Hi Everyone,
I just signed up for this so I guess this makes me a newbie. I've been reading, researching and reading some more about my cycle this month. My husband and I are TTC and so far I have been feeling symptoms that I have never felt before. AF comes regularly. However, I have been feeling exhausted, cramping, breasts are a little tender, but not painful, and I noticed last Sunday when I wiped, I noticed a light pink streak. This has never happened to me in between cycles. I am hopeful that I am pregnant, but this is my first time and I'm so confused...
I'm not sure when I exactly ovulated (I know, sounds stupid, right?) and I'm so confused at charting and temping, and dipping and any other -ing that's required t conceive. I *think* I am 10dpo. I tested yesterday and I got a BFN. So, my point is (and I promise I do have one!) is if someone can direct to me a website that has helpful info on charting or perhaps can offer some advice and suggestions- it would be so awesome of you.
Thanks for reading my rant!