Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

^Tye78 - do update us :)

Peaches87 - I am in the same boat! I wish we could tell at the moment of conception! The wait is quite hard - however, skimming through this forum makes it bearable :)

Rapunzel87, I will definitely keep updating my status. I'm going to test again on Monday, the day that AF is suppose to arrive.
Hello. This is my first post on this site. My husband &I are on our 7th cycle TTC our first child. Has so far been one of the biggest emotional roller coasters ive ever experienced but it certainly has tested our marriage but has definitely made us stronger! I wish you all BFP and lots of babydust! X
Even tho we are going for ivf we are still trying and now i'm in the 2ww!!! AAARRRGGGHHHH this is agony wish it would hurry up! Been having fluttering feelings above my pubic bone not sure if it's gas or something far better!!!!
Hi All! I haven't been on here for a few months as symptom spotting was driving me crazy and bumming me out every time that evil ended up showing up . That being said.....I am now 5 days late! I keep my cycle tracked on an app on my phone. I ALWAYS have my period on the 29th day. This cycle has been weird however because about 2 weeks ago I had 2 days of spotting while wiping (not enough for a liner practically). I am not sure if my cycle started over or if we have finally gotten lucky after a year of not planning not preventing

Anyway, have any of you ladies ever taken a dip stick test and had a line appear and then fade as the test settled? over the weekend I took 2 dollar store tests, and both showed the line instantly, but after about a minute into the 3 minute wait, the line disappeared on both tests. I am not sure if my system just doesnt have enough hcg yet, or if i am being over hopeful.

I am going stir crazy and don't want to tell anyone until we know for sure, so any feedback would be super appreciated!

Thanks ladies and good luck to all!!!
Hi All! I haven't been on here for a few months as symptom spotting was driving me crazy and bumming me out every time that evil ended up showing up . That being said.....I am now 5 days late! I keep my cycle tracked on an app on my phone. I ALWAYS have my period on the 29th day. This cycle has been weird however because about 2 weeks ago I had 2 days of spotting while wiping (not enough for a liner practically). I am not sure if my cycle started over or if we have finally gotten lucky after a year of not planning not preventing

Anyway, have any of you ladies ever taken a dip stick test and had a line appear and then fade as the test settled? over the weekend I took 2 dollar store tests, and both showed the line instantly, but after about a minute into the 3 minute wait, the line disappeared on both tests. I am not sure if my system just doesnt have enough hcg yet, or if i am being over hopeful.

I am going stir crazy and don't want to tell anyone until we know for sure, so any feedback would be super appreciated!

Thanks ladies and good luck to all!!!

Oooooooo fingers crossed for you! I'd wait another day or two then go and spend the money on a decent test the clear blue tests are supposed to be good ones i'd highly recommend spending the money on a decent one at least you know for sure then!!! And good luck!!!!:flower:
^Tye78 - do update us :)

Peaches87 - I am in the same boat! I wish we could tell at the moment of conception! The wait is quite hard - however, skimming through this forum makes it bearable :)

Rapunzel87, I will definitely keep updating my status. I'm going to test again on Monday, the day that AF is suppose to arrive.


So AF came and i received another BFN. I went ahead and bought some aids and herbs to try again this month. If I don't get a BFP this cycle I am going to go back to get more tests done. I am going hardcore this cycle. I am now taking vitex, using magnesium oil on my skin, using preseed when I :sex:, drinking fertility blend tea 3 times a day, continuing taking maca supplements and prenatal pills. I even bought crystals/stones that promote fertility and put it in my pillow case to sleep on at night. I am determined to get that :bfp: this cycle.
^Tye78 - do update us :)

Peaches87 - I am in the same boat! I wish we could tell at the moment of conception! The wait is quite hard - however, skimming through this forum makes it bearable :)

Rapunzel87, I will definitely keep updating my status. I'm going to test again on Monday, the day that AF is suppose to arrive.


So AF came and i received another BFN. I went ahead and bought some aids and herbs to try again this month. If I don't get a BFP this cycle I am going to go back to get more tests done. I am going hardcore this cycle. I am now taking vitex, using magnesium oil on my skin, using preseed when I :sex:, drinking fertility blend tea 3 times a day, continuing taking maca supplements and prenatal pills. I even bought crystals/stones that promote fertility and put it in my pillow case to sleep on at night. I am determined to get that :bfp: this cycle.

Oh no :( hopefully this cycle is the one, fingers crossed for you :)
I think i'm back...i'm thinking 1 dpo today with my temp spike. i sure hope so. i'm tired. :haha:

Please check out my journal for the latest big updates. They are too long to post here. Mainly the entry about our big RE appointment to discuss next steps. I will go back and play catch up now!
I think i'm back...i'm thinking 1 dpo today with my temp spike. i sure hope so. i'm tired. :haha:

Please check out my journal for the latest big updates. They are too long to post here. Mainly the entry about our big RE appointment to discuss next steps. I will go back and play catch up now!

Best of luck :)
Hi there-

I just joined and thought I'd introduce myself - I've been looking around the internet for information and supports about conception as my husband and I started TTC in Jan of 2014 for the first time.

I've found the posts and threads that I've read through so far quite helpful; this appears to be an active, supportive place for parents of any kind.

I really didn't expect to do a whole lot more than learn in our first month of trying... but so far, AF is three days late. I'm never late - even when I've been extremely stressed out, AF is almost always on time or perhaps a day early. Being the somewhat obsessive and anxious person I can be, I've tested several times - all of which are negative.

I have noticed a few differences in the way I feel... but I work in mental health treatment, my impulse is to attribute that to psycho-somatic symptoms.

I'm getting the idea that I should probably just wait 3-4 (5?) days until I test again and then go to the doc if I haven't seen AF and I'm still getting a negative.

Ahhh, just around 30 days into this, I'm already stressed. My husband and I are also in the process of buying a condo - our closing date being the end of Feb 2014, so that doesn't help the whole stress thing.

How can you sit with the anxiety about your future, the future of your family and friends; not knowing if tomorrow you're going to find out that everything is suddenly different?

This is hard. I'm glad there's support out there that doesn't come with the expectations and desires of family and friends who are close to you. I hate to disappoint... and I hope to find a place where I feel I can be open and comfortable with my worries, hopes, flaws, whatever it may be.

Thanks for being open and allowing me to learn from your experiences!
Hi there-

I just joined and thought I'd introduce myself - I've been looking around the internet for information and supports about conception as my husband and I started TTC in Jan of 2014 for the first time.

I've found the posts and threads that I've read through so far quite helpful; this appears to be an active, supportive place for parents of any kind.

I really didn't expect to do a whole lot more than learn in our first month of trying... but so far, AF is three days late. I'm never late - even when I've been extremely stressed out, AF is almost always on time or perhaps a day early. Being the somewhat obsessive and anxious person I can be, I've tested several times - all of which are negative.

I have noticed a few differences in the way I feel... but I work in mental health treatment, my impulse is to attribute that to psycho-somatic symptoms.

I'm getting the idea that I should probably just wait 3-4 (5?) days until I test again and then go to the doc if I haven't seen AF and I'm still getting a negative.

Ahhh, just around 30 days into this, I'm already stressed. My husband and I are also in the process of buying a condo - our closing date being the end of Feb 2014, so that doesn't help the whole stress thing.

How can you sit with the anxiety about your future, the future of your family and friends; not knowing if tomorrow you're going to find out that everything is suddenly different?

This is hard. I'm glad there's support out there that doesn't come with the expectations and desires of family and friends who are close to you. I hate to disappoint... and I hope to find a place where I feel I can be open and comfortable with my worries, hopes, flaws, whatever it may be.

Thanks for being open and allowing me to learn from your experiences!

Hey!! I'd prob give it a couple of days before trying another test or it could be very costly! Good luck and fingers very much crossed this is your time!:thumbup:
Hi Everyone,

I just signed up for this so I guess this makes me a newbie. I've been reading, researching and reading some more about my cycle this month. My husband and I are TTC and so far I have been feeling symptoms that I have never felt before. AF comes regularly. However, I have been feeling exhausted, cramping, breasts are a little tender, but not painful, and I noticed last Sunday when I wiped, I noticed a light pink streak. This has never happened to me in between cycles. I am hopeful that I am pregnant, but this is my first time and I'm so confused...

I'm not sure when I exactly ovulated (I know, sounds stupid, right?) and I'm so confused at charting and temping, and dipping and any other -ing that's required t conceive. I *think* I am 10dpo. I tested yesterday and I got a BFN. So, my point is (and I promise I do have one!) is if someone can direct to me a website that has helpful info on charting or perhaps can offer some advice and suggestions- it would be so awesome of you.

Thanks for reading my rant!
Hi Everyone,

I just signed up for this so I guess this makes me a newbie. I've been reading, researching and reading some more about my cycle this month. My husband and I are TTC and so far I have been feeling symptoms that I have never felt before. AF comes regularly. However, I have been feeling exhausted, cramping, breasts are a little tender, but not painful, and I noticed last Sunday when I wiped, I noticed a light pink streak. This has never happened to me in between cycles. I am hopeful that I am pregnant, but this is my first time and I'm so confused...

I'm not sure when I exactly ovulated (I know, sounds stupid, right?) and I'm so confused at charting and temping, and dipping and any other -ing that's required t conceive. I *think* I am 10dpo. I tested yesterday and I got a BFN. So, my point is (and I promise I do have one!) is if someone can direct to me a website that has helpful info on charting or perhaps can offer some advice and suggestions- it would be so awesome of you.

Thanks for reading my rant!

Yea, I'm 11DPO and trying to stay calm and be ok with what ever happens. I saw a little pink this evening, I think and my temp took a dive under the coverline this morning, so I'm probably not this month. :nope:
Hi ! I am brand new here.
Just wanted to say hi! I am 25 DPO on my 6th cycle since we started TTC.
I have all the symptoms in the book so I am praying for good news. I wonder however, how long does it normally take to get a BFP on a 10 miu/ml HCG Sensitivity HTP?

I tried 2 days ago and got a BFN.....:dohh:
So I have two questions.

#1: What would cause my AF to stop for two days and then start again?

#2: Do OPK`s slowly start to get darker everyday the closer you get to ovulation? = have never used them before... The only thing I know is that the test line has to be dArker than the control line to be considered a positive...
wow.. huge mis spelling, I was CD 25, not 25 DPO....
I am now CD31 and still no news. One drop 2 days ago and nothing more.... and still a BFN :/
Hi everyone!

I am new to this site...just joined today! My DH & I got married in August 2013 & have been TTC since September...some months, we've tried harder than other months, but I really want to focus on it more now. My DH is 36 & I'm 31, so we want to have our first soon, because we both want more than 1 (I want 3, he wants 2...we'll see what happens!!)

I started tracking my cycles in June & they are all within 28-30 days, however the last 2 months, cycle was 31 days. I'm on CD 11 right now and I'm temping for the first time this cycle. I'm temping orally at 6:30 every morning. Temp varies from 97.2 - 97.6. I'm nervous that I'm not ovulating, because I have an underactive thyroid - I'm getting blood work done on 2/24 so that I can get back on meds for that!! I started temping so that I could have a better idea of if/when I'm ovulating before I have my dr. appointment. I know we haven't been trying for that long, but I'm starting to get discouraged. I feel like everyone around me is getting pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for everyone who gets the BFP, but I want the BFP too!! So I thought I would join a forum so I could chat with people who understand where I'm coming from.

Can't wait to chat with everyone!!
Hi everyone,

you might remember me, if not i understand, i only post every now and then. It's doing my head in at the mo, I am late by 1-4 days (my cycles vary) and still negative hpt!! This has never happened before, i have waves of nausea, cramps as though i am about to come on, sorry tmi but wetness so i think i have come on but haven't, slightly aching boobs but not as normal and have just started with a slight cold. We have been ttc for 25 months :-( really don't know what to think at this point.

Any advise would be helpful girls
Well me and the hubby went to the hospital for our first ivf referral appointment and its a no go. :nope: We have to go back again in 4 months time after we have lost more weight. They use the bmi system to see if we've done enough my vmi was 30.7 (needs to be 30) and hubbys bmi was 37 (needs to be 35) so close yet so far!! Gutted a little but still going to push thro and loose the weight!!!:cry:
Reading all of your posts, I am thinking about all you ladies! Every one has such unique stories and struggles...praying for BFP's soon!! I am 11dpo...BFN this AM but I had pink spotting 9dpo so hoping that was implantation as I have had absolutely no spotting since! No other out of the ordinary symptoms, in fact, I have no pre-AF symptoms or anything to obsess over really. No sore boobs as usual, no CM, no cramping...just the one pink spot when I wiped at 9dpo. SO impatient and anxious! I'm ready for my BFP and praying the witch doesn't show up! I am going to wait and test again 13dpo...if I can muster up the will power. I swear why is the TWW literally an ETERNITY!?! I just needed to type all this and say hello! Please...somebody...announce a BFP for some hope!! <3

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