Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

Hi Ladies,
welcome to all newbies and CONGRATS LoveMyCowboy :) :) :)

How is everybody doing?

AFM, I cant remember if I shared here, but I got my lovely AF this Tuesday, and we decided to skip this month, because I will have to do a crown replacement on my tooth.... GREAT!
but we decided that next month we will try our first IUI.
we will bd a lot this month, but I will not temp or do opks, it will be on God's hands, and if it doesnt happen, then IUI next month, when AF decides to show up!

FX and baby dust to all of us!!!!
Hey ladies

I really need help on fertility monitor sticks and reading them

Anyone know what these mean???


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Hey ladies

I really need help on fertility monitor sticks and reading them

Anyone know what these mean???

honestly hun, i don't think any of those are positive. I have always read that the test line needs to be as dark or darker than the control line to be considered a positive OPK. Good luck honey!
Hi Ladies,
welcome to all newbies and CONGRATS LoveMyCowboy :) :) :)

How is everybody doing?

AFM, I cant remember if I shared here, but I got my lovely AF this Tuesday, and we decided to skip this month, because I will have to do a crown replacement on my tooth.... GREAT!
but we decided that next month we will try our first IUI.
we will bd a lot this month, but I will not temp or do opks, it will be on God's hands, and if it doesnt happen, then IUI next month, when AF decides to show up!

FX and baby dust to all of us!!!!

Good luck sweetie on your first IUI! I hope it works out for you. Ours did not but i'm hoping our second one does! :hugs:
Hey ladies

I really need help on fertility monitor sticks and reading them

Anyone know what these mean???

honestly hun, i don't think any of those are positive. I have always read that the test line needs to be as dark or darker than the control line to be considered a positive OPK. Good luck honey!

Thank you for replying. Isn't it different for fertility monitor sticks as they monitor estrogen and lh?xxx
I have been hesitant to post this on this forum because I know some forums don't welcome BFP announcements. This forum got me through 1 year of charting to prepare to conceive with every day obsessive stalking and then through my last 7 months trying to conceive. I was so excited and hopeful when someone else would post a BFP after having a hard time and I wanted to know exactly what they did that cycle, their symptoms, etc. So I can't hold back the excitement! I'M PREGNANT!!!! 2 CBD tests showed pregnant right away and I cannot even believe it! I found out March 30th, my DF's birthday!! I was a couple days late for my period but that is NOTHING unusual and I was completely prepared to see another negative. I didn't even test from 6DPO on because I was sure I was out and was so tired of the let down. My boobs were way way way more sore than usual but I was having definite period cramps and I just knew AF would be here any minute...probably as soon as I peed on a stick (which has happened 3 times before). I got to give my DF the birthday present of his lifetime! It is a true blessing and we could not be any happier! I wanted to donkey kick people in the throat when they would say the cycle they got pregnant was the one they "quit trying" and I almost want to kick myself but it is true for me this cycle. We said we were not trying this cycle and I was 90% sure I didn't even ovulate this cycle. I was working day and night shifts and it just worked out the 3 days before my usual ovulation time we had BD'd 3 days in a row. I want to wish every single person TTC luck and tons of baby dust!! It will happen!!!!

Wow, wow, wow...this is awesome news! I'm soooooo happy for you! Congrats and i can't wait to join you one day! :happydance: :hugs:
Hi Everyone! Im so excited to have found this forum. Its amazing how much ttc can make you think your the only one that it doesnt just happen for right away! Its so cool to read other peoples stories and journeys to success :) My husband and I have been married for just under 7 years and somewhat recently decided we are ready. I was on birth control for nearly 8 years and have been off the pill for about 7 months now. Were any of you on birth control for an extended amount of time? It makes me nervous about my odds. Its really encouraging though, seeing so many peoples happy endings! I do have an apt. for just my annual GYN apt at the end of this month so it will be really nice to talk to her about questions as well. Have you all been trying for very long? We recently moved away from my family and a bit closer to my husbands, whom I dont know super well, or at least not well enough to talk to about ttc. Its a funny topic, so exciting and so curious, and yet very privet and a bit nerve-racking!

-a SmallBrunette:)
thank you!!!!
This month, we are taking a break!! I will not monitor anything, not check anything and hopefully be able to just do lots of bd!!!
Then, if nothing happens, May when I get my AF, we go back to clomid, ovidrel and then IUI.

I have a very good friend that tried clomid and some other meds, did God knows how many IUIs, then she switched doctors, and the new RE told her the first one was doing the trigger and the IUI before it was her time. They were doing on the 14, and they should be doing on the 18... Not sure why...
After 2 years, she did an IVF and got preggo with the first IVF.

I am really praying I only have to do 1, and I really hope your second works for you!!! Are you on clomid and ovidrel too?
Hi Everyone! Im so excited to have found this forum. Its amazing how much ttc can make you think your the only one that it doesnt just happen for right away! Its so cool to read other peoples stories and journeys to success :) My husband and I have been married for just under 7 years and somewhat recently decided we are ready. I was on birth control for nearly 8 years and have been off the pill for about 7 months now. Were any of you on birth control for an extended amount of time? It makes me nervous about my odds. Its really encouraging though, seeing so many peoples happy endings! I do have an apt. for just my annual GYN apt at the end of this month so it will be really nice to talk to her about questions as well. Have you all been trying for very long? We recently moved away from my family and a bit closer to my husbands, whom I dont know super well, or at least not well enough to talk to about ttc. Its a funny topic, so exciting and so curious, and yet very privet and a bit nerve-racking!

-a SmallBrunette:)

Hi SmallBrunette, welcome!!!!
In the beginning I didnt want to read anything online, or join and blog or thread, because I thought that they were going to drive me crazy. Then I realized, I was already going crazy on my own, so I figured I could use some help from women going on the same path as I am!!!

The thing about birth control is completely odd.
My mom got pregnant twice the following month after stopping BC.
I know someone that forgot to take BC for 2 days and got pregnant.
Then some women dont get pregnant for 2 years, and "blame" the BC.

I stopped with BC Jan of 2013, but for other reasons. On Sept 2013 I went to an endocrinologist and I asked if the BC could be still in my system, and she told me no, BC is long gone!

Hubby and I have been ttc since Sept 2013, but I have PCOS, so my periods are crazy and I dont ovulate every month. So we went to a RE and started treatment.
Did 2 months of clomid with ovidrel, but did not get my bfp.
I took a break this month, so next month I will be back with clomid and ovidrel and will do a IUI.

For how long are you trying? Or you just started?
Normally your gyn will say to try for about 6 months to 1 year, depending on your age before they refer you to a RE, if everything is normal with you 2.
Hope you are enjoying your new place :)
Hi Everyone! Im so excited to have found this forum. Its amazing how much ttc can make you think your the only one that it doesnt just happen for right away! Its so cool to read other peoples stories and journeys to success :) My husband and I have been married for just under 7 years and somewhat recently decided we are ready. I was on birth control for nearly 8 years and have been off the pill for about 7 months now. Were any of you on birth control for an extended amount of time? It makes me nervous about my odds. Its really encouraging though, seeing so many peoples happy endings! I do have an apt. for just my annual GYN apt at the end of this month so it will be really nice to talk to her about questions as well. Have you all been trying for very long? We recently moved away from my family and a bit closer to my husbands, whom I dont know super well, or at least not well enough to talk to about ttc. Its a funny topic, so exciting and so curious, and yet very privet and a bit nerve-racking!

-a SmallBrunette:)

Hi SmallBrunette!

I am TTC #1 after coming off a year and a few months of BC. Not nearly as long as your 7 years, but long enough for it to count ;)

I did a lot of reading, and from what I heard, the BC is out of your system right away. Its true that you can get pregnant the very next cycle after you stop BC. There are certain things that affect your chances, like if you let the cycle finish before stopping the pills. I've heard doctors say no matter how long you were on it, it should only be 2-3 months before you start ovulating again. Then you're in the same boat as everyone else.

Hope that helps!
Can anyone explain to me how close you have the estrogen surge that says the egg is mature before the LH surge?....Like if I think I am having that estrogen surge today when might I expect the LH surge with my positive OPK??

It's so confusing?! AH!
Hey ladies, I have a question for you all...

My AF came and I was pretty bummed but then it only lasted 24 hours plus some spotting. Normally my flow is about 5 days. Of course I asked Google and got about a bazillion possible reasons.

Have any of you experienced abnormally short periods before? It wasn't early so I don't think it was IB.. but of course there is a little spark of hope... what do you think?

Wow, you have so much going on! You seem like an incredibly strong woman, Im not taking anything and Im already emotional! haha. I have never been the emotionally sensitive type so I think my poor dh is at a loss of what to do sometimes! I was reading about IUI, do you have to be monitored pretty closely to ensure they do it right before ovulation? how interesting! Have you ever had a m/c? (sorry if thats too personal!) It is just amazing to me all the factors, and how so many people can actually get pregnant and then have such a hard time carrying.

Im currently 26 (coming up on 27 so very quickly!), I went off of my bc in early august of 2013 and have been actively trying since september.

I want to say... 4 years ago, yes I was about 23 so 4 years ago I had a m/c. But I had no idea I was pregnant and went to my GYN with lower abdominal pain and heavy bleeding and they confirmed the m/c. It wqas such a different feeling then, as I wasnt trying and didnt know that I had been pregnant to begin with. Now to read about these woman who have been trying for so long and been thru 3+ m/cs is so heartbreaking.

Did you know ahead of time that you had PCOS and that it would effect your ttc? I only ask because my sister in law has the same but she still had her cycles at the same regular times but was only ovulating every 2-3 cycles. She has 2 beautiful children now so I've seen it happen! I think her first, my niece, took her about 9 months to conceive, and her second, my nephew, took just under a year. Oddly enough they have the same birthdate just 3 years apart.

Well, hopefully this month while you are on a break you can just be relaxed and happy and get a wonderful surprise out of it! Maybe after being on the Clomid your body will do it all by itself this month :) I love this forum, it so fun getting excited for other people and getting so much inspiration!


Hi! ok so some personal questions, haha
Are you cycles usually pretty heavy? Was this one late at all? i know you mentioned it wasnt early. Were you perviously on a hormonal contraceptive? If so, how long have you been off of it?

When i went off my bc my cycles all seemed to come around the same time but were totally different amount of days and varying from very very light spotting to the next month being horribly heavy. It took 4-5 months for mine to become sable I guess you would call it.

Have you taken a pregnancy test just to check? some women do experience bleeding all throughout a pregnancy. But they are not normal cases and definitely need monitoring. Always better to check though! Good Luck, hope you just had an off month and can start fresh next month :)

Wow, you have so much going on! You seem like an incredibly strong woman, Im not taking anything and Im already emotional! haha. I have never been the emotionally sensitive type so I think my poor dh is at a loss of what to do sometimes! I was reading about IUI, do you have to be monitored pretty closely to ensure they do it right before ovulation? how interesting! Have you ever had a m/c? (sorry if thats too personal!) It is just amazing to me all the factors, and how so many people can actually get pregnant and then have such a hard time carrying.

Im currently 26 (coming up on 27 so very quickly!), I went off of my bc in early august of 2013 and have been actively trying since september.

I want to say... 4 years ago, yes I was about 23 so 4 years ago I had a m/c. But I had no idea I was pregnant and went to my GYN with lower abdominal pain and heavy bleeding and they confirmed the m/c. It wqas such a different feeling then, as I wasnt trying and didnt know that I had been pregnant to begin with. Now to read about these woman who have been trying for so long and been thru 3+ m/cs is so heartbreaking.

Did you know ahead of time that you had PCOS and that it would effect your ttc? I only ask because my sister in law has the same but she still had her cycles at the same regular times but was only ovulating every 2-3 cycles. She has 2 beautiful children now so I've seen it happen! I think her first, my niece, took her about 9 months to conceive, and her second, my nephew, took just under a year. Oddly enough they have the same birthdate just 3 years apart.

Well, hopefully this month while you are on a break you can just be relaxed and happy and get a wonderful surprise out of it! Maybe after being on the Clomid your body will do it all by itself this month :) I love this forum, it so fun getting excited for other people and getting so much inspiration!


Hi! ok so some personal questions, haha
Are you cycles usually pretty heavy? Was this one late at all? i know you mentioned it wasnt early. Were you perviously on a hormonal contraceptive? If so, how long have you been off of it?

When i went off my bc my cycles all seemed to come around the same time but were totally different amount of days and varying from very very light spotting to the next month being horribly heavy. It took 4-5 months for mine to become sable I guess you would call it.

Have you taken a pregnancy test just to check? some women do experience bleeding all throughout a pregnancy. But they are not normal cases and definitely need monitoring. Always better to check though! Good Luck, hope you just had an off month and can start fresh next month :)

It was a day late or so - normally my cycle is 5 days and fairly heavy.
I was previously on the Nuvaring, before that ortho tri cyclin lo, beofore that about 7 other things... I had horribly luck with BC. When I was on the pill I would get my AF 2x a month a lot of the time. awful - just awful.
This cycle I spotted a little Friday, had a slight flow sat, and spotting yesterday. I tested on Thursday and it was negative, but haven't tested again...
Could do with some help, me and dh had sex at the end of march and on the 5th of april i had a small amount of brown mucus (tmi i know I'm sorry!) obviously we have been doing as the hosp says and having sex 3 times a week but this is a new one on me. Af isn't due til the 15th of april but it could be early as my days are a little out of whack anyway from the pcos its usually a day on either side of starting. So hence the help I'm not sure if i should be running out to the nearest shop and buying tests or i should be staying in with masses of chocolate wine and tissues! Going out of my mind!!!!:wacko:
Hi Ladies,

My DF and I decided to start TTC in December 2013, We have been together for 6 years and have a solid relationship.

I was diagnosed as having stage 4 Endometriosis in 2007 and had a laparotomy to remove as much of the adhesions as possible, I was advised that during surgery they had to remove an ovary as it was badly damaged. I was told after surgery that I would struggle to conceive.

So we both knew that TTC was going to be difficult, but I don't think we realised how emotionally draining it would be.

I have used OPK's every month, and always O on CD12 (OBGyn told me I was very lucky to be ovulating at all because of the Endo) I was surprised because I thought with only having one Ovary that I would only ovulate every other month, but apparently not!

Every month I have been convinced that it is our time, but have been disappointed each time, I know I shouldn't get my hopes up, but its really hard.

I am currently 5DPO and having really uncomfortable cramps, started 2DPO on my left side and has slowly spread across my whole pelvic area and in my back, I have never experienced this sort of cramping before and so I googled it .... resulting in me now being more confused than ever LOL.. I did an OPK this afternoon to rule out any exceptionally long Ovulation but got an definite negative, no 2nd line at all.

Hoping that this month is our month, but reading some of the stories on here makes me realise that we are not the only ones in this position and it encourages me to keep trying :)

GL to you all :) xx
Hi Ladies, hope you all are doing great!!!!

Starspangled, welcome!!!
Unfortunately, every woman is different and google has sooo much information, that you leave with more questions than before!!! It would be so much simpler if we were all "the same" LOL
I dont want to put your hopes up, and then you get disappointed, but I heard here women with these cramps and back pain, and it was actually a little cute bean inside of their belly... maybe this month is your month!!
Keep us posted :)

not sure... it has been 2 days since you posted.. what is the update? It continued spotting?

I try to look at the bright side of everything all the time! If not, life just gets too complicated LOL
No, I never got pregnant, or had a mc before.
I started taking bc when I was 18, would stop after a couple of years for a little bit, and then jump back again. When I as off, my periods were kinda of irregular, so I am assuming I had PCOS since then, but never checked, so I dont know.
Last September after going to a couple of doctors, gyn and endoc, and a couple of blood work, they told me I had PCOS.
But I believe it will happen for me, and thanks for letting me about your sil. It brings me hope :) :) :)

I never temp or did OPK before I actually went to the RE to start the clomid treatment, so I can't tell you for sure if I ovulated or not on those months or actually the entire year of 2013. I stopped with BC in Jan of 2013.
I started this Monday with the Fertili Tea, so I'm hoping to ovulate next week and have my normal cycle!!!! Or, as you said, just get lucky this month!!
I will be busy next week LOL

I'm so sorry to hear about your mc... although you didnt know, it still should be a weird feeling...
Yes, unfortunately we see a lot of women here getting pregnant and then losing it, but we also see a lot of them keeping it. so we just need to have faith and hope for the best!!!
Ours will come and they will stick!!!!!

The high estrogen level triggers the lh surge.
How are you testing for ovulation?

Hope that helps xxx
Hi Ladies, hope you all are doing great!!!!

Starspangled, welcome!!!
Unfortunately, every woman is different and google has sooo much information, that you leave with more questions than before!!! It would be so much simpler if we were all "the same" LOL
I dont want to put your hopes up, and then you get disappointed, but I heard here women with these cramps and back pain, and it was actually a little cute bean inside of their belly... maybe this month is your month!!
Keep us posted :)

not sure... it has been 2 days since you posted.. what is the update? It continued spotting?

I try to look at the bright side of everything all the time! If not, life just gets too complicated LOL
No, I never got pregnant, or had a mc before.
I started taking bc when I was 18, would stop after a couple of years for a little bit, and then jump back again. When I as off, my periods were kinda of irregular, so I am assuming I had PCOS since then, but never checked, so I dont know.
Last September after going to a couple of doctors, gyn and endoc, and a couple of blood work, they told me I had PCOS.
But I believe it will happen for me, and thanks for letting me about your sil. It brings me hope :) :) :)

I never temp or did OPK before I actually went to the RE to start the clomid treatment, so I can't tell you for sure if I ovulated or not on those months or actually the entire year of 2013. I stopped with BC in Jan of 2013.
I started this Monday with the Fertili Tea, so I'm hoping to ovulate next week and have my normal cycle!!!! Or, as you said, just get lucky this month!!
I will be busy next week LOL

I'm so sorry to hear about your mc... although you didnt know, it still should be a weird feeling...
Yes, unfortunately we see a lot of women here getting pregnant and then losing it, but we also see a lot of them keeping it. so we just need to have faith and hope for the best!!!
Ours will come and they will stick!!!!!

Hey! Nope good old AF decided to start to show this morning......really miffed she's back again this month but have the clomid again for this month so hopefully next month will be our month!! Good luck to every one for next month!!
good that you are on clomid. Which cycle are you?
I did 2 of clomid, Feb and March. took a break on April, and if it doesnt happen "naturally" this month, I'll be back on clomid on May!
good luck to you!!!!!

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