramping, do not know what that is about.....My :witch: isnt due till the 31st! hmmmmmm lets see what happens! :winkwink:

Hi ladies,

I just joined forum today, me and my husband are trying for our first child together, he has 2 from previous marriage, i have none as of yet hoping that will change soon :)

I was wondering if any of you could give me advice, i have been to doctors as we have tried for about 8months with no luck and the DR put me on microgynon 30 for 3 months and told me not to have sex at all during the 3months i have now came off half way through month 3 as it was making me really sick and break out in spots and extra weight etc... you know the drill.

So now im waiting for my fake period to come round as i was told i would have a sort of fake period once coming off the pill. we are going to start trying again once the fake period is ended.

So do any of you have any tips at all for me as i really want a child of my own. (although i love my husbands children like they are my own) its just not the same.

Sorry for rambling on.

Hello, welcome and good luck! Keep us posted!
Hi ladies,

so today is the big night :) just got a positive OV test! yay time to get busy! Although should mention, We have been doing the D for the past week and this morning woke up with slight cramping, do not know what that is about.....My :witch: isnt due till the 31st! hmmmmmm lets see what happens! :winkwink:


Yay Dante!!! Have fun with your DH!!!! Sending many prayers your way. I hope the little :spermy:'s stick. I'm going to stalk you :flasher: during your 2WW.
YES, let's hope you do not have to wait long KAYLZ, FXD for that. Waiting during this is no joke, I swear. I am preg and waiting for soem urine results to see if the spotting is from a UTI so they can give meds and I can move forward with little no worry. Waiting for those results are torturous as well. I will be looking forward to some good news and success stories from you soon. :dust:

DANTE - GL tonight, no matter what, ENJOY and have fun, afterwards, then think about that sticky bean you created! YAY! :dust:
MrsMM - Thanks i hope your results come back ok and you can move on in your pregnancy with no hassle, think im going to DR tomorrow with OH to get blood tests hopefully all ok :)

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