Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

Argh todays not a good day, just found out a girl at my work is pregnant (only five weeks) but it was an 'accident' shes only been with the guy just over five weeks!! I cant show it but im so upset and just want to cry! :( how can it happen so easy for those who arent trying but takes months for us who so badly want a child!
Sorry just had to let it out somewhere!
hi all,
i need information on implantation bleeding. i was on clomid this cycle. i ovulated around 29th may-31st may as per the scan. my normal cycle is of 33 days according to which i am due on 20th june.
10 dpo - light pink watery discharge
11 dpo - 1-2 drop of brown discharge, little brown spotting also
12 dpo - nothing untill evening, at night around 8 pm, brown spotting, pink spotting, little dark pink mucus
13 dpo - first little brown spotting, then turned to heavy mucus. it was red in colour but not looking like blood was looking like mucus... when wiped only light brown mucus came on paper..
what this can be??
my period is due on 20th and today is 13th.. is this implantation or my period is starting early??

all replies will be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance.
Sorry about that, I hit the wrong key. Anyway, to make a long story short, my husband and had a miscarriage just shy of a year ago. A little discouraged, here we are TTC for real this time.
Hi all!

Me and hubby have been ttc for about 21 months now. On Sunday I realized that I skipped my period which was due on Sunday. Today is day 5 and I took a hpt on Monday evening (long shot and over excited to pee on a stick). It showed a little pink line and since then I have been testing everyday - mornings and evenings. Went to the doc on Tuesday afternoon and he at first told me that we are tooo anxious when suddenly he smiled and said things seems to change on his tester. It was very light and told me that I should come back on Saturday morning with first morning urine and we will test it again. Meanwhile I have been testing myself everyday ever since with different brands and it seem to be all positive. At last yesterday evening I tried Clearblue's hpt which said Pregnant 2-3 weeks. I should be very happy and glad to get the results but my active and crazy mind started browsing the internet and while a load of mommy's said any line no matter how faint is a positive I started seeing some posts on other sites which said that even with all my results the chances do exist that I still could get a negative blood test on Tuesday.

I am sick of worrying that I could be one of those unlucky ones especially due to the fact that we have been trying for so long.....
Good morning ladies!

TTC #1 and I feel like such a noob. Seems simple right? Go off BC and have sex. Lots of it.

I feel like I'm turning every pang or ping into a pregnancy symptom.
I feel like I don't know my own body.
The BFNs hurt more than I had expected.

New to this site, but feeling a little anxious. Hubby and I are TTC #1. Had "old blood" the day before my period, which only lasted 3 days. Normally, I don't have"old blood" at all, my periods last between 4-5 days and my last day was very light, which is unlike the usual. My husband and I have already gone through 1 MC about a year ago. We are hoping to be one of the lucky ones soon.
Em ~ I hope you and your husband get lucky soon lovely :)

Delta ~ I symptom spot a lot as well, even when I was on contraception and knew it was virtually impossible!

Em ~ I hope you and your husband get lucky soon lovely :)

Delta ~ I symptom spot a lot as well, even when I was on contraception and knew it was virtually impossible!


Thanks Tink, we hope so too. :hug:
Hi everyone, im Lisa and new to the forum.I got married in 2008 and have been TTC pretty much since then with no luck at all :'( i have irregular periods and im now thinking of trying out the clear blue fertility monitor.My friend just had her 4th baby born today too.

Hi Lisa! My husband and I have been TTC for 15 months, and EVERYONE around me is having babies. A couple we met on our honeymoon is welcoming their second this month. In my opinion it's never too early to seek out a fertility specialist. Especially if you've been at it for 5 years without any luck. We are our third cycle in with our fertility doctor and had I known I had PCOS or that we were going to have such a hard time conceiving I would have started to see her last year! Keep your chin up. Monitoring your cycles is a great idea to see when and if you're ovulating. Have you done anything else like BBT? Fingers crossed and baby dust to you! :dust:

Hiya, I've just started taking agnus castus to hopefully help regulate my periods. I'm giving them a go for a couple of months along with evening primrose oil and folic acid. I haven't tried anything else before because I was told by a nurse that she has irregular periods and had no trouble ttc, so I was hoping it would happen without help :(
I've been looking into bbt and I think I will give it a go, along with the clearblue monitor. I'm also thinking of going back to the nurse and see if she can be a bit more helpful this time!
Ugh....so I just took a test and got a BFN. A little disappointed, but O will be here shortly. That just means the Hubby and I have a lot of BDing to do.
so ive worked out the website to put signatures on (daisy path) but i haven't worked out how to put them on my signature. iv'e found the signiture box in the options which wasn't a problem. iv'e tried as a link but it didn't work help anyone?
Hi All,
Like others, i am also Trying to Conceive my first.
The first cycle in May ended up with AF on 30 May.
i have an average of 26/27 days cycle with 12 days LP, and suspected O date on 10 June. Hoping to test next Friday on 21 June.
Anyone around the same time?
fingers x !
Hi everyone! I know it says I joined quite a few months ago but this is one of my first times really posting.

I am 26 and have been TTC for about 13 months. My cycles have never been all that regular but I am currently on my 4th month with no period :/ Doctor has decided to try me on Metformin 500 XL twice a day, Prometrium 200mg once a day and then Clomid on day 3. Anyone had positive results with these meds or a combo of them? Very interested in hearing other's stories.

I was reading through some of the older posts on here and I love that I could see where they posted about having some troubles but now have a cute little baby profile picture! I hope the best for you all and thank you in advance for any advice!

Kayla :)
Hello all.
I am TTC and I have so many strange things going on. My CP is high, hard and closed, today is my last ovulation day. my DB and I have been DTD everyday since I started to ovulate. I am craving hot wings and watermelon, lower back pain, slight head ache, sore and heavy boobs, cramping, pulling pains, and fatigue out this world. my cycle length is 28 days, My last period was on the 3rd of this month until the 7th. He says he thinks im pregnant. someone please explain it to me.:dohh:
all you can do is wait and do a test. I tend to convince myself that the symptoms i have are due to pregnancy! but soo far they never have been.

maybe you could be doing the same
well im new on this site but ive been trying to conceive #1 now since I came off depo injection in march. I know its supposed to take a while but ive had 3 normal periods since coming off and have been doing opks since march and getting positives just not falling! in the TWW again on 10 dpo and hoping for a BFP!

baby dust to everyone! xxx
So, today I am having flu like symptoms sneezing and stuffy nose. Extra bathroom trips, cp low, hard, and closed. CM tacky and creamy white. TMI, but I ma not feeling like myself today at all. yesterday was my last ovulation day. But I swear its not mental because I am having actually physical symptoms, its crazy because I am going for baby #3 and this time it's like my body is going crazy. ugh! idk whats going on. my butt bone is hurting and I had the worst metallic smell that was so strong to stay in my nasal area. yuck!
Hey guys! DH and I are also ttc#1. We have been trying since february and nothing so far. I went to the doctor on monday about my varying LP and she is testing me for pcos. I should know by the end of next week. DH and I came up with a five year plan and we could start trying for kids at the end of the five years. Now that I have waited five years, I am impatient to be pregnant and don't want to wait any longer. LOL!
Vacation was AMAZING! Drank and ate and drank some more. It was great. Now back to the grind. I think i'm about to O. Got the O pains and my opk's are getting darker. Now just waiting to see what temp does next few days. Dust time again for me!!!

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