Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

I have been doing a lot of research and keep coming across Vitex. It seems to have good reviews and is affordable (and natural). I have read it helps regulate AF and that is one of my biggest issues. Thanks for all of your input!

Yeah, i've heard good things about Vitex too! Good luck!
Hi I'm kind of new on here, and feeling a lil nervous. I came off birth controll end of march right around when I was ovulating but missed it that time. I haven't had a period since midd april and began to get small aches in my overies left one day right the next then the centre of my belly the following day. I've been crying loads and more clumsy than normal. I took a test and both lines came up but one was very faint so I decided to do it again the following morning which both came up again only the one line was even fainter. Its been a few days now so I done one this morning and it came back negative. Its really hard for me to work out my dates correctly as I was on the inplant for 9 years before we began trying in march. I'm just really confused.

Welcome sweetie and at first I was going to say it's just your bcp working there way out of your system but if you got even a hint of a line on a HPT, then you were most likley pregnant. If they have since gone negative, it was most likely a chemical. :-( I'm sorry. You should schedule a visit with the doc to do some beta's or check you out. Good luck with your ttc journey!!!
This TWW is driving me crazy! Another round of femara this cycle, "the big dose," as my RE called it. And since no BFP yet with Ovidrel and timed BD my doc suggested IUI. Had it done on 5/29. Now my DH is asking daily if I "feel" PG. well since I'm 8 DPO I can't tell if what I'm feeling is PG or just plain PMS. I fear the second :nope:
Hi guys,
I'm new to post here normally I just read all the advice and so forth. been ttc for 7 months now and so hopeful for this month! Good luck to all!:kiss:
This TWW is driving me crazy! Another round of femara this cycle, "the big dose," as my RE called it. And since no BFP yet with Ovidrel and timed BD my doc suggested IUI. Had it done on 5/29. Now my DH is asking daily if I "feel" PG. well since I'm 8 DPO I can't tell if what I'm feeling is PG or just plain PMS. I fear the second :nope:

It ain't over until the :witch: shows up!!

My DH asks me that all the time. And since he knows nothing about cycles & ttc he starts asking immediately after af! :rofl:

Fingers crossed this is your month!

This TWW is driving me crazy! Another round of femara this cycle, "the big dose," as my RE called it. And since no BFP yet with Ovidrel and timed BD my doc suggested IUI. Had it done on 5/29. Now my DH is asking daily if I "feel" PG. well since I'm 8 DPO I can't tell if what I'm feeling is PG or just plain PMS. I fear the second :nope:

Yeah, the TWW sucks balls! Ha! Well i hope it worked for you!!! Tell hubby to leave you alone...it's bad enough to have to deal with this without being questioned 24/7. That's good he's showing he cares though! :hugs:
Hi everyone, im Lisa and new to the forum.I got married in 2008 and have been TTC pretty much since then with no luck at all :'( i have irregular periods and im now thinking of trying out the clear blue fertility monitor.My friend just had her 4th baby born today too.
My husband and I got married a year ago and we just started trying this month... I feel like this will be the longest two weeks ever.
Hi everyone, im Lisa and new to the forum.I got married in 2008 and have been TTC pretty much since then with no luck at all :'( i have irregular periods and im now thinking of trying out the clear blue fertility monitor.My friend just had her 4th baby born today too.

Hi Lisa! My husband and I have been TTC for 15 months, and EVERYONE around me is having babies. A couple we met on our honeymoon is welcoming their second this month. In my opinion it's never too early to seek out a fertility specialist. Especially if you've been at it for 5 years without any luck. We are our third cycle in with our fertility doctor and had I known I had PCOS or that we were going to have such a hard time conceiving I would have started to see her last year! Keep your chin up. Monitoring your cycles is a great idea to see when and if you're ovulating. Have you done anything else like BBT? Fingers crossed and baby dust to you! :dust:
Even though the TWW isn't over until 6/12 all the symptoms that I thought maybe could be PG have completely disappeared. Which makes me fearful of another chemical. Seriously considering not taking a HPT for a while and seeing if AF comes. I would rather it be that way then get a BFP to just have it disappear like last October. :sad2:
hi all.. i need help
i was on clomid from19th to 23. after that i ovulated around 29th-31st, as my doctor told during scan. 3-4 days later i had very light colour spotting that last for only a day. after that nothing. i am now around 10 dpo, i had very dark brown spotting which was very small in amount and some dark brown discharge thats it. next day again i had very very light pink or brown watery spotting/discharge. it was so watery that i cant tell its colour whether it was pink or very light brown, it was almost translucent with very light colour in it. i dnt know whats goin on. i am not due till 20th june and today is 10th june. is there any chance of getting period so soon or is it pregnancy sign.?
i was totally under the guidence of my gyno this month and we have done every possible thing to get pregnant. on 29th may i had hcg trigger to release egg, and on 31st i had scanning which told me that i have ovulated and we had intercourse during that time and even after that.
Even though the TWW isn't over until 6/12 all the symptoms that I thought maybe could be PG have completely disappeared. Which makes me fearful of another chemical. Seriously considering not taking a HPT for a while and seeing if AF comes. I would rather it be that way then get a BFP to just have it disappear like last October. :sad2:

This is exactly how I feel at the moment... :hugs:
Oh hello Aunt Flo! Didn't expect to see you today. Usually DPO 15 is where you like to show up, not 13! Well thanks for putting me out of my misery! Guess that bottle of wine will be calling my name tonight! :bfn: :wine:
Oh hello Aunt Flo! Didn't expect to see you today. Usually DPO 15 is where you like to show up, not 13! Well thanks for putting me out of my misery! Guess that bottle of wine will be calling my name tonight! :bfn: :wine:

Wine sounds great right now
I won't be on here again til next Thursday at the earliest so you all take care!!! I hope to come back to some more BFP's!!! :hugs:

It didn't happen for me this cycle so fingers crossed for the next one!
Hi all!

Newbie here...TTC this cycle for the first time ever! Though this may have to get postponed b/c DH is going on a business trip on my CD12-16 and I typically O on CD15 so this month may be shot for us.

Married since Sept 11 2010. I am 33 and DH is 32. Never TTC in my life, was never "accidentally" pregnant either as I was on the pill from 20-32 and only went off 6 months ago. A couple of years ago AF became totally unbearable - unbelievable cramping that was only helped with percocet, crazy clots the size of golf balls, anemia, AF lasting 13-15 days, terrible back ache, peeing every 90 mins, etc. Turns out I had 16 fibroids (2 intracavitary, the other 14 subserous, etc)...so I had a laparotomy in January and they are now all gone. Decided TTC as soon as the 6 month period expired (surgeon wanted me to wait).

So here I am...no idea what to expect! CD3, very glad I found this community. :)
i am 12 dpo, was taking duphaston for 10 days. after the last dose next i started having brown discharge. 10 dpo pink watery discharge. boobs are sore, painful nipples, MILD CRAMPING IN LOWER ABDOMEN ON AND OFF, SOMETIMES TINGLING PAIN BELOW NAVEL. my AF is due after 8 days from today, what this can be? can i be pregnant???

kindly reply ladies, i really need help and i never get any replies...
Hi I am a 39 years of age. My husband and I have been trying to conceive a :baby: for just over two years now for the most part we have tried natural conception. My husband also had his sperm tested and his spermcount was perfectly normal. After 1 year I decided to seek help from a fertility specialist. I found out that i had PCOS. My specialist put me on Provera and Clomid after the fist cycle failed we went onto Provera and Femara that to resulted in no pregnancy. I had so many blood tests done. My specialist then recommended IUI. That sounded promising i thought. I started again with Provera and Fertomid the i had to give myself Gonal F injections. A couple of days later I went for an ultrasound and my doctor saw no eggs he said it could be too early. I had to do two more gonal F injections. A few daysl later i went back to my doctor to have another ultrasound. He saw the egg and I hade to give myself an Ovidrel injection. Two days later i had the IUI done it was fainless and had minimum discomfert. I was like having a pap smear done. It has now been 1 week since my IUI and I feel so anxious i cant stop googling everyting relating to IUI imaginable. Assisted Reproduction really can be a very costly excercise and we definitely cant afford IVF so I am hoping and praying to God that IUI really does work for us. I really want to be a mommy as I have no parents anymore and no brothers and sisters I had a vey tough upbringing, God blessed me with an amazing husband and fantastic inlaws too.

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