Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

Hello Everyone...

I found this forum totally by accident while researching info on metformin use and PCOS.

I was diagnosed with PCOS just recently but my husband and I have been trying to conceive for ten years now. I did have one pregnancy in 2005 but tragically miscarried at 12 weeks.

Now we are even more determined to get pregnant as I am approaching 30 and my hubby is well into his 30's. I am currently on Metformin 500mg x2 daily. My fertility specialist advised me that before using clomid to promote ovulation it would be a good idea for me to lose some weight and see if ovulation could be restored that way.

I started this journey at 127kg and 3months on I'm now at 96Kg. The metformin is only a recent medication and I am on day 5 of that so hopefully that will help me lose even more weight.

I have joined this forum in the hope of meeting and talking to like minded individuals who are going through this rollercoaster of emotions, highs, lows, and gut wrenching losses. I think their are few out there who could understand the heart wrending pain we all feel at the BFN on a pregnancy test. I know for myself I just feel like a failure most of the time. I feel like I'm made wrong and just dont work. In my head I know thats a silly way to think but my head has a lot of trouble overruling my heart.

So to all like me TTC good luck......and for myself, well only time will tell.:thumbup:

Hello Everyone...

I found this forum totally by accident while researching info on metformin use and PCOS.

I was diagnosed with PCOS just recently but my husband and I have been trying to conceive for ten years now. I did have one pregnancy in 2005 but tragically miscarried at 12 weeks.

Now we are even more determined to get pregnant as I am approaching 30 and my hubby is well into his 30's. I am currently on Metformin 500mg x2 daily. My fertility specialist advised me that before using clomid to promote ovulation it would be a good idea for me to lose some weight and see if ovulation could be restored that way.

I started this journey at 127kg and 3months on I'm now at 96Kg. The metformin is only a recent medication and I am on day 5 of that so hopefully that will help me lose even more weight.

I have joined this forum in the hope of meeting and talking to like minded individuals who are going through this rollercoaster of emotions, highs, lows, and gut wrenching losses. I think their are few out there who could understand the heart wrending pain we all feel at the BFN on a pregnancy test. I know for myself I just feel like a failure most of the time. I feel like I'm made wrong and just dont work. In my head I know thats a silly way to think but my head has a lot of trouble overruling my heart.

So to all like me TTC good luck......and for myself, well only time will tell.:thumbup:

so glad that you found yourself here as it is a great support group ( venting or rejoicing!) youll get the hang of here quickly and as everyone else will say we cant wait for your :bfp:...

Im going on a year now.. 7 months knowing ovulation... ttc my first and I have my first appt soon with the gyn to see how my health is.
I cant relate much with you except on the dissapoints of negative tests, feeling like something is wrong with you, and a failure. BUT WE ARE NOT! My sister has PCOS and she lost weight and she got pregnant quickly! she now has 2 babies!!! so hope that helps encourage you!! :hugs:
Thanks for the support. Its always reassuring to hear other people's success stories, gives me hope :)
Hi there I really need some advice so can someone please help me! I feel embarrassed even to say this but I really need help. To give you an understanding of my current situation I need to go into a little detail about my history. I am 28 and my partner and I have been ttc for over a year. I have started blood tests and they have all come back fine so far! When I was 20 I went to the doctors because I was experiencing discharge. The doc took swabs and it came back positive with Chlamydia. This really confused me as the partner I was with and still am with tested negative so it was never really confirmed that I def had it but we were both treated anyway. Prior to my current partner I had only ever been with one other person and at the time never thought that I may have picked it up from him. Anyway as time has gone on and we are ttc I have been researching why it may not happen and chlamydia kept cropping up as a potential problem. I then decided to contact my ex partner to see if he had ever been diagnosed with it and to my horror he had. We split in 2003, he was diagnosed in 2004 but never got in touch to tell me and I got tested in 2006 therefore meaning I could have had it for 2 year or more! I told my doctor this and she said it could have caused damage to my tubes! To say I am devastated and angry is an understatement! If he had told me he had it I could have got treated right away! My question is has anyone else had this STD and had problem conceiving? Should I be as worried as I am! I feel sick thinking about it and so confused not knowing the damage it may have caused. Please help!!
well that is encouraging! i think im gonna take it slow from now on, just too much stress trying to focus on it! I know it will stick! Congrats and so happy for you!! we´re getting close to that one year marker so i can imagine!

Yes, that's a good idea. Just slow down a bit and try to focus on this whole thing just a little less...hang in there sweetie!!! :hugs:
This is my 3rd cycle. Me & my fiance are ttc #1. It's a bit frustrating. We really want a child badly . Every time my period comes on or I get a bfn, I die a little inside... :'( But good luck to you all !

I know...this is the hardest journey i've ever been on! I remember feeling that exact way every single month so just hang in there. Try to think about other things that make you happy..try to focus on them a little more each day until this ttc journey is not so in the front of the line. Even after getting our bfp, the excitement is very short lived and worry instantly sets in hoping things will stick, etc. so just hang in there. :hugs:
Hi TenYears, I was wondering what yor did to loose the weight? I am at a very similar weight to your beginning weight and cannot seem to budge. I have not been diagnosed with PCOS but the symptoms seem to line up with me. I go see our fertility doctor for our first appt. on march 21st so will find out more then. I also just had a valve replacement for my heart on friday due to a CHD and joined weight watchers online today. Hoping if I focus everything on weight loss I can see some results.

Congrats on your great weight loss success thus far and hopefully you will see you BFP very soon :)
Hi there I really need some advice so can someone please help me! I feel embarrassed even to say this but I really need help. To give you an understanding of my current situation I need to go into a little detail about my history. I am 28 and my partner and I have been ttc for over a year. I have started blood tests and they have all come back fine so far! When I was 20 I went to the doctors because I was experiencing discharge. The doc took swabs and it came back positive with Chlamydia. This really confused me as the partner I was with and still am with tested negative so it was never really confirmed that I def had it but we were both treated anyway. Prior to my current partner I had only ever been with one other person and at the time never thought that I may have picked it up from him. Anyway as time has gone on and we are ttc I have been researching why it may not happen and chlamydia kept cropping up as a potential problem. I then decided to contact my ex partner to see if he had ever been diagnosed with it and to my horror he had. We split in 2003, he was diagnosed in 2004 but never got in touch to tell me and I got tested in 2006 therefore meaning I could have had it for 2 year or more! I told my doctor this and she said it could have caused damage to my tubes! To say I am devastated and angry is an understatement! If he had told me he had it I could have got treated right away! My question is has anyone else had this STD and had problem conceiving? Should I be as worried as I am! I feel sick thinking about it and so confused not knowing the damage it may have caused. Please help!!

Oh gosh, i'm so so sorry to hear this. I have no idea if STDs can affect conception but i hope it's not true for your case and you can go on to have a perfectly healthy pregnancy and baby!
ttcbaby - How's everything with you? Has your bleeding stopped?
Hi Ice! Yes, the bleeding has stopped as of Friday! I'm so happy about that but now wondering what's going on in there. I hope it's all still good. I hate your chart...i'm frustrated for you. When are you going to ovulate???
Hi there I really need some advice so can someone please help me! I feel embarrassed even to say this but I really need help. To give you an understanding of my current situation I need to go into a little detail about my history. I am 28 and my partner and I have been ttc for over a year. I have started blood tests and they have all come back fine so far! When I was 20 I went to the doctors because I was experiencing discharge. The doc took swabs and it came back positive with Chlamydia. This really confused me as the partner I was with and still am with tested negative so it was never really confirmed that I def had it but we were both treated anyway. Prior to my current partner I had only ever been with one other person and at the time never thought that I may have picked it up from him. Anyway as time has gone on and we are ttc I have been researching why it may not happen and chlamydia kept cropping up as a potential problem. I then decided to contact my ex partner to see if he had ever been diagnosed with it and to my horror he had. We split in 2003, he was diagnosed in 2004 but never got in touch to tell me and I got tested in 2006 therefore meaning I could have had it for 2 year or more! I told my doctor this and she said it could have caused damage to my tubes! To say I am devastated and angry is an understatement! If he had told me he had it I could have got treated right away! My question is has anyone else had this STD and had problem conceiving? Should I be as worried as I am! I feel sick thinking about it and so confused not knowing the damage it may have caused. Please help!!


I wish I could give you the personal advice you need, BUT I did research for you ( im sure you have done the same) on BABYEXPERT and I wanted to post this just for reference of what I learned and post some good news too!! Im sorry in advance for your partner never telling you... thats horrible and would have been better if he said it earlier on...

NOTE HERE GIRL: YOU ARE NOT A STATISTIC!! i know what this says... but miracles happen all the time and you may be fine... you need to perservere!! you can get that BFP!!!!!!! :happydance: im here for you!!

also you have ( MAYBE) an STI not an STD so chylamidia is an infection not a disease!! thats even better news!!
Seventy per cent of infected females, and 50% of infected males have no symptoms at all. This is why so few people seek treatment, and why the spread of the disease has been so rampant. Early symptoms relate to infection of the urethra in men (penile discharge or discomfort on passing urine), and infection of the urethra or cervix in women.

The 30% of women that do experience symptoms may notice cystitis-like symptoms or a slight increase in vaginal discharge. Bleeding between periods, bleeding after intercourse, or discomfort during intercourse may arise if the cervix becomes very inflamed. Recent figures from the Department of Health show a dramatic rise in the number of cases diagnosed.

How does it affect fertility?

If left untreated, the infection can lie dormant for several months before travelling through the cervix to infect the fallopian tubes, leading to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). This can cause symptoms such as low abdominal pain, fever and painful sex. However, many women have a less acute inflammation that produces few if any symptoms. If untreated, PID can lead to blockage of the fallopian tubes and subsequent infertility.

Chlamydia is now the commonest cause of PID, which is thought to affect more than 165,000 women a year. It is estimated that 25% of all cases of infertility are due to chlamydia infection.

Approximately 10% of all women who contract chlamydia will become infertile as a result of PID. This equates to 30,000 women a year becoming infertile.

The peak age for chlamydia infection in women is between 16 and 19 years.

What's the treatment?

It is important that chlamydia is diagnosed and treated before PID develops. Genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics are the best-equipped places for making an accurate diagnosis. Infection in males is diagnosed from a urethral swab, and infection in females is diagnosed from a cervical swab and a urethral swab. Once diagnosed, the infection is very effectively treated with antibiotics, which the GUM clinic can provide.

I joined this site a few weeks ago full of excitement about the fact that I had come off the pill and was officially ttc. Then I bought some ovulation sticks from Boots and they had a 3 for 2 offer and something in my head made me buy a chlamydia test as the 'free' item. Anyway long story short, it came back positive and my husband went to his GP and also tested positive (to top it off this happened two days before our honeymoon!!).

I'm really worried because it is likely that I have had this infection for a long time (like 8 years) without knowing it and know that the longer you have it the more likely you are to become infertile as a result. I want checked for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) but the GP says I should wait until I have been ttc for a year. I'm also worried about ectopic pregnancy if I do ttc. As a result we haven't had sex since we tested which is nearly a month now, despite taking all the antibiotics.

I really need to hear some positive stories about people who have conceived despite having chlamydia for a long time, or having PID. Everything I read on the net is so negative and I'm getting quite distressed by it all :cry:

Hi ladies,
I think I can help! I had it all through my first pregnancy without knowing, it was only after my daughter was born and I kept bleeding for months that I was sent for a test and it came back positive. I have no idea how long I had it before I conceived but I fell pregnant within a month and our daughter is absolutely fine!
Hope this helps,
If you have any more q's about it just ask!
Thank you so much for doing this.... You are very sweet and i really appreciate your help! I guess its the not knowing that is driving me crazy....i so badly want to be a mum and have a family as we all do! I will just have to wait and see what my hsg rest says! Just hope there are positive stories! Thank u again xxx
Found LOTS of postive stories on babyexpert! Some women after having appts got pregnant within 2 months of help... dont let it worry you! there are things in life that are out of our control and this is one of them. you were given a crappy hand but you ARE going to be a mom and it will NOT hinder that for you! just relax and get ready for that :)
Thank u so much....your kind words have really helped me tonight as i have been feeling so low! My brother and his girlfriend are going for their 3month scan tomorrow and i feel so emtional! I feel guilty about not being ad excited as i should be for then! Thank you again!!! Xx
Hi TenYears, I was wondering what yor did to loose the weight? I am at a very similar weight to your beginning weight and cannot seem to budge. I have not been diagnosed with PCOS but the symptoms seem to line up with me. I go see our fertility doctor for our first appt. on march 21st so will find out more then. I also just had a valve replacement for my heart on friday due to a CHD and joined weight watchers online today. Hoping if I focus everything on weight loss I can see some results.

Congrats on your great weight loss success thus far and hopefully you will see you BFP very soon :)

I too struggled to lose weight for many years, the diagnosis of PCOS was my wake up call. The insulin resistance that goes hand in hand with PCOS is the reason many of us can practically starve ourselves and still not lose a pound.

In the past I've tried EVERYTHING, and I do mean everything with no success. What seems to have worked for me is cutting out refined sugar. I no longer drink full sugar soft drink, and any food I consume must be under 3g of sugar per serve. Added to this I have also reduced my carb intake to between 50-70g per day. This is not so low that I cant have bread or rice etc, just I cant have a lot of it. I have to focus more on the protein intake as I detest veggies, wont touch them if I can avoid it. I walk my dogs for 40mins 3 times a week and thats all the exercise I do.

The biggest thing I can contribute the quick weightloss too is the sugar. Cutting that right back seems to do the trick. Its hard at first, especially if you have a sweet tooth, but after a week your tastebuds adjust and then anything full sugar tastes like overweet syrup.:hugs:
Hi there I really need some advice so can someone please help me! I feel embarrassed even to say this but I really need help. To give you an understanding of my current situation I need to go into a little detail about my history. I am 28 and my partner and I have been ttc for over a year. I have started blood tests and they have all come back fine so far! When I was 20 I went to the doctors because I was experiencing discharge. The doc took swabs and it came back positive with Chlamydia. This really confused me as the partner I was with and still am with tested negative so it was never really confirmed that I def had it but we were both treated anyway. Prior to my current partner I had only ever been with one other person and at the time never thought that I may have picked it up from him. Anyway as time has gone on and we are ttc I have been researching why it may not happen and chlamydia kept cropping up as a potential problem. I then decided to contact my ex partner to see if he had ever been diagnosed with it and to my horror he had. We split in 2003, he was diagnosed in 2004 but never got in touch to tell me and I got tested in 2006 therefore meaning I could have had it for 2 year or more! I told my doctor this and she said it could have caused damage to my tubes! To say I am devastated and angry is an understatement! If he had told me he had it I could have got treated right away! My question is has anyone else had this STD and had problem conceiving? Should I be as worried as I am! I feel sick thinking about it and so confused not knowing the damage it may have caused. Please help!!

Hi there.

The not knowing is the killer. Your mind can play some pretty nasty tricks on ou and come up with some horrible scenarios all by itself. STI's are quite common and I don't think you have to worry too much. Worst case scenario is that you'll need some assistance to fall pregnant. My mother sustained a silent infection after my birth, it wasn't an STI as such but it scarred her fallopian tubes as it went untreated for almost 10 years (big gap between my brother and myself). After TTC for almost 2 years and no luck she went to her GP who ordered a scope to have a look inside. He found heavy scarring in both tubes. As a consequence of that everytime she ovulated it couldn't go anywhere and the sperm couldn't get there.

She had a procedure using a gas to expand her tubes and give everything some room to move. Apparently this procedure lasted only a month, so if she didn't fall pregnant that month she'd have to do it again and again till she did.

It didn't come to that, they tracked her ovulation, told her when she was and 9 months later my annoying big headed little brother came into the world.

Chin up..don't let yourself paint a worse case scenario. There's always a way. Sometimes we just need a little assistance to obtain our miracles :kiss:
Hi there I really need some advice so can someone please help me! I feel embarrassed even to say this but I really need help. To give you an understanding of my current situation I need to go into a little detail about my history. I am 28 and my partner and I have been ttc for over a year. I have started blood tests and they have all come back fine so far! When I was 20 I went to the doctors because I was experiencing discharge. The doc took swabs and it came back positive with Chlamydia. This really confused me as the partner I was with and still am with tested negative so it was never really confirmed that I def had it but we were both treated anyway. Prior to my current partner I had only ever been with one other person and at the time never thought that I may have picked it up from him. Anyway as time has gone on and we are ttc I have been researching why it may not happen and chlamydia kept cropping up as a potential problem. I then decided to contact my ex partner to see if he had ever been diagnosed with it and to my horror he had. We split in 2003, he was diagnosed in 2004 but never got in touch to tell me and I got tested in 2006 therefore meaning I could have had it for 2 year or more! I told my doctor this and she said it could have caused damage to my tubes! To say I am devastated and angry is an understatement! If he had told me he had it I could have got treated right away! My question is has anyone else had this STD and had problem conceiving? Should I be as worried as I am! I feel sick thinking about it and so confused not knowing the damage it may have caused. Please help!!

Hi there.

The not knowing is the killer. Your mind can play some pretty nasty tricks on ou and come up with some horrible scenarios all by itself. STI's are quite common and I don't think you have to worry too much. Worst case scenario is that you'll need some assistance to fall pregnant. My mother sustained a silent infection after my birth, it wasn't an STI as such but it scarred her fallopian tubes as it went untreated for almost 10 years (big gap between my brother and myself). After TTC for almost 2 years and no luck she went to her GP who ordered a scope to have a look inside. He found heavy scarring in both tubes. As a consequence of that everytime she ovulated it couldn't go anywhere and the sperm couldn't get there.

She had a procedure using a gas to expand her tubes and give everything some room to move. Apparently this procedure lasted only a month, so if she didn't fall pregnant that month she'd have to do it again and again till she did.

It didn't come to that, they tracked her ovulation, told her when she was and 9 months later my annoying big headed little brother came into the world.

Chin up..don't let yourself paint a worse case scenario. There's always a way. Sometimes we just need a little assistance to obtain our miracles :kiss:

thats good advice an encouraging from the last bit about needing assistance which we all could feel bad about, but it happens! congrats on losing weight! i just need to drop 20 and i cant seem to get it to budge. i have always eaten like a bird, but i can add weight so quickly... its a toughy
Hi there I really need some advice so can someone please help me! I feel embarrassed even to say this but I really need help. To give you an understanding of my current situation I need to go into a little detail about my history. I am 28 and my partner and I have been ttc for over a year. I have started blood tests and they have all come back fine so far! When I was 20 I went to the doctors because I was experiencing discharge. The doc took swabs and it came back positive with Chlamydia. This really confused me as the partner I was with and still am with tested negative so it was never really confirmed that I def had it but we were both treated anyway. Prior to my current partner I had only ever been with one other person and at the time never thought that I may have picked it up from him. Anyway as time has gone on and we are ttc I have been researching why it may not happen and chlamydia kept cropping up as a potential problem. I then decided to contact my ex partner to see if he had ever been diagnosed with it and to my horror he had. We split in 2003, he was diagnosed in 2004 but never got in touch to tell me and I got tested in 2006 therefore meaning I could have had it for 2 year or more! I told my doctor this and she said it could have caused damage to my tubes! To say I am devastated and angry is an understatement! If he had told me he had it I could have got treated right away! My question is has anyone else had this STD and had problem conceiving? Should I be as worried as I am! I feel sick thinking about it and so confused not knowing the damage it may have caused. Please help!!

Hi there.

The not knowing is the killer. Your mind can play some pretty nasty tricks on ou and come up with some horrible scenarios all by itself. STI's are quite common and I don't think you have to worry too much. Worst case scenario is that you'll need some assistance to fall pregnant. My mother sustained a silent infection after my birth, it wasn't an STI as such but it scarred her fallopian tubes as it went untreated for almost 10 years (big gap between my brother and myself). After TTC for almost 2 years and no luck she went to her GP who ordered a scope to have a look inside. He found heavy scarring in both tubes. As a consequence of that everytime she ovulated it couldn't go anywhere and the sperm couldn't get there.

She had a procedure using a gas to expand her tubes and give everything some room to move. Apparently this procedure lasted only a month, so if she didn't fall pregnant that month she'd have to do it again and again till she did.

It didn't come to that, they tracked her ovulation, told her when she was and 9 months later my annoying big headed little brother came into the world.

Chin up..don't let yourself paint a worse case scenario. There's always a way. Sometimes we just need a little assistance to obtain our miracles :kiss:

thats good advice an encouraging from the last bit about needing assistance which we all could feel bad about, but it happens! congrats on losing weight! i just need to drop 20 and i cant seem to get it to budge. i have always eaten like a bird, but i can add weight so quickly... its a toughy

Have you had your metabolism mapped? It could be a simple category of food thats hindering your weightloss. I myself don't eat all that much yet I've been overweight my whole life. For me it was sugar causing me to stay big. Once you find that nasty little culprit thats going 'neener neener' inside you and smack it upside the head it all comes quite easy. See your doc and get them to test your tolerance you may be surprised :flower:
Hello Everyone and Happy Monday!!!

Not sure what is going on either with the lingo.

My first round of clomid ended Friday!! Estrogen level - 177
8.5 - Right Follicle
7.8 - Left Follicle

My lining is getting thicker and it was 7.5

Today, I went to the doctor and had another ultrasound

11.5 - Right Follicle
15.2 - Left Follicle

What does all this mean?

Please help

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