Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

Ok so me and my hubby have been ttc for 3 years with no avail, i was put on clomid for 6 months (next month last month) i'm now thinking i'm going to be having ivf next, has anyone any idea what it's like?? Does it hurt? Will it work for me as i'm diabetic also?? I think we have to pay aswell so i would like some idea as to what horror and terror i'll be facing soon enough!!! Can anyone help i'm really worried and scared at the same time. :shrug:

Cuddles is that the only option? IVF. Why not IUI?
The hospital we are registered at are more interested in ivf as it's far more expensive for us and makes them more money. As a rule we are supposed to be offered 3 free goes but we only get offered one if we do have ivf and after that the costs are around £6,000 per time hence i'm worried about how painful it is and if it will actually work for us! Fingers are very much crossed next month we'll have a bean next month and wont have to go thro all this!! :)
Hey everyone, just wanted to introduce myself. We are TTC #1 after a false start :!::!::!: a year ago this month. Hormones have been all over the place, I have hypothyroidism but after the false start went hyper and that messed up my cycles. Just when I thought all was well I had a ruptured (and v painful) cyst. DH and I live in different cities atm for work so it's VERY frustrating :nope: Hoping to meet some friends who can help me along this emotional path.

Hi Vivian

You story sounda just like mine, had a false start when I was late turned out to be fibroids. Me and dh are living in different countries atm for work. Its hard but we are really making the effort to bd around my ov point but not having him here during this emotional rolla coaster is tough. So I decided to do all I van eat healthy exercise take my vitamins etc . What about you?
Hello there,
I am new to this, really want your experience's and views...
I have been TTC:sex: from last 3 months but nothing is happening.I got my last AF on 12/08/13, (on 7dpo) 15 days before my AF i got mild AF like cramps(which lasted for 3 days),then tenderness in BB's,fluctuation in body temperature 98.9-99.2 °C,creamy white and yellow discharge sorry TMI, its my 18dpo today and i am having clear water like stretchy cm from yesterday, my :af: is due in next 2-3 days.I took HPT 2 days before and it turned out to :bfn:. I am going crazy :sad2: please help me!!!!
Hi everyone, mind if i join?

my fiance and i are getting married on the 31st of this month, and although we weren't trying, we think that we might have a bun cooking away in my oven. Back in may i miscarried after an unplanned pregnancy at 10 weeks, and i seem to be having the same symptoms i had early on then as well.

since we weren't planning, i wasn't tracking my ovulation, but i am 2 weeks out from when AF should be showing up. I have been on BCP but had a stall and getting my pills this month, and now am not on it. I didn't even suspect anything until my wonderful fiance hinted he thinks i am.

I have had the sex drive of a 16 year old boy for about two weeks now, and have had ewcm. and i mean, LOTS. like to the point where i thought i had pee'd myself today, only to discover it was cm when i went to the restroom.

I am also having a lot of nausea and was sick friday night after trying to eat pizza (one of my favorite meals). I normally love pizza, but the thought of it is enough to make me queasy, and the smell made me get sick to my stomach.:dohh:

other than that, my breasts are normally not sensitive ever but for the past few weeks they have been feeling sore and my nipples are nearly always hard, which is also very abnormal for me. I have been tracking my measurements for my wedding dress and because of that i know they have grown. despite a 10 pound drop and losing an inch and a half from around my waist, my bust has gone up by an inch!

although AF came last month, it was late and extremely light for me, only lasting 3 days and not needing more than a light tampon changed about 2 times a day (normally i need multiple super - super plus throughout my time which is normally 5-6 days)

I didn't think even think i may be until my fiance started saying it and then i realized all of the "maybe" symptoms. Also, my cp is normally low and hard, and for the past 3 days it is high and soft but closed. i can almost not feel it and it seems to be going higher.

since we realized we may be pregnant the funny thing is 3 different people i know have asked if i am! so it will be interesting to see what happens. we were planning to wait a year, but who knows! maybe nature took over and decided now was the right time! :blush:

so I ended up getting what may have been af last week for 2 days. it was way shorter than normal but i had horrible cramps that made me sick nearly. they werent normal it felt like i was blowing up a balloon inside me rather than the knives that normally come with af. that being said, my symptoms have worsened rather than subsiding and my cp is still too high to find. I am not in pain since the maybe af last week. i get a twinch or flutter here or there, but i cannot stop feeling woozy/mood swings/breast swelling. I spoke with my doctor yesterday and since i have done tests (ultrasound) recently he thinks it shouldnt be pcod or any of those complications. I am getting a blood test done this weekend hopefully but considering my metabolic rate my doctor pretty much has me being patient considering it took 2 months for a :bfp: with my m/c. Now im just concerned its maybe another m/c in the making :/ fxed for a healthy sticky bean, or alleviation of these complications.

on the bright side hubby and i are now officially ttc. this situation has made us realize how excited and ready we are for a little him & me to come along :)
Hi all, I am on 11dpo and cycle day 28. I usually have 26 or 27 day cycles and ALWAYS spot at least 3-4 days before af arrives... not this time. I have taken 2 dollar store test both BFN... any one try these tests and get a BFN then get a BFP??? Need help, the waiting is killing me!!
Hiii everyone!! I'm (clearly lol) new around here!! I've been an avid "lurker" of these boards in the past 4 months that my hubby and I have been TTC. So I figured, I should just JOIN already!! I love the support everyone gives each other here, and I know my friends who arent TTC are going to get tired of me talking about it soon lol.

Hiii everyone!! I'm (clearly lol) new around here!! I've been an avid "lurker" of these boards in the past 4 months that my hubby and I have been TTC. So I figured, I should just JOIN already!! I love the support everyone gives each other here, and I know my friends who arent TTC are going to get tired of me talking about it soon lol.


OH! I guess I should add a little more info. ;) As of right now I'm 5 or 6 DPO, and AF is due in 7 days. Hubby and I BD'ed 5 days of my fertile window (2 days before LH surge, day of, and 2 days after), because I have a tendency to overdo things and DH didn't seem to mind it lol. I don't think I'll have a :bfp: this cycle, but I'm reaallyyy hoping!!
hi im new to this so ill try! my cycles are irregular so pray for me.. lol! (cycle days: 32-28-34-47-51- currently in new cycle). im married, my husband is in the army, im a stay at home wife currently trying to go back to school(associates in graphic design/photography). my O calendar said ovulation on 2nd so we went with it but we bd'd on the 3rd instead.. OOPS i hope we didnt miss it, i forgot to check my calendar on the 2nd. D,: witch is either due tomorrow or around the 27th my cycles vary unfortunately.

approx O day (sept 2nd): nothing just tired.
1-3: tired, cranky, annoyed very easy hubby was annoyed with me. LOL!
4: hungry, tired, cranky, thirsty, diarrhea, ewcm.
5dpo: hungry, hungry, hungry, thirsty, bad diarrhea, tired, ewcm felt like it had sand in it, it felt kinda grainy..?
6-8dpo: hungry & tired, hot flashes & cold flashes, kinda in a good mood, ewcm.
9dpo: nothing just tired & itchy (think its from my skin disorder i was just diagnosed with.. ): ), had vivid dream i got a positive prego test tested & it was a negative prego test.
10-12dpo: tired, stuffy nose, sick to stomach felt like puking all day, SUPER tired i kept waking up & falling asleep mins after mins., pulling on sides about pelvic, watery & ewcm, negative prego test.
13 dpo (today 9/16): EXTREMELY TIRED, stuffy nose, hot flashes, pulling on sides, pinches near ovaries on left side, hungry like a mother.. LOL! peed 2x's with 1 hr while trying to go to bed, watery cm.
Hi everyone, I was a lurker while wttc, but now that my husband and I are currently TTC, why not make myself more known? My hubby and I have been married about a year and courting for 2! Right now we're on cycle three and I'm praying this is my month!
Good luck, Mangoes! I hope this is your month :)

I'm new to this neck of the woods - I've been hanging out in WTT for almost 2 years now, and I'm so excited that my husband and I are finally married and trying to have a child. It's my first cycle, and I'm going crazy! I hope we are lucky first try, I can't imagine doing this for very long.
Good luck, Mangoes! I hope this is your month :)

I'm new to this neck of the woods - I've been hanging out in WTT for almost 2 years now, and I'm so excited that my husband and I are finally married and trying to have a child. It's my first cycle, and I'm going crazy! I hope we are lucky first try, I can't imagine doing this for very long.

goodluck doll lots of baby dust to you!!! <3 me & my husband have been married for almost a year and have been trying for 9 months, he is suppose to deploy in june so we are hoping this is our lucky month, the signs are there! LOL.
That would be amazing if you conceived so he could meet his son or daughter before he leaves. Though I imagine that would make the deployment even tougher on him!
Hi everyone! So ive not been on here for a little while. Been trying to ease of the whole 'I must get pregnant' and just take things as they come. But im really struggling again now! Weve been ttc for a year next month and still no joy. My af's are still as unregula as before! I tried, and still am taking vitex. When I first started taking it I thought it haf worked, I was taking It for exactly 7 days and then had my first af in over 2months. But im cycle day 32 today and no signs of anything! :( really finding it hard :(
Has anyone else used Pioglitazone? I was prescribed it this morning and have been told that it's useful for my diabetes and for helping with the pcos. I was just wondering if anyone else had heard or used it before and had any luck???:shrug:
Hiii everyone!! I'm (clearly lol) new around here!! I've been an avid "lurker" of these boards in the past 4 months that my hubby and I have been TTC. So I figured, I should just JOIN already!! I love the support everyone gives each other here, and I know my friends who arent TTC are going to get tired of me talking about it soon lol.


OH! I guess I should add a little more info. ;) As of right now I'm 5 or 6 DPO, and AF is due in 7 days. Hubby and I BD'ed 5 days of my fertile window (2 days before LH surge, day of, and 2 days after), because I have a tendency to overdo things and DH didn't seem to mind it lol. I don't think I'll have a :bfp: this cycle, but I'm reaallyyy hoping!!

Best of luck to you sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dust:

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