Hey there rosyrose
Had a look at your website
First of all, without a fertility specialist having a good look at your ovaries and doing some studies I would be hesitant to believe any normal GP who claims that due to the cysts your ovaries would need to be removed.
I would think that that would be a last resort tactic, after drainage of the cysts and medication have failed.
This is a little bit of a personal question but are you overweight at all? If so (and don't fret but being overweight comes hand in hand with PCOS) then sometimes losing that weight helps with the cysts. Since I have reduced my weight by 30kg the number of cysts on my ovaries (and there were oodles) has decreased by 35% and my specialist informs me that that number will be even better with more weight loss.
As for your period lasting for 20days so far and being bright blood, don't fret too much. when us ladies with PCOS bleed sometimes it can last forever and a day. I once bled for almost a month then didn't have a period at all for almost 3 months.
PCOS messes severely with your hormone levels and as such our poor reproductive systems get all confused. It just sounds like your hormones are stuck, don't fear they'll sort themselves out eventually and you will stop bleeding. Its most inconvenient but nothing to be scared about.
I myself do not live in the US so I do have the benefit of free medical care, that said, fertility specialists are not covered under medicare here and as such I do have to pay for this aspect of my health.
Good luck in your journey, try not the be scared, and if you ever need to just talk about whats happening with your body, well that's what we're all here for.