Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

Turns out AF decided to take her time getting here...3 days late to be exact. I was about to test when shecame to visit. Maybe next month...FX'ed.

Sorry girl and BEST of luck for this next cycle! :hugs:
Well the :witch: showed today! On a positive note, this is month 2 of AF showing somewhat on time. Under a week late this time which is a huge improvement to my sometimes 2-3 weeks late. Thinking maybe it's the evening primrose since I have used that the last 2 month now (days 1-14). On to the next! :dust: to you all waiting!
Well the :witch: showed today! On a positive note, this is month 2 of AF showing somewhat on time. Under a week late this time which is a huge improvement to my sometimes 2-3 weeks late. Thinking maybe it's the evening primrose since I have used that the last 2 month now (days 1-14). On to the next! :dust: to you all waiting!

Sorry AF got you MrsKinney but love your attitude and best of luck to you this next cycle!!! :hugs:
Hi I have just joined and not quite sure how to start. Is anyone else trying with fertalaid?

What is fertalaid? My hubby and I have been TTC for over a year, but am not sure we're ready to dice into the fertility treatment world. I've heard a lot about clomid, but nothing about fertalaid. I'm new to this site too, welcome! :)

Fertilaid is a natural supplement by FairHaven (?). You can buy it online. I have used it this past cycle...hard to say if it works yet but it did looks like I O'd. They make Fertilaid for both men and women.

I just bought some; I hope it works. AF showed up today so I'm back to the drawing board. I have regular 28 day cycles but ovulation strips never show that I have an LH surge. So hopefully this will help. I also bought the Fairhaven ovulation test that provides a microscope for unlimited testing. Next task is to get DH to take a supplement...I just am not ready for the fertility Dr yet :wacko:
So, I think AF reared her ugly head. BUT she only stuck around for 2 days and the 2nd day was lighter than the first. That was Tuesday and Wednesday, I decided to wait until today to test. Well, I took a test just over an hour ago....BFN. DH suggested we test again in a couple days. We will see.
Hey everyone, just wanted to introduce myself. We are TTC #1 after a false start :!::!::!: a year ago this month. Hormones have been all over the place, I have hypothyroidism but after the false start went hyper and that messed up my cycles. Just when I thought all was well I had a ruptured (and v painful) cyst. DH and I live in different cities atm for work so it's VERY frustrating :nope: Hoping to meet some friends who can help me along this emotional path.
After MONTHS of reading and readng these I'm finally joining! We are trying for #1 and have been for 8 months. I am now 4 days late for my period- I BBT chart (temps still high)and use OPK kits and am always regular with my periods so it's definitly unusual to be 4 days late but I'm still getting BFN's. I've been testing like a crazy person since the day before my missed period and it's very frustrating! Has anyone else experienced this? I've read that it takes some women longer to see reuslts from HPT's so I'm wondering/hoping that's the case.
Hi everyone, mind if i join?

my fiance and i are getting married on the 31st of this month, and although we weren't trying, we think that we might have a bun cooking away in my oven. Back in may i miscarried after an unplanned pregnancy at 10 weeks, and i seem to be having the same symptoms i had early on then as well.

since we weren't planning, i wasn't tracking my ovulation, but i am 2 weeks out from when AF should be showing up. I have been on BCP but had a stall and getting my pills this month, and now am not on it. I didn't even suspect anything until my wonderful fiance hinted he thinks i am.

I have had the sex drive of a 16 year old boy for about two weeks now, and have had ewcm. and i mean, LOTS. like to the point where i thought i had pee'd myself today, only to discover it was cm when i went to the restroom.

I am also having a lot of nausea and was sick friday night after trying to eat pizza (one of my favorite meals). I normally love pizza, but the thought of it is enough to make me queasy, and the smell made me get sick to my stomach.:dohh:

other than that, my breasts are normally not sensitive ever but for the past few weeks they have been feeling sore and my nipples are nearly always hard, which is also very abnormal for me. I have been tracking my measurements for my wedding dress and because of that i know they have grown. despite a 10 pound drop and losing an inch and a half from around my waist, my bust has gone up by an inch!

although AF came last month, it was late and extremely light for me, only lasting 3 days and not needing more than a light tampon changed about 2 times a day (normally i need multiple super - super plus throughout my time which is normally 5-6 days)

I didn't think even think i may be until my fiance started saying it and then i realized all of the "maybe" symptoms. Also, my cp is normally low and hard, and for the past 3 days it is high and soft but closed. i can almost not feel it and it seems to be going higher.

since we realized we may be pregnant the funny thing is 3 different people i know have asked if i am! so it will be interesting to see what happens. we were planning to wait a year, but who knows! maybe nature took over and decided now was the right time! :blush:
Hi all, so I'm in the 2ww. I'll test around Sept 2 and again around the 6th. I'm only 2dpo so it's too early to have symptoms although my abdomen muscles feel a bit sore, like I worked out (I haven't). I'm sure it's in my head.
Hey everyone, just wanted to introduce myself. We are TTC #1 after a false start :!::!::!: a year ago this month. Hormones have been all over the place, I have hypothyroidism but after the false start went hyper and that messed up my cycles. Just when I thought all was well I had a ruptured (and v painful) cyst. DH and I live in different cities atm for work so it's VERY frustrating :nope: Hoping to meet some friends who can help me along this emotional path.

Vivian, sounds like you have a few obstacles going on and that stinks but just remember, the end result in all of this is going to be SO worth it! It may take some time. Just try to be patient (I'M NOT) and hang in there. We will get our babies someday, I just know it!!! :) :hugs:

So, I think AF reared her ugly head. BUT she only stuck around for 2 days and the 2nd day was lighter than the first. That was Tuesday and Wednesday, I decided to wait until today to test. Well, I took a test just over an hour ago....BFN. DH suggested we test again in a couple days. We will see.

Sorry about AF EMC! :-( Boo. And so sorry about the BFN...i hate them. What's the latest? I know i've seen this post in a couple of other places so maybe i'll find my answer there. Baby dust sweetie! :hugs:

After MONTHS of reading and readng these I'm finally joining! We are trying for #1 and have been for 8 months. I am now 4 days late for my period- I BBT chart (temps still high)and use OPK kits and am always regular with my periods so it's definitly unusual to be 4 days late but I'm still getting BFN's. I've been testing like a crazy person since the day before my missed period and it's very frustrating! Has anyone else experienced this? I've read that it takes some women longer to see reuslts from HPT's so I'm wondering/hoping that's the case.

Yay for finally joining us! That's crazy you're still getting BFN's with all those promising signs! Ugh...maybe test again in a few days if no AF and then if still BFN, you might want to go get a blood test done just to confirm. Good luck honey. You could have O'd later than you thought too. That happens...BUT since you temp, you would know....hhhhmmm...:wacko:

Hi everyone, mind if i join?

my fiance and i are getting married on the 31st of this month, and although we weren't trying, we think that we might have a bun cooking away in my oven. Back in may i miscarried after an unplanned pregnancy at 10 weeks, and i seem to be having the same symptoms i had early on then as well.

since we weren't planning, i wasn't tracking my ovulation, but i am 2 weeks out from when AF should be showing up. I have been on BCP but had a stall and getting my pills this month, and now am not on it. I didn't even suspect anything until my wonderful fiance hinted he thinks i am.

I have had the sex drive of a 16 year old boy for about two weeks now, and have had ewcm. and i mean, LOTS. like to the point where i thought i had pee'd myself today, only to discover it was cm when i went to the restroom.

I am also having a lot of nausea and was sick friday night after trying to eat pizza (one of my favorite meals). I normally love pizza, but the thought of it is enough to make me queasy, and the smell made me get sick to my stomach.:dohh:

other than that, my breasts are normally not sensitive ever but for the past few weeks they have been feeling sore and my nipples are nearly always hard, which is also very abnormal for me. I have been tracking my measurements for my wedding dress and because of that i know they have grown. despite a 10 pound drop and losing an inch and a half from around my waist, my bust has gone up by an inch!

although AF came last month, it was late and extremely light for me, only lasting 3 days and not needing more than a light tampon changed about 2 times a day (normally i need multiple super - super plus throughout my time which is normally 5-6 days)

I didn't think even think i may be until my fiance started saying it and then i realized all of the "maybe" symptoms. Also, my cp is normally low and hard, and for the past 3 days it is high and soft but closed. i can almost not feel it and it seems to be going higher.

since we realized we may be pregnant the funny thing is 3 different people i know have asked if i am! so it will be interesting to see what happens. we were planning to wait a year, but who knows! maybe nature took over and decided now was the right time! :blush:

WELCOME Murphy and congrats on your engagement and wedding next week! How exciting! And wow...to maybe be pregnant on top of that, even more exciting! You have all the signs and symptoms...i think it's safe to say you need to :test: :test: :test:

Hi all, so I'm in the 2ww. I'll test around Sept 2 and again around the 6th. I'm only 2dpo so it's too early to have symptoms although my abdomen muscles feel a bit sore, like I worked out (I haven't). I'm sure it's in my head.

Good luck testing skimomma! Symptom spotting is the worst. Try to relax and do some things to help keep your mind off this 2ww! good luck sweetie and i'll be checking back on you!

WELCOME to all you newbies!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dust:
Hey everyone, just wanted to introduce myself. We are TTC #1 after a false start :!::!::!: a year ago this month. Hormones have been all over the place, I have hypothyroidism but after the false start went hyper and that messed up my cycles. Just when I thought all was well I had a ruptured (and v painful) cyst. DH and I live in different cities atm for work so it's VERY frustrating :nope: Hoping to meet some friends who can help me along this emotional path.

Vivian, sounds like you have a few obstacles going on and that stinks but just remember, the end result in all of this is going to be SO worth it! It may take some time. Just try to be patient (I'M NOT) and hang in there. We will get our babies someday, I just know it!!! :) :hugs:

So, I think AF reared her ugly head. BUT she only stuck around for 2 days and the 2nd day was lighter than the first. That was Tuesday and Wednesday, I decided to wait until today to test. Well, I took a test just over an hour ago....BFN. DH suggested we test again in a couple days. We will see.

Sorry about AF EMC! :-( Boo. And so sorry about the BFN...i hate them. What's the latest? I know i've seen this post in a couple of other places so maybe i'll find my answer there. Baby dust sweetie! :hugs:

After MONTHS of reading and readng these I'm finally joining! We are trying for #1 and have been for 8 months. I am now 4 days late for my period- I BBT chart (temps still high)and use OPK kits and am always regular with my periods so it's definitly unusual to be 4 days late but I'm still getting BFN's. I've been testing like a crazy person since the day before my missed period and it's very frustrating! Has anyone else experienced this? I've read that it takes some women longer to see reuslts from HPT's so I'm wondering/hoping that's the case.

Yay for finally joining us! That's crazy you're still getting BFN's with all those promising signs! Ugh...maybe test again in a few days if no AF and then if still BFN, you might want to go get a blood test done just to confirm. Good luck honey. You could have O'd later than you thought too. That happens...BUT since you temp, you would know....hhhhmmm...:wacko:

Hi everyone, mind if i join?

my fiance and i are getting married on the 31st of this month, and although we weren't trying, we think that we might have a bun cooking away in my oven. Back in may i miscarried after an unplanned pregnancy at 10 weeks, and i seem to be having the same symptoms i had early on then as well.

since we weren't planning, i wasn't tracking my ovulation, but i am 2 weeks out from when AF should be showing up. I have been on BCP but had a stall and getting my pills this month, and now am not on it. I didn't even suspect anything until my wonderful fiance hinted he thinks i am.

I have had the sex drive of a 16 year old boy for about two weeks now, and have had ewcm. and i mean, LOTS. like to the point where i thought i had pee'd myself today, only to discover it was cm when i went to the restroom.

I am also having a lot of nausea and was sick friday night after trying to eat pizza (one of my favorite meals). I normally love pizza, but the thought of it is enough to make me queasy, and the smell made me get sick to my stomach.:dohh:

other than that, my breasts are normally not sensitive ever but for the past few weeks they have been feeling sore and my nipples are nearly always hard, which is also very abnormal for me. I have been tracking my measurements for my wedding dress and because of that i know they have grown. despite a 10 pound drop and losing an inch and a half from around my waist, my bust has gone up by an inch!

although AF came last month, it was late and extremely light for me, only lasting 3 days and not needing more than a light tampon changed about 2 times a day (normally i need multiple super - super plus throughout my time which is normally 5-6 days)

I didn't think even think i may be until my fiance started saying it and then i realized all of the "maybe" symptoms. Also, my cp is normally low and hard, and for the past 3 days it is high and soft but closed. i can almost not feel it and it seems to be going higher.

since we realized we may be pregnant the funny thing is 3 different people i know have asked if i am! so it will be interesting to see what happens. we were planning to wait a year, but who knows! maybe nature took over and decided now was the right time! :blush:

WELCOME Murphy and congrats on your engagement and wedding next week! How exciting! And wow...to maybe be pregnant on top of that, even more exciting! You have all the signs and symptoms...i think it's safe to say you need to :test: :test: :test:

Hi all, so I'm in the 2ww. I'll test around Sept 2 and again around the 6th. I'm only 2dpo so it's too early to have symptoms although my abdomen muscles feel a bit sore, like I worked out (I haven't). I'm sure it's in my head.

Good luck testing skimomma! Symptom spotting is the worst. Try to relax and do some things to help keep your mind off this 2ww! good luck sweetie and i'll be checking back on you!

WELCOME to all you newbies!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dust:

Thank you!! we are very excited to tie the knot and as scary as a baby is we are excited that may be happening too. i tested last sunday and got a bfn, but with my mc i didnt get a bfp until i was already 8 weeks along. sooo im trying to not put us out of home testing up a storm lol. i am going to test again either tomorrow or sunday and test once a week til af or bfp
Guys if anyone needs an urgent tweak I found this website - you can upload an image and then invert the colors.... good in a pinch if you don't have photoshop or an app on your phone https://www.converthub.com/invert-colors/
Hi There,

I am new to this forum - my husband and I have been TTC for 3 years, married for almost 2. I have PCOS and he had a good SA but has low volume.

I connected with this forum because I am very alone in this journey and need a bit of support from people who understand. I come from a very fertile family, and most of them are not open to the notion that some people are infertile. They don't make any attempt to understand and simply believe that we are "not trying hard enough". We have been to specialists, and through treatments, with no success. So, we keep our journey private and have told very few anything about it.

I finally realized that it was time to stop suffering in silence and that I needed to find a community of people who have been through what my husband and I are going through!

So thanks for having this forum, and I look forward to connecting with some of you!
Hi Raven! I'm glad you joined...my DH and I have also been at it for quite awhile (over 2 years) We haven't seeked out any help yet as we were just going with the flow while I finished up college. I am now finished and once I get a job, we hope to go see a specialist and get the show on the road. I also have PCOS. I have had several surgeries for endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and had a tubal pregnancy 10 years ago that left me with 1 tube. Lets keep our fingers crossed that our time will come soon! :dust: to you!
Hello, just want to introduce myself:

I'm currently TTC, only started about 3 weeks ago so very early into all this.

Been married for 2 years and finally at a place where we want a baby.

I use forums a lot, so I've picked up some of the ancroyms already. X
Well 2 days now until I can take a test! Nervous, excited, I just hope I won't be too disappointed if its a negative (this is our first month of TTC) and AF turns up.

I'm pretty certain I am, I'm getting period type cramps but in different places.

Been taking folic acid for a couple of months and already cut out alcohol, shellfish, etc.

Eek hurry up Wednesday!!
Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to this but to introduce myself... I'm 22 and my hubby is 24. I went off bc in June and still haven't had a period :growlmad:!! Just looking for some people to talk with, vent and share experiences!
Hi all, I'm so excited and a little daunted by all of this. We've been married less than a month (together 5 yrs) and are very ready for a baby. Having fun trying and looking forward to hearing from some people on here who are in the same boat as us.
Good luck everyone.
Ok so me and my hubby have been ttc for 3 years with no avail, i was put on clomid for 6 months (next month last month) i'm now thinking i'm going to be having ivf next, has anyone any idea what it's like?? Does it hurt? Will it work for me as i'm diabetic also?? I think we have to pay aswell so i would like some idea as to what horror and terror i'll be facing soon enough!!! Can anyone help i'm really worried and scared at the same time. :shrug:

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