Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

Ok ladies, I am having a bit of a moment right now. Can someone who has had chidlren please help me?!

About 3 weeks ago, my husband and I started TTc and I have been keeeping track of everything from my BBT to CM and everything in between. Well I am due to have my MC tomorrow according to all 3 of my cycle trackers but when I checked my CM it is not stick as I though it should be right before my cycle, instead it is rather creamy and clumpy. Now, not having any one else to talk to about this at such a late hour and never having had children before I was forced to google my symptoms. According to 7 other sites this could veery well be a sign that I am inded preggo. But I thought that the chances of that happening so far ovulation and so close to my cycle that were near impossible. I really want to be excited at the possiblity, but I also don't want to get my hopes up only to be disappointed.

Should I test myself right now? Wait until the morning? Or am I just putting my cart before my horse (like I always do) and should just wait to see if I start my cycle tomorrow?
Hi! My name is Cassie, I'm 30 years old and have been married to my wonderful Husband, Chris (32), for 3 years. We have 3 cute furbaby kitties (Tuxxy, Scully, and NomNom) but we decided we finally want a baby without fur. lol Since getting married we have not tried or prevented getting pregnant and June was our first cycle actively trying to conceive! I am worried about our journey primarily due to my PCOS, Insulin Resistance, Hypothyroidism, Hypertension, Sleep Apnea, and Anxiety/Depression. I also have Psoriasis so this is another unrelated stressor. *sigh*

I'm also a member of FertilityFriend and use their charting services.

WELCOME LADIES and best of luck to you!!! :hugs:
Hi! My name is Cassie, I'm 30 years old and have been married to my wonderful Husband, Chris (32), for 3 years. We have 3 cute furbaby kitties (Tuxxy, Scully, and NomNom) but we decided we finally want a baby without fur. lol Since getting married we have not tried or prevented getting pregnant and June was our first cycle actively trying to conceive! I am worried about our journey primarily due to my PCOS, Insulin Resistance, Hypothyroidism, Hypertension, Sleep Apnea, and Anxiety/Depression. I also have Psoriasis so this is another unrelated stressor. *sigh*

I'm also a member of FertilityFriend and use their charting services.

Ok ladies, I am having a bit of a moment right now. Can someone who has had chidlren please help me?!

About 3 weeks ago, my husband and I started TTc and I have been keeeping track of everything from my BBT to CM and everything in between. Well I am due to have my MC tomorrow according to all 3 of my cycle trackers but when I checked my CM it is not stick as I though it should be right before my cycle, instead it is rather creamy and clumpy. Now, not having any one else to talk to about this at such a late hour and never having had children before I was forced to google my symptoms. According to 7 other sites this could veery well be a sign that I am inded preggo. But I thought that the chances of that happening so far ovulation and so close to my cycle that were near impossible. I really want to be excited at the possiblity, but I also don't want to get my hopes up only to be disappointed.

Should I test myself right now? Wait until the morning? Or am I just putting my cart before my horse (like I always do) and should just wait to see if I start my cycle tomorrow?

Ruby, i'm not sure if anyone messaged you or not and I'm not really sure how to respond...have you taken a test yet??? If not, i definitely would. Good luck!
Hi everyone !!!

New to All of this the last couple of months!!! I am 31 years old married to my husband for 14 months now !!!!
I came off BC in April to TTC # 1 !!!
No luck so far unfortunately :nope: and AF just arrived last weekend so am back to starting again! This is just my 4th cycle since TTC!!!!

Congrats also to all that got their :bfp: already!!!

Hey everyone,
I have been unable to get online to the discussion.. studying for final exams.. I got a BFN and started AF on 6/27/13-7/1/13. I starting BD'n on the second of this month. I BD on my ovulation day which was also the 14th day of my cycle. Here are some things I am experiencing now.. I am 6do but I am going to start at 3dpo.

3do- Gassy, mood swings, headache, fatigue, cravings, vivid dreams, extreme thirst, constipation
4dpo- cramps, gassy, mood swings, headache, fatigue, stuffy nose, flu like symptoms, extreme thirst, constipation, strong sharp stabbing pain lasted a hour or so.

5dpo- gassy, extreme hunger, craving chili cheese chips and crab legs, extreme heartburn, thirst, mood swings, vivid dreams, lump in throat, dry skins, pimples, sore nipples, still no BM for days now, very emotional, sleep pattern is off, and dizzy.

6dpo- heartburn to the max, sore boobs, tingling in boobs, no BM, pimples, attitude to the max, cravings, bbt 99.32 (lost chart for other days). DH is irritating me just by talking, lack of concentration, more food cravings for crab legs, emotional, hot, very hot, Sexual urge is uncontrollable, lower back pain, dizziness, and headache. Cm has been thick needing underwear liner..Next cycle due in six days and as we speak im have twinges right above my hair line (TMI included in this entire post lol)

I have stopped obsessing also. But this month is so different because I have not experienced all of the mentioned since my last CB almost six years ago! please help.
My husband and I decided to remove the label what we are doing and to just act like bunnies. He seems to be more relaxed and more excited for the potential outcome. I want to limit any added stress since a year ago in August, we had a miscarriage. These next few weeks will be tough just knowing where we were and where we could have been by now.

Monday was the first day to start trying again, crossing my fingers that something good comes out of this month. We are both excited to start expanding our family.
Hi everyone !!!

New to All of this the last couple of months!!! I am 31 years old married to my husband for 14 months now !!!!
I came off BC in April to TTC # 1 !!!
No luck so far unfortunately :nope: and AF just arrived last weekend so am back to starting again! This is just my 4th cycle since TTC!!!!

Congrats also to all that got their :bfp: already!!!


Welcome and good luck to you! I hope you don't have to wait long for your BFP!!! :dust:
My husband and I decided to remove the label what we are doing and to just act like bunnies. He seems to be more relaxed and more excited for the potential outcome. I want to limit any added stress since a year ago in August, we had a miscarriage. These next few weeks will be tough just knowing where we were and where we could have been by now.

Monday was the first day to start trying again, crossing my fingers that something good comes out of this month. We are both excited to start expanding our family.

Welcome! :hugs: I love that you are doing that. I hope the less stressful approach works quickly for you two!!! :)
We are ttc for our first child and this will be month 2 so far. I told myself that I wasn't going to obsessed and let things happen on their own but that has gone completely out the window. I got a flashing smiley on the opk kit yesterday so I'm relieved that at least my hormones are doing their thing. I haven't been doing the temperature chart but Google has become me best friend. I'm pretty sure I've driven my OH crazy with my searches and info sharing.
Thank you, we are hoping it works quickly as well. Time will tell...hopefully everyone gets a BFP sooner than later.

[QUITE]Welcome! :hugs: I love that you are doing that. I hope the less stressful approach works quickly for you two!!! :)[/QUOTE]
We are ttc for our first child and this will be month 2 so far. I told myself that I wasn't going to obsessed and let things happen on their own but that has gone completely out the window. I got a flashing smiley on the opk kit yesterday so I'm relieved that at least my hormones are doing their thing. I haven't been doing the temperature chart but Google has become me best friend. I'm pretty sure I've driven my OH crazy with my searches and info sharing.

Welcome girl and hang in there. Once this journey starts, it's hard to get away from it all. I did the same thing right out of the shoot! My poor DH...i bombarded him. I'm learning now after almost 2 years of this that the less info they get, THE BETTER! It's just a little too much for them i think. But I wish you both the best! :dust:
Thanks! Yea he says that he doesn't care when I tell him things but I think he is just trying to make me feel better.
Thanks! Yea he says that he doesn't care when I tell him things but I think he is just trying to make me feel better.

Yeah, my hubby says the same thing, he actually insists he wants to know but deep down, i think it just adds extra pressure...i'm not good about hiding stuff. I tell him everything so it would be hard for me to try to keep him in the dark about all this stuff. I might end up having to do that though to keep our relationship good. :-/
Hi guys this is my first time on any TTC forum. I have been trying for two cycles and always used was a silent reader of most forums until today when i Got my AF and i thought i really need some support from you ladies cuz i had a major meltdown. :( Although its just been two months but i think im stressing myself out. I wanted to take it easy but its not as easy as it seems. Hubby is being super supportive but i think he needs a break from my mood swings so joined baby & bump. :)
Hi guys this is my first time on any TTC forum. I have been trying for two cycles and always used was a silent reader of most forums until today when i Got my AF and i thought i really need some support from you ladies cuz i had a major meltdown. :( Although its just been two months but i think im stressing myself out. I wanted to take it easy but its not as easy as it seems. Hubby is being super supportive but i think he needs a break from my mood swings so joined baby & bump. :)

Hi! I am new around here too! I have also tried for two cycles, just got AF yesterday, so I am starting out my third try. This will be my first child...so all the talk of OPK and BBT is confusing and I don't know where to start. I was on BCP for about 10 years and just stopped them back a few months ago...I had three 21 - 22 day cycles after BCP and then a 30 day cycle and the last month was 24...super sad because AF isn't consistent. Good luck to you and your hubby!
Hi guys this is my first time on any TTC forum. I have been trying for two cycles and always used was a silent reader of most forums until today when i Got my AF and i thought i really need some support from you ladies cuz i had a major meltdown. :( Although its just been two months but i think im stressing myself out. I wanted to take it easy but its not as easy as it seems. Hubby is being super supportive but i think he needs a break from my mood swings so joined baby & bump. :)

Hi guys this is my first time on any TTC forum. I have been trying for two cycles and always used was a silent reader of most forums until today when i Got my AF and i thought i really need some support from you ladies cuz i had a major meltdown. :( Although its just been two months but i think im stressing myself out. I wanted to take it easy but its not as easy as it seems. Hubby is being super supportive but i think he needs a break from my mood swings so joined baby & bump. :)

Hi! I am new around here too! I have also tried for two cycles, just got AF yesterday, so I am starting out my third try. This will be my first child...so all the talk of OPK and BBT is confusing and I don't know where to start. I was on BCP for about 10 years and just stopped them back a few months ago...I had three 21 - 22 day cycles after BCP and then a 30 day cycle and the last month was 24...super sad because AF isn't consistent. Good luck to you and your hubby!

WELCOME BOTH OF YOU!!! This is the perfect place to be so DH can get a break. :) We will help you through this crazy journey. It can definitely be stressful, especially if you've been trying for awhile and had some upsets along the way but just hang in there and we'll go through it together. :hugs:
Hi all, well, this cycle is me and my husbands first time TTC. I used an OPK on the 12th and there were two lines, the second one not solid but it was there. I am 10dpo with AF expected on the 27th. My breasts are sore, I have this full feeling around and below my belly, and near my ovaries, and on 8/9dpo I had this funny cramping feeling in my stomach which I've never felt before with PMS. I haven't noticed any implantation bleeding though. We are crossing our fingers that this is it. Anyone have any input on my symptoms as of now? Thanks! Oh, maybe it's important to say that I am 38, and my husband and I haven't used protection since last August and no pregnancies yet.
I was so glad i stumbled upon this forum. I have never been much for these things but this has been the hardest thing I have ever gone through and it seems everyone who has already been through it keeps trying to give me advice and its not helping. But then I started reading everyone elses post on here and I felt kinship with you all. I am on my second cycle awaiting to see if everything has worked out this month or not. I know it is early and i shouldnt stress but it seems everyone around me is getting pregnant so easy and I do not want to wait. I have been with my husband almost seven years and we were recently married. I just want things to happen. I keep telling myself I wont think about it but every time we are intimate I do. Or when it gets close to my time of the month I get really anxious... I was hoping the trying part would be fun and it is but I think im more stressed about then anything. I dont know how to relax and let it happen.
Hiya :) me & my oh are TTC our #1 baby together, came off bcp on the 30th June, & AF arrived 6th July lasted for 7 days (normally 5) which I suspect is because it was the withdrawal from the bcp. took a few opk but haven't got a postive yet but have been getting left & right ovary pain only lasting about a minute at a time. Currently CD17 & we've :sex: today so fingers crossed. Next month I will be starting earlier in the month to track.

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