Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

Ugh... hopefully this Fertilaid can help me get pregnant by my 2yr. Anniversary
Hey Lovely Ladies

Can anyone who has had a BFP before or who is now Preggers help??

I'm 2 days latent usually have a fairly regular 26 day cycle, every month I get 4 days of brown stuff before AF - however this month nothing!!

BFN results and I got a positive OPK 30th Dec, currently and for the last week I've felt like AF is going to come at any point (that feeling your about to leak) but when I check white cm.

There are so many things going through my head, did anyone else feel like this down there and get a BFP???

the few days leading up to when AF was due I had mild cramps and bloating and was constantly running to the bathroom because I felt wet down there....it always turned out to be yellowish cm (never seen before).
if you did conceive its possible the hcg is taking longer to develop in you. I would say wait a few more days then test, but I know how hard it is to wait also.
if you had positive opk on Dec 30th then doesn't it mean you may have ovulated as late as Jan 1st (12-36 hrs right?) ...so maybe you aren't that late? Do you know how long your luteal phase is?

wishing you the best of luck :)
Sorry to hear :( hopefully next cycle is your lucky one ;)
I've still got brown discharge going on 5 days now with a pink tinge, don't know if to class this as AF or not :s
Our damn bodies why must they be so difficult and just produce babies easily :) lol

Well i'm not out yet...spotting has subsided today and cramping too and my temp went up a little this morning so i have a little hope back. testing in the morning. Mine is a little brown too and today is day 5 of it. Crazy! I hope we're both pregnant, just don't know it yet! :happydance:

Ohh, we'll hopefully you are preggers :)
This is day 5 for me too can't see me being pregnant though, when the depo is meant to wear of by the 24th and it's only the 15th if I was to fall preggers I would have been on the depo for 2 months. Though I know people have fallen pregnant on the depo before.

nope, blood test confirmed negative yesterday :cry:
And as always the :witch: has perfect timing. Poas this AM before i left for the airport to head to OKC to meet my fiance...hoping to surprise him with a bfp! But of course, BFN and while waiting to board at the airport...SHE arrives. Beyond disgusted with my body right now. :beer::wine::gun::gun:
Hey Lovely Ladies

Can anyone who has had a BFP before or who is now Preggers help??

I'm 2 days latent usually have a fairly regular 26 day cycle, every month I get 4 days of brown stuff before AF - however this month nothing!!

BFN results and I got a positive OPK 30th Dec, currently and for the last week I've felt like AF is going to come at any point (that feeling your about to leak) but when I check white cm.

There are so many things going through my head, did anyone else feel like this down there and get a BFP???

the few days leading up to when AF was due I had mild cramps and bloating and was constantly running to the bathroom because I felt wet down there....it always turned out to be yellowish cm (never seen before).
if you did conceive its possible the hcg is taking longer to develop in you. I would say wait a few more days then test, but I know how hard it is to wait also.
if you had positive opk on Dec 30th then doesn't it mean you may have ovulated as late as Jan 1st (12-36 hrs right?) ...so maybe you aren't that late? Do you know how long your luteal phase is?

wishing you the best of luck :)

N27murray - thank you sooo much for your reply and congrats on you baby!!!
That's exactly how I feel and I don't recall ever getting that cm around AF before. I might go and see if the doc will do a blood test after a week.

Yeah you could be right I wasn't really sure on the OPK thing.
Luteal phase mmmm big fat blank sorry, I'm not sure when I actually ovulated before as I wasn't getting positive OPK tests so wasn't 100% sure.
And as always the :witch: has perfect timing. Poas this AM before i left for the airport to head to OKC to meet my fiance...hoping to surprise him with a bfp! But of course, BFN and while waiting to board at the airport...SHE arrives. Beyond disgusted with my body right now. :beer::wine::gun::gun:

I TOTALLY get you and sympathize with your anger!
:gun: :gun::finger::grr:](*,)

Sorry. :hugs:
so this is my first post after joining my first ttc sight after years of just stalking pages lol.. so im not sure if Im doing this right. A little history My Dh and I have been married for 4 years come oct '14. we don't have any children he is 27 i am 29. I am on my first cycle of 50 mg clomid and 8 dpo so im also on a tww * fingers crossed* im just really looking for cycle buddies, support and knowing im not the only one out there stressing about seeing that dreaded bfn month after month..
Soooo a few days ago I said I was coming of the depo and have been having brown/pinkish discharge been going on for 10 days now but havnt needed to use anything that's how light it is. About 3 days ago I thought I'd take an ovulation test as I've heard brown discharge can be a sign of ovulation but no I got a negative we'll today I had an ache near my ovaries normally it's a lot worse it was just a light ache tonight so I thought heck I'll try an ovulation test anyway and it came up with a FAINT positive so I'm in early stages if ovulation and my partner gets home from work (mines) tomorrow for a week, so here's hoping! =D
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to say hi as I'm new to all this and thought this was a good place to start! My husband and I have been ttc for 6 months.
Soooo a few days ago I said I was coming of the depo and have been having brown/pinkish discharge been going on for 10 days now but havnt needed to use anything that's how light it is. About 3 days ago I thought I'd take an ovulation test as I've heard brown discharge can be a sign of ovulation but no I got a negative we'll today I had an ache near my ovaries normally it's a lot worse it was just a light ache tonight so I thought heck I'll try an ovulation test anyway and it came up with a FAINT positive so I'm in early stages if ovulation and my partner gets home from work (mines) tomorrow for a week, so here's hoping! =D

Peaches87 Welcome, wow a positive OPK already!!! I thought if just let you know depo can do funny things to your body. Did you follow the instructions to the letter on the OPK they are ultra temperamental.

I hope your body has adjusted quickly. Mine is still funny after being on depo for 3 years then going to the patch instead for a year and a half. I've been ttc for 8 months with no luck yet but my cycle is now very light and barely there.

Good luck ttc I hope it happens quickly for you xx

Twinkletoes14 - Welcome, this forum is great for support, advise and helps get you through the tough times xx
Thanks Phoenix82. It'll be nice to have others to share the journey with! I'm currently on cd 3 but am worried about a short luteal phase. Anyone else had experience of this? xx
Soooo a few days ago I said I was coming of the depo and have been having brown/pinkish discharge been going on for 10 days now but havnt needed to use anything that's how light it is. About 3 days ago I thought I'd take an ovulation test as I've heard brown discharge can be a sign of ovulation but no I got a negative we'll today I had an ache near my ovaries normally it's a lot worse it was just a light ache tonight so I thought heck I'll try an ovulation test anyway and it came up with a FAINT positive so I'm in early stages if ovulation and my partner gets home from work (mines) tomorrow for a week, so here's hoping! =D

Peaches87 Welcome, wow a positive OPK already!!! I thought if just let you know depo can do funny things to your body. Did you follow the instructions to the letter on the OPK they are ultra temperamental.

I hope your body has adjusted quickly. Mine is still funny after being on depo for 3 years then going to the patch instead for a year and a half. I've been ttc for 8 months with no luck yet but my cycle is now very light and barely there.

Good luck ttc I hope it happens quickly for you xx

Twinkletoes14 - Welcome, this forum is great for support, advise and helps get you through the tough times xx

Thanks Phoenix,
And yeah I did follow instructions right did another one today and positive again :) my cycles have always gone to normal after coming of the depo thank goodness I was stressing that this would be the time it wouldn't. But you never know tho. So not getting my hopes up but would be rather nice if it did happen this time as I'd be due around my birthday =D my partners side of the family are odd with birthdays as my partners birthday is on the same day as his mums and step dads then his older brother is on Australia Day and then you one of his nephews is the day after his dads then his other nephew is on Christmas Day and his sister Inlaw is on New Year's Day so would be rather funny to have a child on my birthday lol.

Hope it happens for you too Phoenix sooner rather then later :) Xx
I am so glad we are here for each other and are all going through the same struggle ttc. I am really looking forward to someone, ANYBODY to post a :bfp: ! Sorry to everyone who, like me, got a :bfn: this month :brat::sad2: SOOOOO disappointing :hissy::grr:. Starting a new cycle now but last month I did green tea, no caffeine, OPK's, zinc, B6, preseed every time we BD'ed, pre-natals, pineapple core after ovulation, and BD'ed :sex: on EXACTLY the perfect days using the SMEP. EXHAUSTING!! I thought for sure all of that would make a BFP. And has anybody else noticed that there are pregnant women and little babies EVERY FREAKING WHERE?!?!?!?! :dohh::wacko::nope:: I think I need to visit the vent thread because I am feeling Miranda Lambert right now :gun: I am going to make an appointment with the gyno, just to make sure I'm ovulating...anybody else let their gyno know they are trying? I've heard you have to be trying for 1 year before you can take Clomid or anything? This will be month #4. I've read you only have a 15% chance of getting pregnant every month so I am trying not to be too disappointed. Here's to another cycle girls. :hugs: :babydust:
I am so glad we are here for each other and are all going through the same struggle ttc. I am really looking forward to someone, ANYBODY to post a :bfp: ! Sorry to everyone who, like me, got a :bfn: this month :brat::sad2: SOOOOO disappointing :hissy::grr:. Starting a new cycle now but last month I did green tea, no caffeine, OPK's, zinc, B6, preseed every time we BD'ed, pre-natals, pineapple core after ovulation, and BD'ed :sex: on EXACTLY the perfect days using the SMEP. EXHAUSTING!! I thought for sure all of that would make a BFP. And has anybody else noticed that there are pregnant women and little babies EVERY FREAKING WHERE?!?!?!?! :dohh::wacko::nope:: I think I need to visit the vent thread because I am feeling Miranda Lambert right now :gun: I am going to make an appointment with the gyno, just to make sure I'm ovulating...anybody else let their gyno know they are trying? I've heard you have to be trying for 1 year before you can take Clomid or anything? This will be month #4. I've read you only have a 15% chance of getting pregnant every month so I am trying not to be too disappointed. Here's to another cycle girls. :hugs: :babydust:

I know how you feel, I see pregnant ladies everywhere! Not only that most my friends are either pregnant or just had a baby and you can't help but feel a little bit jealous & think why isn't it happening to me..
The last time I was TTC I was trying everything and just gave up didn't bother testing and just relaxed and that month I found out I was pregnant but was a chemical pregnancy but I think if you relax and try not to think about it, it will happen :) I think when you start stressing over it your body holds off :s
If you don't already take time out for yourself and do something that's extremely relaxing :) it may help. But I'm no expert lol
Best of luck with your next cycle. Hopefully it's the one :)
Peaches- how long have u bn on depo, and if u dont mind me askn this pain ur feeling can u describe it...im havn a sharp pain that comes and goes on right side only...idk what it is. Ive bn off depo for jus 3m now

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