Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

Hello everyone,
I am on our first cycle TTC. 3rd cycle off the pill.
Getting married on September 27th!
It will be our first :)
Hello everyone,
I am on our first cycle TTC. 3rd cycle off the pill.
Getting married on September 27th!
It will be our first :)

well congratulations on the engagement, my OH and i haven't been ttc for long either. welcome :D
Hi guys.
So ive been strugling wiyh my cycles since coming off the pill in october. Only jad three af's since then so i done a bit of research and found something called agnus castus (vitex) which i ment to help with regulating cylces. So i decided to give it ago. I started taking two twice daily along with evening primrose oil and folic acid. I started taking them last saturday, after exactly 7 days of taking them my first af appeared! A whole three months after my last one!! Now its either a coinsadence or these herbal pills really do work! Hoping i can now get a proper cycle sorted out! Quite excited from the appearence of the normaly dreaded af!!
Babydust to everyone! :)
Kinda new at this but I'm ttc my first kid at the moment in time but I need some answers cause the past few days have been tough on me I've been off and on feeling like crap but mainly at night time I have small cramps and my boobs hurt a little also my man has been saying that I'm tighter now when we have sex not sure if I should start worrying a little or what yet cause not sure when my period will be right now cause I'm kinda off on my period lately any help plz
Hopefully I post this correctly! :) My husband and I just started trying for our first :) We are both 27. I'm so nervous and excited! When we talked about trying, I told my husband, we are just going to try, not care about ovulation and fertile days, and get our hopes up every month, etc. Ha! I have an ovulation and af tracker on my phone now. I am constantly reading pregnancy symptoms and obsessing over baby stuff. And I told HIM not to get his hopes up. :) I try not to think about it because I just go off the pill in early June of this year! Online, it says it can take a while to even ovulate sometimes! I am driving myself crazy. :) It's like, I get a headache, oh I'm pregnant! I feel dizzy, oh I'm pregnant! I'm constipated, oh I'm definitely pregnant! Ha Ha! Oh jeez. I don't take my body temperature and do tracking on a chart. I just look at when I'm supposed to be "fertile". ::sigh:: Sadly enough, I don't even know how a lot of stuff works or is supposed to happen. I feel like I get a symptom but it doesn't last. I have been constipated (tmi-i know),dizzy at times,some days super tired-even though I get plenty of sleep, slight head aches most days, constant hunger-and I mean, I will be very full and have hunger pains a half hour later-And usually I'm not a big snacker (unless af is in the next week), but this is hunger-not just wanting to snack or crave sweets. Maybe it's all in my head?
So I have been so fatigued and tired, my breast seems as if they are getting bigger and nipples are very sore..My bbt has been 98.55-98.77 steady the last few days. I have had a stuffy nose for a week now and flu like symptoms, metallic smells and taste. Slight headache, AF due on Friday... stools have been kinda weird..and very gassy..TMI :haha: So me and my fiance decided to test. The first one was a BFN and the sec one had a faint line..fingers crossed! :thumbup::happydance:
Good morning ladies!

TTC #1 and I feel like such a noob. Seems simple right? Go off BC and have sex. Lots of it.

I feel like I'm turning every pang or ping into a pregnancy symptom.
I feel like I don't know my own body.
The BFNs hurt more than I had expected.


Hopefully I replied right! Ha ha! But I feel the same way! Every thing is a symptom to me. I Try not to get my hopes up, and we just started trying!
So iv'e just come back from the hospital after my latest diabetic check up and the doc has now upped my metformin to four a day (2000mg) he also told me that metformin and clomid together can stimulate ovulation to get pregnant has anyone else heard of this? I've looked online and people have said they've had good results but i'm still sceptical! Can anyone else help if they have already tried or succeeded in this adventure will be more positive for me!!:flower:
This is my first ever post as I have just found this site & forum is there any advise you can give me I am 24 nearly 25 and my partner is nearly 30 we have been trying to conceive for over 3 months now and had no luck. I know it is still early days yet to go and speak to the doctor about this and was wondering if anyone could offer some advise as all my sibling have conceived literally straight away with my sister conceiving twice while on the pill. We have not told any family or friend we are trying as we want to keep it quite until we conceive :) Any sort of advise would be appreciated x
This is my first ever post as I have just found this site & forum is there any advise you can give me I am 24 nearly 25 and my partner is nearly 30 we have been trying to conceive for over 3 months now and had no luck. I know it is still early days yet to go and speak to the doctor about this and was wondering if anyone could offer some advise as all my sibling have conceived literally straight away with my sister conceiving twice while on the pill. We have not told any family or friend we are trying as we want to keep it quite until we conceive :) Any sort of advise would be appreciated x

Hi there and welcome!!
Best suggestion i can make is to relax and take it easy also go and seek medical advice if you have to elaborate the truth slightly and say you and your partner have been trying for over 2 years and they will see you quicker! Don't be like me and my husband who did try for 2 years to then be told i have PCOS and have been having treatment for over a year. Do get medical advice sooner than later as it's better to start treatment soon than go crazy trying!! Good luck aswell!!:flower:
basically relax! haha i use a rough guess for ovulation and dont stress about it and it will soon happen :)
It's my first time joining a forum for pregnancy. I am expecting to learn a lot from other moms who are trying to conceive as well.
Just want to say hello. :)

I am new. My husband and I are young, but have always talked about our first child before I'm 25. Well, I'm turning 24 in September so we're trying! I'm starting out slow. Just kind of trying to time it with tracking my period. No temping, no OPKs. We'll give it a few months and re-evaluate from there. I have a friend who is also TTC, so I'm pretty excited. This will be our first, and we are both so excited to be parents. I hope to learn a lot from you all!
hi yall,

Im new to baby & bump so im quite confuse where what to post etc etc :wacko:.
Hope i'm in the right page now :haha:

well im gonna tell my story and if this is not the right place to post it please guide me ya.. :winkwink:

i just got married on 31 May. me n hubs decide to ttc right away, so we are actively trying during my ovulation window where based on my calculation falls on 30 May-4 June (my period on May was on 13 May, 30-33 days cycle). On 10 June we went for our 1st honeymoon and i got my period like 3 days earlier than expected, it started off light red in color, then got a bit heavier with little clots but not as heavy as my usual period and then it slow down and lasted for 5 days. A bit cramping too but x as severe as i usually had. i really hope that it was implementation bleeding but im quite confuse so i just let it go and assume it was just my normal period. But right after the bleeding is over, i still feel extremely exhausted till i have to skip work (we just went for 1 week honeymoon ) and just sleep for the whole day, and headache but x nausea. And then on Monday 24 June, after skipping work again to sleep I went to women specialist in my area and he did some checking on me. He did the u/s check, at first he said theres nothing there, then he went on and said there got little cyst, and then he point out to the screen and said that is your egg, you are ovulating, but he did measure the thing where i believe to be an empty sac (after doing my google research ). He kept the image on my medical report and said nothing much about the little cyst, the egg and sent me home. oh ya, i havent did my UPT when i went to the doc but i did it after that and the result is negative.
i wanted to know whether what i saw on the screen is really an early ( too early) form of pregnancy or not since ive read many said its normal to see an empty sac if u r less than 5 weeks pregnant. From what i ve calculated i maybe around 4 weeks pregnant based on my last period on may, only if the one in june is implementation bleeding. i did experience some pinching pain on my left abdomen sometimes.

hope any1 who has experiences this can tell me something.thanks thanks :hugs2:
hi yall,

Im new to baby & bump so im quite confuse where what to post etc etc :wacko:.
Hope i'm in the right page now :haha:

well im gonna tell my story and if this is not the right place to post it please guide me ya.. :winkwink:

i just got married on 31 May. me n hubs decide to ttc right away, so we are actively trying during my ovulation window where based on my calculation falls on 30 May-4 June (my period on May was on 13 May, 30-33 days cycle). On 10 June we went for our 1st honeymoon and i got my period like 3 days earlier than expected, it started off light red in color, then got a bit heavier with little clots but not as heavy as my usual period and then it slow down and lasted for 5 days. A bit cramping too but x as severe as i usually had. i really hope that it was implementation bleeding but im quite confuse so i just let it go and assume it was just my normal period. But right after the bleeding is over, i still feel extremely exhausted till i have to skip work (we just went for 1 week honeymoon ) and just sleep for the whole day, and headache but x nausea. And then on Monday 24 June, after skipping work again to sleep I went to women specialist in my area and he did some checking on me. He did the u/s check, at first he said theres nothing there, then he went on and said there got little cyst, and then he point out to the screen and said that is your egg, you are ovulating, but he did measure the thing where i believe to be an empty sac (after doing my google research ). He kept the image on my medical report and said nothing much about the little cyst, the egg and sent me home. oh ya, i havent did my UPT when i went to the doc but i did it after that and the result is negative.
i wanted to know whether what i saw on the screen is really an early ( too early) form of pregnancy or not since ive read many said its normal to see an empty sac if u r less than 5 weeks pregnant. From what i ve calculated i maybe around 4 weeks pregnant based on my last period on may, only if the one in june is implementation bleeding. i did experience some pinching pain on my left abdomen sometimes.

hope any1 who has experiences this can tell me something.thanks thanks :hugs2:

Don't worry Nurhoneybee it'll be the next two weeks that will be agonising for you guys but try not to stress too much as it might only be a light period! Fingers are very much crossed for you both and hope you get a positive on the test!! :dust:
Argh todays not a good day, just found out a girl at my work is pregnant (only five weeks) but it was an 'accident' shes only been with the guy just over five weeks!! I cant show it but im so upset and just want to cry! :( how can it happen so easy for those who arent trying but takes months for us who so badly want a child!
Sorry just had to let it out somewhere!

So sorry annimay! That is the worst feeling. I hate it too. It doesn't make any sense. Hang in there. :hugs:
Sorry about that, I hit the wrong key. Anyway, to make a long story short, my husband and had a miscarriage just shy of a year ago. A little discouraged, here we are TTC for real this time.

So sorry to hear about your miscarriage and good luck to you sweetie. :hugs:

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